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  • Sun

    Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, Sunday of All Saints of Rus’-Ukraine. Octoechos Tone 3. The Holy Martyr Hyacinth. Our Lady of Perpetual Help.


    Kathisma Reading

    “Blessed is the man…” is sung.

    At Psalm 140

    In Tone 3

    Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name.

    By Your Cross, O Christ our Saviour,* the power of Death has been vanquished* and the deceit of the devil has been destroyed.* Therefore, mankind, saved by faith,* offers You hymns of praise forever.

    The just shall gather around me* when You have been good to me.

    O Lord, all creation has been enlightened by Your resurrection,* and Paradise has been reopened;* therefore, all creation extols You* and offers You hymns of praise forever.

    Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!

    I glorify the powers of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit;* and I praise the dominion of the undivided Divinity,* the consubstantial Trinity,* Who reigns forever and ever.

    Let Your ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.

    We adore Your precious Cross, O Christ,* and with hymns of praise we glorify Your Resurrection;* for by Your wounds we have all been healed.

    If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.

    Let us sing the praises of the Saviour,* Who was incarnate of the Virgin;* for He was crucified for our sake,* and on the third day He arose from the dead,* granting us His great mercy.

    I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.

    Christ descended into Hades and announced to those confined there:* Take courage, for today I have conquered death.* I am the Resurrection, the One Who will set you free.* I shattered the gates of the realm of death.

    From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.

    O Christ our God, we unworthily stand in Your most pure temple,* and offer to You our evening hymns.* From the depths of our souls we cry out to You:* O Lover of Mankind, Who has enlightened the world* by Your Resurrection on the third day,* deliver Your people from the hands of Your enemies.

    In Tone 1

    For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

    O St. Olga, morning star of Christ’s gospel proclaimed in the city of Kyiv,* and St. Volodymyr, equal-to-the-Apostles, Baptizer of Rus’-Ukraine,* and all holy princes, God-pleasing leaders of our nation!* By your holy lives you opened the doors of divine truth and grace.* You strengthened the Church of Christ in our Ukrainian lands.* You are our constant protectors and intercessors, our honour and glory.* Therefore, may your names shine forth forever,* and may they be for us an inspiration* to faithfulness and perseverance in the holy faith,* for the salvation of our souls.

    Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.

    All the choirs of the hierarchs,* mighty luminaries of the Ukrainian Church!* As faithful followers of the apostles and as good shepherds,* you faithfully preserved the flock entrusted to you;* you led it along paths of truth* and carefully fed it with spiritual food,* not hesitating to give up your lives for your sheep.* Therefore, together with St. Josaphat, the priest-martyr,* implore the Chief Shepherd, Christ God,* for the Ukrainian nation’s faithfulness to His commandments* and great mercy for our souls.

    Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.

    Venerable fathers of the Monastery of the Caves, Anthony and Theodosius,* the first flowers of the Ukrainian Church,* and all the countless righteous ones* who followed after their steps, dedicating their lives to God!* You shine forth as an example of Christian perfection,* and you teach us by prayer and self-denial* to configure ourselves to Christ God* for the salvation of our souls.* Therefore, implore the good God,* that we may be made worthy of your intercession,* and that together with you, through prayer and sacrifice,* we may obtain for Christ’s Church and our Ukrainian nation* mercy and God’s bountiful blessings.


    O Martyrs and confessors,* hierarchs and priests, religious and laity,* who, for the sake of Christ,* suffered in prisons and labour camps,* and were broken in spirit and wasted by beatings, starvation, and cold!* Your numbers and your names are known only to the all-knowing God.* You shed rivers of righteous blood;* and with your tears bedewed the prison cells and torture chambers.* Your martyrs’ blood testifies before heaven and earth* to your unwavering faith in God.* You are our powerful intercessors* before the throne of the Most High.* Therefore, with the Mother of God, implore the heavenly Father,* the Saviour Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, the Advocate,* a continuous blessing upon our Church and nation,* so that they could joyfully and freely* glorify your holy names.

    In Tone 3, Now…

    O Lady most honourable,* how can we but be rapt in wonder* at your giving birth to the Incarnate God* who, without a mother, was born of a father before all ages?* You gave Him birth in the flesh without a father,* without a man’s instrumentality.* He is God and man whose two natures are intact,* neither one losing any of its properties.* Therefore, O Virgin Mother,* intercede with Him to save the souls* of those who believe and profess in true faith* that you are the Mother of God.


    (1) Sirach 34:13-17; (2) Wisdom 3:1-9; (3) Sirach 1:11-21


    In Tone 2

    Let us extol today the illustrious and sacred memory* of our first God-inspired rulers and clergy,* who delivered us from the darkness of idolatry* and brought us to the Sun of Justice, Christ our God.

    May the supplications of the ancient righteous ones of the land of Ukraine* and the sufferings of our confessors of the holy Gospel* rise as fragrant incense before the throne of the Most High;* for it is by their sacrifices that the Church of Christ in Ukraine* is regenerated and strengthened.

    In Tone 5


    Let a mighty ‘Hosanna’ today resound throughout heaven* and the golden fields of our wide steppes* from the prayerful hearts of the millions of our faithful* who glorify and thank You, O gracious and almighty God,* for the most precious gift, the Christian faith and the tablets of Christian holiness,* which our ancestors received from Your great goodness* and passed on to us for the sanctification and salvation of our souls.


    You are the temple, the gate, the palace, and royal throne,* O most pure Virgin.* Through you my Saviour, Christ the Lord,* appeared as the Sun of Justice* to those who were sleeping in darkness,* desiring to enlighten those He had created in His own image.* Therefore, O all-gracious One, with a mother’s confidence,* pray to Him unceasingly that our souls may be saved.


    In Tone 3

    O Christ, Who darkened the sun by Your passion* and enlightened all creation by Your resurrection,* accept our evening prayer; for You love mankind.

    The Lord reigns, He is clothed in majesty. Robed is the Lord, and girt about with strength.

    O Lord, Your life-giving Resurrection has enlightened the entire universe* and has revived Your creation which lay in corruption.* Therefore, we, who have been released from the curse of Adam, cry out to You:* Almighty Lord, glory to You!

    For He has made the world firm, which shall not be moved.

    O God, although in Your divine nature You are unchangeable,* yet in Your human nature You underwent change by suffering in the flesh.* All creation was prostrate with fear* when it saw You hanging on the Cross,* and it groaned in sorrow as it sang the praises of Your long-suffering.* But You descended into Hades and arose on the third day,* granting life and great mercy to the world.

    Holiness befits Your house, O Lord, for length of days.

    You suffered death, O Christ, to deliver mankind from death.* And when You arose from the dead on the third day,* You enlightened the world* and resurrected all who acknowledge You as God.

    In Tone 4


    We glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,* and render thanks to You, the Triune God of one essence,* for the precious treasure which You deigned to give* to our holy princes and teachers,* holy priests and monks, confessors and martyrs for the Church of Christ.* Their struggles are the source of our strength.* Therefore, by honouring their memory* we, together with them, beseechingly cry out:* Lord, grant that we may all be one,* that all the children of Rus’-Ukraine may extol You* with one heart and one voice, the only true God,* and become worthy of Your eternal bliss* in the light that knows no evening.


    O most pure Virgin, hear the petitions of your servants.* Remove the burdens which oppress us,* and deliver us from our sorrows;* for you are the only firm and constant support on whom we rely.* O Mother of God, never permit us who call upon you* to be overwhelmed by our cares.* Hasten to fulfil the supplications of all who, in faith, cry out to you:* Rejoice, O Lady, helper of all mankind,* the joy, the refuge, and the salvation of our souls.


    In Tone 1

    Rejoice, Mother of God, Virgin Mary, full of grace,* The Lord is with you.* Blessed are you among women,* and blessed is the fruit of your womb.* For you have borne Christ, the Saviour and Redeemer of our souls. (2)

    In Tone 4

    O you, who glorified Christ:* princes and bishops,* monastics and martyrs,* and steadfast confessors of Christian Ukraine throughout all times,*pray Christ God to look with favour on our people* and to grant them the grace to persevere in the faith* that the souls of prayerful faithful* who revere your sacred memory* may be saved.


    Usual Beginning


    Great Litany

    God the Lord, Tone 3


    Troparion, Tone 3: Let the heavens be glad, let the earth rejoice,* for the Lord has done a mighty deed with His arm.* He trampled death by death. He became the first-born of the dead;* He saved us from the abyss of Hades* and granted great mercy to the world.


    Troparion, Tone 4: O you, who glorified Christ:* princes and bishops,* monastics and martyrs,* and steadfast confessors of Christian Ukraine throughout all times,*pray Christ God to look with favour on our people* and to grant them the grace to persevere in the faith* that the souls of prayerful faithful* who revere your sacred memory* may be saved.


    Theotokion, Tone 4: O Mother of God, the mystery hidden from all eternity* and unknown even to the angels,* was revealed through you to those on earth:* God took on our human nature* and united it to His divine nature in a perfect but unconfused union.* Then, He willingly accepted the cross for our sake* and thereby raised again the first created man,*and saved our souls from death.

    Psalter Reading

    Stasis I: Psalms 9, 10
    Stasis II: Psalms 11, 12, 13
    Stasis III: Psalms 14, 15, 16

    Small Litany

    Sessional Hymn I, Tone 3

    Christ is risen from the dead,* He who is the first fruits of those that had been asleep,* the first-born of creation and the Creator of all things that were made.* By Himself He renewed the nature of our corrupt race.* Therefore, O Death, you shall reign no more;* for the Lord of all nullified your power and dissolved it.

    Glory… Now…

    When the most pure voice reached you, O Mother of God,* those in heaven exulted with love, while those on earth trembled with awe,* for both celebrated the same feast, when the bodiless angel brought you good news.* Therefore, with the angel we cry out to you:* Rejoice, O pure One, dwelling place of God!

    Psalter Reading

    Stasis I: Psalm 17
    Stasis II: Psalms 18, 19, 20
    Stasis III: Psalms 21, 22, 23

    Small Litany

    Sessional Hymn II, Tone 3

    When You tasted death in the flesh, O Lord,* You took away the bitterness of death by Your resurrection* and made the human race prevail over it, restoring victory over the ancient curse.* Therefore, O Protector of our life, glory to You!

    Glory… Now…

    O Theotokos, you mysteriously held in your womb,* the One who is incomprehensible and boundless, consubstantial with the Father and the Spirit.* By your birthgiving we have learned to glorify in the world* the power of the one undivided Trinity.* Therefore, with gratitude we cry to you:* Rejoice, O Virgin Full of Grace!



    We extol you* saints and righteous ones of Rus’-Ukraine,* and we honour your sacred memory,* for you intercede with Christ our God for us.

    verse: Listen, all you nations; pay heed all you inhabitants of the earth!

    verse: The just man will flourish like the palm tree and grow like the cedar of Lebanon.

    verse: The just man shall be in everlasting remembrance; an evil report he shall not fear.

    Glory… Now…

    Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Glory be to You, O God! (3)


    Small Litany

    Hypakoe, Tone 3

    The brilliant angel startled the myrrh-bearing women and said:* Why do you seek the living One in the grave?* He is truly risen and has emptied the tombs.* Know, therefore, that the changeless One changed corruption to incorruption.* Say to Him: How dreadful are Your works, O Lord,* for by Your death You have saved the human race.

    Sessional Hymn, Tone 4

    Let us, brothers and sisters, thank the Lord our God with a sincere heart* for the unwavering faith, the unconquerable fortitude,* the evangelical patience, and invincible perseverance in total self-sacrifice,* through which He inspired our holy ones and confessors,* who became the chosen ones of the heavenly Lamb,* examples of Christian piety, and the adornment of Church of Christ* before the whole world, and the glory of our nation.

    Hymn of Ascent, Tone 3

    Antiphon 1

    You have plucked captive Zion from Babylon* and myself from the passion.* Draw me to life, O Word.

    Those that now sow in the south with divine tears* shall reap in joy* the ears of everlasting life

    Glory… Now…

    All thanks to the Holy Spirit,* as to the Father and the Son* with whom He shines,* all things live and move in Him.

    Antiphon 2

    Except the Lord build the house of virtues we labour in vain.* But when the soul is under His protection,* nothing can destroy the city.

    The saints from the fruit of the womb* are at all times adopted as sons by the Spirit, and by You, Christ,* as also by the Father.

    Glory… Now…

    In the Holy Spirit are seen all holiness and wisdom.* For the Holy Spirit makes every creature come to life.* Let us worship Him for He is God,* just as the Father and the Word.

    Antiphon 3

    Blessed are they who fear the Lord,* walking along the paths of the commandments* for they shall eat the fullness of the fruits of life.

    Make glad, O You chief shepherd,* at beholding Your children round Your table* bearing branches of virtue.

    Glory… Now…

    All the abundant wealth of glory is in the Holy Spirit* from whom are grace and life for every creature.* He is indeed praised in song* with the Father and the Word.

    Prokeimenon, Tone 3

    Proclaim to the nations: God is king. The world He made firm in its place.

    verse: O sing a new song to the Lord, sing to the Lord all the earth.

    Let everything that lives, Tone 3


    Resurrectional Gospel 4

    Hymn of Resurrection

    Psalm 50

    Verses at Psalm 50

    Usual Sunday verses

    Canon, Tone 3

    Ode 1

    Irmos: In days of old He gathered the waters in a single pool,* and with a divine stroke, He divided the sea for the people of Israel;* He is our God and is greatly glorified.* To Him alone do we offer our hymns, for He is covered with glory.

    Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    God who formerly condemned the earth to bear thorns for the sinner as the fruit of his labour, now receives from the hands of a criminal, a crown of thorns in his body. Thus He abolishes the ancient curse, for He is covered with glory.

    Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    He who was enveloped by death now appears victorious and the master of death; for our God, having taken on flesh that is capable of suffering, defied the tyrant and raised us all with Him; for He is covered with glory.

    Glory… Now…

    All peoples truly glorify you as the one who without seed gave birth to our God, for He descended into your sacred womb and took on the nature of humans. He is both God and human, born of you to save us.


    Ode 3

    Irmos: You draw all things out of nothing;* You create them by Your Word;* and by Your Spirit, You bring them to perfection. O Master all-powerful, strengthen me in your love.

    Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    By Your cross the Evil One has been confounded; he has fallen into the pit which he himself had dug. But You have raised up the face of the humble, O Christ, by Your holy Resurrection.

    Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    Your teaching has covered the nations, O Christ, as the waves covered the bottom of the sea. O Lover of mankind, risen from the dead, You reveal the true light of the Trinity.

    Glory… Now…

    All who speak of you, glorify you, O living city of the eternal King. Because of you, O sovereign Lady, God has spoken with His people.


    Ode 4

    Irmos: O Lord, You have shown us your sovereign love* by delivering Your only Son to death for us.* In thanksgiving, we cry out to You:* Glory to Your power, O Lord!

    Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    O Christ, You endured wounds and injuries; for us You suffered the insult of being slapped; You allowed Yourself to be spat upon, O long-suffering One; and thus You won my salvation. Glory to Your power, O Lord!

    Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    Because of the misery and oppression of the poor and the unfortunate, You willed to undergo the death of a mortal, even though You are the Life; and in the glory of a victor, You have raised all with You.

    Glory… Now…

    O Christ, hear the prayers and compassion of Your glorious Mother and remember the flock which You gained through Your passion; visit them in their distress and save them by Your power, O Lord.


    Ode 5

    Irmos: Before You I keep watch for the dawn,* O Creator of the world and peace that surpasses every spirit.* Your precepts are light;* guide me by their paths.

    Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    You probe the depths of hearts and judge the world with righteousness, and yet through jealousy You were handed over to an impious judge. But You have saved Adam from the ancient condemnation.

    Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    By the invincible power of Your cross, grant peace to Your churches, O Christ; and resurrected from the dead, save our souls.

    Glory… Now…

    You are the sanctified temple and more spacious than the heavens, O ever-Virgin; for you alone held the Word of God whom the entire creation could not contain.


    Ode 6

    Irmos: Encircled by the bottomless pit of my sins,* I felt my breath falling me;* raise Your hand, reach out to me and save me, O Master, as You saved Peter;* for You are the One who walks on the waters.

    Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    An abyss of mercy and goodness encircled me when in Your compassion You came down to earth, O Master; for You have come in the flesh as a slave that I may become as God; and You have shared Your own glory with me.

    Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    Seeing You alive after your death, the author of Death was reduced to nothing. Such are the signs of Your Resurrection, O Christ, and the triumph of Your holy passion.

    Glory… Now…

    O all-pure One, you are our certain intercessor with the Creator, persuade your Son to grant His protection and favour to your unworthy servants.


    Kontakion, Tone 3

    You rose from the tomb, O compassionate Lord,* and led us out from the gates of death.* Today Adam exults and Eve rejoices,* and the prophets together with the patriarchs* unceasingly acclaim the divine might of Your power.



    Let heaven and earth dance with joy today, and with one heart let them praise Christ our God who has raised the captives of death from their tombs. Let all creation rejoice, offering worthy hymns to the Creator of the world and our Redeemer. As the Source of life, He drew the human race from Hades and raised them up with Him to heaven; He crushed the pride of the Enemy and shattered the gates of Hades by the power of his divinity.


    Ode 7

    Irmos: Formerly You poured out dew upon the three youths in the fire of the Chaldeans; now with the resplendent fire of Your divinity, enlighten us who cry out to You: Blessed are You, O Lord, God of our fathers.

    Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    At the crucifixion of the Saviour, the curtain of the Temple was torn in two, revealing the truth hidden in the Scripture to the faithful who proclaim: Blessed are You, O Lord, God of our fathers.

    Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    When Your side was pierced, O Christ, the divine dew of Your life-giving blood was poured out upon the earth according to Your plan of salvation; It renewed all the children of the earth who cry out: Blessed are You, O Lord, God of our fathers.

    Glory… Now…

    Let us give glory to the Spirit of goodness, to the only Son and to the eternal Father; O faithful, let us venerate one principle and one divinity in three Persons:  Blessed are You, O Lord, God of our fathers.


    Ode 8

    Irmos: Thrown into the blazing fire without being harmed by the flames,* and remaining firm in their faith, the youths sang a divine hymn:* Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord,* praise and exalt Him forever!

    Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    When a cross was planted on the place of the Skull for You, O Lord, the curtain of the Temple was torn in two and creation trembled with fear and sang: Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord, praise and exalt Him forever!

    Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    You are risen from the tomb, O Christ, and by Your powerful divinity You set aright the one who succumbed to deceit beneath the tree and who now sings to You: Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord, praise and exalt Him forever!

    Let us bless the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

    You are indeed the temple of God, His ark, and His living domain, O most pure Mother of God, and you reconcile the Creator with His people. And now we, the works of the Lord, sing to you and praise and exalt you forever.


    Ode 9

    Irmos: A new wonder, worthy of God!* The Lord has truly passed through the closed gate of the Virgin.* He entered the world naked,* and at His departure we see Him clothed in the flesh;* yet the door has remained closed.* The one who is Mother of God we now extol beyond words.

    Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    It is dreadful to see the Creator and the Word of God hanging on the cross. Our God suffers in the flesh for His servants, and lifeless, He is placed in the tomb; yet He delivers the dead from Hades. O Christ, the almighty One, we extol You.

    Glory to Your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    Placed in the tomb as one dead, O Christ, You saved our ancestors from death; You raised the dead and make life flourish once more; with Your own hand, You lead the human race toward the light and clothe them with divine immortality. O inexhaustible Source of light, we extol You.

    Irmos: Behold a new and divine wonder!* Through sealed virgin doors the Lord manifestly enters;* God enters without a body and leaves with a body, the doors remaining sealed*. You are this ineffable wonder, O Mother of God, and we extol you.

    Saints and righteous ones of Christian Rus’-Ukraine, pray to God for us!

    Inspired by the spirit of holy faith and armed with hope in God, you grew into giants reaching the heavens, shining forth to all of us as an example of prayer and total self-sacrifice; for this, we today thank the Lord, and we cry out: Wondrous is God in His saints!

    Saints and righteous ones of Christian Rus’-Ukraine, pray to God for us!

    Let us today worthily honour the memory of the first flowers of Christianity in the lands of Rus’-Ukraine and those who have shone forth with heroic virtues during the persecution of the faith as true righteous ones of God and witnesses of Gospel of Christ, for today they pray for the salvation of our souls in the glory of God.

    Glory… Now…

    God, Who ineffably and without change became incarnate of you, has shown you to be the temple of light; He raised upon the cross Adam’s nature, becoming the first-fruits of the dead while remaining God in heaven, glorified together with the Father and the divine Spirit.

    Katavasia: Let everyone on earth dance for joy in spirit.* Let the heavenly ranks celebrate in honour of the sacred feast.* O Mother of God, let them cry out:* Rejoice, ever-blessed Theotokos and pure ever-virgin.

    Small Litany

    Holy is the Lord

    Hymn of Light, Gospel 4

    Resplendent with virtues* let us behold the men standing in brilliant clothes inside the grave,* giving life to the saddened myrrh-bearing women.* Let us learn of the resurrection of the Lord of heaven* and hasten with Peter to the tomb of life.* Let us stand before His wondrous resurrection* and contemplate the marvels of Christ.

    Glory… Now…

    O Lord, when You told the myrrh-bearing women to rejoice,* You ended the sadness of our first parents,* and You brought the joy of the resurrection into the world.* Therefore, O Giver of life* by the prayers of the One who gave You birth,* send the light of Your love to shine in our hearts,* that we may cry to You: O Lover of mankind and our God,* glory to Your resurrection!


    Stichera of the Praises

    In Tone 3

    Come together, all you nations, and understand the might of this awesome mystery!* Our Saviour, the Word from the beginning,* has suffered crucifixion and burial for us of His own will.* On the third day He rose again to save us all.* Let us bow down in worship to Him.

    The soldiers that guarded You, O Lord,* related all the wonders which had come to pass;* but the vain assembly of the Sanhedrin filled their hands with bribes,* thinking they could hide Your resurrection which is glorified through all the world.* Have mercy on us.

    All creation was filled with joy when it received the news of Your resurrection.* When Mary Magdalene went to Your tomb, she found an angel in shining garments sitting on the stone.* He said: Why do you seek the Living among the dead?* He is not here; He is risen as He said.* He goes before you to Galilee.

    O Master, the Lover of mankind, in Your light we see light.* For You have risen from the dead,* granting salvation to the human race.* Let all creation glorify You;* have mercy on us, O sinless One.

    In Tone 2

    Rejoice, O God-wise Olha and Volodymyr,* for you believed in the triune God,* Who created, redeemed, and continuously sanctifies our human race* and gives eternal life, which you now are enjoying in the never-setting light of heavenly glory.* We beg and implore you equal-to-the-apostles and God-pleasing saints:* Pray with all the saints and the holy Rus-Ukrainian princes and implore the gracious God,* that your faith may come alive, in great power, in the hearts of your native brethren,* that we may rejoice with you throughout eternity,* and together with the Mother of God exalt the loving God.

    Holy bishops, shepherds of the flock of Christ, brothers and sisters,* who magnificently shone forth in ascetic warfare,* priests, God-bearing luminaries in heaven, and confessors and invincible martyrs!* You were faithful to God,* and you glorified the Christianity of Volodymyr before the whole world.* We extol your struggles, we bow our heads to you,* and all together we celebrate your memory,* for you are our inspiration, our strength and glory!* Pray to the gracious God,* that our souls may be saved through you.

    In Tone 3

    Arise, then, Lord, lift up Your hand.* O God, do not forget the poor!

    Mary Magdalene arrived on the first day of the week* seeking You in the grave.* And when she did not find You, she cried out with sighs:* Woe is me, O my Saviour. How have You been stolen, O King of all?* From within the grave two angels bearing the message of life cried out to her saying:* Woman, why are you weeping?* She answered: I cry because they have removed my Lord from the grave,* and I do not know where they have taken Him.* But as she turned around and saw You, she said:* My Lord and my God, glory to You!

    I will praise You, Lord, with all my heart;* I will recount all Your wonders.

    The soldiers enclosed Life in the tomb,* but the thief opened paradise with his word by saying:* For my sake, You have been crucified with me and have hung on the tree of the cross;* You have appeared to me sitting on the throne with the Father.* You are Christ our God Who gives great mercy to the world.

    In Tone 4, Glory…

    The women came at early dawn to Your tomb, O Christ,* but they did not find Your venerable body.* As they were perplexed, an angel in shining clothes said to them:* Why do you seek the Living among the dead?* He is risen as He foretold.* Have you forgotten what He said?* Being assured by the words of the angel,* the women preached to the disciples about the things they saw.* But their good news was received with ridicule;* for the disciples were still without understanding.* Peter, however, hastened to Your tomb* and then glorified Your wonders, O Lord.

    In Tone 2, Now…

    You are truly most blessed. O virgin Mother of God. Through the One Who was incarnate of you, Hades was chained, Adam revived, the curse wiped out, Eve set free, Death put to death, and we ourselves were brought back to life. That is why we cry out in praise: Blessed are You, O Christ our God, Who finds in this Your good pleasure. Glory be to You!

    Great Doxology

    Trisagion Prayers


    Today salvation has come to the world. Let us sing to Him Who is risen from the tomb, the Author of life Who has crushed Death by His death and bestowed victory and great mercy.

    Insistent Litany

    Litany of Supplication

    Great Dismissal



    Troparia and Kontakia

    Troparion, Tone 3: Let the heavens be glad, let the earth rejoice,* for the Lord has done a mighty deed with His arm.* He trampled death by death. He became the first-born of the dead;* He saved us from the abyss of Hades* and granted great mercy to the world.

    Troparion, Tone 4: O you, who glorified Christ:* princes and bishops,* monastics and martyrs,* and steadfast confessors of Christian Ukraine throughout all times,*pray Christ God to look with favour on our people* and to grant them the grace to persevere in the faith* that the souls of prayerful faithful* who revere your sacred memory* may be saved.

    Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

    Kontakion, Tone 3: You rose from the tomb, O compassionate Lord,* and led us out from the gates of death.* Today Adam exults and Eve rejoices,* and the prophets together with the patriarchs* unceasingly acclaim the divine might of Your power.

    Now and for ever and ever. Amen.

    Kontakion, Tone 4: You shine as bright beacons,* O God-inspired and righteous saints of our Church.* By your encouraging example,* you serve communities of faithful throughout the Christian world.* Therefore we humbly bow our heads to you* thanking our great and all-gracious God* Who has made you our intercessors in heaven* where you pray for our souls.

    Prokeimenon, Tone 3

    Sing to our God, sing; sing to our King, sing.

    verse: Clap your hands, all you nations; shout unto God with the voice of joy. (Psalm 46:7,2)

    Prokeimenon, Tone 7

    Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His venerable ones.


    Romans 6:18-23; Romans 8:28-39

    Alleluia, Tone 3

    verse: In You, O Lord, have I hoped that I may not be put to shame for ever.

    verse: Be a protector unto me, O God, and a house of refuge to save me. (Psalm 30:2,3)

    verse: Blessed is the man who fears the Lord; he shall delight exceedingly in His commandments. (Psalm 111:1)


    Matthew 8:5-13; Matthew 5:1-16

    Communion Hymn

    Praise the Lord from the heavens;* praise Him in the highest. (Psalm 148:1)* Rejoice in the Lord, O you just;* praise befits the righteous.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia. (Psalm 32:1)