June 8, 2014

In the Church’s annual liturgical cycle, Pentecost is “the last and great day.” It is the celebration by the Church of the coming of the Holy Spirit as the end – the achievement and fulfillment – of the entire history of salvation. For the same reason, however, it is also the celebration of the beginning: it is the “birthday” of the Church as the presence among us of the Holy Spirit, of the new life in Christ, of grace, knowledge, adoption to God and holiness.

This double meaning and double joy is revealed to us, first of all, in the very name of the feast. Pentecost in Greek means fifty, and in the sacred biblical symbolism of numbers, the number fifty symbolizes both the fulness of time and that which is beyond time: the Kingdom of God itself. It symbolizes the fulness of time by its first component: 49, which is the fulness of seven (7 x 7): the number of time. And, it symbolizes that which is beyond time by its second component: 49 + 1, this one being the new day, the “day without evening” of God’s eternal Kingdom. With the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Christ’s disciples, the time of salvation, the Divine work of redemption has been completed, the fulness revealed, all gifts bestowed: it belongs to us now to “appropriate” these gifts, to be that which we have become in Christ: participants and citizens of His Kingdom.

The all-night Vigil service begins with a solemn invitation:” Let us celebrate Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit, The appointed day of promise, and the fulfillment of hope, The mystery which is as great as it is precious.”

In the coming of the Spirit, the very essence of the Church is revealed:

“The Holy Spirit provides all, Overflows with prophecy, fulfills the priesthood, Has taught wisdom to illiterates, has revealed fishermen as theologians, He brings together the whole council of the Church.”

In the three readings of the Old Testament (Numbers 11:16-17, 24-29; Joel 2:23-32; Ezekiel 36:24-28) we hear the prophecies concerning the Holy Spirit. We are taught that the entire history of mankind was directed towards the day on which God “would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh.” This day has come! All hope, all promises, all expectations have been fulfilled. At the end of the Aposticha hymns, for the first time since Easter, we sing the hymn: “O Heavenly King, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth…,” the one with which we inaugurate all our services, all prayers, which is, as it were, the life-breath of the Church, and whose coming to us, whose “descent” upon us in this festal Vigil, is indeed the very experience of the Holy Spirit “coming and abiding in us.”

Having reached its climax, the Vigil continues as an explosion of joy and light for “verily the light of the Comforter has come and illumined the world.” In the Gospel reading (John 20:19-23) the feast is interpreted to us as the feast of the Church, of her divine nature, power and authority. The Lord sends His disciples into the world, as He Himself was sent by His Father. Later, in the antiphons of the Liturgy, we proclaim the universality of the apostles’ preaching, the cosmical significance of the feast, the sanctification of the whole world, the true manifestation of God’s Kingdom.

The liturgical peculiarity of Pentecost is a very special Vespers of the day itself. Usually this service follows immediately the Divine Liturgy, is “added” to it as its own fulfillment. The service begins as a solemn “summing up” of the entire celebration, as its liturgical synthesis. We hold flowers in our hands symbolizing the joy of the eternal spring, inaugurated by the coming of the Holy Spirit. After the festal Entrance, this joy reaches its climax in the singing of the Great Prokeimenon:

“Who is so great a God as our God?”

Then, having reached this climax, we are invited to kneel. This is our first kneeling since Easter. It signifies that after these fifty days of Paschal joy and fulness, of experiencing the Kingdom of God, the Church now is about to begin her pilgrimage through time and history. It is evening again, and the night approaches, during which temptations and failures await us, when, more than anything else, we need Divine help, that presence and power of the Holy Spirit, who has already revealed to us the joyful End, who now will help us in our effort towards fulfillment and salvation.

All this is revealed in the three prayers which the celebrant reads now as we all kneel and listen to him. In the first prayer, we bring to God our repentance, our increased appeal for forgiveness of sins, the first condition for entering into the Kingdom of God.

In the second prayer, we ask the Holy Spirit to help us, to teach us to pray and to follow the true path in the dark and difficult night of our earthly existence. Finally, in the third prayer, we remember all those who have achieved their earthly journey, but who are united with us in the eternal God of Love.

The joy of Easter has been completed and we again have to wait for the dawn of the Eternal Day. Yet, knowing our weakness, humbling ourselves by kneeling, we also know the joy and the power of the Holy Spirit who has come. We know that God is with us, that in Him is our victory.

Thus is completed the feast of Pentecost and we enter “the ordinary time” of the year. Yet, every Sunday now will be called “after Pentecost” – and this means that it is from the power and light of these fifty days that we shall receive our own power, the Divine help in our daily struggle. At Pentecost we decorate our churches with flowers and green branches – for the Church “never grows old, but is always young.” It is an evergreen, everliving Tree of grace and life, of joy and comfort. For the Holy Spirit – “the Treasury of Blessings and Giver of Life – comes and abides in us, and cleanses us from all impurity,” and fills our life with meaning, love, faith and hope.

Fr. Alexander Schmemann


If it is the custom, after the initial Amen, all kneel and sing in Tone 6:

Heavenly King, Advocate, Spirit of Truth,* who are everywhere present and fill all things,* Treasury of Blessings, Bestower of Life,* come, and dwell within us;* cleanse us of all that defiles us,* and O Good One, save our souls.

At Psalm 140

In Tone 1

10. Behold, we celebrate today the Feast of Pentecost,
the descent of the Holy Spirit,
the fulfilment of the promise and the realization of hope.
How wonderful and awesome is this great mystery!
Therefore, O Lord and Creator of all,
we cry out: Glory to You!

9. Behold, we celebrate today the Feast of Pentecost,
the descent of the Holy Spirit,
the fulfilment of the promise and the realization of hope.
How wonderful and awesome is this great mystery!
Therefore, O Lord and Creator of all,
we cry out: Glory to You!

8. You renewed Your disciples, O Christ,
by giving them a variety of tongues
with which to proclaim that You are the Immortal God,
the Word who bestows great mercy upon our souls.

7. The Holy Spirit provides every gift:
He inspires prophecy and perfects the priesthood;
He grants wisdom to the illiterate,
makes simple fishermen become wise theologians,
and establishes perfect order in the assembly of the Church.
Therefore, O Comforter, equal in nature and majesty with the Father and the Son,
O Lord, glory to You!

In Tone 2

6. We have seen the true light;
we have received the heavenly Spirit;
we have found the true faith!
Worshipping the undivided Trinity
for it has saved us.

5. We have seen the true light;
we have received the heavenly Spirit;
we have found the true faith!
Worshipping the undivided Trinity
for it has saved us.

4. You have shown us, O Saviour,
the way to salvation through the Prophets;
and the grace of Your Holy Spirit
has shone upon us through the Apostles.
You are God from all eternity,
our God, now and forever.

3. O Saviour of the world,
I sing a hymn of praise to You in Your temple;
on my knees, I adore Your invisible power,
at dawn and dusk and at noon;
indeed, at all times, I bless You, O Lord.

2. We Your faithful people, O Lord,
prostrate our souls and bodies before You.
We sing a hymn of praise to You, the eternal Father;
and to Your Son, equal to You in eternity;
and to Your all holy Spirit, co-eternal with You,
the Enlightener and Sanctifier of our souls.

1. Let us sing a hymn of praise to the consubstantial Trinity,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit;
for this is the command and teaching
of all the Prophets, Apostles, and Martyrs.

In Tone 8, Glory… Now…

Come, all you nations of the world,
let us adore God in three holy Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Three in One.
From all eternity, the Father begets the Son,
equal to Him in eternity and majesty,
equal also to the Holy Spirit,
glorified with the Son in the Father,
three Persons, and yet a single power and essence and Godhead.
In deep adoration, let us cry out to God:
Holy is God who made all things through the Son
with the cooperation of the Holy Spirit.
Holy the Mighty One through whom the Father was revealed to us,
and through whom the Holy Spirit came to the world!
Holy the Immortal One, the Spirit, the Counsellor,
who proceeds from the Father and reposes in the Son.
All-holy Trinity, glory to You!


(1) Numbers 11:16-17, 24-29; (2) Joel 2:23-3:5; (3) Ezekiel 36:24-28



In Tone 2

You have shown us, O Saviour,
the way to salvation through the Prophets;
and the grace of Your Holy Spirit has shone upon us through the Apostles.
You are God from all eternity,
our God, now and forever.

O Saviour of the world,
I sing a hymn of praise to You in Your temple;
on my knees, I adore Your invisible power,
at dawn and dusk and at noon;
indeed, at all times, I bless You, O Lord.

We Your faithful people, O Lord,
prostrate our souls and bodies before You.
We sing a hymn of praise to You, the eternal Father;
and to Your Son, equal to You in eternity;
and to Your all holy Spirit, co-eternal with You,
the Enlightener and Sanctifier of our souls.

In Tone 8, Glory… Now…

O Lord, when You sent down Your Spirit,
upon the assembled Apostles,
the children of Israel were struck with awe
as they heard them speak in many tongues,
inspired by the Holy Spirit.
They knew them to be illiterate and now saw them wise,
speaking divine truths and bringing Gentiles to the faith.
Therefore, we also cry out to You:
You have appeared on earth and saved us from error;
O Lord, glory to You!



In Tone 6

O Lord, the Gentiles were unaware of the power of the Holy Spirit
that had come down upon the Apostles;
they thought the many tongues were an effect of drunkenness.
But we who are strengthened by them cry our ceaselessly:
O Lover of Mankind, take not Your Holy Spirit away from us.

A pure heart create for me, O God; put a steadfast spirit within me.

O Lord, the descent of Your Holy Spirit on Your Apostles
made them speak a variety of tongues.
When the unbelievers witnessed this marvel, they took it for drunkenness,
when, in fact, it was a cause of salvation for the faithful.
We beseech You, therefore, O Lover of Mankind,
to make us worthy of the revelation of this Spirit with us.

Do not cast me away from Your presence, nor deprive me of Your Holy Spirit.

Heavenly King, Advocate, Spirit of Truth,
who are everywhere present and fill all things,
Treasury of Blessings, Bestower of Life,
come, and dwell within us;
cleanse us of all that defiles us,
and O Good One, save our souls.

In Tone 8, Glory… Now…

In days of old, pride brought confusion of tongues
to the builders of the Tower of Babel,
but now the diversity of tongues enlightened the minds
and gave knowledge for the glory of God.
Then, God punished the impious for their sin;
now, Christ enlightened fishermen through His Spirit.
Then, the confusion of tongues was for the sake of punishment;
now, there was a variety so that voices could be joined in harmony
for the salvation of our souls.



In Tone 8 modified
Blessed are You, O Christ our God who revealed the fishermen as most wise by sending the, the Holy Spirit; through them You caught the entire world. Loving Master, glory to You. (3)

Alternative Troparion text, in Tone 8 modified
Blessed are You, O Christ our God, for You have given us wise fishermen. After sending them Your Holy Spirit, You caught all the world through them – O loving Master, glory to You! (3)




Great Litany

The Lord Is God, Tone 8

Troparion, Tone 8
Blessed are You, O Christ our God who revealed the fishermen as most wise by sending the, the Holy Spirit; through them You caught the entire world. Loving Master, glory to You. (twice)
Glory… Now…
Blessed are You, O Christ our God who revealed the fishermen as most wise by sending the, the Holy Spirit; through them You caught the entire world. Loving Master, glory to You.

Kathisma & Small Litany

Sessional Hymn I, Tone 4
Come, O faithful, let us celebrate the feast of the Fiftieth Day:* the day which concludes the Feast of feasts;* the day on which the pre-ordained promise is fulfilled;* the day when the Comforter descends upon the earth in tongues of fire;* the day of the disciples’ enlightenment.* They are revealed as initiated into the heavenly mysteries,* for truly the light of the Comforter has illumined the world.
Glory… Now… (repeat)

Kathisma & Small Litany

Sessional Hymn II, Tone 4
The fountain of the Spirit rushes down to earth,* mystically divided into flaming streams,* both refreshing and enlightening the apostles;* the fire became for them a cloud of dew,* raining enlightenment upon them.* From them we have received grace by fire and water,* for truly the light of the Comforter has illumined the world.
Glory… Now… (repeat)


We extol You,* O Christ the Giver of life,* and we venerate your most Holy Spirit,* whom You sent upon your holy apostles from the Father.
verses: The heavens proclaim the glory of God, and the firmament shows forth the work of his hands.
By his word the heavens were made, by the breath of his mouth all the stars.
All the earth shall remember and return to the Lord; all families of the nations worship before Him.
A pure heart create for me, O God; put a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me away from your presence, nor deprive me of your Holy Spirit.
The Lord will give strength to his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace.
Glory… Now…
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Glory be to You, O God! (thrice)

Sessional Hymn, Tone 8
After your resurrection from the grave, O Christ,* and your divine ascension into the highest heavens,* You made your glory descend upon the witnesses of your divinity,* and You renewed a spirit of righteousness in the hearts of your disciples.* Therefore, they have filled the world, O Savior,* with the sounds of your teaching and your work of salvation,* as a melodious harp mystically played with the divine plectrum.
Glory… Now… (repeat)

Gradual Hymns
Take 1st antiphon of Sunday, Tone 4

Prokeimenon, Tone 4
Let your good Spirit guide me* in ways that are level and smooth.
verse: Lord, hasten to my prayer; turn your ear to my appeal.

Let Everything That Has Breath, Tone 4

John 20: 19-23

Psalm 50

After Psalm 50, Tone 6
Through the prayers of the apostles,* O merciful Lord,* cleanse us from the multitude of my transgressions.
Through the prayers of the Theotokos,* O merciful Lord,* cleanse us from the multitude of my transgressions.
Have mercy on me, God, in your loving kindness, according to the multitude of your tender mercies, blot out my transgressions.
Heavenly King, Comforter,* Spirit of Truth,* You are everywhere present and fill all things.* Treasury of blessings and Giver of life,* come and dwell within us,* cleanse us of all stain,* and save our souls, O gracious Lord.

Canon I
Ode 1, Tone7
He drowned Pharaoh and his army in the Red Sea,* for He is the One who shattered the armies with the power of his arm.* Let us sing to Him, for He is covered with glory.
Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You!
As You promised your disciples in earlier days, O Christ the Lover of Mankind,* You sent your comforting Spirit;* thus You made his light shine over the world.
Glory… Now…
That which was formerly announced by the Law and the prophets* is fulfilled today;* for the grace of the Spirit rests on each of the faithful.
He drowned Pharaoh and his army in the Red Sea,* for He is the One who shattered the armies with the power of his arm.* Let us sing to him, for He is covered with glory.
(Katavasia, Tone 4) Enveloped by the divine cloud,* the man of unsure speech taught the Law written by God;* wiping the dust from his eyes, he saw the One-Who-Is,* and he was initiated into the knowledge of the Spirit.* Let us praise him with inspired songs.

Ode 3, Tone 7
You said to your apostles, O Lord:* Remain in Jerusalem until the day when you shall be clothed with power from on high;* and I will send you another Paraclete,* the Spirit of the Father and of Me,* in whom you will be strengthened.
Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You!
By his descent, the power of the Holy Spirit has divinely reunited in a new harmony* the tongues that were formerly divided by their evil design.* He reveals to the faithful the Trinity in whom we are strengthened.
Glory… Now…
You said to your apostles, O Lord:* Remain in Jerusalem until the day when you shall be clothed with power from on high;* and I will send you another Paraclete,* the Spirit of the Father and of Me,* in whom you will be strengthened.
(Katavasia, Tone 4) The shackles of a sterile womb* and the unbridled pride that filled a mother* were shattered by the prayer of Anna, the prophetess of old,* who bore a contrite and humbled heart* before the supreme and all-powerful God.

Small Litany

Sessional Hymn, Tone 8
The friends of the Savior were filled with joy and renewed in heart,* those who were formerly filled with fear;* for on this day the Holy Spirit descended from the heights of heaven upon the apostles.* They spoke to each person in his native tongue,* for the tongues of fire were distributed but did not consume them;* rather, they covered them with dew.
Glory… Now… (repeat)

Ode 4, Tone 7
Meditating upon your final coming, O Christ,* the prophet cried out:* I have seen your power, O Lord,* for You have come to save those who are consecrated to You.
Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You!
The One who was spoken of by the prophets,* and who was formerly announced by the Law to the imperfect people,* is revealed this day as truly God and the Paraclete* to the servants and witnesses of the Word.
Glory… Now…
Bearing the seal of the divinity,* the Spirit was imparted to the apostles in the form of fire;* He is manifested through the gift of tongues,* for He is the divine power who comes freely from the Father.
Meditating upon your final coming, O Christ,* the prophet cried out:* I have seen your power, O Lord,* for You have come to save those who are consecrated to You.
(Katavasia, Tone 4) O King of kings and only Son of the Father,* Word proceeding from the Father without beginning,* You send your Spirit of truth upon your apostles who sing:* Glory to your power, O Lord!

Ode 5, Tone 7
O Lord, the Spirit of your salvation,* which formerly was received by the prophets in fear,* now creates a pure heart in your apostles* and renews in our hearts an upright spirit;* for your commandments, O Lord, bring us light and peace.
Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You!
The power which descends on us is the Holy Spirit,* the goodness and wisdom of God,* the Spirit who proceeds from the Father* and is revealed by the Son to us the faithful.* He fills with holiness those in whom He dwells.
Glory… Now…
O Lord, the Spirit of your salvation,* which formerly was received by the prophets in fear,* now creates a pure heart in your apostles* and renews in our hearts an upright spirit;* for your commandments, O Lord, bring us light and peace.
(Katavasia, Tone 4) Receive the Holy Spirit, breathing the flames of fresh dew* as a baptism that takes away sin,* O you children who are enlightened by the Church.* For today the Law comes forth from Zion;* it is the grace of the Spirit which comes in tongues of fire.

Ode 6, Tone 7
Sailing across the ocean of life and tossed about by the cares of the world,* engulfed in the midst of my sins and thrown to the monster who devours souls,* as Jonah, I cry out to You, O Christ:* Deliver me from this deadly abyss.
Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You!
You pour out your Spirit in abundance upon all flesh,* as You had promised, O Lord;* and the universe is filled with the knowledge of You,* for the Father has begotten You as a Son,* and the Spirit proceeds from Him.
Glory… Now…
Sailing across the ocean of life and tossed about by the cares of the world,* engulfed in the midst of my sins and thrown to the monster who devours souls,* as Jonah, I cry out to You, O Christ:* Deliver me from this deadly abyss.
(Katavasia, Tone 4) O Christ, our salvation and redemption,* You have come forth in splendor from the Virgin* to rescue us from the pit of the tomb;* as Jonah was saved from the sea monster,* the entire human race was saved after the fall of Adam.

Small Litany

Kontakion, Tone 8
When the Most High descended and confused tongues,* He scattered the people;* but when He distributed the tongues of fire,* He called all to unity.* Therefore, with one voice,* let us praise the most Holy Spirit.

Grant to your servants, O Jesus, a prompt and firm comfort; for our spirits are filled with sadness. Do not abandon us in our affliction and do not keep yourself far from our sorely-tried hearts, but come to us in haste. Come close to us, O Lord, who are present everywhere; in your goodness, remain united to those who love You, as You were always with your apostles, so that, united with You, we may sing and glorify your most Holy Spirit.

Ode 7, Tone 7
In the fiery furnace,* the youths transformed the blazing flames which surrounded them into dew,* for they praised the Lord by singing:* Blessed are You, O God of our fathers!
Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You!
While the apostles were preaching the marvels of God,* the unbelievers took for drunkenness the power of the Spirit* who made known to us the Trinity,* the one God of our fathers!
Glory… Now…
According to the true faith,* we confess the indivisible nature of God the Father without beginning,* of the consubstantial Word and the Holy Spirit:* Blessed are You, O God of our fathers!
In the fiery furnace,* the youths transformed the blazing flames which surrounded them into dew,* for they praised the Lord by singing:* Blessed are You, O God of our fathers!
(Katavasia, Tone 4) The symphony of instruments was raised up to adore the lifeless golden statue;* but the bright grace of the Paraclete invites us to sing with devotion:* Blessed are You, eternal and unique Trinity!

Ode 8, Tone 7
On Sinai, the bush that burned without being consumed,* revealed God to Moses* as He spoke to the one of unsure speech;* and in the furnace, the three youths, invincible in their zeal for God,* began to sing a hymn of praise:* Sing to the Lord, all you his works and exalt Him forever.
Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You!
When the violent gust of wind bearing life descended from heaven,* the most Holy Spirit of God, in the form of tongues of fire,* breathed on the fishermen with great force;* and they began to preach the marvels of God:* Sing to the Lord, all you works of the Lord and exalt Him forever.
Let us bless the Lord, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Let us approach the inviolate mountain* without fear of the terrible fire;* come, let us climb the mountain of Zion,* the city of the living God.* In joy, let us now unite ourselves with the choir of the disciples,* the bearers of the Spirit:* Sing to the Lord, all you works of the Lord and exalt Him forever.
On Sinai, the bush that burned without being consumed,* revealed God to Moses* as He spoke to the one of unsure speech;* and in the furnace, the three youths, invincible in their zeal for God,* began to sing a hymn of praise:* Sing to the Lord, all you his works and exalt Him forever.
Let us praise, bless and worship the Lord, singing and exalting Him above all forever.
(Katavasia, Tone 4)
The triple flame of the unique divinity* breaks the chains and stirs the flames with dew;* the youths sing his praises,* and every creature, the work of his hands,* blesses its only Savior and benefactor.

Omit Magnificat

Ode 9
O my soul, extol the one God in three Persons.
(Irmos, Tone 7)
You have conceived in all purity,* and the Word and Creator of the universe takes flesh in you,* O spouse- less Mother and virginal Birthgiver of God,* the dwelling place of the One whom none could contain,* and the abode of the infinite One, your Creator.* For this, we extol you.
O my soul, extol the one God in three Persons.
He who formerly was taken up in a chariot of fire,* the prophet who was filled with zeal and fervor,* prefigured the brilliant coming of the Spirit,* who descends upon the apostles this day;* and shining with the brightness of this fire,* they make the Trinity known to all.
O my soul, extol the one God in three Persons.
The laws of nature are surpassed;* wonderful thing is now heard:* while the apostles resound with one voice,* by the grace of the Holy Spirit,* people, nations, and languages all understand in their own way the wonders of God,* for they have been initiated into the knowledge of the Holy Trinity.
O my soul, extol the one God in three Persons.
You have conceived in all purity,* and the Word and Creator of the universe takes flesh in you,* O spouseless Mother and virginal Birthgiver of God,* the dwelling place of the One whom none could contain,* and the abode of the infinite One, your Creator.* For this, we extol you.
Glory… Now…
(Katavasia, Tone 4)
Rejoice, O Queen and glorious Virgin Mother!* What orator, rich in eloquence, could find the proper words* to fashion a hymn of praise worthy of you?* For every spirit shudders before the mystery of your holy birthgiving;* and we also unite our voices to glorify you.

Hymn Of Light, Tone 3
O most Holy Spirit, who proceeds from the Father through the Son,* and who has now descended upon the uneducated disciples,* save and sanctify all those who recognize You as God. (twice)
Glory… Now…
The Father is light and the Word is light;* the Holy Spirit also is light!* He is sent upon the apostles in the form of tongues of fire,* and through Him the whole world receives the light of baptism* to adore the Holy Trinity.

At The Praises

In Tone 4

All the peoples have seen wonders today in the city of David,* when the Holy Spirit descended in tongues of fire,* as told by the God-inspired Luke, who said:* The disciples of Christ were gathered together;* there was a sound like a mighty wind,* and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.* And they began to speak in foreign tongues,* teaching the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. (twice)

The Holy Spirit was, is, and always will be* without beginning and without end,* but always one with the Father and the Son.* He is Life and Giver of Life,* He is Light and Giver of Light,* good by nature and source of goodness.* is through Him that the Father is known and the Son glorified;* and all people have come to know the one power, and the one substance,* and the same adoration of the Holy Trinity. (twice)

The Holy Spirit is Light and Life,* the Living Spring mystically gushing forth,* the Spirit of Wisdom and Spirit of Knowledge,* good, upright, and understanding,* majestic, and purifying from sin.* He is God and deifies us;* Fire proceeding from fire,* speaking, acting, and distributing gifts.* It is through Him that all the prophets and the apostles of God* have received the crown, together with the martyrs.* A strange report to hear and strange to see:* the fire is divided for the sharing of gifts. (twice)

In Tone 6, Glory… Now…

Heavenly King, Comforter,* Spirit of Truth,* You are everywhere present and fill all things.* Treasury of blessings and Giver of life,* come and dwell within us,* cleanse us of all stain,* and save our souls, O gracious Lord.



Antiphon 1
The heavens tell the glory of God, and the firmament declares the work of his hand.
Through the prayers of the Mother of God…
Day to day pours forth the message and night proclaims this knowledge to night.
Through the prayers of the Mother of God…
Their utterance has gone forth into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.
Through the prayers of the Mother of God…
Glory… Now… Only-begotten Son…

Antiphon 3
O Lord, by Your power the king shall rejoice and greatly exult in Your salvation.

Troparion, Tone 8 Blessed are You, O Christ our God,* for You have given us wise fishermen!* After sending them Your Holy Spirit,* You caught all the world through them.* O loving Master, glory to You!

You gave him his heart’s desire and did not deny the request of his lips.

Troparion, Tone 8 Blessed are You, O Christ our God,* for You have given us wise fishermen!* After sending them Your Holy Spirit,* You caught all the world through them.* O loving Master, glory to You!

For You have gone before him with gracious blessings, you have placed upon his head a crown of precious stones.

Troparion, Tone 8 Blessed are You, O Christ our God,* for You have given us wise fishermen!* After sending them Your Holy Spirit,* You caught all the world through them.* O loving Master, glory to You!

Be exalted, O Lord, in Your strength; we will sing and make music to Your might.

Troparia and Kontakia
Troparion, Tone 8 Blessed are You, O Christ our God,* for You have given us wise fishermen!* After sending them Your Holy Spirit,* You caught all the world through them.* O loving Master, glory to You!

Glory… Now…

Kontakion Tone 8 When the Most High came down and confused the tongues, • He parted the nations. • When He divided the tongues of fire, • He called all to unity; • thus with one voice • we glorify the all-Holy Spirit.

Instead of the Trisagion
All you, who have been baptized into Christ, you have put on Christ! Alleluia.

Prokeimenon, Tone 8
Their utterance has gone forth into all the earth, and their words unto to the ends of the world.
verse: The heavens tell the glory of God, and the firmament declares the work of His hand.

Acts 2:1-11

Alleluia, Tone 1
verse: By the Lord’s words the heavens were established, and by the Breath of His mouth all their host.
verse: The Lord has looked down from heaven and beheld the whole human race.

John 7:37-53; 8:12-13

Hymn to the Mother of God
O my soul, magnify the one Divinity in three Persons.
Rejoice, O Queen, boast of the virgins and mothers, for every tongue, though capable and eloquent, cannot hymn you as is your due, and every mind is confounded in seeking to comprehend the way in which you gave birth. Wherefore with one accord we glorify you.

Communion Hymn
Your good Spirit will lead me to the land of righteousness. Alleluia, thrice.