January 15, 2017
35th Sunday after Pentecost, Octoechos Tone 2; Our Venerable Fathers Paul of Thebes (312-37) and John the Hut-Dweller (465-74)


Kathisma Reading
“Blessed is the man…” is sung.

At Psalm 140

In Tone 2

  1. Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name.

Come, let us adore God the Word,
Who was born of the Father before all ages,
and was incarnate of the Virgin Mary;
for of His own free will He suffered the Cross
and submitted Himself to burial,
and arose from the dead to save me, a sinful one.

  1. The just shall gather around me* when You have been good to me.

Christ our Saviour cancelled the decree that was written against us,
by nailing it to the Cross;
and He abolished the dominion of Death.
Let us glorify His Resurrection on the third day.

  1. Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!

Let us, together with the archangels, sing of Christ’s resurrection;
for He is the Redeemer and Saviour of our souls.
He will come again in awesome glory and mighty power
to judge the world which He has fashioned.

  1. Let Yours ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.

Although You died and were buried,
the angel yet declared You as Master.
He said to the women: Come and see where the Lord was placed;
for He is risen as He foretold,
because He is almighty.
Therefore, we worship You, the only Immortal One,
and we beseech You to have mercy on us, O Giver of Life.

In Tone 2

  1. If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.

When by divine inspiration you wisely left the cares of life
and set out on the labours of asceticism,
you went out with joy into the inaccessible wilderness,
inflamed with love of the Lord.
Having overcome the passions,
you lived like an angel by your perseverance in the good, O holy father.

  1. I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.

Having renounced all human companionship from your youth, O holy father,
you were the first to seek the absolute solitude of the wilderness.
You surpassed all hermits, O holy Paul,
remaining unknown throughout your whole life.
But at the command of God, Anthony found you like a hidden treasure
and made you known throughout the world.

  1. From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.

O holy Paul, as you lived your earthly life,
you dwelt with the wild beasts
and were served by a bird at the command of God.
Seeing this when he found you,
Anthony the Great was filled with amazement,
and he ceaselessly magnified the divine Providence of the Master of all.

  1. For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

O blessed Father, when by divine inspiration
you joyfully fled from the pleasures of this world,
you renounced the broad way and chose the narrow, straight, and rugged road.
You went into a spiritual refuge where you put on the divine habit,
denying yourself and stripping yourself of all passions.

  1. Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.

You conceived the amazing plan of your life,
your wondrous behaviour, in your love for Christ,
whose ineffable poverty you cherished.
Without a home, living before the threshold of your parents
you endured need and tribulations.
But you were filled with divine graces and you inherited heaven
and the treasure which no one can ever take away.

  1. Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.

Having the Holy Gospel before you, O father John,
you fulfilled It when you renounced your family inheritance
and spent your whole life in hardship and repentance.
Thus you now rejoice, O venerable father, since God has glorified you
with divine consolation and endless happiness.

In Tone 2, Glory…

Renouncing the world and all it contains, O venerable father,
you took up the Gospel of Christ and lived it completely.
In the hut where you dwelt as though in a mystic paradise,
treating your body with the utmost severity,
you put to death the murderous dragon.
Now you dwell in heaven, O holy John:
ask great mercy for us.

In Tone 2, Now…

O Virgin, the shadow of the Law passed away
with the realization of grace.
For as the bush had burned without being consumed,
so you gave birth while a virgin
and you remained a virgin.
Instead of the pillar of fire there rose the Sun of Justice.
Instead of Moses, Christ God came forth,
the Saviour of our souls.


In Tone 2

Your Resurrection, O Christ our Saviour,
has enlightened the whole universe;
and, through it, You call back to Yourself all Creation.
Almighty God, glory to You!

The Lord reigns, He is clothed in majesty. Robed is the Lord, and girt about with strength.

By the wood of Your Cross, O Saviour,
You have abolished the curse of the tree;
by Your burial You have destroyed the power of death;
and by Your Resurrection You enlightened the human race.
We, therefore, cry out to You:
O Christ our God, Giver of Life, glory to You!

For He has made the world firm, which shall not be moved.

O Christ, when You were nailed to the Cross,
the distorted nature of creation was made manifest.
The soldiers showed their inhumanity by piercing Your side with a lance,
and the people showed their ignorance of Your power
by asking that Your tomb be sealed.
But, in Your mercy, You accepted burial
and then arose on the third day.
O Lord, glory to You!

Holiness befits Your house, O Lord, for length of days.

O Christ, Giver of Life,
You freely endured the Passion for the sake of mortals.
In Your power You descended into Hades;
and snatching, as from a mighty monster, the souls of those who awaited Your coming,
You placed them in Paradise.
Therefore, show Your great mercy to us who glorify Your Resurrection,
and cleanse our souls.

Glory… Now…

We now behold a new wonder,
greater than the wonders of old.
For who has ever known a mother to bear a child without the help of man?
Who has known a mother to hold in her arms the Source of all Creation?
It was God’s own will to be born in this manner;
and you, O most pure Virgin, carried Him as an infant in your arms.
Because of this, you can approach God with the boldness of a mother.
Therefore, we venerate you, and ask you to always beseech Him
to have mercy on us and save our souls.


In Tone 2
When You went down to death, O Life Immortal,* You struck Hades dead with the blazing light of Your divinity.* When You raised the dead from the nether world,* all the powers of heaven cried out:* “O Giver of Life, Christ our God, glory be to You!”

In Tone 4
God of our fathers, You always treat us fairly.* Deprive us not of Your mercy,* but by their prayers direct our lives in peace.

In Tone 4, Glory…
Since your early youth, you have longed with fervor for the things of the Lord:* leaving the world and its pleasures, you became an example of the monastic life.* John most blessed, you built your hut at the door of your parents’ house* and overcame the devil’s guiles.* Wherefore Christ Himself has glorified you as you deserve.

O Mother of God, the mystery hidden from all eternity* and unknown even to the angels,* was revealed through you to those on earth:* God took on our human nature* and united it to His divine nature in a perfect but unconfused union.* Then, He willingly accepted the cross for our sake* and thereby raised again the first created man,*and saved our souls from death.



Troparia and Kontakia
Troparion, Tone 2: When You went down to death, O Life Immortal,* You struck Hades dead with the blazing light of Your divinity.* When You raised the dead from the nether world,* all the powers of heaven cried out:* “O Giver of Life, Christ our God, glory be to You!”

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Kontakion, Tone 2: You rose from the tomb, O almighty Saviour;* and Hades, seeing this wonder, was stricken with fear; and the dead arose.* Creation saw and rejoices with You, and Adam exults.* And the world, my Saviour, sings Your praises for ever.

Now and for ever and ever. Amen.

Theotokion, Tone 2: The tomb and death could not hold the Mother of God,* unceasing in her intercession and an unfailing hope of patronage,* for as the Mother of Life she was transferred to life* by Him Who had dwelt in her ever-virgin womb.

Prokeimenon, Tone 2
The Lord is my strength and my song of praise, and He has become my salvation.
verse: The Lord has indeed chastised me, but He has not delivered me to death. (Psalm 117:14,18)

Colossians 3:12-16

Alleluia, Tone 2
verse: The Lord will hear you in the day of tribulation; the name of the God of Jacob will shield you.
verse: Lord, grant victory to the king and hear us in the day that we shall call upon You. (Psalm 19:2,10)

Luke 18:18-27

Communion Hymn
Praise the Lord from the heavens;* praise Him in the highest.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia. (Psalm 148:1)

Post-feast of Theophany; Our Venerable Father Theodosius, Founder of the Cenoebitic Monastic Life (529)


At Psalm 140

In Tone 2

  1. Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!

When the Forerunner saw the One who is our enlightenment,
the One who has brought light to all,
coming to be baptized,
his heart rejoiced and his hand trembled.
He pointed Him out to the people and said:
This is the Saviour of Israel who delivered us from corruption.
O Christ our God, O Sinless One, glory to You!

  1. Let Yours ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.

O our Saviour, the armies of angels trembled
when they saw You baptized by your servant,
and the Holy Spirit bearing witness and descending,
and when they heard the voice of the Father speaking from heaven:
This One upon whom the Forerunner lays his hands
is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.
O Christ our God, glory to You!

  1. If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.

When the Jordan River received You, O Fountainhead,
the Comforter descended in the form of a dove.
Now behold the marvel:
the One who bowed the heavens bows his head to the Forerunner,
and the one made of clay cries out to his Maker:
Why do You command me to perform what is beyond my power?
It is I who need to be baptized by You.
O Christ our God, O Sinless One, glory to You!

In Tone 5

  1. I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.

O venerable Father, God-bearing Theodosius,
you struggled valiantly in your earthly life.
With hymns, fastings, and vigils,
you were a model for your disciples.
Now you rejoice with the angelic powers.
Without ceasing, you glorify Christ, who is God of God, and the Word,
the Deliverer who bowed his head to the Forerunner
and who sanctified the nature of water.
Implore Him and pray to Him, O venerable one,
that He grant to the Church
oneness of thought, peace, and his great mercy.

  1. From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.

O venerable Father, God-bearing Theodosius,
you struggled valiantly in your earthly life.
With hymns, fastings, and vigils,
you were a model for your disciples.
Now you rejoice with the angelic powers.
Without ceasing, you glorify Christ, who is God of God, and the Word,
the Deliverer who bowed his head to the Forerunner
and who sanctified the nature of water.
Implore Him and pray to Him, O venerable one,
that He grant to the Church
oneness of thought, peace, and his great mercy.

  1. For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

O venerable Father, God-bearing Theodosius,
your desire was fulfilled when your soul was found to be pure.
The grace of the all-holy Spirit dwelt in you like a most pure light.
You were splendidly adorned by its action.
Without ceasing, you glorify Christ, the one Son in two natures,
who was baptized by the hand of the Forerunner
and who was attested to by the voice of the Father.
Implore Him and pray to Him, O venerable one,
that He grant to the whole world
oneness of thought, peace, and his great mercy.

  1. Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.

O venerable Father, God-bearing Theodosius,
your desire was fulfilled when your soul was found to be pure.
The grace of the all-holy Spirit dwelt in you like a most pure light.
You were splendidly adorned by its action.
Without ceasing, you glorify Christ, the one Son in two natures,
who was baptized by the hand of the Forerunner
and who was attested to by the voice of the Father.
Implore Him and pray to Him, O venerable one,
that He grant to the whole world
oneness of thought, peace, and his great mercy.

  1. Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.

O venerable Father, God-bearing Theodosius,
you made yourself worthy of a blessed life by chastity and fasting.
Passing over to the life above,
you asked all the brothers to rejoice with you.
With the bodiless powers you now unceasingly glorify Christ
who ineffably received his flesh from the Virgin
and who drowned our sins by his baptism in the currents of the Jordan.
Implore Him and pray to Him, O holy one,
that He grant to the whole world
oneness of thought, peace, and his great mercy.

In Tone 2, Glory…

O venerable Father, like a city of the living God,
the movements of the river brought joy to your soul
when the Water of Forgiveness, Christ our God, entered the Jordan
and made the word of faith gush forth for the whole world.
Implore Him, O blessed Theodosius, to save our souls.


You have bowed your head before the Forerunner,
and You have crushed the heads of the demons.
You have descended into the waters
and given light to all things
that they may glorify You, O Saviour,
the Enlightenment of our souls.

(1) Wisdom 5:15-6:3; (2) Wisdom 3:1–9; (3) Wisdom 4:7-15


In Tone 4

The Lord said: You have seen how I clothed myself with your likeness.
I humbled myself beyond comprehension.
Why is it so strange then, O friend,
if I also bow down to your right hand as an equal?
I, who am naked, clothe myself with the waters,
because in my compassion
I desire to clothe the naked with eternal incorruption.

The sea fled at the sight; the Jordan turned back on its course.

You revealed yourself as incarnate, O Lord,
and a womb receiving You remained unburned
as it was foretold in that furnace of long ago
which did not burn the youths.
indeed am the straw, O Master,
and I place my hand as though upon the fire,
before which the heavenly and earthly creatures tremble,
O all-powerful Jesus, the Saviour of our souls.

Why was it, O sea, that you fled, that you turned back, Jordan, on your course?

The Lord said: In the waters of the Jordan,
wash Me even though I am without stain.
Human nature, which was stained by the transgression of Adam,
will now be washed anew;
because when I am baptized
there will be a renewal for all
through the water and the Spirit.

In Tone 8, Glory…

Multitudes of monks venerate you as a guide, O Father Theodosius,
because we truly learned how to walk correctly by means of your path.
Blessed are you, for you served Christ.
You have confounded the power of the enemy,
for you speak with the angels.
You share the lot of the venerable and righteous ones.
Together with them, pray to the Lord
that He show mercy to our souls.


O Saviour, the heavenly hosts are frightened at what they see,
for today You stand naked in the waters;
your head is bowed down in order to be baptized by John,
for You willingly become poor in order to enrich the world.
O Lord, glory to You!


In Tone 8
With the streams of your tears you cultivated the barren desert,* with deep sighs your toils bore fruit a hundredfold.* You became a beacon, shining throughout the world by your wonders,* our venerable Father, Theodosius.** Pray to Christ God that our souls be saved.

In Tone 1, Glory… Now…
At Your Baptism in the Jordan river, O Christ,* the worship due to the Holy Trinity was made manifest,* for the voice of the Father bore You witness by calling You “Beloved Son”* and the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove,* confirmed the immutability of this declaration.* O Christ God, who came forth and filled the world with light: * Glory to You!



Antiphon 1
When Israel came forth from Egypt, the house of Jacob from an alien people.
Through the prayers of the Mother of God,* O Saviour, save us.
Judah became His sanctuary, Israel His dominion.
Through the prayers of the Mother of God,* O Saviour, save us.
The sea beheld this and fled,* the Jordan turned back on its course.
Through the prayers of the Mother of God,* O Saviour, save us.
Why was it, O sea, that you fled,* that you, O Jordan, turned back on your course?
Through the prayers of the Mother of God,* O Saviour, save us.
Glory…  Now… Only-Begotten Son…

Antiphon 3
Come, let us sing joyfully to the Lord, let us acclaim God, our Saviour.
Son of God, baptized by John in the Jordan, save us who sing to You: Alleluia.
Let us come before His face with praise, and acclaim Him in psalms.
Son of God, baptized by John in the Jordan, save us who sing to You: Alleluia.
For God is the great Lord, and the great king over all the earth.
Son of God, baptized by John in the Jordan, save us who sing to You: Alleluia.

Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ.
Son of God, baptized by John in the Jordan, save us who sing to You: Alleluia.

Troparia and Kontakia
Troparion, Tone 1: When You, O Lord, were baptized in the Jordan,* worship of the Trinity was revealed;* the voice of the Father bore witness to You,* naming You the beloved Son,* and the Spirit in the form of a dove confirmed the word’s certainty.* Glory to You, O Christ God,* who appeared and enlightened the world.

Troparion, Tone 8: With the streams of your tears you cultivated the barren desert,* with deep sighs your toils bore fruit a hundredfold.* You became a beacon, shining throughout the world by your wonders,* our venerable father, Theodosius.* Pray to Christ God that our souls may be saved.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Kontakion, Tone 4: Today, You have appeared to the world* and Your light, O Lord, has been signed on us,* who with knowledge sing Your praises.* You have come, You have appeared, O unapproachable Light.

Now and for ever and ever. Amen.

Kontakion: Tone 8: Planted in the courts of your Lord,* you blossomed beautifully with godly virtues* and multiplied your children in the desert* watering it with the streams of your tears.* O leader of God’s divine sheepfolds,* we cry out to you: Rejoice, O Father Theodosius.

Prokeimenon, Tone 4
Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord; God the Lord has appeared to us.
verse: Give thanks to the Lord for He is good for His mercy endures forever. (Psalm 117:26-27,1)

Prokeimenon, Tone 7
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His venerable ones.

2 Corinthians 4:6-15

Alleluia, Tone 4
verse: Bring to the Lord, you sons of God; bring to the Lord young rams.
verse: The voice of the Lord is over the waters, the God of glory has thundered, the Lord reigns over vast waters. (Psalm 28:1,3)
verse: Blessed is the man who fears the Lord; he shall delight exceedingly in His commandments.
verse: His posterity shall be mighty upon the earth. (Psalm 111:1,2)

Matthew 11:27-30

Hymn to the Mother of God
O my soul, magnify Christ the King, baptized in the Jordan.
and the Irmos: Every tongue is at a loss to praise you as is your due, O Mother of God. Even a spirit from above is filled with dizziness when seeking to sing your praises. But since you are good accept our faith, for you know well our love inspired by God. For it is you who protect all Christians; therefore, we magnify you.

Communion Hymn
The grace of God has appeared* bringing salvation to all (Titus 2:11).* The just man shall be in everlasting remembrance;* of evil hearsay he shall have no fear (Psalm 111:6).* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia.

Instead of “Blessed is He who comes…” we sing:
All creation is filled with rejoicing today, for Christ is baptized in the Jordan.

Instead of “We have seen the true light…” we sing:
All creation is filled with rejoicing today, for Christ is baptized in the Jordan.

Instead of “May our mouths…” and “Blessed be the Name…” we sing:
All creation is filled with rejoicing today, for Christ is baptized in the Jordan. (3)

January 8, 2017
Sunday after Theophany, Octoechos 1; Our Venerable Father George the Chosebite (610-41); Our Venerable Mother Dominica (474-91); and Emilian the Confessor


Kathisma Reading
“Blessed is the man…” is sung.

At Psalm 140

In Tone 1

  1. Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name.

Accept our evening prayer, O holy Lord,
and grant us forgiveness of sins,
for You alone manifested the Resurrection to the world.

  1. The just shall gather around me* when You have been good to me.

O you people, walk around Zion and encompass her.
And there give glory to Him Who is risen from the dead.
For He is our God
Who delivers us from our sins.

  1. Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!

Come you people, praise and worship Christ.
Glorify His Resurrection from the dead;
for He is our God Who delivered the world
from the deceit of the enemy.

  1. Let Yours ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.

Rejoice, O you heavens;
sound the trumpets, you foundations of the earth;
cry out with joy, O you mountains.
For behold, Emmanuel has nailed our sins to the Cross;
the Giver of Life has put Death to death;
and the Lover of Mankind
has raised up Adam.

In Tone 4

  1. If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.

O blessed one, the citadel of your soul
was never stormed by the assaults of temptation.
As a rampart before them, you placed your ascetic perseverance,
to keep you unwounded and untouched by the devil who wars against us.
Thus you are now present before the Master of all,
crowned as a conqueror.

  1. I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.

Neither the length of the journey nor the difficulties encountered in its course
could dampen the ardor of your pilgrimage toward God.
For, once arrived, you had the joy of living in those places
where our God had walked.
With no other concern than progressing toward the heavenly Sion,
you persevered in the labors of asceticism.

  1. From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.

Revealing the depth of your love,
you poured forth tears of compunction to the point of bathing the earth.
With your hair, you wiped dry the place where the feet of Christ had stood.
Thinking of Him whom you loved, seeing Him as though present,
and following His foot­steps in spirit,
you made your soul radiant with the purest contemplation.

  1. For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

Rising in the West, O blessed one,
you went to the East as a brilliant star,
radiant in your works inspired by virtue,
to enlighten the soul and spirit of believers
by your resplendent miracles.
We call you blessed and celebrate your memory,
magnifying Christ who glorified you in holiness.

  1. Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.

Pierced by the arrows of love for Christ, O illustrious Dominica,
you followed Him, refusing passing glory
and renouncing the pleasures of the flesh and all other joys of this life.
Thus, Jesus, the Lover of mankind and Savior of our souls,
made you dwell in the radiant bridal chamber.
1. Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.

Reproducing in yourself the Passion of your Lord and Creator,
as a creature of the Word, endowed with reason,
you overcame the unreasonable wanderings of the passions.
Thus, O praiseworthy virgin, you restored the likeness to Him in yourself,
appearing in truth as a pure image of God.

In Tone 1, Glory…

He who covers the heavens with clouds
is Himself today covered by the streams of the Jordan.
He who takes away the sins of the world
is cleansed that I may be made clean.
The Only-begotten Son of the Most High Father
receives from above the testimony of the consubstantial Spirit.
Let us cry aloud to Him: “O Christ our God, who have been made manifest,
glory to You!”

In Tone 1, Now…

Let us sing a hymn of praise to the Virgin Mary,
glory of the whole world!
She was herself formed by human seed,
yet she became the Mother of the Master, the Gate of heaven,
the theme of the angels’ hymn and beauty of the faithful.
She was seen as being heavenly
and the Tabernacle of the Godhead.
She indeed tore down the wall of enmity between God and man,
and brought peace in its place, she opened up the kingdom of heaven.
Let us therefore cling fast to her for she is the anchor of faith,
and let us receive as our stronghold the Lord Who was born of her.
Be of good cheer, then, and have confidence, O people of God,
for He will fight our enemies for us, He is all-powerful!


In Tone 1

O Christ, by Your Passion we have been freed from suffering;
and by Your Resurrection we have been delivered from corruption.
O Lord, glory to You!

The Lord reigns, He is clothed in majesty. Robed is the Lord, and girt about with strength.

Let all creation rejoice, let the heavens be glad,
let the nations clap their hands with joy.
For Christ our Saviour, in His love for mankind,
has nailed our sins to the Cross;
He has put Death to death,
and by raising our fallen forefather, Adam,
He has given life to all mankind.

For He has made the world firm, which shall not be moved.

O God, You are above all understanding;
You are King and Lord of heaven and earth.
Yet of Your own free will,
You allowed Yourself to be crucified because of Your love for mankind.
When You descended below,
Hades was filled with bitterness as You confronted it;
but the souls of the just received You with great joy.
Adam arose when he saw You, his Creator, down in the depths.
What a wonder this is!
You are the life of all and have tasted death
in order to dispel the darkness of the world with Your light.
O Lord, risen from the dead, glory to You!

Holiness befits Your house, O Lord, for length of days.

The myrrh-bearing women were filled with grief
as they hastened with spices to Your tomb;
but they did not find Your most pure body.
Instead, they found an angel
who proclaimed Your unique and glorious Resurrection,
and commanded them to announce to Your Apostles:
The Lord is risen, granting great mercy to the world.

In Tone 2, Glory… Now…

O Lord, when John saw You coming to him at the Jordan River, he cried out:
“How do You, O Lord, who have no stain, come to me Your Servant?
In whose name shall I baptize You?
In the name of the Father You possess in Yourself?
In the name of the Son, while You are the very Son in the flesh?
In the name of the Holy Spirit whom you grant to the faithful with the breath of Your mouth?”
O God made manifest, have mercy on us.


In Tone 1
Though the stone was sealed by the Judeans* and soldiers guarded Your most pure body,* You arose, O Saviour, on the third day* and gave life to the world.* And so the heavenly powers cried out You, O Giver of Life:* Glory to Your Resurrection, O Christ!* Glory to Your Kingdom!* Glory to Your saving plan!** O only Lover of Mankind.

Glory… Now…
When You, O Lord, were baptized in the Jordan,* worship of the Trinity was revealed;* the voice of the Father bore witness to You,* naming You the beloved Son,* and the Spirit in the form of a dove confirmed the word’s certainty.* Glory to You, O Christ God,* who appeared and enlightened the world.



Antiphon 1
When Israel came forth from Egypt, the house of Jacob from an alien people.
Through the prayers of the Mother of God,* O Saviour, save us.
Judah became His sanctuary, Israel His dominion.
Through the prayers of the Mother of God,* O Saviour, save us.
The sea beheld this and fled,* the Jordan turned back on its course.
Through the prayers of the Mother of God,* O Saviour, save us.
Why was it, O sea, that you fled,* that you, O Jordan, turned back on your course?
Through the prayers of the Mother of God,* O Saviour, save us.
Glory…  Now… Only-Begotten Son…

Antiphon 3
Come, let us sing joyfully to the Lord, let us acclaim God, our Saviour.
Son of God, baptized by John in the Jordan, save us who sing to You: Alleluia.
Let us come before His face with praise, and acclaim Him in psalms.
Son of God, baptized by John in the Jordan, save us who sing to You: Alleluia.
For God is the great Lord, and the great king over all the earth.
Son of God, baptized by John in the Jordan, save us who sing to You: Alleluia.

Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ.
Son of God, baptized by John in the Jordan, save us who sing to You: Alleluia.

Troparia and Kontakia
Troparion, Tone 1: Though the stone was sealed by the Judeans,* and soldiers guarded Your most pure body,* You arose, O Saviour, on the third day,* and gave life to the world.* And so the heavenly powers cried out to You, O Giver of Life:* Glory to Your resurrection, O Christ!* Glory to Your kingdom!* Glory to Your saving plan,* O only Lover of mankind.

Troparion, Tone 1: When You, O Lord, were baptized in the Jordan,* worship of the Trinity was revealed;* the voice of the Father bore witness to You,* naming You the beloved Son,* and the Spirit in the form of a dove confirmed the word’s certainty.* Glory to You, O Christ God,* who appeared and enlightened the world.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone 4: Today, You have appeared to the world* and Your light, O Lord, has been signed on us,* who with knowledge sing Your praises.* You have come, You have appeared, O unapproachable Light.

Prokeimenon, Tone 1
Let your mercy, O Lord, be upon us* as we have hoped in you.
verse: rejoice in the Lord, O you just; praise befits the righteous. (Psalm 32:2,1)

Ephesians 4:7-13

Alleluia, Tone 5
verse: Your mercies, O Lord, I will sing for ever; from generation to generation I will announce Your truth with my mouth.
verse: For You have said: Mercy shall be built up for ever; in the heavens Your truth shall be prepared. (Psalm 88:2,3)

Matthew 4:12-17

Hymn to the Mother of God
O my soul, magnify Christ the King, baptized in the Jordan.
and the Irmos: Every tongue is at a loss to praise you as is your due, O Mother of God. Even a spirit from above is filled with dizziness when seeking to sing your praises. But since you are good accept our faith, for you know well our love inspired by God. For it is you who protect all Christians; therefore, we magnify you.

Communion Hymn
The grace of God has appeared* bringing salvation to all. (Titus 2:11)* Praise the Lord from the heavens;* praise Him in the highest.*  Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia. (Psalm 148:1)

Instead of “Blessed is He who comes…” we sing:
All creation is filled with rejoicing today, for Christ is baptized in the Jordan.

Instead of “We have seen the true light…” we sing:
All creation is filled with rejoicing today, for Christ is baptized in the Jordan.

Instead of “May our mouths…” and “Blessed be the Name…” we sing:
All creation is filled with rejoicing today, for Christ is baptized in the Jordan. (3)

January 6, 2017
Holy Theophany of Our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ

Great Vespers and Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great

Great Vespers with the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great for the Feast of Theophany is celebrated in the late afternoon or early evening on January 5. The Great Blessing of the Water is taken at the end of this service.

At Psalm 140

In Tone 2

  1. Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!

The Forerunner beheld our Enlightenment,
Who has brought light to all mankind,
draw near for baptism:
and he rejoiced in soul while his hand trembled.
And he showed Him to the people, saying:
“Behold, the Redeemer of Israel,
Who sets us free from corruption.”
O sinless Christ our God, glory to You.

  1. Let Yours ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.

The Forerunner beheld our Enlightenment,
Who has brought light to all mankind,
draw near for baptism:
and he rejoiced in soul while his hand trembled.
And he showed Him to the people, saying:
“Behold, the Redeemer of Israel,
Who sets us free from corruption.”
O sinless Christ our God, glory to You.

  1. If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.

The hosts of angels were filled with fear,
as they saw our Deliverer baptized by a servant
and receiving witness through the coming of the Spirit.
And the Father’s voice was heard from on high:
“He upon Whom the Forerunner lays his hand,
the same is My beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased.”
O Christ our God, glory to You.

  1. I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.

The hosts of angels were filled with fear,
as they saw our Deliverer baptized by a servant
and receiving witness through the coming of the Spirit.
And the Father’s voice was heard from on high:
“He upon Whom the Forerunner lays his hand,
the same is My beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased.”
O Christ our God, glory to You.

  1. From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.

The streams of the Jordan received You Who are the fountain,
and the Comforter descended in the form of a dove.
He Who bowed the heavens, bowed His head,
and the clay cried aloud to Him that formed him:
“Why do You command of me what lies beyond my power?
For I have need to be baptized of You.”
O sinless Christ our God, glory to You.

  1. For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

The streams of the Jordan received You Who are the fountain,
and the Comforter descended in the form of a dove.
He Who bowed the heavens, bowed His head,
and the clay cried aloud to Him that formed him:
“Why do You command of me what lies beyond my power?
For I have need to be baptized of You.”
O sinless Christ our God, glory to You.

  1. Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.

Wishing to save man gone astray,
You have not disdained to clothe Yourself in the form of a servant.
For it befitted You, as Master and God,
to take upon Yourself our nature for our sakes.
For You, O Deliverer, have been baptized in the flesh,
making us worthy of forgiveness.
Therefore, we cry to You:
“O Christ our God and Benefactor, glory to You.

  1. Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.

Wishing to save man gone astray,
You have not disdained to clothe Yourself in the form of a servant.
For it befitted You, as Master and God,
to take upon Yourself our nature for our sakes.
For You, O Deliverer, have been baptized in the flesh,
making us worthy of forgiveness.
Therefore, we cry to You:
“O Christ our God and Benefactor, glory to You.

Glory… Now…

You have bowed Your head before the Forerunner
and have crushed the heads of the dragons.
You have descended into the waters,
and have given light to all things,
that they may glorify You, O Saviour,
the Enlightenment of our souls.

of the day

Genesis 1: 1-13;
Exodus 14: 15-18, 21-23, 27-29
Exodus 15: 22- 16: 1

Then the priest intones the entire text of the following Troparion in Tone 5:
O Creator of the world, You have appeared in the world to give light to those that sit in darkness. Glory to You who love mankind.

When the priest has finished, we respond by repeating the conclusion:
To give light to those that sit in darkness.* Glory to You who love mankind.

Then the priest intones the following verses of Psalm 66 (67), and we repeat the Troparion’s conclusion after each verse.

God, be merciful to us and bless us; make the light of Your face shine upon us and have mercy on us. That we may know Your way upon earth, Your salvation among all nations.

Response: To give light to those that sit in darkness.* Glory to You who love mankind.

Let the peoples give praise to You O God, may all the peoples give praise to You. Let the nations be glad and rejoice, for You will judge the peoples with justice and guide the nations on earth.

Response: To give light to those that sit in darkness.* Glory to You who love mankind.

Let the peoples give praise to You, O God, may all the peoples give praise to You.

Response: To give light to those that sit in darkness.* Glory to You who love mankind.

The earth has yielded her fruit; may God, our God, bless us. May God bless us, and let all the ends of the earth fear Him.

Response: To give light to those that sit in darkness.* Glory to You who love mankind.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.

Response: To give light to those that sit in darkness.* Glory to You who love mankind.

Then the priest intones the first half of the Troparion:
O Creator of the world, You have appeared in the world.

And we conclude:
To give light to those that sit in darkness.* Glory to You who love mankind.

Joshua the Son of Nun 3:7-8, 15-17
The Fourth Book of Kings (2 Kings) 2:6-14
The Fourth Book of Kings (2 Kings) 5:9-14

Then the priest intones another Troparion in Tone 6:
In the greatness of Your compassion You have revealed Yourself, O our Savior, to sinners and publicans. For where should Your light have shone if not on those who sit in darkness? Glory to You.

When the priest has finished, we respond by repeating the conclusion:
For where should Your light have shone if not on those who sit in darkness? Glory to You.

Then the priest intones the following verses of Psalm 92 (93), and we repeat the Troparion’s conclusion after each verse.

The Lord is King; He is clothed with beauty; the Lord is clothed with strength and has girded Himself. For He has established the world which shall not be shaken.

Response: For where should Your light have shone if not on those who sit in darkness? Glory to You.

Your throne is prepared from of old; You are from everlasting.

Response: For where should Your light have shone if not on those who sit in darkness? Glory to You.

The floods have lifted up, O Lord; the floods have lifted up their voices. The floods shall lift up their breakers with the noise of many waters.

Response: For where should Your light have shone if not on those who sit in darkness? Glory to You.

Wonderful are the surging waves of the sea; wonderful is the Lord on high. Your testimonies have become exceedingly credible; holiness befits Your house, O Lord, for length of days.

Response: For where should Your light have shone if not on those who sit in darkness? Glory to You.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.

Response: For where should Your light have shone if not on those who sit in darkness? Glory to You.

Then the priest intones the first half of the Troparion:
In the greatness of Your compassion You have revealed Yourself, O our Saviour, to sinners and publicans.

And we conclude:
For where should Your light have shone if not on those who sit in darkness? Glory to You.

Isaiah 1:16-20
Genesis 32:1-10
Exodus 2:5-10
Judges 6:36-40
The Third Book of Kings (1 Kings) 18:30-39
The Fourth Book of Kings (2 Kings) 2:19-22
Isaiah 49:8-15

Small Litany


Prokeimenon, Tone 3
The Lord is my light and my Saviour* whom shall I fear.
verse: The Lord is the protector of my life; of whom shall I be afraid. (Psalm 26:1)

1 Corinthians 9:19-27
Brethren, For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more; and to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might win Jews; to those who are under the law, as under the law, that I might win those who are under the law; to those who are without law, as without law (not being without law toward God, but under law toward Christ), that I might win those who are without law; to the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. Now this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I may be partaker of it with you.

Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown. Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air. But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.

Alleluia, Tone 6
verse: My heart erupts with a goodly theme; I address my words to the king.
verse: You are the most splendidly beautiful of men. (Psalm 44:2,3)

Luke 3:1-18
Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea, Herod being tetrarch of Galilee, his brother Philip tetrarch of Iturea and the region of Trachonitis, and Lysanias tetrarch of Abilene, while Annas and Caiaphas were high priests, the word of God came to John the son of Zacharias in the wilderness. And he went into all the region around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins, as it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet, saying:

“The voice of one crying in the wilderness:
‘Prepare the way of the Lord;
Make His paths straight.
Every valley shall be filled
And every mountain and hill brought low;
The crooked places shall be made straight
And the rough ways smooth;
And all flesh shall see the salvation of God.’”

Then he said to the multitudes that came out to be baptized by him, “Brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance, and do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I say to you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones. And even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.”

So the people asked him, saying, “What shall we do then?”

He answered and said to them, “He who has two tunics, let him give to him who has none; and he who has food, let him do likewise.”

Then tax collectors also came to be baptized, and said to him, “Teacher, what shall we do?”

And he said to them, “Collect no more than what is appointed for you.”

Likewise the soldiers asked him, saying, “And what shall we do?”

So he said to them, “Do not intimidate anyone or accuse falsely, and be content with your wages.”

Now as the people were in expectation, and all reasoned in their hearts about John, whether he was the Christ or not, John answered, saying to all, “I indeed baptize you with water; but One mightier than I is coming, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to loose. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clean out His threshing floor, and gather the wheat into His barn; but the chaff He will burn with unquenchable fire.”

And with many other exhortations he preached to the people.

Hymn to the Mother of God
In you, O Full of Grace, all creation rejoices: the angelic ranks and all the human race. Sanctified temple and spiritual paradise, virgins’ pride and boast, from whom God is made flesh and became a little Child; and He who is our God before all ages, He made your womb a throne, and He made it wider that all the heavens. In you, O Full of Grace, all creation rejoices. Glory be to you.

Communion Hymn
Praise the Lord from the heavens;* praise Him in the highest.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia. (Psalm 148:1)


The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom is celebrated in the morning on January 6. The Great Blessing of the Water is taken (again) at the end of this service.

Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Antiphon 1
When Israel came forth from Egypt, the house of Jacob from an alien people.
Through the prayers of the Mother of God,* O Saviour, save us.
Judah became His sanctuary, Israel His dominion.
Through the prayers of the Mother of God,* O Saviour, save us.
The sea beheld this and fled,* the Jordan turned back on its course.
Through the prayers of the Mother of God,* O Saviour, save us.
Why was it, O sea, that you fled,* that you, O Jordan, turned back on your course?
Through the prayers of the Mother of God,* O Saviour, save us.
Glory…  Now… Only-Begotten Son…

Antiphon 3
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy endures forever.

Troparion, Tone 1: When You, O Lord, were baptized in the Jordan,* worship of the Trinity was revealed;* the voice of the Father bore witness to You,* naming You the beloved Son,* and the Spirit in the form of a dove confirmed the word’s certainty.* Glory to You, O Christ God,* who appeared and enlightened the world.

Therefore, let the house of Israel say that He is good, for His mercy endures forever.

Troparion, Tone 1: When You, O Lord, were baptized in the Jordan,* worship of the Trinity was revealed;* the voice of the Father bore witness to You,* naming You the beloved Son,* and the Spirit in the form of a dove confirmed the word’s certainty.* Glory to You, O Christ God,* who appeared and enlightened the world.

Therefore, let the house of Aaron say that He is good, for His mercy endures forever.

Troparion, Tone 1: When You, O Lord, were baptized in the Jordan,* worship of the Trinity was revealed;* the voice of the Father bore witness to You,* naming You the beloved Son,* and the Spirit in the form of a dove confirmed the word’s certainty.* Glory to You, O Christ God,* who appeared and enlightened the world.

Let all who fear the Lord say that He is good, for His mercy endures forever.

Troparion, Tone 1: When You, O Lord, were baptized in the Jordan,* worship of the Trinity was revealed;* the voice of the Father bore witness to You,* naming You the beloved Son,* and the Spirit in the form of a dove confirmed the word’s certainty.* Glory to You, O Christ God,* who appeared and enlightened the world.

Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord, we bless you from the house of the Lord; the Lord is God and has appeared to us.

Troparia and Kontakia
Troparion, Tone 1: When You, O Lord, were baptized in the Jordan,* worship of the Trinity was revealed;* the voice of the Father bore witness to You,* naming You the beloved Son,* and the Spirit in the form of a dove confirmed the word’s certainty.* Glory to You, O Christ God,* who appeared and enlightened the world.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone 4: Today, You have appeared to the world* and Your light, O Lord, has been signed on us,* who with knowledge sing Your praises.* You have come, You have appeared, O unapproachable Light.

Instead of Holy God:
All you who have been baptized into Christ, you have put on Christ! Alleluia! (3)
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.
You have put on Christ! Alleluia!
All you who have been baptized into Christ, you have put on Christ! Alleluia!

Prokeimenon, Tone 4
Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord; God the Lord has appeared to us.
verse: Give thanks to the Lord for He is good for His mercy endures forever. (Psalm 117:26-27,1)

Titus 2:11-15; 3:4-7
Titus, my son, the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.

Speak these things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no one despise you.

But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior, that having been justified by His grace we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

Alleluia, Tone 4
verse: Bring to the Lord, you sons of God; bring to the Lord young rams.
verse: The voice of the Lord is over the waters, the God of glory has thundered, the Lord reigns over vast waters. (Psalm 28:1,3)

Matthew 3:13-17
At that time, Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him. And John tried to prevent Him, saying, “I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me?”

But Jesus answered and said to him, “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he allowed Him.

When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him. And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

Hymn to the Mother of God
O my soul, magnify Christ the King, baptized in the Jordan.
and the Irmos: Every tongue is at a loss to praise you as is your due, O Mother of God. Even a spirit from above is filled with dizziness when seeking to sing your praises. But since you are good accept our faith, for you know well our love inspired by God. For it is you who protect all Christians; therefore, we magnify you.

Communion Hymn
The grace of God has appeared* bringing salvation to all.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia. (Titus 2:11)

Instead of “Blessed is He who comes…” we sing:
All creation is filled with rejoicing today, for Christ is baptized in the Jordan.

Instead of “We have seen the true light…” we sing:
All creation is filled with rejoicing today, for Christ is baptized in the Jordan.

Instead of “May our mouths…” and “Blessed be the Name…” we sing:
All creation is filled with rejoicing today, for Christ is baptized in the Jordan. (3)