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Daily texts will return after June 20, 2024!

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  • Fri

    Holy and All-Praiseworthy Apostle Andrew the First-Called


    Kathisma Reading
    “Blessed is the man” is sung.

    At Psalm 140

    In Tone 4

    1. If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.

    When he who is called the Morning Star,
    the splendour of the glory of the eternal Father,
    in His great mercy took up his abode on earth,
    you, glorious Andrew, were the first to meet him
    for your heart was enlightened with the perfect brightness of His divinity.
    We bless you as the herald of the apostles of Christ our God!
    Pray that He may enlighten and save our souls

    1. I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.

    When he who is called the Morning Star,
    the splendour of the glory of the eternal Father,
    in His great mercy took up his abode on earth,
    you, glorious Andrew, were the first to meet him
    for your heart was enlightened with the perfect brightness of His divinity.
    We bless you as the herald of the apostles of Christ our God!
    Pray that He may enlighten and save our souls

    1. From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.

    When He who was proclaimed by the voice of the Forerunner,
    the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world,
    bringing life and salvation to all the earth,
    you, holy Andrew, were the first to follow Him.
    You were offered to Him as the first-fruits of the human race.
    You proclaimed to Peter your brother: we have found the Christ!"
    Pray that He may save our souls.

    1. For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

    When He who was proclaimed by the voice of the Forerunner,
    the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world,
    bringing life and salvation to all the earth,
    you, holy Andrew, were the first to follow Him.
    You were offered to Him as the first-fruits of the human race.
    You proclaimed to Peter your brother: we have found the Christ!"
    Pray that He may save our souls.

    1. Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.

    When He who clothed Himself in human flesh,
    taking our nature from the fruitful womb of the Virgin,
    appeared on earth as the Teacher of Righteousness,
    your heart was made glad, Andrew, lover of purity!
    He raised you from earth to the ineffable glory of God!
    Pray that He may enlighten and save our souls..

    1. Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.

    When He who clothed Himself in human flesh,
    taking our nature from the fruitful womb of the Virgin,
    appeared on earth as the Teacher of Righteousness,
    your heart was made glad, Andrew, lover of purity!
    He raised you from earth to the ineffable glory of God!
    Pray that He may enlighten and save our souls..


    Leaving behind your fishnets, apostle Andrew,
    you caught men with the net of your preaching.
    Throwing to us the bait of righteousness,
    you delivered all nations from the depths of error.
    Apostle Andrew, brother of Peter the Primate,
    all-glorious and never-failing intercessor,
    may the celebration of your memory
    enlighten all who dwell in darkness.


    O Mother of God, because of you David the Prophet
    became an ancestor of God;
    he foretold and sang a joyous hymn of praise
    and cried out to Him who worked wonders in you:
    “The Queen stood at your right hand.”
    God revealed you as a life-giving mother,
    when He chose to be incarnate of you without a father.
    He renewed in man His image which the passions had corrupted.
    He found the lost sheep in the mountains, carried it on His shoulders,
    offered it to the Father, generously numbered it among the powers of heaven,
    and saved the whole world, since He is Christ of great and rich mercy.

    (1) 1 Peter 1:1-2:6; (2) 1 Peter 2:21-3:9; (3) 1 Peter 4:1-11


    In Tone 5

    Rejoice, O heaven!
    Proclaim everywhere the glory of God!
    Today the first-called apostle stands in our midst.
    He was the first to obey the Lord with fervour!
    United to Him, he was enkindled by His love.
    He is the reflection of the Saviour's love for mankind,
    for his rays enlighten those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death!
    We rejoice in his holy memory,
    for through his prayers health and blessing are given to us!

    Their proclamation has gone out into all the earth and their words to the ends of the universe.

    Rejoice, Andrew, the first-called apostle!
    You are the imitator of the passion of Christ.
    With the cross as your hook you drew us up from the sea of ignorance,
    offering us to the Lord of glory.
    Therefore we the faithful, delivered from evil, cry out to God:
    merciful Lord, through the prayers of Your apostle,
    grant peace to our lives and salvation to our souls!

    The heavens are telling the glory of God and the firmament proclaims His handiwork!

    Your preaching gives light to godless nations,
    glorious vessel of the ruler of the sea!
    Your wisdom calms the stormy waves.
    You are the salt of the earth, seasoning us with incorruption,
    silencing the ravings of clever orators!
    By his prayers, deliver us from the proud ones of the earth, O Lord,
    grant purity to our hearts and salvation to our souls.

    In Tone 3, Glory...

    Apostle Andrew, we honour you in songs,
    brother of Peter and disciple of Christ, fisherman and fisher of men,
    you shaped all dogmas with the wisdom of Christ.
    As fish are lured into a net, so you caught transgressors with the bait of truth.
    Through his prayers, O Christ, grant us peace and great mercy.


    O Virgin Mother, you conceived the Son of God without seed
    by the will of the Father and the power of the Holy Spirit.
    He was begotten by the Father, without a mother, from all eternity.
    Yet for our sake, He was born of you in the flesh without a human father,
    and you nursed Him as an infant with your milk.
    Therefore, never cease to entreat Him to deliver our souls from affliction.


    In Tone 4
    As the First-called of the Apostles* and full brother of their leader,* implore the Master of all,* to give peace to the world,* and to our souls great mercy.

    Glory… Now…
    O Mother of God, the mystery hidden from all eternity* and unknown even to the angels,* was revealed through you to those on earth:* God took on our human nature* and united it to His divine nature in a perfect but unconfused union.* Then, He willingly accepted the cross for our sake* and thereby raised again the first created man,** and saved our souls from death.




    Great Ekteny

    The Lord is God, Tone 4

    Troparia, Tone 4
    As the First-called of the Apostles* and full brother of their leader,* implore the Master of all,* to give peace to the world,* and to our souls great mercy. (twice)

    Glory… Now…

    The mystery hidden from eternity and unknown to the angels* is manifested to those on earth through you, O Theotokos!* God being incarnate of you by union without confusion,* and of His own will freely enduring the cross for us,* and raising the first-formed man,* has saved our souls from death!

    Kathisma & Little Ekteny

    Sessional Hymn I, Tone 1
    As a godly Disciple and First-called of all the Disciples of Christ,* with love we praise you, Apostle Andrew,* and faithfully we cry out to you:* Deliver your flock, with which you were entrusted by God,* from every tribulation, from constraints and stumblings, and every evil.

    As a godly Disciple and First-called of all the Disciples of Christ,* with love we praise you, Apostle Andrew,* and faithfully we cry out to you:* Deliver your flock, with which you were entrusted by God,* from every tribulation, from constraints and stumblings, and every evil.

    As you now stretch out your hands in pity, holy Lady,* grant us your help from the Holy Place,* and may they complete their lives without danger,* those who glorify your all-holy Offspring,* and claim you, Lady and Maiden,* as their hope and boast.

    Kathisma & Little Ekteny

    Sessional Hymn II, Tone 3
    Christ found you first, blest Andrew, as you came, a noble initiate,* and one who proclaimed his commandments clearly to the inhabited world like a soaring bird,* illumining the companies of the nations.* Implore him as God to grant us his great mercy.

    Christ found you first, blest Andrew, as you came, a noble initiate,* and one who proclaimed his commandments clearly to the inhabited world like a soaring bird,* illumining the companies of the nations.* Implore him as God to grant us his great mercy.

    You became the divine tabernacle of the Word, Mother of God alone all-pure,* surpassing the Angels in purity.* With the divine waters of your prayers purify me,* who am befouled more than all by offences of the flesh,* granting me God’s great mercy.


    We extol you,* O first-called Apostle, Andrew,* and we venerate the pain and labour of your work* to spread the Gospel of Christ!

    From the rising of the sun to its setting the Name of the Lord is to be praised!
    Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Glory be to You, O God! (3 times)

    Sidalen, Tone 5
    Let us all sing the praise of the Apostle as eye-witness and godlike herald of the Word,* and truly spiritual fisher of nations;* because Andrew inspired of God brought us to knowledge of Christ,* and now he intercedes without ceasing that our souls may be saved.

    Glory… Now…

    Immaculate Virgin, you are the protection of those who have their hopes unquestioningly in you.* Free us from trials of every kind, calamities and dire troubles,* as with the Apostles you intercede with your Son,* and save all who sing your praise.

    Gradual Hymn
    Tone 4, Antiphon 1

    Prokeimenon, Tone 4
    His sound has gone out into all the earth; and his words to the end of the world.
    verse: The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims the work of his hands.

    Let Everything That Has Breath, Tone 4

    Matthew 4: 18-24

    After Psalm 50
    In Tone 6, Glory…
    Through the prayers of the apostle Andrew, O merciful One, blot out the multitude of our transgressions!

    Through the intercession of the Mother of God, O Merciful One, remit our many sins..

    In Tone 1, Have mercy on me, God, in your kindness. In your compassion, blot out my offense.
    The First-called Disciple and imitator of your passion,* the Apostle Andrew, conformed to you, O Lord,* having drawn out with the fish-hook of your Cross* those once gone astray in the deep of ignorance, brought them to you.* At his prayers, O supremely Good, make our lives peaceful and save our souls.


    ODE 1

    Irmos Guiding Israel with a pillar of fire and of cloud, as God He divided the sea and overwhelmed the chariots of Pharaoh in the deep! Let us sing a hymn of victory, for He alone is glorified!

    Refrain: Holy apostle Andrew, pray to God for us!

    You fished with the rod of the Gospel, all-praised Andrew, drawing men out from the sea of falsehood, as Christ promised. He taught you to seek men instead of fish!

    The divinely inspired Andrew, the pillar of the faith and seat of the true teachings of Christ, today summons all the ends of the earth to celebrate his yearly festival. Faithful, let us quickly gather!

    You pursued the seamonster with nets; with the skill of a fisherman you fish for nations tribes and peoples with the net of the Spirit! You openly and plainly show us through that same Spirit, great heights and depths, most wondrous one!

    You solemnized the mysteries of heaven and were an eyewitness and preacher of the ineffable knowledge of Christ. You received the Holy Spirit from on high who teaches and dwells among the nations distributing gifts with fire. Pray, Andrew, that we may be saved.


    I worship in faith the supernatural unity of the all-unoriginate Trinity, not dividing the divinity. For it is of a single substance, simple and indivisible. I unite it by essence and distinguish by faith the three Persons.


    God is born to the Virgin as an infant and He renews that which through Adam, had become corrupt. He breaks down the dividing wall and chamber of enmity with His flesh. Coming forth from His all-pure Mother, He abolishes the curse of eve.

    Katavasia Christ is born, glorify Him; Christ is from heaven, receive Him! Christ is on earth, be lifted up. Sing to the Lord all the earth and praise Him with joy all people, for He has been glorified!


    ODE 3

    Irmos May my heart be made steadfast in your will, O Christ God, who established the second heaven upon the deeps and founded the earth upon the waters, almighty one!

    Refrain: Holy apostle Andrew, pray to God for us!

    Cephas and Andrew immediately followed Christ, who called them, saying: come, follow me! They left their father, their boat and their nets, for they were given a vision of the faith.

    Transforming pagan temples into churches, most honoured one, you sanctified there the sons of baptism whom grace had renewed through water and the spirit.

    You mystically set before the world the pearl of great price which was hidden within the field of your heart, apostle. The gentiles found it and treasured it with faith!

    Taking up the gospel in your hands as a treasure, greatly praised one, you enriched all the earth with your divine preaching. Therefore, it honors your memory and your sufferings.


    Let us all sing hymns in an orthodox manner to the one power of the unoriginate, uncreated God, in Trinity, consubstantial and equally enthroned, three in persons and in lights!


    Every mother that bears a child can no longer be a virgin, but you, Virgin Mother, remained so, after giving birth to Christ, nourishing our life with milk and remaining pure!

    Katavasia To the Son, begotten of the Father, before all ages and incarnate of the Virgin without seed in these latter days - let us cry out to Christ our God: you have raised our horn; holy are you, O Lord!



    (Tone 8) We fittingly honour you, apostle Andrew, as the first-called of all the disciples;* an eyewitness and minister of the Word.* You followed the Lamb that takes away the sins of the world with fervor and unwavering faith!* You later showed yourself to be a sharer in the sufferings of Him who willingly endured death for our sake.* Therefore we cry to you: pray to Christ our God, that He may grant remission of sins to those who celebrate your holy memory with love!


    Destroying the boldness of the idols and yearning for the sufferings of Christ,* you revealed yourself to be an apostle, blessed one,* raining down wonders from heaven and teaching the nations, most blessed one!* Therefore, fittingly honouring your memory in hymns,* we glorify and magnify you, apostle of the Lord, in faith.* Pray to Christ God that He may grant remission of sins to those who celebrate your holy memory with love!


    Rejoice, fiery throne of God! Rejoice, O Maiden!* The royal seat and richly provided couch, the chamber hung with gold-embroidered purple,* the cloak of scarlet, adorned temple and light-bearing chariot!* Rejoice, most radiant candlestick, the twelve-walled city, the gate cast of God,* the radiant bridal chamber, magnificent banquet hall and divinely adorned tabernacle!* Rejoice, glorious bride, radiant as the sun!* Rejoice, the only splendour of my soul!


    ODE 4

    Irmos Habbakuk the prophet, you foresaw in spirit the incarnation of the Word and you prophesied, crying out: when the years draw near, you shall be acknowledged! When the season comes, you shall be revealed! Glory to Your power, O Lord!

    Refrain: Holy apostle Andrew, pray to God for us!

    You cast aside your nets and took up the cross; you followed after Christ who called you. Stretching out the net of the Spirit, you caught men instead of fish. Glory to Him who gave you the Spirit!

    You received the fiery tongue of the Spirit and became a man well-pleasing to God, apostle. You traversed the glories of the heavens recognizing their spiritual beauty and revealing it to us.

    You watered the parched desert with your divine words and showed it to be fertile, O wise one, bearing fruit, the children of the church, through the spreading of the seed. Glory to Him who gave you the Sspirit!

    Perceiving your ineffable goodness, O Jesus, Andrew summoned his kinsman, saying to Peter: my blood kinsman, we have found the Messiah who was proclaimed in the Law and the Prophets! Come, let us truly join ourselves to life!


    Faithful, let us hymn the Trinity in unity, the Father, Son and Divine Spirit, one in divinity, essence and nature, indivisible, inseparable and undivided, for He is one God in three Persons.


    You ineffably conceived one of the Trinity in your womb; you gave birth to Him without corruption as a Son, yet the Trinity was never added to in time! As you were pure before you gave birth, you were kept whole, O Mother of God!

    Katavasia Rod of the stem of Jesse and flower that budded from a Virgin, O most lauded Christ! From the mountain covered with darkness You have come, made flesh from her that knew no wedlock. O God not formed from matter, glory to Your might, O Lord!


    ODE 5

    Irmos Enlighten our minds with the light of Your commandments and with the splendour of Your grace, O God. Grant us Your mercy, for Your precepts are light and peace, O Good One!

    Refrain: Holy apostle Andrew, pray to God for us!

    You yearned for the cross, disciple of Christ, and through your cross you obtained the incorruptible kingdom into which you draw all the initiates of God with the cross. As we proclaim God's own words about the cross, you grant an inheritance to us!

    You truly sought for Christ our life, and having searched, you were the first to find Him. Having found Him, you mystically embraced Him! You received incorruptible life from the giver becoming a treasury of this life.

    The proclamation of your divine thunder went out and encompassed all the ends of the earth! As David said, your lightning has appeared to all the world.

    Remember us, disciple of Christ, as we celebrate your memory and venerate your relics. Ever pray with fervour on behalf of the flock which you have preserved and saved from the beginning!


    Faithful, let us together glorify God: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the indivisible Trinity, the tri-personal Kingdom, glorifying Him in faith with eternal theology.


    You gave birth to the Light beyond understanding; you bear the Lamp of the Light of the Sun! You were a new tabernacle of divine Light, sending rays of divine knowledge out to all the world.

    Katavasia God of peace and Father of mercies, You have sent us the angel of great council who grants us peace. So we are guided to the light of the knowledge of God. Waking early from the night, we praise You, O Lover of mankind!


    ODE 6

    Irmos I reflect the prophet Jonah and I cry out: free me, Good One, from corruption! Saviour of the world, save me as I cry out: glory to You, O God!

    Refrain: Holy apostle Andrew, pray to God for us!

    The one who was called from Bethsaida summons us to keep the feast! He sets before us in splendour the commemoration of his struggles.

    By trade a fisherman, by faith a disciple, he plumbed the depths of the heart of the faithful. He lowers the hook of the word and catches us!

    Spreading the fire of the love of Christ within your heart, you went out to the gentiles, disciple. Your flame burns for Christ, who has truly appeared!

    You seasoned your mind with the salt of Christ; your wages have sweetened the heavenly teachings bringing us unfading delight.


    Faithful, let us worship the Father, Son and true Spirit, the tri-personal, indivisible Essence. Let us cry out: glory to God in Trinity!


    The Son was incarnate in your womb, O Pure One, by the good pleasure of the Father and through the Holy Spirit. He openly saved mankind that had been created in his image.

    Katavasia The seamonster cast out Jonah unharmed as it had received him, like a babe from the womb. And when the Word came to dwell in the Virgin and was made flesh, He came forth preserving her incorrupt, for He Himself was not subject to decay and He kept His mother free from harm!


    (Tone 2) Let us praise for his courage the divinely inspired Andrew,* the first apostle of the Saviour and brother of Peter,* for as he drew his brother to Christ, he is crying out to us:* come, for we have found the One whom the world desires!

    In days of old, David, a sinner like myself, was compelled to declare the maxims of God with honour. And again, He teaches and proclaims with many tears: today, if you will hear His voice, harden not your hearts as Israel was once embittered. And He leads all in psalmody: sing hymns to the Lord, all lands! Come, for we have found the One whom the world desires!


    ODE 7

    We the faithful perceive you to be a spiritual furnace, O Theotokos, for as the highly exalted one saved the three children, the praised and most glorified God of our fathers has wholly renewed the world in your womb!

    Refrain: Holy apostle Andrew, pray to God for us!

    The fire of the Holy Spirit, descending from on high, commanded you, apostle of Christ, to proclaim His mighty works in new languages which you had never spoken before to the ends of the earth!

    Initiates of the mysteries of Christ and beholders of exalted things, as the Twelve, you have enlightened the darkness of the earth, astonishing the minds of all by the proclamation you trumpeted out to all the world!

    Wondrous was your grace, O Master Christ, in Your divinely wise disciples. As simple and humble men, they travelled through all the ends of the earth!

    Who taught you to speak as you do, apostle? Who enlightened your mind to behold clearly the radiance of unapproachable glory which shines the light of truth into our hearts?


    Faithful, let us sing hymns to the Trinity, glorifying the unoriginate Father, the Son and the righteous Spirit: the single Essence! Let us chant: holy, holy, holy are You forever!


    We glorify you, O Christ, as one of the Trinity, for without change, You were incarnate of the Virgin. Jesus, You bore all things as a man, united to us, without departing from the essence of the Father!

    Katavasia The children brought up together in godliness, despising the unrighteous command, were not afraid of the threat of fire, but standing in the midst of the flames they sang: blessed are you, O God of our fathers!


    ODE 8

    Irmos God who preserved the bush which burnt on Sinai unconsumed and delivered the youths in the midst of the burning flame: let us hymn, bless and highly exalt You forever!

    Refrain: Holy apostle Andrew, pray to God for us!

    You drew fish from the sea, most wise one, by the craft of fishing. Now by faith, you draw men to Christ from the deception of the enemy! For deception is an abyss drowning the nations in a storm of impiety.

    You sailed the spiritual sea of life by faith in Christ and were not capsized, O apostle. You were propelled by the sail of the spirit and rejoicing, you have reached the eternal harbour of life!

    After the spiritual Sun set of His own will upon the tree, the great Andrew, the lamp of the Church and beacon of the Sun, sought to end his own life with Christ and set in Him. He, too, was hung upon the wood of a cross.

    Disciple and beloved friend of Christ and one of his apostles: when the Judge sits upon His throne with you, His Twelve, to give judgment as He has promised, be a fortress for us of love for mankind.

    Let us bless the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Lord!

    Let us glorify the three-fold radiance of Unity, the equally enthroned Trinity. Let us not separate It, but unite it consubstantially, as one Essence, united in three Persons without confusion!


    Pure One, you conceived and gave birth to one of the Trinity, who, incarnate of you, renews the laws of nature by your childbearing! Theotokos, never cease to pray to Him as God on our behalf.

    We praise, bless and worship the Lord, singing and exalting Him throughout all ages!

    Katavasia The furnace moist with dew was the image of a wonder beyond nature, for it did not burn the children whom it had received! Just as the fire of divinity did not consume the Virgin's womb when it entered there. So, let us raise the song: let the whole creation bless the Lord and exalt Him above all forever!


    ODE 9

    Irmos Let us all magnify the radiant cloud upon whom the unoriginate Master of all descended like dew on the fleece, the pure Mother of God from whom He was incarnate, becoming man for our sake!

    Refrain: Holy apostle Andrew, pray to God for us!

    You spread out the net of the mystical knowledge of God. You caught fish with the beauties of heavenly thoughts! Entreat the holy Trinity, holy one, to pour out a cleansing stream on us.

    The nations who are enlightened by you and led up from earth to heaven, give thanks to you, for wrested from the service of the enemy, they have become companions of the holy angels and partakers of the glory of the Lord!

    Apostles and witnesses of ineffable things and ministers of the Word, performers of the mysteries and beholders of hidden things, pray that we may become heirs of the kingdom of Christ and partakers of His divinity.

    You received the power from Christ to bind and loose: free us all from the bonds of our many transgressions when Christ shall come and you Twelve will be seated upon thrones to judge all the tribes of Israel!


    We unceasingly glorify in heaven and on earth the incomprehensible Trinity: the tri-personal Essence, the indivisible Glory hymned in one divinity. With devotion, we worship the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!


    We run with faith to your loving kindness, worshiping your son with devotion, Virgin Theotokos! Entreat Him as the God and Lord of the world, that He may deliver us from corruption, misfortune and all temptation.

    Katavasia I behold a strange, most glorious mystery! Heaven -- the cave! The cherubic throne -- the Virgin! The manger -- the place where Christ lay, the uncontainable God whom we magnify in song!


    Hymn Of Light, Tone 3
    The Word without beginning having found you, O all-blessed,* declared you the First-called of all the Apostles, revered Andrew;* and following in his footsteps you were revealed as guide of those who had gone astray,* bringing up the divine path to heaven.


    Let us give glorious praise to Peter’s brother, the first-called of the Disciples,* who became an eye-witness and servant of the Word, the Apostle Andrew;* for he enlightened the nations, and was crucified, dying like a Disciple of the Master.


    All-blameless Virgin, implore God, to whom you gave birth,* for all who devoutly honour you, with the glorious Apostle,* to obtain the divine radiance of your Son* and the place of the elect and of the Saints;* for you have strength to do whatever you wish.


    At The Praises, Tone 1
    Bethsaida now be glad;* for in you there flowered from a mystic pool two sweet scented lilies, Peter and Andrew,* who spread the fragrant proclamation of the faith to the whole world by the grace of Christ,* whose sufferings too they imitated.

    Andrew rejoice and leap for joy,* because in the radiance of the Word you clearly received the Sun of glory, Christ the giver of life,* whom you held fast and by the faith proclaimed;* implore him without ceasing on behalf of us* who sing your praise with faith.

    Chosen initiate of the divine dispensation of Christ,* chosen first of all to be a disciple of the Word,* Andrew who saw God cried out and said, when he saw his brother Peter,* ‘We have found the Messiah* whom the Scripture and Prophets proclaimed of old’.

    The city of Patras has gained you as Shepherd and divine defender,* deliverer from dangers of every kind and guardian, wise Andrew,* as with thanksgiving it honours you.* But implore without ceasing that it may be preserved unharmed.

    In Tone 8, Glory...
    Let us all sing the praise of Andrew, the herald of the faith and servant of the Word;* for he fishes men from the deep,* grasping in his hands the Cross for a rod,* and lowering power like a line he brings souls up from the error of the foe* and offers them as an acceptable gift to God.* Let us the faithful ever sing his praise with the choir of Christ’s Disciples,* that he may intercede with him so that he may be merciful to us* on the day of judgement.

    Bethlehem receive the Mother City of God;* for she has come to give birth in you to the unwaning Light.* You Angels, marvel in heaven; mankind give glory upon earth,* Magi from Persia bring your triple glorious gift,* Shepherds abiding in the fields sing the thrice-holy hymn.* Let everything that has breath praise the Maker of all.

    Troparion, Tone 4
    As the First-called of the Apostles* and full brother of their leader,* implore the Master of all,* to give peace to the world,* and to our souls great mercy.



    Troparia and Kontakia
    Troparion, Tone 4: As the First-called of the Apostles* and full brother of their leader,* implore the Master of all,* to give peace to the world,* and to our souls great mercy.

    Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.

    Kontakion, Tone 2: Let us praise God’s herald, whose name is “courage,”* Peter’s kinsman who leads those in the Church who follow the chief apostle,* for as then to Peter so now to us he cries aloud:* “We have found the One so longed for.”

    Prokeimenon, Tone 8
    Their utterance has gone forth into all the earth, and their word unto the ends of the world.
    verse: The heavens tell the glory of God, and the firmament declares the work of His hands. (Psalm 18:5,2)

    1 Corinthians 4:9-16

    Alleluia, Tone 1
    verse: The heavens shall confess our wonders, O Lord, and Your truth in the church of the saints.
    verse: God is glorified in the assembly of the saints. (Psalm 88:6,8)

    John 1:35-51

    Communion Hymn
    Their utterance has gone forth into all the earth,* and their word unto the ends of the world.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia. (Psalm 18:5)