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Daily texts will return after June 20, 2024!

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  • Sun

    35th Sunday after Pentecost; Octoechos Tone 2; The Holy Priest-Martyr Clement, Bishop of Ancyra; the Holy Martyr Agathangel (both 286-305); Passing into Eternal Life (1952) of Blessed Olimpia Bida, Superior of the Sisters of St. Joseph, and Martyr


    Kathisma Reading

    “Blessed is the man...” is sung.

    At Psalm 140

    In Tone 2

    1. Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name.

    Come, let us adore God the Word,* who was born of the Father before all ages,* and was incarnate of the Virgin Mary;* for of His own free will He suffered the Cross* and submitted Himself to burial,* and arose from the dead to save me, a sinful one.

    1. The just shall gather around me* when You have been good to me.

    Christ our Saviour cancelled the decree that was written against us,* by nailing it to the Cross;* and He abolished the dominion of Death.* Let us glorify His resurrection on the third day.

    1. Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!

    Let us, together with the archangels, sing of Christ’s resurrection;* for He is the Redeemer and Saviour of our souls.* He will come again in awesome glory and mighty power* to judge the world which He has fashioned.

    1. Let Your ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.

    Although You died and were buried,* the angel yet declared You as Master.* He said to the women: Come and see where the Lord was placed;* for He is risen as He foretold,* because He is almighty.* Therefore, we worship You, the only Immortal One,* and we beseech You to have mercy on us, O Giver of Life.

    1. If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.

    O Christ, You have abolished the curse of the tree by Your Cross;* You have destroyed the power of death by Your burial,* and You enlightened the human race by Your resurrection.* Therefore, we cry out to You:* O God and Benefactor, glory to You!

    1. I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.

    O Lord, the gates of death opened before You in fear,* and the gatekeepers of Hades were filled with dread at the sight of You.* You smashed the gates of brass and crushed the posts of iron.* Then You burst our chains asunder,* and led us out from the darkness, away from the shadow of death.

    1. From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.

    Let us all come and prostrate ourselves in the house of the Lord,* singing this hymn of salvation:* O Christ, You were crucified on the tree and rose from the dead;* and You now abide in the bosom of the Father.* Please cleanse us of our sins.

    In Tone 1

    1. For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

    You remained in the faith; in the vineyard of Christ.* You were a husbandman through suffering in various ways.* In accordance with your name, O Martyr,* you produced the fruit of salvation for the King and Husbandman,* glorious hieromartyr Clement!

    1. Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.

    The twenty-eight years of tortures you endured, wise one,* were shown to be precious indeed to God, the angels and all people.* You travelled through the cities and countrysides,* subjected to cruel burning, mutilation and many wounds* and you did not depart from the love of Christ!

    1. Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.

    You excelled as a pastor, hieromartyr of Christ,* and you undertook feats of suffering, courageous one.* You received a crown for both,* for you were adorned by both the priesthood and the sufferings of martyrdom.* Therefore, pray that we may be saved!

    In Tone 8, Glory...

    You were led through the cities and countryside for twenty-eight years.* You were called by God, beaten, torn and crucified for Christ,* yet neither the fire, nor the sword nor wounds broke the firmness of your soul.* You destroyed the power of the demons, hieromartyr Clement!* Therefore, pray to Christ that our souls may be saved!

    In Tone 2


    O Virgin, the shadow of the Law passed away* with the realization of grace.* For as the bush had burned without being consumed,* so you gave birth while a virgin* and you remained a virgin.* Instead of the pillar of fire there rose the Sun of Justice.* Instead of Moses, Christ God came forth,* the Saviour of our souls.


    In Tone 2

    Your Resurrection, O Christ our Saviour,* has enlightened the whole universe;* and, through it, You call back to Yourself all Creation.* Almighty God, glory to You!

    The Lord reigns, He is clothed in majesty. Robed is the Lord, and girt about with strength.

    By the wood of Your Cross, O Saviour,* You have abolished the curse of the tree;* by Your burial You have destroyed the power of death;* and by Your resurrection You enlightened the human race.* We, therefore, cry out to You:* O Christ our God, Giver of Life, glory to You!

    For He has made the world firm, which shall not be moved.

    O Christ, when You were nailed to the Cross,* the distorted nature of creation was made manifest.* The soldiers showed their inhumanity by piercing Your side with a lance,* and the people showed their ignorance of Your power* by asking that Your tomb be sealed.* But, in Your mercy, You accepted burial* and then arose on the third day.* O Lord, glory to You!

    Holiness befits Your house, O Lord, for length of days.

    O Christ, Giver of Life,* You freely endured the Passion for the sake of mortals.* In Your power You descended into Hades;* and snatching, as from a mighty monster, the souls of those who awaited Your coming,* You placed them in Paradise.* Therefore, show Your great mercy to us who glorify Your resurrection,* and cleanse our souls.

    Glory… Now…

    We now behold a new wonder,* greater than the wonders of old.* For who has ever known a mother to bear a child without the help of man?* Who has known a mother to hold in her arms the Source of all Creation?* It was God’s own will to be born in this manner;* and you, O most pure Virgin, carried Him as an infant in your arms.* Because of this, you can approach God with the boldness of a mother.* Therefore, we venerate you, and ask you to always beseech Him* to have mercy on us and save our souls.


    In Tone 2

    When You went down to death, O Life Immortal,* You struck Hades dead with the blazing light of Your divinity.* When You raised the dead from the nether world,* all the powers of heaven cried out:* “O Giver of Life, Christ our God, glory be to You!”

    In Tone 4


    To the faithful you were a vineyard of righteousness* and a stalk of suffering, holy Clement;* a sacred flower, a fruit of delight granted by God.* You strove with the martyrs and rose to the honour of bishop.** Beseech Christ God that our souls may be saved!


    O Mother of God, the mystery hidden from all eternity* and unknown even to the angels,* was revealed through you to those on earth:* God took on our human nature* and united it to His divine nature in a perfect but unconfused union.* Then, He willingly accepted the cross for our sake* and thereby raised again the first created man,*and saved our souls from death.



    Troparia and Kontakia

    Troparion, Tone 2: When You went down to death, O Life Immortal,* You struck Hades dead with the blazing light of Your divinity.* When You raised the dead from the nether world,* all the powers of heaven cried out:* “O Giver of Life, Christ our God, glory be to You!”

    Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

    Kontakion, Tone 2: You rose from the tomb, O almighty Saviour;* and Hades, seeing this wonder, was stricken with fear; and the dead arose.* Creation saw and rejoices with You, and Adam exults.* And the world, my Saviour, sings Your praises for ever.

    Now and for ever and ever. Amen.

    Theotokion, Tone 2: The tomb and death could not hold the Mother of God,* unceasing in her intercession and an unfailing hope of patronage,* for as the Mother of Life she was transferred to life* by Him Who had dwelt in her ever-virgin womb.

    Prokeimenon, Tone 2

    The Lord is my strength and my song of praise, and He has become my salvation.

    verse: The Lord has indeed chastised me, but He has not delivered me to death. (Psalm 117:14,18)


    1 Timothy 1:15-17

    Alleluia, Tone 2

    verse: The Lord will hear you in the day of tribulation; the name of the God of Jacob will shield you.

    verse: Lord, grant victory to the king and hear us in the day that we shall call upon You. (Psalm 19:2,10)


    Luke 18:35-43

    Communion Hymn

    Praise the Lord from the heavens;* praise Him in the highest.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia. (Psalm 148:1)