February 8, 2015
Sunday of the Last Judgment (Meatfare), Octoechos Tone 2


Kathisma Reading

“Blessed is the man…” is sung.


At Psalm 140

In Tone 2

10. Come, let us adore God the Word,
Who was born of the Father before all ages,
and was incarnate of the Virgin Mary;
for of His own free will He suffered the Cross
and submitted Himself to burial,
and arose from the dead to save me, a sinful one.

9. Christ our Saviour cancelled the decree that was written against us,
by nailing it to the Cross;
and He abolished the dominion of Death.
Let us glorify His Resurrection on the third day.

8. Let us, together with the archangels, sing of Christ’s resurrection;
for He is the Redeemer and Saviour of our souls.
He will come again in awesome glory and mighty power
to judge the world which He has fashioned.

In Tone 6

7. When you shall come, O righteous Judge, to execute just judgment,
seated on Your Throne of glory,
a river of fire will draw all men amazed before Your judgment seat;
the powers of heaven will stand beside You,
and in fear mankind will be judged
according to the deeds that each has done.
Then spare us, Christ, in Your compassion,
with faith we entreat You,
and count us worthy of Your blessings
with those that are saved.

6. The books will be opened
and the acts of men will be revealed
before the unbearable judgment-seat;
and the whole vale of sorrow
shall echo with the fearful sound of lamentation,
as all the sinners, weeping in vain,
are sent by Your just judgment to everlasting torment.
Therefore, we beseech You,
O compassionate and loving Lord:
spare us who sing Your praise,
for You alone are rich in mercy.

5. The trumpets shall sound and the tombs shall be emptied,
and all mankind in trembling shall be raised.
Those that have done good shall rejoice in gladness, awaiting their reward;
those that have sinned shall tremble and bitterly lament,
as they are sent to punishment and parted from the chosen.
O Lord of glory, take pity on us in Your goodness,
and count us worthy of a place with them that have loved You.

4. I lament and weep when I think of the eternal fire,
the outer darkness and the nether world,
the dread worm and the gnashing of teeth,
and the unceasing anguish that shall befall
those who have sinned without measure,
by their wickedness arousing You to anger,
O Supreme in love.
Among them in misery I am first:
but O Judge compassionate, in Your mercy save me.

In Tone 1

3. Simeon, tell us, Whom you bear in your arms,
that you rejoice so greatly in the Temple?
To Whom do you shout and cry aloud:
“Now I am set free, for I have seen my Saviour?”
This is He Who was born of a Virgin;
this is God the Word, Who came forth from God,
Who, for our sakes, has taken flesh and has saved man.
Let us worship Him!  

2. Simeon, receive Him Whom Moses once beheld in darkness,
granting the Law on Sinai,
now that He has become a Babe subject to the Law!
This is He Who spoke through the Law.
This is He, of Whom the Prophets spoke,
Who, for our sakes, has taken flesh and has saved man.
Let us worship Him!

1. Come, let us also go to meet Christ with divine songs!
Let us receive Him Whose salvation Simeon saw!
This is He Whom David announced;
this is He Who spoke in the Prophets,
Who, for our sakes, has taken flesh and Who speaks through the Law.
Let us worship Him!

In Tone 8, Glory…

When the thrones are set up and the books are opened,
and God sits in judgment,
O what fear there will be then!
When the angels stand trembling in Your presence
and the river of fire flows before You,
what shall we do then, guilty of many sins?
When we hear Him call the blessed of His Father into the Kingdom,
but send the sinners to their punishment,
who shall endure His fearful condemnation?
But Saviour, who alone love mankind, King of the ages,
before the end comes turn me back through repentance
and have mercy on me.

In Tone 2, Glory… Now…

O Virgin, the shadow of the Law passed away
with the realization of grace.
For as the bush had burned without being consumed,
so you gave birth while a virgin
and you remained a virgin.
Instead of the pillar of fire there rose the Sun of Justice.
Instead of Moses, Christ God came forth,
the Saviour of our souls.



In Tone 2

Your Resurrection, O Christ our Saviour,
has enlightened the whole universe;
and, through it, You call back to Yourself all Creation.
Almighty God, glory to You!

The Lord reigns, He is clothed in majesty. Robed is the Lord, and girt about with strength.

By the wood of Your Cross, O Saviour,
You have abolished the curse of the tree;
by Your burial You have destroyed the power of death;
and by Your Resurrection You enlightened the human race.
We, therefore, cry out to You:
O Christ our God, Giver of Life, glory to You!

For He has made the world firm, which shall not be moved.

O Christ, when You were nailed to the Cross,
the distorted nature of creation was made manifest.
The soldiers showed their inhumanity by piercing Your side with a lance,
and the people showed their ignorance of Your power
by asking that Your tomb be sealed.
But, in Your mercy, You accepted burial
and then arose on the third day.
O Lord, glory to You!

Holiness befits Your house, O Lord, for length of days.

O Christ, Giver of Life,
You freely endured the Passion for the sake of mortals.
In Your power You descended into Hades;
and snatching, as from a mighty monster, the souls of those who awaited Your coming,
You placed them in Paradise.
Therefore, show Your great mercy to us who glorify Your Resurrection,
and cleanse our souls.

In Tone 8, Glory…

Alas, black soul!
How lone will you continue in evil?
How long will you lie in idleness?
Why do you not think of the fearful hour of death?
Who do you not tremble at the dread judgment-seat of the Saviour?
What defence will you make, or what will you answer?
Your works will be there to accuse you:
your actions will reproach you and condemn you.
O my soul, the time is near at hand;
make haste before it is too late, and cry aloud in faith:
I have sinned, O Lord, I have sinned against You;
but I know Your love for man and Your compassion.
O good Shepherd, deprive me not of a place at Your right hand
in Your great mercy.

In Tone 5, Now…

The Ancient of Days, as a Child in the flesh,
is brought by His Mother, the Virgin, into the Holy Temple,
fulfilling the promise announced by His own Law.
Receiving Him, Simeon said:
“Now let your servant depart in peace, according to Your word,
for my eyes have seen your salvation, O Lord!”



In Tone 2
When You went down to death, O Life Immortal,* You struck Hades dead with the blazing light of Your divinity.* When You raised the dead from the nether world,* all the powers of heaven cried out:* “O Giver of Life, Christ our God, glory be to You!”

In Tone 1, Glory… Now…
Rejoice, full of grace, Virgin Mother of God!* From you there dawned the Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God,* who enlightens those who dwell in darkness.* And you, O righteous Elder, be glad!* You received in your embrace* the Liberator of our souls,** who grants is resurrection.




Troparia and Kontakia

Troparion, Tone 2: When You went down to death, O Life Immortal,* You struck Hades dead with the blazing light of Your divinity.* When You raised the dead from the nether world,* all the powers of heaven cried out:* “O Giver of Life, Christ our God, glory be to You!”

Troparion, Tone 1: Rejoice, full of grace, Virgin Mother of God!* From you there dawned the Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God,* who enlightens those who dwell in darkness.* And you, O righteous Elder, be glad!* You received in your embrace* the Liberator of our souls,* who grants us resurrection.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Kontakion, Tone 1: When You come on earth, O God, in glory,* and the universe trembles,* while the river of fire flows before the seat of judgement,* and the books are opened and all secrets disclosed,* then deliver me from the unquenchable fire,* and count me worthy to stand at Your right hand,* O Judge who are most just.

Now and for ever and ever. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone 1: By Your birth, You sanctified a virgin womb* and fittingly blessed the hands of Simeon.* You have come also now and saved us, O Christ our God;* give peace to Your community in time of war,* and strengthen its rulers, whom You love,* for You alone,* are the Lover of mankind.

Prokeimenon, Tone 3
Great is our Lord and great is His strength;* and of His knowledge there is no end.
verse: Praise the Lord, for a psalm is good; may praise be sweet to Him. (Psalm 146:5,1)

1 Corinthians 8:8-9:2

Alleluia, Tone 8
verse: Come, let us rejoice in the Lord; let us acclaim God our Saviour.
verse: Let us come before His face with praise, and acclaim Him in psalms. (Psalm 94:1,2)

Matthew 25:31-46

Communion Hymn
Praise the Lord from the heavens;* praise Him in the highest. (Psalm 148:1)* Rejoice in the Lord, O you just;* praise befits the righteous.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia. (Psalm 32:1)

February 2, 2015
The Encounter of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ


Kathisma Reading
“Blessed is the man…” is taken only if the feast falls on a Sunday or Monday.


At Psalm 140

In Tone 1

8. O Simeon, tell us whom you are joyfully carrying into the Temple.
To whom are you saying:
Now You may dismiss Your servant, O Lord,
because my eyes have seen my Saviour.
He is the child born of the Virgin.
He is the Word and God of God.
O Lord, Who for our sake was incarnate and saved the world,
to You we bow in worship.

7. O Simeon, tell us whom you are joyfully carrying into the Temple.
To whom are you saying:
Now You may dismiss Your servant, O Lord,
because my eyes have seen my Saviour.
He is the child born of the Virgin.
He is the Word and God of God.
O Lord, Who for our sake was incarnate and saved the world,
to You we bow in worship.

6. O Simeon, tell us whom you are joyfully carrying into the Temple.
To whom are you saying:
Now You may dismiss Your servant, O Lord,
because my eyes have seen my Saviour.
He is the child born of the Virgin.
He is the Word and God of God.
O Lord, Who for our sake was incarnate and saved the world,
to You we bow in worship.

5. O Simeon, now receive the One
Whom Moses the lawgiver had foreseen through the cloud on Sinai.
He has become a child and submits Himself to the Law.
This is He Who spoke through the Law and Whom the prophets foretold.
O Lord, Who for our sake was incarnate and saved the world,
to You we bow in worship.

4. O Simeon, now receive the One
Whom Moses the lawgiver had foreseen through the cloud on Sinai.
He has become a child and submits Himself to the Law.
This is He Who spoke through the Law and Whom the prophets foretold.
O Lord, Who for our sake was incarnate and saved the world,
to You we bow in worship.

3. O Simeon, now receive the One
Whom Moses the lawgiver had foreseen through the cloud on Sinai.
He has become a child and submits Himself to the Law.
This is He Who spoke through the Law and Whom the prophets foretold.
O Lord, Who for our sake was incarnate and saved the world,
to You we bow in worship.

2. O faithful, come let us welcome Christ
and receive Him with hymns of praise and glory.
He is the salvation Simeon has seen.
He is the One Whom David foretold
and of Whom the prophets have spoken.
O Lord, Who for our sake was incarnate and inspired the Law,
to You we bow in worship.

1. O faithful, come let us welcome Christ
and receive Him with hymns of praise and glory.
He is the salvation Simeon has seen.
He is the One Whom David foretold
and of Whom the prophets have spoken.
O Lord, Who for our sake was incarnate and inspired the Law,
to You we bow in worship.

In Tone 6, Glory… Now…

Today the gates of heaven swing open,
for the Word of the Father Who has no beginning
has received beginning in time
without any loss to His divinity.
As a child of forty days He is offered by a virgin Mother
in the Temple according to the Law.
The Elder Simeon receives Him in his arms and cries out:
Dismiss me, o Master, for my eyes have seen Your salvation;
O Lord, Who came into the world to save us, glory to You!


Exodus 13:1-3, 11-12, 14-16; Isaiah 6:1-12; Isaiah 19:1-5, 12, 19-21


At the Lytia

In Tone 1

The Ancient of Days, Who of old gave the Law to Moses on Sinai
appears this day as an infant.
The Creator of the Law fulfils the Law.
He is brought into the Temple
and is given over to the Elder.
The just Simeon receives Him,
and beholding the fulfilment of the divine promise, joyfully cries out:
My eyes have seen the mystery hidden from all eternity.
It has been revealed in these latter days.
The Light has radiated the darkness of unbelieving Gentiles
and gives glory to the newly chosen Israel.
Therefore, let Your servant depart from the bonds of this flesh
to the wondrous unending life that knows no age.
And we pray You to grant great mercy to the world.

He, Who once gave the Law to Moses on Sinai,
today submits Himself to the prescriptions of the Law.
In His compassion He has become like us for our sakes.
Now the pure God, as a holy infant having opened a pure womb,
is being offered as God to Himself.
He is freeing us from the curse of the Law
and granting light to our souls.

In Tone 2

Simeon now receives below in his earthly arms
the One Whom the ministers at the liturgy on high entreat with trembling,
and Who was prophesied to become incarnate.
Seeing the heavenly God as mortal man,
he is ready to withdraw from earthly things and joyfully cries out:
Glory to You, O Lord, the unsetting Light,
that uncovers those in darkness.

Today Simeon takes in his arms the Lord of Glory,
the One Whom Moses formerly saw in the darkness
when he received the tablets of the Law on Mount Sinai.
This is He Who speaks through the prophets;
He is the Creator of the Law.
This is He Whom David announced.
He is awesome to all, yet He has great and abundant mercy.

The pure Virgin brings the Sacred One
into the sanctuary to the holy priest.
Simeon extends his hands,
receives Him joyously in his arms, and cries out:
O Master, now You let Your servant go in peace,
according to Your word, O Lord.

The Creator of heaven and earth is carried today
in the arms of the Elder Simeon.
Inspired by the Holy Spirit, he cried out:
Now I am set free, for I have beheld my Saviour.

Today, Simeon the Elder enters the Temple, rejoicing in spirit,
to receive in his arms the One Who gave the Law to Moses,
the One Who fulfils the Law in Himself.
For Moses was counted worthy to see God,
although in darkness and sounds that were not clear;
and with covered face he rebuked the unbelieving people.
But Simeon carried the pre-eternal Word of the father in bodily form,
and he revealed the Light of the Gentiles, the Cross, and the Resurrection.
Anna was shown to be a prophetess,
announcing the Saviour and Deliverer of Israel.
Unto Him let us cry aloud:
Through the Theotokos have mercy on us, O Christ our God.

In Tone 4

Today, the holy Mother who is higher than any temple
has herself come into the Temple
to show the world the Creator and Giver of the Law.
Simeon the Elder receives Him in his arms;
he venerates Him and cries aloud:
Now let Your servant depart in peace,
for I have seen You, the Saviour of our souls.

In Tone 5, Glory…

Search the Scriptures as Christ our God said in the Gospels;
for in them we find Him Who was born and wrapped in swaddling clothes,
the One laid in a manger and fed upon milk,
Who received circumcision and was carried by Simeon.
Not in fancy or imagination,
but in very truth has He appeared to the world.
Let us cry out to Him:
Glory to You, O pre-eternal God!


He Who is Ancient of Days and young in the flesh
is being brought into the Temple by His virgin Mother.
He fulfils the promise of His own Law.
Simeon receives Him and says:
Now You may let Your servant go in peace,
for my eyes have seen Your salvation, O Lord.



In Tone 7

Adorn your bridal chamber, O Zion, and welcome Christ the King.
Welcome Mary, the gate of heaven,
for she has appeared as a cherubic throne
on which the King of Glory is seated.
Indeed, the Virgin has become a cloud of light,
bearing in her arms the eternal Son.
Simeon received Him in his arms
and proclaimed to the people that He is the Master,
the Master of life and death, and the Saviour of the world.

Now You may let Your servant go in peace, O Lord, according to Your word.

The all-pure Mother carried into the Temple
the One Who comes forth from the Father in all eternity
and from the womb of a Virgin in time.
The Lawmaker of Mount Sinai submits to the Law
and is presented to the elderly and holy one
so that he may see the Promised One.
When Simeon received Him in his arms, he joyfully cried out:
This is God, co-eternal with the Father,
and the Saviour of our souls.

A light of revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people, Israel.

Mary, the Mother of God, carried in her arms
the Lord Who rides the chariot of the Cherubim
and is praised with the hymns of the Seraphim.
He was incarnate of her without human seed;
He is the Lawgiver Who fulfils the precepts of the Law.
She handed Him over into the arms of the aged priest.
Holding the Life in person,
Simeon asked to be delivered from his present life, saying:
Dismiss me now, O Master, that I may tell Adam
how my eyes have seen the eternal God
Who was made man without undergoing change,
and Who brought about the salvation of the world.

In Tone 8, Glory… Now…

He Who rides on the Cherubim and is praised by the Seraphim
is now being brought into the holy Temple according to the Law.
He is sitting in the arms of an old man as though upon a throne.
From Joseph He receives God-pleasing gifts, a pair of turtle doves,
and from the newly-chosen people of the Gentiles, and undefiled Church.
the two doves indicate that He is the head both of the Old and New Testaments.
As for Simeon, when he saw what had been revealed come to pass,
he received the child and blessed the virgin Mother of God,
pointing out to her the sufferings that she would bear.
He asked the Lord to be released from life, saying:
Now You may dismiss me, O Lord, as You have promised;
for my eyes have seen You, the eternal Light,
the Lord and Saviour of all Christian people.



In Tone 1
Rejoice, full of grace, Virgin Mother of God!* From you there dawned the Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God,* who enlightens those who dwell in darkness.* And you, O righteous Elder, be glad!* You received in your embrace* the Liberator of our souls,** who grants is resurrection. (thrice)



The Lord is God, Tone 1

Troparion, Tone 1
Rejoice, full of grace, Virgin Mother of God!* From you there dawned the Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God,* who enlightens those who dwell in darkness.* And you, O righteous Elder, be glad!* You received in your embrace* the Liberator of our souls,** who grants is resurrection. (twice)

Glory… Now…
Rejoice, full of grace, Virgin Mother of God!* From you there dawned the Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God,* who enlightens those who dwell in darkness.* And you, O righteous Elder, be glad!* You received in your embrace* the Liberator of our souls,** who grants is resurrection.

Psalm Reading and Small Ekteny

Sessional Hymn 1
In Tone 1: Let the heavenly hosts marvel at this mystery,* and let those on earth praise in song • as we behold the ineffable condescension of God.* He is now embraced in aged arms,* the One before whom the powers of heaven tremble,* the One who alone loves all.

Glory… Now…
Let the heavenly hosts marvel at this mystery,* and let those on earth praise in song • as we behold the ineffable condescension of God.* He is now embraced in aged arms,* the One before whom the powers of heaven tremble,* the One who alone loves all.

Psalm Reading and Small Ekteny

Sessional Hymn 2
In Tone 1: The One who is with the Father upon the holy throne* has come to earth and has been born of a Virgin.* The One, whose years are incomprehensible, becomes a babe.* Simeon received Him in his arms and cried out, rejoicing:* Now, O merciful Lord, let me depart in peace,* for You have brought joy to Your servant.

Glory… Now…
In Tone 1:
The One who is with the Father upon the holy throne* has come to earth and has been born of a Virgin.* The One, whose years are incomprehensible, becomes a babe.* Simeon received Him in his arms and cried out, rejoicing:* Now, O merciful Lord, let me depart in peace,* for You have brought joy to Your servant.


We extol You,* O Christ the Giver of Life,* and we venerate your most pure Mother,* who according to the Law brought You this day into the Temple of the Lord.
verse: The Lord is in His holy temple, the Lord whose throne is in heaven.
verse: My heart overflows with noble words. To the King I must speak the song I have made.
verse: May this song make your name forever remembered. May the peoples praise you from age to age.
verse: Holiness is fitting to Your house, O Lord, until the end of time.
Glory… Now…
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Glory be to You, O God! (3)

Sessional Hymn
In Tone 4: The Ancient of Days becomes a child for my sake.* The most holy God is purified* in order to confirm the reality of the human flesh* which He received from the Virgin.* Simeon, upon beholding this mystery,* acknowledged Him as God revealed in the flesh.* The Elder greeted Him as Life,* and, rejoicing, cried out in his old age:* Let me depart, for I have seen You, the Life of all.

Glory… Now…
In Tone 4:
The Ancient of Days becomes a child for my sake.* The most holy God is purified* in order to confirm the reality of the human flesh* which He received from the Virgin.* Simeon, upon beholding this mystery,* acknowledged Him as God revealed in the flesh.* The Elder greeted Him as Life,* and, rejoicing, cried out in his old age:* Let me depart, for I have seen You, the Life of all.

Gradual Hymn, Tone 4, Antiphon 1

Prokeimenon, Tone 4
May this song make your name forever remembered. May the people praise You from age to age.
verse: My heart overflows with noble words. To the King I must speak the song I have made.

Let Everything that has Breath, Tone 4

Luke 2:25-32

After Psalm 50
In Tone 6, Glory…
Through the prayers of the Theotokos,* O merciful Lord,* cleanse me from the multitude of my transgressions.
Through the prayers of the Theotokos,* O merciful Lord,* cleanse me from the multitude of my transgressions.
Have mercy upon me, O God, according to Your loving kindness, according to the multitude of Your tender mercies blot out my transgressions
Today the gates of heaven swing open,* for the Word of the Father who has no beginning* has received beginning in time* without any loss to His divinity.* As a child of forty days He is offered by a virgin Mother* in the Temple according to the Law.* The Elder Simeon receives Him in his arms and cries out:* Dismiss me, O Master, for my eyes have seen your salvation;* O Lord, who came into the world to save us, glory to You!


Tone 3

Irmos The sun shed its rays upon dry land In the middle of the sea. The water on both sides stood firm as a wall while Israel walked across. They sang this hymn pleasing to God: Let us praise the Lord, for He has been greatly glorified.
Refrain: Most Holy Mother of God, save us!
O clouds, send down rain; for Christ the Sun, riding upon a swift cloud, is offered by pure hands as an infant into the Temple. Therefore, let us, the faithful, sing out: Let us praise the Lord, for He has been greatly glorified.
Refrain: Most Holy Mother of God, save us!
May the feeble hands of Simeon be strengthened, and his weakened legs be made firm so that he may run quickly to meet Christ. Let us join with the heavenly choirs and sing praise to the Lord, for He has been greatly glorified.
Glory… Now…
Sing out, O heavens, and rejoice, O earth; for Christ the Creator, who existed from all eternity as one of the Trinity, is now offered in the Temple to God the Father as a newborn infant by is virgin Mother. Let us praise the Lord, for He has been greatly glorified.

Irmos O Lord, the solid rock of those that place their trust in You, strengthen the Church which You have purchased with your precious blood.
Refrain: Most Holy Mother of God, save us!
The only-begotten of the Father before all ages comes forth from the all-pure Virgin as a firstborn child, and He extends his hands to Adam.
Refrain: Most Holy Mother of God, save us!
God the Word appeared as a child to raise up Adam from his childishness into which he had fallen through deception.
Glory… Now…
Having become an infant without undergoing any change, the Creator has refashioned into his divinity our nature which was taken from the earth and will return to it again.

Irmos O Christ, Your virtue has filled the heavens. You were born from an all-pure Mother, the Ark of Your majesty, and You now enter the Temple of your glory as an infant in arms; and the entire universe is filled with Your glory.
Refrain: Most Holy Mother of God, save us!
The Theotokos spoke out: O Simeon, having witnessed mysteries beyond expression, rejoice and take in your arms Christ the Word who has become an infant. This mystery was foretold to you by the Holy Spirit. Now sing out to Him: The entire universe is filled with Your glory.
Refrain: Most Holy Mother of God, save us!
Receive with joy, O Simeon, the infant Christ was is the consolation of Israel and the One for whom you hoped. He is the Maker and Master of the Law who Himself fulfils it. Cry out to Him: The entire universe is filled with Your glory.
Glory… Now…
Simeon marvelled to behold in the flesh, as an infant, the Word who is without beginning, the Source of all creation who is carried by the Virgin as on the throne of the Cherubim. The Elder cried out to Him: The entire universe is filled with Your glory.

Irmos In a vision Isaiah saw the Lord seated on a high and lofty throne, surrounded by angels, and he cried out: Woe is me! For I have seen in advance the Incarnate One, the Lord of the light that knows no evening, and the King of peace.
Refrain: Most Holy Mother of God, save us!
When Simeon the Elder beheld the Word carried in the arms of his Mother, he recognized Him as the Glory revealed to the prophet. He cried out: Rejoice, O holy Lady, for you are the throne who carries God, the Lord of the light that knows no evening, and the King of peace.
Refrain: Most Holy Mother of God, save us!
Simeon bent down and reverently touched the footprints of the virgin Mother of God, saying: O pure Lady, I am afraid to hold in my arms the infant God, but you carry Him, the unconsumed Fire, the Lord of the light that knows no evening, and the King of peace.
Glory… Now…
Simeon spoke to the Mother of God, saying: One of the Seraphim purified the lips of Isaiah with a burning ember. You fill me with light as you entrust to me, with your hands as with tongs, the One whom you hold, the Lord of the light that knows no evening, and the King of peace.

Irmos When Simeon beheld with his own eyes the salvation which was to come to the people, he cried out to God: O Christ who comes from God, You are truly my God.
Refrain: Most Holy Mother of God, save us!
You are a stumbling stone and an obstacle for the disobedient in Sion, but You are the salvation for the faithful whom you will not let be put to shame. You are truly the image of the Father, begotten before all ages; now in your compassion You have put on the limitations of flesh.
Glory… Now…
Now You may dismiss in peace the servant who worships You as Son of the Most High, and Son of the Virgin, God who has become a child.


In Tone 1: By Your birth, You sanctified a virgin womb* and fittingly blessed the hands of Simeon.* You have come also now and saved us, O Christ our God;* give peace to Your community in time of war,* and strengthen its rulers, whom You love,* for You alone,* are the Lover of mankind.

Let us run to meet the Theotokos, desiring to behold her Son whom she offered to Simeon. The angelic hosts were filled with awe as they beheld Him from their dwelling place and said: Now we see amazing and extraordinary wonders beyond comprehension and expression. The One who created Adam is carried as babe. The One who cannot be contained is held in the arms of the Elder. The One who is infinite in the bosom of the Father voluntarily takes on flesh in a finite manner, for He alone loves all people.

Irmos We praise with fervour the Word of God who sent down dew upon the youths in the furnace as they spoke about heavenly things and who has now taken flesh from the pure Virgin. We sing to Him: Blessed are You, 0 God of our Fathers.
Refrain: Most Holy Mother of God, save us!
Simeon cried out: I leave this earth to declare the good tidings to Adam and Eve dwelling in Hades; and with the prophets he sang joyfully: Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers.
Refrain: Most Holy Mother of God, save us!
God descended into Hades to deliver those imprisoned there; He gives freedom to all the captives and sight to the blind, and He enables the speechless to cry aloud: Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers.
Glory… Now…
Simeon foretold to the Mother of God: A sword shall pierce your heart, O all-pure Virgin, when you see your Son upon the Cross. He is the One to whom we sing out: Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers.

Irmos The three youths stood together in the unendurable fire, unharmed by the flame. As defenders of righteousness, they sang a hymn of praise: O all you works of the Lord, bless the Lord and glorify Him above all forever.
Refrain: Most Holy Mother of God, save us!
O Israel as you behold your glory, Emmanuel, the Child of the Virgin, now offered before the Ark of God, dance and sing together: O all you works of the Lord, bless the Lord and glorify Him above forever.
Refrain: Most Holy Mother of God, save us!
Simeon said: Behold the Child who is God; He shall be a sign of contradiction. Let us sing to Him in faith: O all you works of the Lord, bless the Lord and glorify Him above all forever.
Glory… Now…
God the Word, the Source of Life, now becomes a little child; He shall be the downfall of the disobedient and the rising of those who sing to Him in faith: O all you works of the Lord, bless the Lord and glorify Him above all forever.

[omit Magnificat]

O God-bearing Virgin, hope of Christians, protect and guard and save all those who put their trust in you.

Irmos, Tone 3: In the law, the shadow, and the scriptures, we the faithful see a figure: every male child that opens the womb shall be sanctified to God. Therefore do we magnify the first-born Word and Son of the Father who is without beginning, the first-born Child of a Mother who had not known man.

O Virgin Mother of God, Hope of Christians, protect, watch, and save those who have placed their hope In you.

Irmos, Tone 3: In the law, the shadow, and the scriptures, we the faithful see a figure: every male child that opens the womb shall be sanctified to God. Therefore do we magnify the first-born Word and Son of the Father who is without beginning, the first-born Child of a Mother who had not known man.

O Virgin Mother of God, Helper of the world, protect and preserve us from every care and worry.

Irmos: We, the faithful, see the figure of Christ in the shadow and the letter of the law which says: Every male who opens the womb shall be called holy to the Lord. Therefore, we extol the firstborn of the Eternal Father and the Virgin Mother.

O God-bearing Simeon, come and raise up Christ to whom the Virgin gave birth.

Irmos: We, the faithful, see the figure of Christ in the shadow and the letter of the law which says: Every male who opens the womb shall be called holy to the Lord. Therefore, we extol the firstborn of the Eternal Father and the Virgin Mother.

Simeon the Elder receives in his arms the Maker of the Law and Master of all.

Irmos: We, the faithful, see the figure of Christ in the shadow and the letter of the law which says: Every male who opens the womb shall be called holy to the Lord. Therefore, we extol the firstborn of the Eternal Father and the Virgin Mother.

The aged Simeon does not hold Me; but I uphold him, for he entreats Me to let him depart.

O mystical Tongs, how do you carry the Coal? How do you nourish Him who gives food to all?

Irmos: In ancient times the people offered a pair of doves and two young pigeons. Now the holy Simeon and Anna the prophetess, filled with faith, ministered and glorified the Child of the Virgin, the only-begotten Son of the Father as He was brought into the Temple.

O daughter of Phanuel, come and stand with us, giving thanks to Christ our Saviour, the Son of God.

Irmos: In ancient times the people offered a pair of doves and two young pigeons. Now the holy Simeon and Anna the prophetess, filled with faith, ministered and glorified the Child of the Virgin, the only-begotten Son of the Father as He was brought into the Temple.

The wise Anna, calm in spirit, awesomely speaks out, acknowledging Christ as the Creator of heaven and earth.

Irmos: In ancient times the people offered a pair of doves and two young pigeons. Now the holy Simeon and Anna the prophetess, filled with faith, ministered and glorified the Child of the Virgin, the only-begotten Son of the Father as He was brought into the Temple.

O Christ, the King of all, grant the faithful victory over their enemies.

Irmos: In ancient times the people offered a pair of doves and two young pigeons. Now the holy Simeon and Anna the prophetess, filled with faith, ministered and glorified the Child of the Virgin, the only-begotten Son of the Father as He was brought into the Temple.

O pure virgin Mother, the great things done for you are incomprehensible to angels and mortals.

Irmos: Simeon cried out: You have granted me the boundless joy of your salvation, O Christ. Now take me, your servant, who is weary of the shadow, and make me a new preacher of the mystery of grace, as I extol You with praise.

The pure Dove, the unspotted Lamb, carries the Lamb and Shepherd into the Temple.

Irmos: Simeon cried out: You have granted me the boundless joy of your salvation, O Christ. Now take me, your servant, who is weary of the shadow, and make me a new preacher of the mystery of grace, as I extol You with praise.

O Christ, King of all, grant me the gift of tears that I may weep for my soul, lost in evil.

Irmos: Simeon cried out: You have granted me the boundless joy of your salvation, O Christ. Now take me, your servant, who is weary of the shadow, and make me a new preacher of the mystery of grace, as I extol You with praise.

Let us devoutly praise the Divinity, the three Persons who shine with a threefold light.

Irmos: Simeon cried out: You have granted me the boundless joy of your salvation, O Christ. Now take me, your servant, who is weary of the shadow, and make me a new preacher of the mystery of grace, as I extol You with praise.

O Virgin Mary, enlighten my soul which is grievously darkened by the passions of life.

The holy Anna, noble in faith and having the wisdom of years, reverently acknowledged the Master in the Temple; she extolled the Mother of God and praised her before everyone present.

Hymn of Light, Tone 6
Inspired by the Spirit, the Elder Simeon came to the Temple.* He received in his arms the Master of the Law and cried out: O Lord, release your servant from the bonds of the flesh* according to your word, in peace;* because my eyes have seen your revelation,* who is a light to the Gentiles and the salvation of Israel. (3)

At the Praises, Tone 4

In fulfilment of the Law,
the Lover of Mankind now is brought to the Temple.
Simeon takes Him in his aged arms and cries out:
Now let me depart to the blessedness of the world to come;
for I have beheld on this day, clothed in mortal flesh,
the One who is Lord of life and Master of death.

In fulfilment of the Law,
the Lover of Mankind now is brought to the Temple.
Simeon takes Him in his aged arms and cries out:
Now let me depart to the blessedness of the world to come;
for I have beheld on this day, clothed in mortal flesh,
the One who is Lord of life and Master of death.

As a light of revelation to the Gentiles,
You manifested yourself, O Lord.
The Sun of Justice sits upon a light cloud.
You fulfilled the shadow of the Law
and showed the beginning of the new grace.
Therefore, beholding You, Simeon cried out:
Release me from corruption, for I have seen You today.

When You became incarnate as You willed,
You did not separate yourself from the bosom of the Father.
You uphold the whole world with your hand,
yet You were held in the arms of the ever-Virgin,
and You were handed over to the arms of Simeon, the servant of God.
Therefore, he cried out with joy:
Now You may dismiss your servant in peace, O Lord, for I have seen You.

In Tone 6, Glory… Now…

O Christ our God, this day You have been pleased
to rest in the arms of the Elder
as You sit upon the throne of the Cherubim.
Deliver us, who sing your praises, from the force of passions,
and grant salvation to our souls.



The Lord has made known His salvation;* He has revealed His truth before the nations.

Troparion and Kontakion
Troparion, Tone 1: Rejoice, full of grace, Virgin Mother of God!* From you there dawned the Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God,* who enlightens those who dwell in darkness.* And you, O righteous Elder, be glad!* You received in your embrace* the Liberator of our souls,* who grants us resurrection.

Glory… Now…

Kontakion, Tone 1 By Your birth, You sanctified a virgin womb* and fittingly blessed the hands of Simeon.* You have come also now and saved us, O Christ our God;* give peace to Your community in time of war,* and strengthen its rulers, whom You love,* for You alone,* are the Lover of mankind.

Prokeimenon, Tone 3
My soul magnifies the Lord,* and my spirit has rejoiced in God, my Saviour.
verse: Because He has regarded the humility of His handmaid; for behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.

Hebrews 7:7-17

Alleluia, Tone 8
verse: Now, O Master, You dismiss Your servant in peace according to Your word.
verse: For my eyes have seen Your salvation, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to Your people, Israel.

Luke 2:22-40

Hymn to the Mother of God
O God-bearing Virgin, hope of Christians, protect and guard and save all those who put their trust in you.
And the Irmos, Tone 3 In the law, the shadow, and the scriptures, we the faithful see a figure: every male child that opens the womb shall be sanctified to God. Therefore do we magnify the first-born Word and Son of the Father who is without beginning, the first-born Child of a Mother who had not known man.

Communion Hymn
I will take the chalice of salvation, and I will call upon the name of the Lord. Alleluia (3).



Явив Господь спасення своє,* перед народами відкрив правду свою.

Тропар і Кондак
Тропар, глас 1 Радуйся, благодатна Богородице Діво,* бо з тебе засяло Сонце правди – Христос Бог наш,* що просвічує тих, що в темряві.* Веселися й ти, старче праведний,* ти прийняв в обійми визволителя душ наших, що жарує нам воскресення.

Слава… І нині…

Кондак, глас 1 Утробу дівичу освятив ти різдвом твоїм* і руки Симеонові благословив ти, як годилось,* ти випередив і нині спас нас, Христе Боже,* але утихомир у брані люд твій і укріпи народ, що його возлюбив ти,* єдиний Чоловіколюбче.

Прокімен, глас 3
Величає душа моя Господа і возрадувався дух мій у Бозі, Спасі моїм
стих: Бо зглянувся на смирення раби своєї, ось бо віднині ублажать мене всі роди.

до Єреїв 7:7-17

Алилуя, глас 8
стих: Нині відпускаєш раба твого, Владико, по глаголу твоєму з миром.
стих: Світол на одкровення поганам і славу людей твоїх, Ізраїля.

Луки 2:22-40

Замість Достойно співаємо:
Богородице Діво, уповання християн, покрий, захорони і спаси тих, що на тебе уповають.
І ірмос, глас 3 В законі тіні і писання образ бачимо, вірні: кожний младенець мужеського полу, що отвирає утробу – святий Богу. Тому первороджене Слово безначального Отця – Сина, що перводиться з матері, яка мужа на знає, – величаємо.

Чашу спасення прийму і ім’я Господнє призову. Алилуя (3).

February 1, 2015
Sunday of the Prodigal Son, Octoechos Tone 1
Pre-feast of the Encounter of our Lord; Holy Martyr Tryphon


Kathisma Reading
“Blessed is the man…” is sung.


At Psalm 140

In Tone 1

10. Accept our evening prayer, O holy Lord,
and grant us forgiveness of sins,
for You alone manifested the Resurrection to the world.

9. O you people, walk around Zion and encompass her.
And there give glory to Him Who is risen from the dead.
For He is our God
Who delivers us from our sins.

8. Come you people, praise and worship Christ.
Glorify His Resurrection from the dead;
for He is our God Who delivered the world
from the deceit of the enemy.

7. Rejoice, O you heavens;
sound the trumpets, you foundations of the earth;
cry out with joy, O you mountains.
For behold, Emmanuel has nailed our sins to the Cross;
the Giver of Life has put Death to death;
and the Lover of Mankind
has raised up Adam.

In Tone 1

6. I was entrusted with a sinless and loving land,
but I sowed the ground with sin and reaped with a sickle the ears of slothfulness;
in thick sheaves I garnered my actions,
but winnowed them not on the threshing floor of repentance.
But I beg You, my God, the pre-eternal husbandman,
with the wind of Your loving-kindness winnow the chaff of my works,
and grant to my soul the corn of forgiveness;
shut me in Your heavenly storehouse
and save me.

5. I was entrusted with a sinless and loving land,
but I sowed the ground with sin and reaped with a sickle the ears of slothfulness;
in thick sheaves I garnered my actions,
but winnowed them not on the threshing floor of repentance.
But I beg You, my God, the pre-eternal husbandman,
with the wind of Your loving-kindness winnow the chaff of my works,
and grant to my soul the corn of forgiveness;
shut me in Your heavenly storehouse
and save me.

4. Brethren, let us learn the meaning of this mystery.
For when the Prodigal Son ran back from sin to his Father’s house,
his loving Father came out to meet him and kissed him.
He restored to the Prodigal the tokens of his proper glory,
and mystically he made glad on high, sacrificing the fatted calf.
Let our lives, then, be worthy of the loving Father who has offered sacrifice,
and of the glorious Victim
who is the Saviour of our souls.

In Tone 4

3. The honoured temple prepares to receive within herself
the Lord who comes as an Infant.
With grace she spiritually illumines the faithful and God-loving assembly.
She cries out: You are my glory, my boast and the adornment of my fullness,
Word who became an Infant in the flesh for my sake!

2. The most splendid bridal-chamber,
the all-honourable tabernacle,
the holy and spacious temple
bears the Lord within the chambers of the Temple.
She betroths Him beforehand to His honoured Church.
She prays to Him that those who fittingly glorify her as the Theotokos
may be delivered from corruption and dangers.

1. Let us now offer to Christ the praise of the prefeast,
glorifying His condescension!
For He is brought as an Infant in the Virgin’s arms.
He comes to lie in the arms of Simeon
who prophesies to all mankind
that as Benefactor and Lord He makes their nature divine!

In Tone 2, Glory…

Of what great blessings in my wretchedness have I deprived myself!
From what a kingdom in my misery have I fallen!
I have wasted the riches that were given to me,
I have transgressed the commandment.
Alas, unhappy soul!
You are henceforth condemned to the eternal fire.
Therefore before the end cry out to Christ our God:
Receive me as the Prodigal Son, O God,
and have mercy upon me.

In Tone 1, Now…

Let us sing a hymn of praise to the Virgin Mary,
glory of the whole world!
She was herself formed by human seed,
yet she became the Mother of the Master, the Gate of heaven,
the theme of the angels’ hymn and beauty of the faithful.
She was seen as being heavenly
and the Tabernacle of the Godhead.
She indeed tore down the wall of enmity between God and man,
and brought peace in its place, she opened up the kingdom of heaven.
Let us therefore cling fast to her for she is the anchor of faith,
and let us receive as our stronghold the Lord Who was born of her.
Be of good cheer, then, and have confidence, O people of God,
for He will fight our enemies for us, He is all-powerful!



In Tone 1

O Christ, by Your Passion we have been freed from suffering;
and by Your Resurrection we have been delivered from corruption.
O Lord, glory to You!

The Lord reigns, He is clothed in majesty. Robed is the Lord, and girt about with strength.

Let all creation rejoice, let the heavens be glad,
let the nations clap their hands with joy.
For Christ our Saviour, in His love for mankind,
has nailed our sins to the Cross;
He has put Death to death,
and by raising our fallen forefather, Adam,
He has given life to all mankind.

For He has made the world firm, which shall not be moved.

O God, You are above all understanding;
You are King and Lord of heaven and earth.
Yet of Your own free will,
You allowed Yourself to be crucified because of Your love for mankind.
When You descended below,
Hades was filled with bitterness as You confronted it;
but the souls of the just received You with great joy.
Adam arose when he saw You, his Creator, down in the depths.
What a wonder this is!
You are the life of all and have tasted death
in order to dispel the darkness of the world with Your light.
O Lord, risen from the dead, glory to You!

Holiness befits Your house, O Lord, for length of days.

The myrrh-bearing women were filled with grief
as they hastened with spices to Your tomb;
but they did not find Your most pure body.
Instead, they found an angel
who proclaimed Your unique and glorious Resurrection,
and commanded them to announce to Your Apostles:
The Lord is risen, granting great mercy to the world.

In Tone 6, Glory…

I have wasted the wealth which the Father gave to me,
and in my wretchedness I have fed with dumb beasts.
Yearning after their food, I remained hungry and could not eat my fill.
But now I return to the compassionate Father
and cry out with tears:
I fall down before Your loving-kindness,
receive me as a hired servant, and save me.

In Tone 2, Now…

The holy Lord is brought to the Temple, offered by the Virgin.
Simeon received Him in his outstretched arms with exceeding joy.
He cried out:  Lord, now let Your servant depart in peace,
for my eyes have seen Your salvation!



In Tone 1
Though the stone was sealed by the Judeans* and soldiers guarded Your most pure body,* You arose, O Saviour, on the third day* and gave life to the world.* And so the heavenly powers cried out You, O Giver of Life:* Glory to Your Resurrection, O Christ!* Glory to Your Kingdom!* Glory to Your saving plan!** O only Lover of Mankind.

In Tone 1, Glory… Now…
The heavenly choir of angels* has come down to the earth* to behold the First-born of creation* born from an unwedded Mother* brought to the Temple as an Infant,* as the angels join us in our expectant song.



Troparia and Kontakia
Troparion, Tone 1: Though the stone was sealed by the Judeans,* and soldiers guarded Your most pure body,* You arose, O Saviour, on the third day,* and gave life to the world.* And so the heavenly powers cried out to You, O Giver of Life:* Glory to Your resurrection, O Christ!* Glory to Your kingdom!* Glory to Your saving plan,* O only Lover of mankind.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone 3: Foolishly have I fled from Your glory, O Father,* wasting the wealth You gave me on vices.* Therefore, I offer You the words of the Prodigal:* Loving Father, I have sinned before You.* Take me, for I repent, and make me as one of Your hired hands.

Prokeimenon, Tone 1
Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us, as we have hoped in You.
verse: Rejoice in the Lord, O you just; praise befits the righteous. (Psalm 32:22,1)

1 Corinthians 6:12-20

Alleluia, Tone 1
verse: God gives me vindication, and has subdued people under me.
verse: Making great the salvation of the king, and showing mercy to His anointed, to David, and to His posterity forever. (Psalm 17:48,51)

Luke 15:11-32

Communion Hymn
Praise the Lord from the heavens;* praise Him in the highest.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia. (Psalm 148:1)

January 30, 2015
Three Holy Hierarchs, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom



Kathisma Reading
“Blessed is the man…” is taken.


At Psalm 140

In Tone 4

8. Let us glorify the three great preachers of the Trinity,
the instruments of grace and harps of the Spirit,
renowned trumpets of divine preaching
who thundered awesome wonders which were revealed from on high.
John, Basil, and Gregory made known the glory of God
to the ends of the earth.

7. Let us glorify the three great preachers of the Trinity,
the instruments of grace and harps of the Spirit,
renowned trumpets of divine preaching
who thundered awesome wonders which were revealed from on high.
John, Basil, and Gregory made known the glory of God
to the ends of the earth.

6. Let us worthily venerate the defenders of the Trinity.
They are the three apostles added to the Twelve.
They are rivers which overflowed living waters out of Eden.
They nourished the face of the earth with life-giving divine waters .
They are the basic elements of nature,
fashioning not creation but the true faith.

5. The prophet spoke of them, saying:
No one who lives or speaks has not heard their voices,
for the famous and excellent works of these sublime and wise teachers
have spread through all the earth and sea.
By their divine laws the ends of the earth are joined together
and preserved in the one true faith.

4. Let us, who follow their teachings,
loudly sing and praise these instruments of the Holy Spirit.
They are the true trumpets and orators of the Word.
Let us pray to them
since they find favour with the Lord,
that He may grant a strong and lasting universal peace
and forgiveness to all of us.

In Tone 2

3. With what praiseworthy crowns shall we crown the teachers,
distinct ion body but joined together in the Spirit?
They are the God-bearing defenders of the Trinity,
the triad of ministers,
the luminaries who enlighten the world, and pillars of the Church.
Because they conquered all,
Christ our God mercifully gave them crowns of glory.

2. With what songs of joy shall we crown the God-bearing mystics and preachers?
They were the most outstanding theologians of the true faith:
Basil the Great who revealed truths about God;
the sublime theologian Gregory, and John the Golden-mouthed.
They are fittingly glorified by the Trinity,
the Lord who grants his great mercy.
With what praiseworthy words shall we honour he holy bishops?
They were comparable to the apostles in rank and gifts through grace.
They defeated heresy and were sanctifiers by word and deed.
They were Christ-like shepherds in the faith.
They were earthly angels and heavenly men.
They were honoured by the Lord of glory,
by Christ who grants His great mercy.

1. With what praiseworthy crowns
shall we crown John the Golden-mouthed, Basil, and Gregory?
They are precious vessels of the Spirit
and firm defenders of the faith,
pillars of the Church, the foundation of the faithful, and comfort of sinners.
We honour them as wellsprings which overflow,
refreshing our souls with water.
They ask forgiveness for our sins and great mercy for us.

In Tone 6, Glory…

Let us extol today those mystical trumpets of the Spirit,
the God-mantled Fathers,
who, speaking of divine things,
sang a unifying hymn in the midst of the Church:
teaching that the Trinity is One,
not differing in substance or Godhead;
refuting Arius and contending for the true faith;
and who always intercede with the Lord
to have mercy on our souls.


Who would not bless you, most holy Virgin?
Who would not praise the most pure manner in which you gave birth?
For the only-begotten Son, who eternally proceeds from the Father, came forth from you.
He took flesh from you in a manner that is beyond understanding.
He, who by nature is God, took on our nature for our sake.
Yet He did not become divided into two persons;
rather, He remained one person with two distinct and unconfused natures.
O most pure Lady, we implore you:
Beseech your Son and God to have mercy on our souls.


Deuteronomy 1:8-11, 15-17; Deuteronomy 10:14-21; Wisdom 3:1-9


At the Lytia

In Tone 2

Come, let us praise the earthly trinity of holy bishops
who are ministers of the heavenly Trinity:
Basil, whose name means the kingdom;
Gregory, called the Theologian; and John, the Golden-mouthed.
They are the abyss of those who searched into the wisdom of the Spirit.
They are likened to ocean currents
and ever-flowing wellsprings of leaping and living water.
They are known as elegant pearls and earthly beacons,
the rudders of the Church and trees that produce the most splendid fruit,
the stewards of grace and mouth of Christ.
They are defenders of the Trinity
by whom they were directly enlightened.
They pray unceasingly for our souls.

Let us faithfully praise the flaming coals of the divine Fire,
for we have been illumined by them.
They became inflamed by being united to Him,
and they became luminaries for the world.
They showed themselves to be living strength for the lowly.
In faith they devoutly preached the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Let us also cry out to them:
Rejoice, O three preachers of the Trinity.

In Tone 6

O Holy Trinity, worthy of adoration,
glory to Your wise plan of salvation,
for You have given three great luminaries to us.
They enlighten us by the light of their knowledge of You,
they inspire us by their teachings,
and they shine with the radiance
of your precious desires for our salvation.
Through them the whole world has been enriched with the light of understanding;
it radiates with Your glory and hastens to Your blessed kingdom.
Since You are an all-generous God, O Holy Trinity,
be attentive to their prayers in our behalf
and save our souls, O Lord and Lover of Mankind.


Having come together with songs of praise, O lovers of feasts,
let us praise the bishops of Christ
and the glory of the Fathers,
the pillars of the faith,
the teachers and defenders of the faithful.
Let us cry out to them:
Rejoice, O luminary of the Church and immutable pillar, O wise Basil.
Rejoice, O heavenly mind and great hierarch, Gregory the Theologian.
Rejoice, O golden-voiced John, splendid preacher of penance.
O thrice-blessed Fathers, never cease to pray to Christ
in behalf of those who with faith and love
observe your sacred and sublime feast.

Now …

Having come together with songs of praise, O lovers of feasts,
let us extol the boast of virgins and the joy of angels,
the only Theotokos and the strength of believers.
Let us all cry out to her:
Rejoice, O pure virgin Mother,
splendorous luminary and gate of heaven.
Rejoice, O sacred tabernacle and all-pure One
who contained God with your womb.
Rejoice, for without exception you are higher than all the heavenly powers.
Therefore, O Lady and virgin Mother,
do not cease to protect your servants
who in faith and love extol you at all times,
and who bow down to your holy and pure birth-giving.



In Tone 1

Today, let us worthily praise the triad of spiritual mystics,
the speaking trumpets and mirrors of God:
the great Basil and the sublime Gregory inspired with zeal
and the truly golden-mouthed John.
Their teachings pout out a stream of gold for us.

Precious in the sight of the Lord is he death of His faithful.

Let us worthily sing the praises of the foundation of the faith,
the sublime and courageous mind,
the stream that flows with Gold,
the very splendid and precious luminaries
and defenders of the Trinity,
the receptacles of the grace of the Spirit
and unshakeable pillars.

Your priests shall be clothed with holiness; your faithful shall ring out their joy.

O instruments of the Spirit and trumpets of the divine thunder,
O brilliant lights of preaching,
O golden, light-bearing, resplendent lamps of God,
O most blessed Basil, most wise Gregory, and most precious John,
implore Christ our God to save those who honour you.

In Tone 2, Glory…

Today the souls of mortals are elevated above earthly things.
Today they become heavenly beings as the commemorate the saints.
The gates of heaven are opened for us,
and the ways of the Lord are made known to us.
Tongues extol His miracles
and proclaim the words of the Word.
Let us also cry out to the Saviour:
Glory to You, O Christ God,
because through them there has been peace for the faithful.


Today, Christ is being carried into the temple as an infant.
Today, He who gave the Law to Moses comes under the Law.
The angelic hosts were amazed when they saw Him, who supports all things,
being held in the arms of an aged man.
Simeon, filed with reverence, joyfully cried out:
Now dismiss me, O Saviour, from the temporal life
and let me enter the repose which never rows old,
for I have seen You and I now rejoice.



In Tone 4
As equals to the apostles in the way you lived* and teachers of the whole world* intercede with the Master of all to grant peace to the world,* and, to our souls, great mercy. (2)

In Tone 1
Rejoice, Virgin Mary, Mother of God, full of grace,* The Lord is with you.* Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.* For you have borne Christ,* the Saviour and Deliverer of our souls.



The Lord is God, Tone 4

Troparion, Tone 4
As equals to the apostles in the way you lived* and teachers of the whole world,* intercede with the Master of all* to grant peace to the world,* and to our souls great mercy. (twice)

Glory… Now…
O Mother of God, the mystery hidden from all eternity* and unknown even to the angels,* was revealed through you to those on earth:* God took on our human nature* and united it to His divine nature in a perfect but unconfused union.* Then, He willingly accepted the cross for our sake* and thereby raised again the first created man,* and saved our souls from death.

Psalm Reading and Small Ekteny

Sessional Hymn 1
In Tone 5: Let us all praise Basil, the royal adornment of the church,* the inexhaustible treasury of teaching,* for he has taught us to worship the holy Trinity,* which is united in essence but separate in Persons!

In Tone 4, Glory…
Divinely-wise fathers, shining lamps of the Church of Christ,* you have enlightened the world with your teachings,* withering the errors of heresy and quenching the fire of blasphemy!* As Christ’s holy bishops, pray that we may be saved!

Most-hymned Virgin, Mother of Christ God,* Mary, unwedded Bride of God,* intercession for the faithful, Lady Theotokos,* deliver from all misfortune and need* those who run to your protection with faith and love,* for you alone are the Bride of God!

Psalm Reading and Small Ekteny

Sessional Hymn 2
In Tone 3: Gregory the theologian, you were a pillar of the Church.* You were shown to be a treasury of devotion which cannot be taken away!* You enlightened your life with dispassion,* making plain the teachings of the Trinity.* Venerable father, entreat Christ God for the salvation of our souls!

In Tone 4, Glory…
Like bees hovering over the meadow of the Scriptures,* you embraced the wonderful pollen of their flowers.* Together you have produced for all the faithful* the honey of your teachings for their complete delight.* Therefore as we each enjoy this, we cry out with gladness:* blessed ones, even after death,* be advocates for us who praise you!

Storm-tossed by the triple waves of the passions,* although I am without a conscience, I fervently call on you:* do not turn from me, all pure One, lest I perish in my wretchedness!* You gave birth to the depth of mercy and I have no other hope than you!* Do not let my enemies rejoice over me or use me as a byword,* for I have put my trust in you.* You can do whatever you desire for you are Mother of the God of all!


We extol you,* O Holy Hierarchs: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom* and we honour your holy memory,* for you pray to Christ our God for us!
verse: My lips will speak words of wisdom!
verse: Understanding will be my heart’s desire!
Glory… Now…
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Glory to You, O God! (3)

Gradual Hymn, Tone 4, Antiphon 1

Prokeimenon, Tone 4
Your priests shall be clothed with righteousness* and Your saints shall rejoice!
verse: My lips will speak words of wisdom, understanding will be my heart’s desire!

Let Everything that has Breath, Tone 4

John 10:9-16

After Psalm 50
In Tone 6, Glory…
Through the prayers of the holy Hierarchs,* O merciful Lord,* cleanse me from the multitude of my transgressions.
Through the prayers of the Theotokos,* O merciful Lord,* cleanse me from the multitude of my transgressions.
Have mercy upon me, O God, according to Your loving kindness, according to the multitude of Your tender mercies blot out my transgressions
Grace was poured forth from your mouths, venerable fathers,* and you became pastors of the Church of Christ,* teaching the reason-endowed sheep to believe in the consubstantial Trinity* in one Divinity!


Irmos Come, people, let us sing a song to Christ our God, who divided the sea and guided the people He had led from Egypt, for He has been glorified!
Refrain: Holy Hierarchs, pray to God for us!
People, what thanksgiving, what fitting response, should we offer to our benefactors? For they taught us how to live in goodness!
Refrain: Holy Hierarchs, pray to God for us!
Let the tongues of the orators, their skill and craft and all the power of their words, now be focussed on this one intention! Let us honour them, and venerate them all together!
Refrain: Holy Hierarchs, pray to God for us!
With their minds in heaven, they allowed nothing to be held as their own on earth. They were shown to be guardians and patrons of the community. Therefore let them be considered worthy of our common hymns of praise!
Glory… Now…
With one mouth and one accord, we all glorify you, most immaculate One, as the object of our nature’s common honour.
Katavasia The sun’s rays once shone on dry land in the midst of the deep, for the water on both sides became firm as a wall while the people crossed over the sea on foot offering this song acceptable to God: let us sing to the Lord, for He has been greatly glorified!

Irmos Lord, establish us in You, for You have killed sin by the tree! Plant the fear of You in our hearts as we sing hymns to You!
Refrain: Holy Hierarchs, pray to God for us!
The great trumpet of the churches, the lamp illuminating the inhabited earth, the preacher embracing the ends of the earth with his voice: the great Basil summons this assembly!
Refrain: Holy Hierarchs, pray to God for us!
Brilliant in his life and actions, brilliant in sermons and teaching, shining more than all, as another sun outshining the stars, the greatly honoured theologian is called blessed today!
Refrain: Holy Hierarchs, pray to God for us!
Behold, the light of the world is manifested to the world! Behold, the salt of the earth seasons the earth! Behold, the tree of life, the golden saint, yields immortal fruit! Let those who wish to escape death come and feast sumptuously!
Glory… Now…
He who brought all things into being from non-existence and granted nature to every creature, knew Himself how to transform the given natures as He desired. Therefore the Virgin gives birth and who would not be amazed?
Katavasia Lord, the firm foundation of those who put their trust in You, strengthen the Church which you have purchased with Your precious Blood!


(Tone 8) Let us, as we enjoy the beauty and grace of their words,* with one voice praise the great and shining lights, the indestructible pillars of the Church:* the wise John of golden speech, the great Basil, with Gregory the renowned theologian.* Let us cry out to them, exclaiming from the depths of our hearts:* three times great and holy hierarchs, pray to Christ our God,* that He may grant remission of sins to those who celebrate your memory with love!
You received the wisdom that comes from God, three new apostles of Christ!* By understanding sermons, in simple words through the power of the Spirit,* you framed dogmas set down earlier by the fishermen.* Indeed our faith feeds on the plain nourishment received from you.* Therefore we all cry out: pray to Christ our God,* that He may grant remission of sins to those who celebrate your memory with love!
Virgin, draw near my lowly soul that is being drowned!* It is without a pilot in the storm of the temptations of life.* It is sinking with sin and in danger of going to the bottom of hell.* Grant it peace and rescue it from perils, Theotokos,* for you are a calm harbour that knows no waves!* Intercede with your Son and God that He may give me remission of sins* for I am your unworthy servant and have you as my hope!

Irmos I have heard the report of Your dispensation, Lord and have glorified You, the only Lover of mankind!
Refrain: Holy Hierarchs, pray to God for us!
You acquired the knowledge of lower wisdom, all-glorious ones. Through the wisdom of God, you received a guiding position; therefore you wisely made the lower wisdom serve you as a handmaid.
Refrain: Holy Hierarchs, pray to God for us!
Lovers of wisdom, since you loved knowledge, you all learned to speak wise words. You were filled with wonder! You taught the discipline of action and then contemplation.
Glory… Now…
In the last times, the source of everlasting waters, the Creator came down as a light rain, all-blameless One, like drops into your womb, seasonably refreshing those who were fainting.
Katavasia Your virtue, O Christ, has covered the heavens, for proceeding from Your undefiled Mother, the Ark of Your sanctification, You have appeared in the temple of Your glory as an infant in arms, and the whole world has been filled with Your praise!

Irmos Lord, the Giver of Light and Creator of the ages, guide us in the light of Your commandments, for we know no other God but You!
Refrain: Holy Hierarchs, pray to God for us!
You permitted the saints to drink deeply from the well-spring of Your gifts which is not diminished in any way by this emptying, but waters the whole earth with the divine streams which flow from them, O Lover of mankind!
Refrain: Holy Hierarchs, pray to God for us!
What is gold to me? What are riches, glory and power? Let all things vanish like smoke before the wind! For me the only great wealth is the Trinity of eloquent preachers!
Refrain: Holy Hierarchs, pray to God for us!
The river flows with ambrosia and nectar: it is a torrent of the food of immortality for those who hunger and incorruptible drink for those who thirst! Its water is eternally living and sustains the living who drink of it. All of you, partake of its everflowing life!
Glory… Now…
Evil has power against us, but not at the end, for it became weak after the Virgin gave birth to the One who is powerful in strength, who took upon Himself the weakness of the flesh and killed the one powerful in evil.
Katavasia In figure, Isaiah saw God on a throne, lifted high up and borne in triumph by angels in glory, and he cried: Woe is me, for I have seen beforehand God incarnate; Lord of the light that knows no evening and king of peace!

Irmos Tossed about in the deep abyss of sin, I call upon the unfathomable abyss of Your loving-kindness: lead me up from corruption, O God!
Refrain: Holy Hierarchs, pray to God for us!
Together you three bless the properties of God: the unbegotten nature of the Father, the generation of the Word and the procession of the Spirit Himself.
Refrain: Holy Hierarchs, pray to God for us!
Today salvation has openly and radiantly come to this house, for Christ, in honour of His own name, is present in the midst of the two or three gathered together.
Refrain: Holy Hierarchs, pray to God for us!
The depth of the earth is immeasurably distant from the heights of heaven, yet divine desire has caught up the saints from the earth higher than the heavens.
Glory… Now…
The three divine preachers have you, O Virgin, as a new well-spring and fountain of mysteries. They adopt a new way of speaking from new sources.
Katavasia The eyes of the elder saw the salvation that was come to the gentiles and he cried aloud to you: O Christ, coming from God, You are my God!


(Tone 2) You received Your inspired and steadfast preachers, Your chief teachers* into the enjoyment of Your good things and into repose.* You who alone glorify Your saints,* accepted their labours and death* more gladly than any holocaust.

Who can open his lips and move his tongue about those who breathed fire in the power of the Word and the Spirit? Yet I shall be bold to speak a word about what is so great. For these three have transcended all human nature in their many and great gifts, surpassing those who are illustrious in both action and vision. Therefore you counted them worthy of great gifts, for they are Your faithful servants and You alone are glorified in Your saints!

Irmos When the golden image was worshipped on the plain of Deira, Your three youths despised the godless command. Cast into the midst of the fire, they were bedewed and sang: blessed are You, the God of our fathers!
Refrain: Holy Hierarchs, pray to God for us!
The former erratic insolence of heresies is vanquished and in retreat and every degraded teaching appears like wax melting in the fire, struck down by your fiery proclamation, O blessed ones.
Refrain: Holy Hierarchs, pray to God for us!
These three avoided the false myths of pagan Greeks and chose persuasion alone to establish their authority among people. Thus they established the truth, moving all the congregations of the faithful and persuading them.
Glory… Now…
Every prophecy is fulfilled and comes to rest in you, amazing those who cry out: O pure One, miracles come from you more radiant than the prophesies, clearly showing the interpreters to be most wise!
Katavasia In the midst of the fire, O Word of God, You dropped dew on the children as they spoke of things divine, and You took up Your dwelling in the pure Virgin! We praise You as we sing with piety: blessed are You, O God of our fathers!

Irmos Let us sing hymns to God who descended into the fiery furnace and changed the flames into dew for the Hebrew children: praise the Lord, all works of the Lord and exalt Him above all forever!
Refrain: Holy Hierarchs, pray to God for us!
We perceive and glorify with equal reverence one nature, the powerful Unity and Trinity who orders all by higher words. For so the three God-bearers taught us to worship. Together with them we bow down before the Trinity forever!
Refrain: Holy Hierarchs, pray to God for us!
The three divine preachers were united in conceiving of the Trinity as a Unity. In all things they safeguarded the indivisibility of the divine nature from which they received a share of the one undivided glory which gathers all together for a common celebration exalting the Trinity above all forever!
Glory… Now…
When the Benefactor had received what is ours and had given in return that which is His own, He created but did not suffer, Virgin, for He deified our nature but was not made corruption. He suffered of His own will to set mankind free from the passions through His sufferings as the three fathers mystically teach us.
Katavasia Standing together in the unbearable fire, yet not harmed by it, the children champions of godliness, sang a divine hymn: all works of the Lord, bless the Lord, and exalt Him above all forever!

(omit Magnificat)
Irmos The Son of the Father without beginning has appeared to us: God the Lord, made flesh of the Virgin, to give light to those in darkness and to gather the dispersed. Therefore we magnify the Theotokos.
Magnify, my soul, the three great luminaries among the priests!
Behold, your field; the flock for which you undertook the greatest labours! We have assembled to bring you three together. Your good union is our common claim.
Magnify, my soul, the three great luminaries among the priests!
Grace did not wield a doubled-edged sword against her enemies, but a three-edged dagger: the slashing mouths of the three orators! The were one sword forged in heaven, with three tempered blades of tongues ever fighting in defence of the one thrice-radiant Divinity.
Magnify, my soul, the three great luminaries among the priests!
Your citizenship was in the heavens with those clothed in undefiled flesh, glorious ones. Now you dwell with them exclusively, interceding for us who still wear earthly wreaths, that we may remember and work towards higher things.
Magnify, my soul, the three great luminaries among the priests!
The breadth of your great works restricts me, Lady, overwhelming the prudence of my speech. I am at a glorious loss, lacking an answer to my hesitation! So let us glorify Him who has so greatly magnified you!
Katavasia We faithful saw the figure in the shadow of the Law and the Scriptures: every male child that opened the womb was holy to God. We also magnify the first-begotten Son of the unoriginate Father, the first-born Son of the unwedded Mother!

Hymn of Light
Let us praise the God-bearing fathers,* the three radiant lamps shining more brightly than the sun with the light of the Trinity,* the Author of light, the three-sunned Unity,* supernaturally united!
Let us all now praise the vessels of light, the lighting bolts of fire:* Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom!
One God: Father, Son and Spirit,* through the prayers of Basil, Gregory and John and of the all-pure Theotokos,* let me not be cut off from Your glory!

At the Praises, Tone 5

Rejoice, trinity of bishops!
Great bulwark of the church, pillars of righteousness,
strength of the faithful, downfall of the heretics!
You shepherded the flock of Christ with godly teachings
and fed them with many virtues.
You were openly preachers of grace, setting forth laws for the fullness of Christ’s Church!
Heavenly guides and gates of paradise,
pray to Christ that He may grant our souls great mercy!

Rejoice, trinity of bishops!
Great bulwark of the church, pillars of righteousness,
strength of the faithful, downfall of the heretics!
You shepherded the flock of Christ with godly teachings
and fed them with many virtues.
You were openly preachers of grace, setting forth laws for the fullness of Christ’s Church!
Heavenly guides and gates of paradise,
pray to Christ that He may grant our souls great mercy!

Rejoice, trinity of bishops!
Earthly angels who travelled the heavens,
salvation of the world and joy of all,
champions of the Word and teachers of the universe,
skilful physicians of soul and body, ever-flowing rivers of the Spirit,
watering the face of the earth with your teachings, ladders of theology!
Golden ones of golden preaching,
pray to Christ that He may grant our souls great mercy!

Rejoice, trinity of bishops!
Earthly skies reflecting the sun, radiance and lamps of the Trinity,
enlightenment of those in darkness, fragrant and beautiful flowers of paradise,
Theologian, wise Basil and Chrysostom,
tablets of the Spirit written by the finger of God,
nourishing with the milk of salvation!
Adornments of wisdom, pray to Christ that He may grant our souls great mercy!


Let us sound the trumpet of hymns!
Let us dance to the music of the feast!
Let us leap with joy in the festival of our teachers!
Let kings and princes come together
and let bishops clap their hands in hymns for the three great rivers of doctrines,
rushing torrents of the ever-living Spirit,
pastors and teachers, the three initiates of the sacred mysteries of the holy Trinity!
Let us assemble and let us praise them:
praise them, philosophers, for they are wise;
priests, because they are pastors;
sinners, because they are intercessors;
the poor, for they bring riches;
those in sorrow, for they comfort them;
those who travel, because they journey with them;
those at sea, because they are their guides.
Let all of us everywhere fervently praise the godly bishops, saying:
all-holy teachers, come quickly to rescue the faithful from the temptations of life
and by your prayers deliver them from eternal torments!


Let us sound the trumpet of hymns!
The Virgin Mother, the Queen of all, bows down from the heavens
to crown with blessings those who honour her with hymns!
Let kings and princes assemble!
Let them clap their hands in hymns for the Queen who gave birth to the King
who was pleased in His love for mankind to loose those held by death.
Pastors and teachers, gather!
Let us praise the all-pure Mother of the God Shepherd,
the lampstand of golden light, the light-bearing cloud more spacious than the heavens,* the living ark, the fiery throne of the Master,
the golden jar of manna, the closed gate of the Word, the refuge of all Christians!
Let us praise her with inspired hymns and say:
palace of the Word, grant us the kingdom of heaven in our lowliness,
for through your prayers all things are possible!



Troparion and Kontakion
Troparion, Tone 4: As equals to the apostles in the way you lived* and teachers of the whole world,* intercede with the Master of all* to grant peace to the world,* and to our souls great mercy.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone 2: You received Your inspired and steadfast preachers, Your chief teachers* into the enjoyment of Your good things and into repose.* You who alone glorify Your saints,* accepted their labours and death* more gladly than any holocaust.

Prokeimenon, Tone 8
Their utterance has gone forth into all the earth,* and their words unto the ends of the world.
verse: The heavens tell the glory of God, and the firmament declares the work of His hand. (Psalm 19:5,2)

Hebrews 13:7-16

Alleluia, Tone 1
verse: The heavens shall confess Your wonders, O Lord, and Your truth in the church of the saints.
verse: God is glorified in the assembly of the saints. (Psalm 89:6,8)

Matthew 5:14-19

Communion Hymn
Rejoice in the Lord, O you just;* praise befits the righteous.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia. (Psalm 32:1)