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    Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost, Tone 5; our Venerable Father Hilarion the Great (371)


    Kathisma Reading
    “Blessed is the man...” is sung.

    At Psalm 140

    In Tone 5

    1. Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name.

    With Your precious Cross, O Christ,
    You have put the Devil to shame.
    With Your Resurrection You have deadened the sting of Death.
    We, therefore, glorify You, O only-begotten Son of God.

    1. The just shall gather around me* when You have been good to me.

    O Christ, Who granted resurrection to mankind,
    You were led like a lamb to the slaughter.
    Then the princes of Hades were struck with terror
    as they saw the gates of their tearful domain being lifted up;
    for Christ, the King of Glory, entered therein
    and exclaimed to those in chains: Go forth from here!
    And to those in darkness: Go forth into the light!

    1. Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!

    What a great wonder!
    The Creator of invisible beings suffered in the flesh for mankind,
    and rose from the dead as immortal.
    Come, therefore, all you nations and adore Him;
    for through His compassion we have been freed from the snares of the Devil,
    and we have learned to praise the one God in three Persons.

    1. Let Yours ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.

    We offer to You our evening worship,
    O Light Whom the darkness of night can never extinguish.
    For in these latter days Your radiance has appeared to the world,
    shining in Your flesh as light reflected in a mirror.
    Your brilliance has descended even to the depths of Hades and dissolved its gloom.
    O Lord, Giver of Light, glory to You;
    for You have shown the radiance of Your Resurrection to all the nations.

    1. If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.

    Let us glorify Christ, the Author of our Salvation;
    for by His Resurrection from the dead,
    the world has been delivered from the deception of Satan.
    The choirs of angels rejoice as the treachery of evil spirits vanishes.
    Fallen Adam arises, and the Devil is vanquished.

    1. I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.

    Those who guarded the tomb of Christ
    were told by the evil men who hired them:
    Take this silver and keep silent.
    Tell no one of the Resurrection of Christ;
    rather tell everyone that while you were sleeping His body was stolen.
    But who has ever heard of a body being stolen,
    a body which had already been anointed?
    Why would anyone take a body from the grave naked,
    and leave the burial shroud in the tomb?
    Do not deceive yourselves, O people of Judea.
    Study the teachings of the Prophets,
    and you will come to understand that Jesus Christ is Almighty God,
    and truly the Saviour of the world.

    1. From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.

    O Lord our Saviour,
    Who subjected hell and conquered Death,
    and enlightened the world through Your precious Cross,
    have mercy on us.

    In Tone 4

    1. For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

    You were meek of soul and heart,
    wounded by divine love!
    You withdrew from the turmoils of life by a holy ascent.
    Armed with the weapon of the Cross
    you advanced on the demons and waged war, most blessed one!
    You wrought a crown of victory for yourself
    and now you dwell in the splendour of the saints!
    Together with them, ask for deliverance of sins for us,
    peace and enlightenment!

    1. Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.

    With luminous beams of healing, glorious Father,
    you brilliantly enlightened the world,
    dispelling the deep darkness of infirmities!
    Therefore, all acknowledge you to be another sun,
    the confirmation of monastics,
    guiding by the divine Spirit those who are saved!
    Now we celebrate your radiant and saving memory, Hilarion,
    through you receiving remission of sins.

    1. Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.

    You made the carnal passions subject to your reasonable soul
    by abstinence, Father.
    Adorned with wings of dispassion, venerable one,
    you received the grace to heal,
    to expel evil spirits and save those who turn to you.
    Therefore, the choirs of monastics bless you,
    rightly glorious one,
    and all creation honours your struggles, Hilarion!

    In Tone 2, Glory…

    Bearing the wisdom of perfection from your youth,
    and taking upon yourself the yoke of Christ, Hilarion,
    you imitated the life of the godly Anthony,
    emulating his virtue in many ways.
    You wasted the flesh which chaffed at the bit like a young stallion:
    Your soul needed to tame it to finish the ascetic race!
    Most blessed Father and miraculous God-bearer,
    ask for purification and great mercy
    for those who celebrate your memory with love!

    In Tone 5, Now…

    A symbol of the undefiled Virgin and bride
    was revealed in the Red Sea.
    There, Moses divided the waters;
    here, Gabriel is the messenger of the miracle.
    There, the Israelites crossed the deep and their feet were not even wet;
    here, the Virgin gives birth to Christ without human seed.
    There, the sea remained uncrossed after the passing of Israel;
    here, the immaculate remained incorrupt after giving birth to Emmanuel.
    Therefore, O immortal God, who appeared in the flesh as true Man,
    have mercy on us!


    In Tone 5

    O Christ our Saviour,
    we lift up our voices to glorify You.
    For, in Your love for mankind,
    You became incarnate without leaving heaven;
    You accepted the Cross and death;
    You cast down the gates of Hades;
    and on the third day You arose from the dead
    for the salvation of our souls.

    The Lord reigns, He is clothed in majesty. Robed is the Lord, and girt about with strength.

    O Giver of Life,
    streams of forgiveness, life, and salvation
    poured forth from Your pierced side upon us all.
    By accepting physical death, You granted us immortality;
    by lying in the tomb, You freed us from Hades,
    and as God, by rising from the dead,
    You raised us with Yourself in glory.
    Therefore, we cry out to You:
    O Lover of mankind, glory to You!

    For He has made the world firm, which shall not be moved.

    O Lover of mankind,
    Your crucifixion and descent into Hades are most wondrous.
    For, as God, You thereby conquered the power of Hades,
    and raised up in glory, with Yourself, those who were long imprisoned there.
    You reopened Paradise and enabled them to enter.
    Grant forgiveness of sins to us
    who glorify Your Resurrection on the third day,
    for You alone are all-merciful.

    Holiness befits Your house, O Lord, for length of days.

    O Lover of mankind,
    You accepted suffering in the flesh
    and rose from the dead on the third day.
    Therefore, heal the passions of our flesh,
    raise us from our dreadful iniquities, and save us.

    In Tone 8, Glory…

    Filled with the Holy Spirit,
    the venerable Hilarion vanquished the snares of the demons!
    Armed with the Cross and rejoicing in it,
    by his word he healed all sicknesses, passions of the soul
    and every bodily infirmity.
    Through his supplications, O Christ,
    send us peace as the Lover of mankind!


    O Virgin, You have never known wedlock,
    Yet You conceived God in the flesh
    in a manner which words can never describe.
    You thus became the Mother of God on high.
    O Immaculate Lady, receive the supplication of your servants
    and grant us the cleansing of our sins.
    Accept now our prayers and beseech God to save all of us.


    In Tone 5
    Let us, the faithful, acclaim and worship the Word* co-eternal with the Father and the Spirit,* and born of the Virgin for our salvation.* For He willed to be lifted up on the cross in the flesh,* to suffer death and to raise the dead,* by His glorious Resurrection.

    In Tone 8, Glory…
    The divine image was faithfully preserved in you, O father,* for taking up the Cross you followed Christ.* By your deeds you have taught us to see beyond flesh, which passes,* and care for the soul, a thing immortal.* and so, O Venerable Hilarion,* your spirit rejoices with the angels.

    O gracious Lord, for the sake of mankind You were born of a virgin;* through Your death on the cross You conquered death;* and through Your resurrection You revealed yourself as God.* O merciful Lord, do not disdain those whom You have created with Your own hands,* but show forth Your love for mankind.* Accept the intercession which the Mother, who bore You, makes in our behalf.* O Saviour, save Your despairing people!



    Troparia and Kontakia
    Troparion, Tone 5: Let us the faithful acclaim and worship the Word,* co-eternal with the Father and the Spirit,* and born of the Virgin for our salvation.* For He willed to be lifted up on the cross in the flesh, to suffer death* and to raise the dead by His glorious resurrection.

    Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

    Kontakion, Tone 5: You, my Saviour, descended to Hades,* and as the Almighty, You shattered its gates.* With Yourself You, as the Creator, raised the dead and shattered the sting of death,* and delivered Adam from the curse, O Lover of Mankind.* And so we cry out: “Save us, O Lord.”

    Now and for ever and ever. Amen.

    Theotokion, Tone 5: Rejoice, O rampart and protection of those who have recourse to you!* Rejoice, O tranquil haven and Virgin,* who gave birth in the flesh to your Maker and God!* Fail not to intercede for those* who sing and worship the Child you bore.

    Prokeimenon, Tone 5
    You, O Lord, will guard us and will keep us* from this generation and for ever.
    verse: Save me, O Lord, for there is no longer left a just man. (Psalm 11:8,2)

    Galatians 6:11-18

    Alleluia, Tone 5
    verse: Your mercies, O Lord, I will sing for ever; from generation to generation I will announce Your truth with my mouth.
    verse: For You have said: Mercy shall be built up for ever; in the heavens Your truth shall be prepared. (Psalm 88:2,3)

    Luke 16:19-31

    Communion Hymn
    Praise the Lord from the heavens;* praise Him in the highest.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia. (Psalm 148:1)