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    Our Venerable Father Spiridion the Wonderworker, Bishop of Tremithus; Commemoration of the Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God known as “Guadalupe”

    Note from Royal Doors: The feast of the Commemoration of the Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God known as “Guadalupe” is not officially on the liturgical calendar of the Ukrainian Greco-Catholic Church. However, as the Mother of God of Guadalupe is known well as the Mother to all the Americas, and there is a growing devotion to the Mother of God of Guadalupe, Royal Doors is pleased to publish unofficial texts for this commemoration. The texts are from a variety of sources, with those referring to the events of Guadalupe being written by a subdeacon of the Ukrainian Greco-Catholic Church.


    Kathisma Reading
    Blessed is the man is sung.

    At Psalm 140

    In Tone 1

    1. Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!

    O marvellous wonder!
    The Virgin appears,
    and bestows on us her icon
    which becomes for us a sign of the mercy of her Son.
    Make glad, O hill of Tepeyac,
    the blessed shrine of the Mother of God,
    and let us the faithful cry,
    with Juan Diego and all Mexico:
    Rejoice, You who are full of grace!
    The Lord is with you,
    the Lord who through you
    grants His mercy to the world.

    1. Let Yours ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.

    O marvellous wonder!
    The Virgin appears,
    and bestows on us her icon
    which becomes for us a sign of the mercy of her Son.
    Make glad, O hill of Tepeyac,
    the blessed shrine of the Mother of God,
    and let us the faithful cry,
    with Juan Diego and all Mexico:
    Rejoice, You who are full of grace!
    The Lord is with you,
    the Lord who through you
    grants His mercy to the world.

    1. If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.

    Glorious are your miracles, O most pure Lady. *Today you have appeared
    to Juan Diego on Tepeyac,
    and through him you have given the world your holy icon,
    blessing the preachers of the Gospel,
    and leading many to the Church in the Americas.
    Angels sing a new song of praise,
    and with them we praise your magnificence.
    Rejoice, You who are full of grace!
    The Lord is with you,
    the Lord who through you
    grants His mercy to the world.

    1. I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.

    Glorious are your miracles, O most pure Lady. *Today you have appeared
    to Juan Diego on Tepeyac,
    and through him you have given the world your holy icon,
    blessing the preachers of the Gospel,
    and leading many to the Church in the Americas.
    Angels sing a new song of praise,
    and with them we praise your magnificence.
    Rejoice, You who are full of grace!
    The Lord is with you,
    the Lord who through you
    grants His mercy to the world.

    1. From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.

    Your holy icon, O Theotokos
    gives strength to the weak,
    and consolation for the afflicted,
    so we honour it with feasting as is meet, O pure Virgin.
    Give ear, then, to our prayers
    and place us under your mantle of grace,
    that we may give glory to your Son,
    and cry out to you who have given him birth:
    Rejoice, You who are full of grace!
    The Lord is with you,
    the Lord who through you
    grants His mercy to the world.

    In Tone 5

    1. For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

    Rejoice, rule of bishops,
    the unshaken foundation of the Church!
    The glory of the Orthodox,
    a wellspring of miracles!
    An unquenchable foundation of love,
    a most radiant lamp
    and instrument of the spirit!
    A godly mind,
    meek and guileless,
    adorned with true simplicity!
    A heavenly man and earthly angel,
    a worker in the vineyard
    and true friend of Christ!
    Beseech him to grant great mercy to those who honour you!

    1. Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.

    Spiridon, glory of the Fathers,
    you were revealed as a meek inheritor of the earth!
    By cords of wise and simple words
    with divine grace
    you strangled the evil
    and demented teachings of the enemy!
    You made clear divine teachings for all,
    and by the spirit
    you praised that which leads to salvation!
    You openly enlightened all the Orthodox,
    teaching the faithful
    to glorify the one Word
    as truly the only begotten of the unoriginated Father
    who grants the world great mercy!

    1. Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.

    You put to death the carnal passions, O father,
    and raised the dead
    by the grace of God!
    You transformed a serpent into gold
    and by your prayer
    restrained the raging of the river!
    You appeared to the afflicted emperor by night:
    you healed him by coming close to his heart
    as the Lord glorified you most gloriously!
    Therefore, we honour your memory
    with a mighty voice!
    We reverence
    the divine and sacred shrine of your relics
    from which flows a divine stream of healing and great mercy.

    In Tone 1, Glory…

    Venerable Father Spiridon, blessed and wise,
    for the sake of the love of God you questioned the dead woman as if she were alive.
    You transformed a serpent into gold for a man beset by poverty.
    You pitied the people and restrained the river’s flow.
    You stood before the emperor as a physician through God’s providence,
    and as his disciple, you raised the dead.
    You clarified the faith among many fathers.
    As you were enabled to do all things by Christ who strengthened you,
    entreat him now that our souls may be saved.

    In Tone 6


    Today the Virgin appears to Juan Diego,
    and placing flowers in his tilma,[1] she sends him to the city,
    instructing the bishop to build a church in her honour.
    The bishop did not believe the messenger,
    but the miracle proved his message,
    for the Virgin’s icon was revealed on the tilma.
    We venerate your holy icon, O Theotokos,
    and we ask you to pray for those
    who celebrate your appearance with faith and love.

    Of the day.

    (1) Isaiah 61:1-11; (2) Judith 13:2, 4-20; (3) Judges 4:1-23, 5:1, 12, 24-26, 31


    No Litia is prescribed. However, if a Vigil is served, the stichera from the praises can be used at the Litia.


    In Tone 5

    Come, all you lovers of the feasts,
    let us praise the ever-virgin Theotokos, crying out
    Rejoice, O throne of the Most-High!
    For through you, God became man;
    the same God who willed that you appear to Juan Diego
    and that through your icon, all Mexico would come to know your Son
    the Saviour and Deliverer of our souls.

    He has shown strength with His arm,* He has scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart.

    Rejoice, O blessed among women,
    you who began to undo the curse begun by the serpent.
    Rejoice, O mantle of protection for Christians,
    who today appears to Juan Diego
    giving your icon to Mexico and the whole world
    that those who venerate it may be healed in soul and body.
    Rejoice, O fountain of miracles,
    whose icon has been preserved from the attacks of the godless,
    and is a fountain of healing for the Christian people.
    Pray to your Son that we may receive His great mercy.

    He has filled the hungry with good things,* and the rich He has sent empty away.

    Rejoice, O most merciful Lady,
    sight of the blind and hearing of the deaf,
    deliverance from temptation and despondency,
    pouring forth streams of mercy upon the faithful.
    Rejoice, steadfast rampart of Mexico,
    instructor of the faithful and protector of the poor.
    Teach us to walk in the path of the Gospel,
    and reveal to us your Son
    as you promised you would to Juan Diego
    for we are far from his commandments.
    Return us to him, O Mother of the one true God.

    In Tone 2, Glory…

    Venerable and wise Father Spiridon,
    Your virtues revealed you to be the divine treasure of bishops!
    As an intercessor for the church, you cast out the leader of heretics.
    In council, you crushed the blasphemy of Arius to the earth.
    Since you work wonders in both word and deed,
    beseech Christ that our souls may be saved!

    In Tone 6, Now…

    The splendid feast of the Mother of Life has dawned,
    and the illumination of the Americas draws near
    for the icon of the Theotokos is honoured today.
    We flee to your precious image, O Theotokos, and we cry to you:
    Rejoice, O vessel of the incarnation!* Rejoice, O strength of the martyrs!
    Rejoice, O encouragement of those who preach the Gospel!
    Rejoice, O inspiration of theologians!
    Rejoice, you who guide the hand of the surgeon and physician!
    Rejoice, O protection of the unborn!
    Rejoice, you who reveal your Son to all who do not know the Gospel.
    Strengthen the Church in Mexico and throughout the world
    that we may know your Son, who comes into the world.


    In Tone 1
    You were revealed as a champion of the First Council* and a wonderworker, O our God-bearing father Spiridon.* You spoke to one dead in the grave* and transformed a serpent into gold.* While chanting your holy prayers you had angels serving with you!

    In Tone 4, Glory…Now…
    Today the hill of Tepeyac is adorned,* and the land of Mexico rejoices,* having received your wonder-working icon like the radiance of the sun.* Through it you worked countless miracles,* and put to shame the worship of idols;* therefore we entreat you, O Lady Theotokos,* pray to your Son and our God,* for our land and all the Americas,* that we be granted peace and great mercy!



    After God the Lord

    In Tone 4,
    Today the hill of Tepeyac is adorned,* and the land of Mexico rejoices,* having received your wonder-working icon like the radiance of the sun.* Through it you worked countless miracles,* and put to shame the worship of idols;* therefore we entreat you, O Lady Theotokos,* pray to your Son and our God,* for our land and all the Americas,* that we be granted peace and great mercy! (twice)

    In Tone 1, Glory…
    You were revealed as a champion of the First Council* and a wonderworker, O our God-bearing father Spiridon.* You spoke to one dead in the grave* and transformed a serpent into gold.* While chanting your holy prayers you had angels serving with you!

    In Tone 4, Now…
    Today the hill of Tepeyac is adorned,* and the land of Mexico rejoices,* having received your wonder-working icon like the radiance of the sun.* Through it you worked countless miracles,* and put to shame the worship of idols;* therefore we entreat you, O Lady Theotokos,* pray to your Son and our God,* for our land and all the Americas,* that we be granted peace and great mercy!

    Sessional Hymn I, Tone 3

    Venerable Father, you changed the serpent into gold;* by the power of your words you silenced the deadly impiety of Arius.* You healed the emperor, O blessed one;* you raised the dead and expelled demons!* Therefore, holy bishop, we gather to hymn your venerable memory!


    Standing with reverence around the precious image of the Mother of God,* we sing a hymn to her as the protection of the Christian people;* for in His love for mankind the Lord has made her a living ark,* pouring forth His gifts through her like rain,* for the salvation of the human race.

    Sessional Hymn II, Tone 4

    By your words, holy Spiridon, you adorned the church of Christ!* By your works you honored the image of God in which you were created!* By your wisdom, you gave light to the world,* illuminating the whole creation with your gifts of healing!* Therefore we celebrate your memory in faith!

    Glory… Now…

    Today, the faithful are gathered through the world* to honour the appearance of the Theotokos,* and to venerate her icon made-without-hands.* We venerate this twofold miracle,* by which the Church in Mexico grew a hundredfold, *and we beseech you, O Virgin,* to intercede for the salvation of our souls.



    We extol you,* O all-holy Virgin* and we honour your miraculous appearance to Juan Diego* and we venerate your holy icon made-without-hands.

    • Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised* in the city of our God and in His holy mountain!
    • Holy is Your temple,* and wonderful in righteousness!
    • Go up, Lord, to the place of your rest,* You and the ark of your strength.
    • I will make your name remembered* from generation to generation.
    • For the needy shall not always be forgotten,* and the hope of the poor shall not perish for ever.
    • The Lord has become a haven for the poor,* a timely help in affliction.
    • “Because of the misery of the poor and the sighing of the needy,* now I will arise,” says the Lord.
    • Let not the downtrodden and afflicted be scorned,* the poor and needy shall praise Your name.
    • Glory…Now…
    • Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Glory be to You, O God! (3 times)

    Sessional Hymn, Tone 8

    Appearing to Juan Diego on the hill of Tepeyac,* you abolished the worship of pagan idols,* and revealed your Son to a people who sat in darkness.* Reveal him also to us who are beset by the darkness of sin,* O Virgin Mary, Mother of the Giver of Life.

    Gradual Hymn, Tone 4, First Antiphon

    Prokeimenon, Tone 4

    I will make your name remembered* from generation to generation.
    verse: Listen, O daughter, give ear to my words.

    Let everything that has breath, Tone 4

    Luke 1:39-49, 56

    After Psalm 50, this sticheron, in Tone 6

    Today the Theotokos has appeared,* and her icon has been revealed to the whole world,* drawing to her Son a multitude of new disciples.* Today the words of Isaiah are fulfilled,* for the Lord has been made known to those who did not seek him,* and his mercy is announced to those who did not call on his name.* Glory to you, O Lord,* who willed to reveal your mercy to those who did not know of it.


    ODE I

    Irmos: I will open my mouth and it will be filled with the Spirit,* I will utter a word to the Queen and Mother,* I will be seen radiantly keeping festival* and with rejoicing I will sing of her wonders.

    Come, O assembly of the faithful, let us gather together and chant with compunction a hymn of thanksgiving before the precious icon of the Mother of God.

    O Queen and Mother, open our mouths and fill them with the Spirit of your Son that we may sing in honour of your appearance and your wonder-working icon.

    Who can speak fittingly of your icon, O Theotokos, and who can sing a hymn that will honour your appearance as it deserves? Yet grant us the Spirit of truth that we may sing of your wonders.

    The righteous Juan Diego saw you of old in a vision on the hill of Tepeyac, O Pure Virgin, and now your icon is beheld by all the faithful who turn to it as their defence, seeking strength from your protection.

    In the unconsumed bush on Sinai, Moses beheld a shadow of the virgin birth, and today Juan Diego beholds you shining radiantly on Tepeyac, announcing your Son to the world.

    O lovers of virginity, gather with Miriam and play the timbrel; announce in hymns the feast of the Theotokos, and praise the Lord who has triumphed gloriously, for he has become our salvation.

    Canon of the Saint, in Tone II:

    Irmos: A triumphant force in days of old destroyed the armies of pharaoh in the deep, as the glorious Lord, the Word incarnate, has destroyed malignant sin, for gloriously has He been glorified!

    You have reached the land of the meek, for you yourself, father, are meek, merciful and pure. Calm the present storm in my heart, so that in God’s peace I may sing hymns to you.

    You cleared your soul of the overgrowth of the passions by God’s cultivation, father Spiridon. You became like God and were enriched by the most radiant splendour of the Divine Spirit. Therefore, you enlighten those who sincerely bless you!

    The Creator took you from a flock of sheep as he took David, and appointed you as a most worthy shepherd of the rational flock. You shone with simplicity and meekness, and were adorned with guilelessness, venerable pastor.

    Theotokion: All-holy and pure virgin, enlighten and sanctify my thoughts and soul, I pray you, dispersing the clouds of my ignorance and removing the darkness of sin that I may fittingly praise you!

    Katavasia, Tone I:[2] Christ is born, glorify Him.* Christ is from heaven, receive Him.* Christ is on earth, be lifted up:* sing to the Lord, all the earth, and praise Him with joy all people:* for He has been glorified.

    ODE 3

    Irmos: O Theotokos, living and abundant fountain,* spiritually strengthen your singers,* the choirs assembled in your divine glory,* and grant them crowns of glory.

    O Theotokos, we stand before your holy icon, which has been revealed as a fountain of healing for the faithful, and we beseech you to protect us from all evils.

    Your Icon, formed from flowers and the tilma of Juan Diego, is a source of heavenly joy, O all-unblemished one, and through it you are always bestowing grace, mercy and salvation on those who wrestle with the powers of death.

    Hannah was freed from the bonds of barrenness and sang a hymn to your salvation, O Christ; now grant that we who have been freed from the darkness of sin may sing in praise of your Mother.

    When her prayers were answered, Hannah gave Samuel to be a priest of the Lord, and since your appearance, O Virgin, Mexico has offered countless priests and martyrs to Christ; pray with them for all of us!

    O Lord, who has granted children to the barren, hear the prayers of your Mother on behalf of all those who have no children, and protect the unborn from all harm and the wickedness of men.

    Intercede, O Blessed Mother of God, for those who are in danger of death by abortion; bring an end to the unjust judgement of men, and pray to your Son that he may grant life to the whole world.

    Canon of the Saint

    Irmos: You have established me upon the rock of faith and have enlarged my heart over my enemies! My spirit rejoices as it sings: there is none holy as our God and there is none righteous but You, O Lord!

    You enlightened your mind with dispassion and adorned yourself with divine humility. You received the gifts of the spirit to cast out evil spirits and loose the infirmities of those who honor you in faith, most holy one!

    You destroyed the serpent, the author of evil, and trampled down the inclination towards greed, venerable father! Holy bishop, you pitied one in need, transforming a serpent into a golden ornament by your holy prayers!

    You ascended the mount of dispassion; you entered the darkness of the vision of God and received the law of salvation on the tablets of your heart, for you are a most holy and faithful favourite of your Master.

    Theotokion: Bride of God, heal the wounds of my soul and enlighten my mind, darkened by neglect, that I may sing: there is none blameless but you, immaculate one, and none pure but you, O Lady!

    Katavasia: To the Son who before all time was born immortal of the Father,* and in these latter days became incarnate without seed of a virgin.* Let us cry out to Christ our God:* You who have raised our horn,* Holy are You, O Lord.


    Let us now praise Spiridon, the hierarch of the Lord, who was sanctified from his mother’s womb. He received the tablets of the grace of the glory of God! He was most glorious in miracles for all of creation as a fervent witness to God’s radiance, an intercessor for the poor and a spiritual guide for the sinful. He has become a divine oblation before the throne of Christ, beseeching the Lord that He may enlighten us all!

    Sessional Hymn of the Saint, Tone 8
    You were revealed as a divinely appointed pastor, Spiridon,* raised up from tending sheep by God who entrusted you to preside over the Church of Christ!* By your words, you drove away the wolves of false teaching,* grazing your flock on the pasture of true piety.* Therefore, in the midst of the God-bearing fathers, blessed hierarch,* you affirmed the faith by the wisdom of the Spirit.* Entreat Christ God that He may grant remission of sins* to those who celebrate your holy memory with love!

    In Tone 5, Glory…Now…
    You appeared, O All-praised, as a protection,* salvation, help and defence of the Christian people;* therefore we venerate your Icon* and we proclaim its miracles, All-pure Maiden,* who protect our souls from every assault of the serpent.

    ODE 4

    Irmos: He who sits in glory on the throne of divinity,* Jesus truly divine came on a light cloud,* and saved with an incorrupt hand those who cry aloud;* Glory to Your power, O Christ.

    O Theotokos, whose appearance to Juan Diego was announced by supernatural music of surpassing beauty, grant that we may form a choir to sing of your beauty.

    Hearing you call him by name, O Mother of the one true God, Juan Diego’s heart was filled with joy and he eagerly climbed Tepeyac to its summit, not knowing what he would be deemed worthy to behold.

    Reaching the crown of the hill, Juan Diego knelt and beheld you, Queen of Tepeyac, shining more brightly than the sun as all around you the natural world was transfigured with light.

    O Virgin, you assured your servant that you are the Mother of the one true God, and the Mother of all those who love you – we implore you, pray that we grow in knowledge of your Son and obedience to His commandments.

    You sent the righteous Juan Diego to the bishop, with the command that he build a chapel in your honour on the hill of Tepeyac, so that all Mexico would know the great love you have for your children.

    O Lady whose wonder working icons are honoured throughout the world, illumine us with divine light and grant us the gift of hymning your Son, the Lover of all mankind.

    Canon of the Saint

    Irmos: You have come forth from a Virgin, neither angel nor messenger, but the Lord Himself made flesh. And You have brought salvation to me, who am man. Therefore I cry out to You: glory to Your power, O Lord!

    Set on fire by the burning coal of the honoured spirit, you burned up all the dry tinder of the passions, most blessed one, enlightening the world with the flaming rays of your virtues.

    You killed the disturbances of your flesh, divinely inspired one, and raised the dead by your life-giving call. Therefore I cry to you: father, give life to my soul!

    Father, the dead woman obeyed you and spoke and the raging river was restrained by your command! You were revealed to be a wonder worker, endowed with the grace of God, divine one!

    Theotokion: The prophets foretold the incomprehensible abyss of your mystery, for you alone, pure one, gave birth to the incomprehensible one, who became incarnate in his ineffable and steadfast love.

    Katavasia: Rod of the stem of Jesse,* and flower that budded forth from a virgin,* O most lauded Christ.* From the mountain covered with darkness You are come,* made flesh from Her that knew no wedlock.* O God who are not formed from matter,* glory to Your might, O Lord!

    ODE 5

    Irmos: All things were amazed at your divine glory,* for you, O Virgin who knew no wedlock,* did bear in your womb the God over all,* and you gave birth to the Eternal Son,* granting peace to all who sing your praises.

    As all-pure Mother of God, grant us wisdom, and eloquence that we may joyfully praise the wonders of your holy Icon, through which you always guide and protect those who honour you.

    The one who knew no wedlock appeared to Juan Diego in glory and sent him to the bishop, ordering him to build a chapel on Tepeyac so that all who suffer and are sick could come there for consolation and remedy.

    Juan Diego hurried to the bishop and gave him the instructions of the Theotokos; but his heart was hardened for a while, so that a greater miracle could be revealed. Blessed are you, Father, who have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to babes.

    The holy messenger returned to you, O Virgin, and asked that someone of more worldly honour be sent in his place, but you assured him that it was through his mediation that your desire would be fulfilled.

    Virgin and Lady of Nazareth, you revealed yourself to a man of the fields, a poor man, so that the power of God might be manifest in human weakness. Blessed is he who has exalted the humble and meek!

    Canon of the Saint

    Irmos: I rise at dawn before you, Christ my Saviour and king of peace! You are the enlightenment of those who lie in darkness and salvation for those in despair. Enlighten me with Your radiance, for I know no other God but You.

    The river of the gifts within you, venerable one, brings water to every heart, richly granting health to all and moving all to give glory to God who has glorified you and honored you with every miracle.

    The earthly emperor clearly recognized you as a true servant of the heavenly king, filled with divine gifts, when you came to him, O blessed one, proclaiming God, the great physician.

    In imitation of Abraham’s hospitality, you opened the doors of your house to all! You were all things to all men, remembering those trapped by evil, blessed Spiridon.

    Theotokion: For us, maiden, you have given birth to a newborn child, who before the ages was begotten of the unoriginate Father. Entreat Him as your Son and God, that He may spare those who proclaim you with pure souls as the Theotokos!

    Katavasia: O God of peace and Father of mercies,* Thou hast sent to us the Angel of great Council who grants us peace.* So we are guided to the light of the knowledge of God;* waking early from the night,* we praise Thee, O Lover of man.

    ODE 6

    Irmos: Come, let us clap our hands,* O divinely wise ones,* celebrating this divine, all-precious feast of the Mother of God,* and let us glorify God who was born of her.

    Appearing again to the divinely wise one, the Virgin sent him to the bishop a second time. He who had been trusted by the Theotokos was dismissed by those who were spiritually blind, yet he faithfully carried out her instructions.

    The disciples dismissed the myrrh-bearers announcement of the resurrection, and the report of Juan Diego seemed to the bishop and his servants an idle-tale: but his truthfulness was proven by your wonderworking Icon, O Mother of the Giver of Life.

    You appeared to Juan Diego as he searched for a priest for his dying uncle, and cried out to him “Do not let this sickness worry you; know for certain that your uncle is perfectly cured.”

    O Mother of the Giver of Life, your icon-written-without-hands has been a source of healing for the faithful; we beseech you to heal the souls and bodies of those who venerate it with love.

    When you sent your servant to the crown of the hill, he was astonished to find roses in abundance, though it was winter; Virgin Mary, intercede for us that the love of your Son may also grow in our hearts.

    Juan Diego found sweet-smelling flowers on Tepeyac, even though the ground was stony and barren; O Lady Theotokos, grant that my barren heart may also flower with the love of your Son.

    Canon of the Saint

    Irmos: Tossed about in the abyss of sin, I call out to the unfathomable abyss of your lovingkindness: bring me up from corruption, O God!

    Gold was like mire to you, for you shone with dispassion more brightly than gold, venerable one! You were rich with the most golden gifts of the spirit!

    You served your master in purity, venerable one, and had a multitude of the angelic host, most holy one, serving you with unseen voices.

    Most glorious and all-wise father, your life has made you most glorious to the world. Therefore we rejoice, and sing hymns to celebrate your divine memory!

    Theotokion: Your womb was more spacious than the heavens, for it contained the God who cannot be contained, all-hymned virgin bride of God who did not know man!

    Katavasia: The sea monster cast out Jonah unharmed* as it had received him from as a babe from the womb.* And when the Word came to dwell in the Virgin and was made flesh.* He came forth preserving Her uncorrupt:* For He Himself was not subject to decay,* and He kept His mother free from harm.

    Kontakion of the Theotokos, Tone 6
    Come, O faithful, let us celebrate the wondrous appearance* of the most precious icon of the Mother of God,* and drawing grace from it, let us cry out with compunction:* Rejoice, O Theotokos, blessed Mary, Mother of God.

    Today the Virgin of Guadalupe appears to Juan Diego and gives us her miracle working icon; she who lived a lowly life in Nazareth appears in glory to her servant, in order to comfort those for whom earthly powers show no concern. She who is the mother of the conquered is revealed to a conquered people, so that she may reveal to them her Son, the conqueror of sin and death. Let us sing her praises, O faithful, and confess her as the Mother of God, for she prays to God eternal for all of us.

    ODE 7

    Irmos: The divinely-wise ones would not serve created things* more than Him who created them,* but bravely trampled on the fiery threat.* They rejoiced, singing:* ‘Blessed are You, O most-hymned Lord and God of the Fathers.’

    Juan Diego rejoiced to behold you, O Immaculate Virgin, as a young woman in garments radiant as the sun, who sent him to the bishop with your holy icon, while you healed his uncle.

    The divinely-wise Juan Diego patiently endured the derision of the servants as he waited to show the bishop your holy icon, O Theotokos, and you protected him and your icon so that the whole world would know of your glory.

    When the bishop listened to Juan Diego a third time, your miraculous icon was revealed to him, and he knelt before you, the Queen of Heaven who protect the people that bear Christ’s name; guiding new sheep to his flock.

    The bishop gave command and your shrine was built on Tepeyac, O Perfect Virgin, as a house where all Mexico could come to venerate your icon and give glory to your Son, crying out ‘Blessed are You, O most-hymned Lord and God of the Fathers.’

    You appeared to Juan Bernardino as he lay on his sick-bed, O Perfect Virgin, health of the sick and protector of the poor, announcing to him the miracle you had worked for his nephew. Heal us also, and pray that your Son may forgive us all our sins.

    The whole city rejoiced in your icon made-without-hands, O Queen and Virgin, offering prayers before it and marvelling at its miraculous appearance: grant that we too may venerate it with faith and that our prayers to your Son may be granted through your intercession

    Canon of the Saint

    Irmos: The godless command of the evil tyrant fuelled the flame of fire but Christ spread a spiritual dew upon the God-fearing youths. Blessed is He and all glorious!

    You acquired the innocence of Moses, the meekness of David and the blamelessness of Job. You became a dwelling of the Spirit, chanting in holiness: blessed is he and all glorious!

    The showers of heaven rained on your head during the harvest to prefigure your future. As you foretold, God glorified your memory, sanctifying the faithful through your prayers.

    God glorified you in the council of the fathers, as you guarded your words in judgment, blessed one. You spoke with faith, exposing the follies of irrational Arius, and destroying his opposition.

    Theotokion: Virgin, through the ineffable word, you put forth from the only unpruned branch the cluster of grapes which pours forth wine that gladdens the hearts of all mankind, sanctifies mortals and dispels the drunkenness of the wicked.

    Katavasia: The children brought up together in godliness,* despising the unrighteous command* were not afraid of the threat of fire,* but standing in the midst of the flames they sang:* Blessed are You, O God of our Fathers.

    ODE 8

    Irmos: The offspring of the Theotokos* saved the God-fearing children in the furnace.* He who was then prefigured now is acting,* and He raises up all the universe to sing:* ‘Praise the Lord, all you works, highly exalt Him throughout all ages.’

    David danced before the ark, and the Levites chanted hymns; now Mexico and all the Americas sing praises before your icon, O pure Theotokos, crying out: ‘Praise the Lord, all you works, highly exalt Him throughout all ages.’

    Appearing to a conquered people who had lost all hope, O immaculate Virgin, You showed them the way to faith in your Son, the true Sun of righteousness; now all Mexico cries out: ‘Praise the Lord, all you works, highly exalt Him throughout all ages.’

    You appeared on the hill of Tepeyac and gave us your icon, transforming from a trickle into a flood the multitude of people coming to be baptized and believe in your Son, crying out: ‘Praise the Lord, all you works, highly exalt Him throughout all ages.’

    The missionaries of Christ struggled to preach the Gospel, but after your appearance, O Mother of the Lord who unites all things, all of Mexico heard of your holy icon and were baptized in the name of the Trinity, singing aloud: ‘Praise the Lord, all you works, highly exalt Him throughout all ages.’

    You appeared on Tepeyac to Juan Diego, granting him and all of Mexico your holy icon, that through it those living in darkness and sorrow would come to know your Son, and cry out: ‘Praise the Lord, all you works, highly exalt Him throughout all ages.’

    O Queen of apostles and strength of missionaries, pray to Christ our God that the Gospel may be preached throughout the whole world, and that all nations may cry aloud: ‘Praise the Lord, all you works, highly exalt Him throughout all ages.’

    Canon of the Saint

    Irmos: Once in Babylon, at the command of God, the flaming fire was brought to contradiction, for it consumed the Chaldeans, but poured dew on the faithful who sang: bless the Lord, all works of the Lord!

    Father, you extinguished the furnace of the passions with the divine outpouring of the spirit of God! You poured dew which takes away the fever of the sick who ever turn to you in faith, blessed Spiridon, for you possess great abundance.

    You were innocent, upright, meek and merciful, unmindful of the wrongs done to you. You were loving and hospitable, a most holy bishop, adorned with the wisdom of true faith. Therefore we faithfully honour you, O venerable one!

    Let us bless the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Lord,

    In days of old, father, when you questioned her, the dead woman replied to you as though she were alive! O marvellous wonder; most glorious mystery! What grace you received, adorned with an angelic life, truly wondrous one!

    Now and forever and ever. Amen.

    Theotokion: All-hymned one, heal the passions of my heart with your mercy. Calm my mind, enlighten my soul and guide me to walk the paths of salvation, that I may ever sing hymns to you, all-praised one!

    Verse: We praise, bless and worship the Lord, singing and exalting Him throughout all ages.

    Katavasia: The furnace moist with dew was the image of a wonder beyond nature,* for it burned not the children whom it had received.* Just as the fire of the Godhead* consumed not the Virgin’s womb when it entered there.* So, let us raise the song,* let the whole creation bless the Lord* and exalt Him above all forever.

    ODE 9

    Irmos: Let all the earth-born leap for joy,* enlightened by the Spirit,* and let the nature of the Bodiless Ones make festival;* let them cry aloud:* ‘Rejoice, all-blessed and pure Theotokos, ever Virgin!’

    John the Forerunner danced in his mother’s womb when he heard your greeting, O Theotokos, and today we dance in joy before your miracle working icon. Through your prayers, protect your children in the womb from all danger and grant them long and peaceful life.

    Those who had sacrificed their brethren to false-gods were enlightened by the Spirit through your appearance, O Perfect Virgin; through the power of your icon, enlighten those darkened by the spirit of death and lead them to your Son, the Lord and Giver of true life.

    Through your holy Icon, O Mother of the Giver of Life, those who vainly sacrificed men to the sun came to believe in the only true sacrifice of your Son who loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering to His Father, granting us eternal life.

    Your holy icon painted-without-humans-hands, O Mother of the Creator of mankind, protects those who are in danger of death; we entreat you, therefore, to intercede for the unborn and those who reject the Gospel of Life, O Mother of the Giver of Life.

    Enlighten us with Your Spirit, and hear the supplications which Your Mother offers on behalf of us sinners, Lord of Heaven and Earth, as we venerate her holy icon, O You who sit at the right hand of the Father and are praised by the heavenly hosts.

    Together with the bodiless powers, intercede for us, O Lady Theotokos, who made the light of grace shine forth, that we may be enlightened by your Son and praise your most radiant icon in song.

    Canon of the Saint

    Irmos: Our God and Lord, Son of the unoriginate Father, has appeared to us, incarnate of the Virgin, to enlighten those in darkness and to gather the dispersed. Therefore we magnify the all-hymned Theotokos!

    You were exalted among the God-bearing fathers, openly proclaiming the son of the unoriginate Father to be of one essence and equally everlasting with Him. You stopped the mouths of the evil ones, most blessed and holy hierarch!

    Most radiant sun, adornment of the fathers, glory of priests, converser with the angels: by your prayers grant the unfading light to those who now celebrate your light-bearing memory with joy!

    The heavenly city and the beautiful choir of those who keep festival received your soul into the divine mansions with the voice of joy, for you have been hallowed and adorned with virtues, most blessed one!

    Theotokion: The great mystery of your childbearing beyond understanding astounded the angels, divinely joyous one, delighting the assembly of the venerable ones and bringing gladness to the holy fathers who sing praises to you in a godly manner, as the hope of our souls!

    Katavasia: I behold a strange, most glorious mystery:* Heaven – the cave;* the cherubic throne – the virgin;* the manger – the place where Christ lay:* the uncontainable God whom we magnify in song.

    Exapostilaria, Tone 4

    God-bearing Spiridon, you enlighten the world!* You followed the calling of both Moses and David,* as the Spirit led you up from an unreasoning flock of sheep* to care for his people, his rational flock.


    Let the all-hymned Mother of God be honoured,* who gave birth to Christ our God,* for her icon has appeared today.* It is a window to paradise and a sign for the whole world,* and through it, we behold the Virgin,* the Mother of the Saviour of our souls,* who always prays for us.


    Come now with purity, O faithful,* and let us exalt the wondrous icon of the all-pure Mother of Christ our God,* the divine Infant Saviour.* For having given birth to Him and borne Him in her arms,* and possessing confidence before Him,* she prays unceasingly for all of us,* and bestows upon her servants rich mercy.

    At the Praises

    In Tone 4

    At your glorious appearance* creation was transfigured* and Juan Diego did not know whether he was in paradise,* hearing the music which presaged your appearance.* He knelt before you with respect and devotion,* and you gave him your precious icon. twice

    Your holy icon, O Mother of God,* has confounded the scheming of the enemies of the Church,* for when a bomb was placed in front of it,* the explosion did the image no harm,* and by the grace of your Son not one person was injured.* Glory to you, O Christ our God,* who protects your Church from evil.

    After your appearance, O Mother of Life,* the word of your icon spread throughout Mexico,* drawing countless multitudes to its holy shrine,* where they heard the message of the Gospel.* Indeed what had been impossible for men has been accomplished by God!* You are the strong support of those who preach the Gospel,* and the courage of the martyrs:* pray to your Son that the whole world may be saved.

    In Tone 4, Glory…

    Venerable father,* all-praised and wise bishop,* you were filled with the teaching of the apostles,* and by your virtuous life, revealed to be a temple of the divine Spirit!* With your teaching, you drove off the wolves that beset the Church,* clarifying the faith of the Orthodox:* you were a pillar and champion of true worship!* Therefore you worked wonders in days of old,* raising up a dead woman to question her* and transforming a serpent into gold.* Even now, converser with teachers, truly wondrous among the fathers,* entreat the Saviour that He may save our souls!

    In Tone 2, Now…

    Come, let us rejoice in the Theotokos and Queen,* whose precious icon is set before us!* She who healed the uncle of Juan Diego* offers to us healing from her Son.* She is the champion leader of the faithful,* a protection against the assaults of the enemy,* and a safeguard against temptations.* Let us sing a hymn of praise to her miracles,* and take refuge under her protection.



    Troparia and Kontakia
    Troparion, Tone 1: You were revealed as a champion of the First Council* and a wonderworker, O our God-bearing father Spiridon.* You spoke to one dead in the grave* and transformed a serpent into gold.* While chanting your holy prayers you had angels serving with you!

    Troparion, Tone 4: Today the hill of Tepeyac is adorned,* and the land of Mexico rejoices,* having received your wonder-working icon like the radiance of the sun.* Through it you worked countless miracles,* and put to shame the worship of idols;* therefore we entreat you, O Lady Theotokos,* pray to your Son and our God,* for our land and all the Americas,* that we be granted peace and great mercy!


    Kontakion, Tone 2: Inspired by the love of Christ, all-holy Spiridon,* you flew on wings of the Spirit to pure contemplation!* Thus you became an altar of sacrifice in your apostolic life,* beseeching the Lord that He may enlighten us all!


    Kontakion, Tone 6: Come, O faithful, let us celebrate the wondrous appearance* of the most precious icon of the Mother of God,* and drawing grace from it, let us cry out with compunction:* Rejoice, O Theotokos, blessed Mary, Mother of God.

    Prokeimenon, Tone 4
    My soul magnifies the Lord,* and my spirit has rejoiced in God, my Saviour.

    Verse: Because He has regarded the humility of His handmaid; for, behold, all generations shall call me blessed.

    Hebrews 9:1-7

    Alleluia, Tone 8
    verse: Hear, O daughter, and see, and incline your ear.
    verse: The rich among the people shall entreat your countenance.

    Luke 10:38-42; 11:27-28

    Communion verse
    I will take the chalice of salvation; and I will call upon the name of the Lord. Alleluia (Thrice)

    [1] A tilma is a poncho, worn over the front and back with a whole in the centre for the head; it is also worn over the shoulder as a cloak.

    [2] The Katavasia is taken from The Nativity of Christ, St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, Crestwood, NY