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  • Sun

    Tenth Sunday after Pentecost. Octoechos Tone 1. The Transfer of the Precious Relics of Our Venerable Father Theodosius, Hegumen of the Monastery of the Caves at Kiev (1091); Fore-feast of the Holy Dormition of the Mother of God; Holy Prophet Micah (8th c. BC)


    Kathisma Reading

    “Blessed is the man...” is sung.

    At Psalm 140

    In Tone 1

    Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name.

    Accept our evening prayer, O holy Lord,* and grant us forgiveness of sins,* for You alone manifested the resurrection* to the world.

    The just shall gather around me* when You have been good to me.

    O you people, walk around Sion and encompass her.* And there give glory to Him who is risen from the dead.* For He is our God* who delivers us from our sins. Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!

    Come you people, praise and worship Christ.* Glorify His resurrection from the dead;* for He is our God who delivered the world* from the deceit of the enemy. Let Your ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.

    Rejoice, O you heavens;* sound the trumpets, you foundations of the earth;* cry out with joy, O you mountains.* For behold, Emmanuel has nailed our sins to the Cross;* the Giver of Life has put Death to death;* and the Lover of mankind* has raised up Adam.

    In Tone 4

    If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.

    At the sound of the cymbals, let us sing resounding hymns,* anticipating the feast of her departure.* Let us lift our voices in a brilliant chorus before her sepulchre.* For the Mother of God and the golden Tabernacle* now prepares to pass from earth to heaven,* to the new life and the divine splendour.

    I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.

    O choir of the holy apostles,* you are gathered together from the ends of the earth.* The Living City of the One who reigns over all* departs in glory to the heavens.* She goes to rejoice with her Son, the King.* With the angelic hosts, sing a farewell hymn to her divine burial.

    From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.

    O choir of the holy priests,* O kings, princes, and ranks of virgins, now come together!* All you people, let us come before her holy tomb and sing a hymn,* for the Queen of all entrusts her soul into the hands of her Son* to be taken to the heavenly home.

    For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

    O venerable Father, when you accepted the ascetic life for your salvation,* then you were enlightened invisibly from heaven* and were shown to be an exorciser of evil spirits.* By divine will you received gold,* which, in your generous mercy, you gave to those in need.* You filled their empty vessels with produce,* preparing for the Saviour, those who were in distress.* O preacher of the faith of Christ our God,* pray to Him to save and enlighten our souls.

    Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.

    The appearance of your holy relics came like a great light,* understood to be like the angelic splendour.* The great Stephen ran quickly with longing and joy,* seeing them coming in the distance.* He found your body whole and incorrupt* and glorified Christ our God.* O Father, pray to Him to save and enlighten our souls.

    Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.

    When those who wished to bear your body* came to the cave where you were buried,* they rejoiced on opening the tomb;* for they saw your most holy remains whole and untouched by corruption,* the hair framing your glorious face,* and your eyes and mouth joined in praises of Christ our God.* Pray to Him to save and enlighten our souls.

    In Tone 6, Glory…

    In faith we are all called together to celebrate this feast.* Let us hasten today to commemorate* the transferal of your holy relics, O venerable Father,* and let us say:* Rejoice, O consecrated dwelling of the divine Spirit and pillar of piety;* rejoice, boast of ascetics,* for you increased the talent given you by God;* rejoice, bright beacon to the world and our consolation.* As you now stand before the throne of Christ,* beg Him to deliver us from all trouble and distress* and to attain the future glory;* for we celebrate your memory in faith.

    In Tone 1, Now...

    Let us sing a hymn of praise to the Virgin Mary,* glory of the whole world!* She was herself formed by human seed,* yet she became the Mother of the Master, the Gate of heaven,* the theme of the angels’ hymn and beauty of the faithful.* She was seen as being heavenly* and the Tabernacle of the Godhead.* She indeed tore down the wall of enmity between God and man,* and brought peace in its place.* She opened up the kingdom of heaven.* Let us therefore cling fast to her for she is the anchor of faith,* and let us receive as our stronghold the Lord Who was born of her.* Be of good cheer, then, and have confidence, O people of God,* for He will fight our enemies for us,* He is all-powerful!


    (1) Wisdom 5:15-6:3; (2) Wisdom 3:1-9; (3) Wisdom 4:7-15


    In Tone 1

    O Christ, by Your passion we have been freed from suffering;* and by Your resurrection we have been delivered from corruption.* O Lord, glory to You!

    The Lord reigns, He is clothed in majesty. Robed is the Lord, and girt about with strength.

    Let all creation rejoice, let the heavens be glad,* let the nations clap their hands with joy.* For Christ our Saviour, in His love for mankind,* has nailed our sins to the Cross;* He has put Death to death,* and by raising our fallen forefather, Adam,* He has given life to all mankind.

    For He has made the world firm, which shall not be moved.

    O God, You are above all understanding;* You are King and Lord of heaven and earth.* Yet of Your own free will,* You allowed Yourself to be crucified because of Your love for mankind.* When You descended below,* Hades was filled with bitterness as You confronted it;* but the souls of the just received You with great joy.* Adam arose when he saw You, his Creator, down in the depths.* What a wonder this is!* You are the life of all and have tasted death* in order to dispel the darkness of the world with Your light.* O Lord, risen from the dead,* glory to You!

    Holiness befits Your house, O Lord, for length of days.

    The myrrh-bearing women were filled with grief* as they hastened with spices to Your tomb;* but they did not find Your most pure body.* Instead, they found an angel* who proclaimed Your unique and glorious resurrection,* and commanded them to announce to Your apostles:* The Lord is risen,* granting great mercy to the world.

    In Tone 8, Glory… Now…

    The multitude of monks praise you as their teacher,* O Theodosius our Father,* for by your paths you truly showed us the way we should go.* You are a blessed servant of Christ;* you unmasked the power of the enemy.* O dweller with angels and companion of the monks and the just,* pray with them that the Lord grant mercy to our souls.


    In Tone 1

    Though the stone was sealed by the Judeans* and soldiers guarded Your most pure body,* You arose, O Saviour, on the third day* and gave life to the world.* And so the heavenly powers cried out to You, O Giver of Life:* Glory to Your Resurrection, O Christ!* Glory to Your Kingdom!* Glory to Your saving plan!* O only Lover of mankind.

    In Tone 8, Glory…

    Raised in virtue, O Father Theodosius,* from childhood you loved the monastic life* and attained your desire courageously.* You lived in a cave adorning your life with fasting and radiance* and abided in prayer like the bodiless powers.* You shone like a beacon in the land of Rus’.* Entreat Christ God to save our souls.

    In Tone 4, Now…

    O peoples, dance with joy and clap your hands with fervour.* Gather today in eagerness and jubilation, and sing with glee;* for the Mother of God is about to rise in glory,* going up from the earth into heaven.* It is to her we always sing hymns of praise,* for she is the Mother of God.



    Usual Beginning


    Great Litany

    God the Lord, Tone 1

    Troparia, Tone 1

    Though the stone was sealed by the Judeans* and soldiers guarded Your most pure body,* You arose, O Saviour, on the third day* and gave life to the world.* And so the heavenly powers cried out to You, O Giver of Life:* Glory to Your Resurrection, O Christ!* Glory to Your Kingdom!* Glory to Your saving plan!* O only Lover of mankind. (2)

    In Tone 8, Glory…

    Raised in virtue, O Father Theodosius,* from childhood you loved the monastic life* and attained your desire courageously.* You lived in a cave adorning your life with fasting and radiance* and abided in prayer like the bodiless powers.* You shone like a beacon in the land of Rus’.* Entreat Christ God to save our souls.

    In Tone 4, Now…

    O peoples, dance with joy and clap your hands with fervour.* Gather today in eagerness and jubilation, and sing with glee;* for the Mother of God is about to rise in glory,* going up from the earth into heaven.* It is to her we always sing hymns of praise,* for she is the Mother of God.

    Psalter Reading

    Small Litany

    Sessional Hymn, Tone 1

    While watching Your grave, the soldiers became as dead men* from the lightning flash of the Angel* who appeared and proclaimed to the women the Resurrection.* We glorify You, the destroyer of corruption;* we fall down before You, who has risen from the grave* and who alone are our God.

    Arise, O Lord my God, let Your hands be lifted on high;* forget not Your poor to the end.

    You were willingly nailed to the Cross, O Compassionate one,* and laid in a tomb as a mortal, O Giver of life.* By Your death, O Powerful one,* You have smashed its might;* for gatekeepers of Hades trembled before You;* You have raised with You the dead from every age,* for You alone love mankind.

    Glory… Now…

    All we who with love flee for refuge to your goodness* know you to be the Mother of God* and after childbirth still truly Virgin;* for we sinners have you as our protection;* we have you as our salvation in misfortunes,* as the only All-immaculate one.

    Psalter Reading

    Small Litany

    Sessional Hymn, Tone 1

    The women came to Your tomb at dawn* and seeing a vision of an Angel they trembled;* the tomb became resplendent with life;* and amazed by the miracle, they returned to the disciples and proclaimed the Resurrection:* for Christ has despoiled Hades,* as alone almighty and all powerful,* raising up those in corruption,* dispelling the fear of condemnation* by the power of the Cross.

    I will confess You, O Lord, with my whole heart,* I will tell of all Your wonders.

    O Life of all, You were nailed to the Cross;* O immortal Lord, You were numbered among the dead,* arising on the third day, O Saviour,* raising Adam from corruption;* wherefore the heavenly Powers cried out to You:* O Giver of life, Glory to Your sufferings, O Christ;* glory to Your Resurrection;* glory to Your condescension,* O only Lover of mankind’.

    Glory… Now…

    O Mary, holy tabernacle of the Master,* raise us up who have fallen into the pit of wicked despair, of transgressions and afflictions;* for you are the salvation,* the help and the mighty protection of sinners,* and you save your servants.



    Small Litany

    Hypakoe, Tone 1

    The Thief’s repentance plundered Paradise,* but the Myrrh-bearers’ lamentations announced the joy that You have risen, O Christ God,* granting the world great mercy.

    Hymn of Ascent, Tone 1

    Antiphon 1

    When I am afflicted,* I cry to You, O Lord,* hearken to my pains.

    For those who dwell in the desert* the longing for God never ceases,* for they are far from the vanity of this world.

    Glory… Now…

    To the Holy Spirit, as to the Father and the Son,* are due honour and glory;* thus let us sing to the Trinity,* a single power.

    Antiphon 2

    Having lifted me up to the summit of Your laws,* make me shine with virtues, O God,* that I may sing Your praises.

    Take me with Your right hand, O Word,* guard me and keep me,* lest the fire of sin scorch me.

    Glory… Now…

    In the Holy Spirit all creation is made new* and hastens back to its original condition;* for He is equal in strength* to the Father and the Word.

    Antiphon 3

    With those who said to me:* Let us journey to the courts of the Lord,* my Spirit was gladdened and my heart rejoices.

    In the house of David is great fear;* for when the thrones are set therein,* all the tribes and nations of the earth will be judged.

    Glory… Now…

    To the Holy Spirit must be offered honor, adoration, glory, and power,* as befits also the Father and the Son;* for the Trinity is a Unity,* one in essence, but not in Hypostases.

    Prokeimenon, Tone 1

    I myself will arise, says the Lord.* I will grant them the salvation for which they thirst.

    verse: The words of the Lord are words without alloy.

    Let everything that lives, Tone 1


    John 21:1-14

    Hymn of Resurrection

    Psalm 50

    Verses at Psalm 50

    Canon, Tone 1

    Ode 1

    Canon of the Resurrection

    Irmos: Your warrior hand is glorious in strength, O deathless one!* All-powerful, in manner fit for God,* it broke the enemy in pieces,* and devised for Israel a strange, new way through the deep.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    He, who with pure hands divinely working in the beginning formed me from the earth, spread out those hands upon the cross, and from the earth recalled my corruptible body which he had received from the Virgin.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    He, who divinely breathing into me implanted within me a soul, suffered dissolution for me, and delivered his soul to death; loosing the age-old bonds and raising me with himself, he made me glorious in incorruption.

    Glory… Now…

    Hail, fount of grace! Hail, ladder and gate of heaven! Hail, bearer of the light, vessel of gold, mountain unhewn and bearer of Christ, the giver of life to the world!


    Ode 3

    Canon of the Resurrection

    Irmos: You alone, knowing the frailty of mortal man, tenderly took its form;* gird me with power from on high, crying to you:* Holy is the living temple of your pure glory,* O Lover of man!

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    O Good One, you are my God, in pity for the fallen you determined to come down to me; you have raised me up by your crucifixion, crying to you: Holy is the Lord of glory, in goodness beyond compare!

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    O Christ divinely existing life as God compassionate you clothed yourself with me, corrupted one; coming down to the dust of death, O Lord, you broke the chains of man’s mortality and on the third day, rising, clothed the dead with incorruption.

    Glory… Now…

    When by the all-holy Spirit, O Virgin, you conceived God in your womb, you remained unconsumed by the fire; for to Moses the lawgiver, the bush burning yet unconsumed clearly foretold you who received the fire unendurable.


    Ode 4

    Canon of the Resurrection

    Irmos: Habbakuk with the foreseeing eyes apprehended you,* the mountain by divine grace overshadowed,* and proclaimed the Holy One of Israel to come forth from you* for our salvation and remaking.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    Who is this Saviour that comes from Edom, crowned with thorns, with garments reddened, hanging on a tree? He is the Holy One of Israel for our salvation and remaking.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    See, disobedient people, and be ashamed! He, whom you, as an evildoer, madly begged Pilate to hang upon the cross, he, as belongs to God, has dissolved the power of death and risen from the tomb.

    Glory… Now…

    O Virgin, we know you as a tree of life, for there sprang from you not the death-bearing fruit of food for mortal men but fruition of life eternal for the salvation of us who sing to you.


    Ode 5

    Canon of the Resurrection

    Irmos: O Christ, you have illumined the ends of the earth* by the brightness of your coming and made them radiant with joy by your cross;* enlighten with the light of the knowledge of you* the hearts of those who with right belief sing your praise.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    The Jews put to death on the tree of the cross the great shepherd of the sheep and the Lord; but he rescued the dead from the power of death, terrified sheep in Hell.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    When you announced the glad tidings of peace by your cross and proclaimed deliverance to the captives, my Saviour, then, O Christ, you put to shame him who held them in thrall and by your divine rising showed him naked and destitute.

    Glory… Now…

    All-praised, do not despise the prayers of those who faithfully entreat you but receive and present them, O pure one, to your Son, our God and only benefactor; for in you we have gained a protector.


    Ode 6

    Canon of the Resurrection

    Irmos: The deepest abyss has surrounded us, there is none to deliver,* we are counted as sheep for the slaughter;* save your people, our God,* for you are the strength and restoring of the weak.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    By the fault of the first-fashioned man, O Lord, we were grievously wounded; by your stripes, O Christ, by which for our sakes you were wounded, we are healed; for you are the strength and restoring of the weak.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    You have brought us up from Hell, O Lord, you have crushed the all-devouring whale by your might and laid low his strength, O All-powerful; for you are life and light and resurrection.

    Glory… Now…

    O pure Virgin, our forefathers rejoice in you, and regain through you that Eden which they destroyed by transgressions; for you are chaste before your bearing and after the birth.


    Kontakion, Tone 1

    You arose in glory from the tomb* and with Yourself You raised the world.* All humanity acclaims You as God,* and death has vanished.* Adam exults, O Master,* and Eve, redeemed now from bondage, cries out for joy:* “You are the One, O Christ, Who offer resurrection to all.”


    The third day arising, gates of Hell shattering, the age-long dead raising, as God of all power to him we sing praises: to the myrrh-bearing women in loving good-pleasure appearing, to those who were foremost, saying: Rejoice, joy to the apostles proclaiming, the only giver of life. To disciples in faith then the women proclaim the tokens of victory, and Hell groans and death laments, the whole world exults, all things rejoice together, for you, O Christ, have bestowed upon all resurrection.


    Ode 7

    Canon of the Resurrection

    Irmos: We, the faithful, discern you, Mother of God, as furnace of intellect:* for as he, the most highly exalted, kept safe the three children* so in your womb he re-fashioned man wholly,* God of our fathers, praised and glorious above all.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    The earth shuddered with fear, the sun fled and with it the light darkened, the sacred veil of the temple was torn in two and the rocks were split; for the righteous one was fixed to the cross, God of our fathers, praised and glorious above all.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    Of your own will for us you became as one with no help and wounded among the dead, O most highly exalted, and freed us all; and with your strong hand you raised us up with yourself, God of our fathers, praised and glorious above all.

    Glory… Now…

    Hail, spring of ever-living water! Hail, paradise of delight! Hail, fortress of the faithful! Hail, unwedded one! Hail, joy of all the world from whom has sprung for us the God of our fathers, praised and glorious above all!


    Ode 8

    Canon of the Resurrection

    Irmos: In the fiery oven as in a smelting furnace* the Israelite children shone bright with the beauty of godliness purer than gold,* and they said: Bless the Lord, all his works,* praise and highly exalt him throughout all the ages.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    O Word of God, maker and transformer of all by your will, changing the shadow of death into everlasting life by your Passion, we, all your works, unceasingly praise you as Lord, and highly exalt you throughout all the age ·.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    Rising on the third day from the grave, O Christ, you demolished the destruction and misery within the gates and strongholds of Hell. All your works unceasingly praise you as Lord, and highly exalt you throughout all the ages.

    Glory… Now…

    Let us sing to her who without seed and above nature brought forth Christ the precious pearl from the divine lightning, and let us say: Bless the Lord, all his works, praise and highly exalt him throughout all the ages.




    Ode 9

    Canon of the Resurrection

    Irmos: The bush ever burning and never consumed* was the type of your pure child-bearing;* quench now for us the raging furnace of temptations, we pray you,* that we may unceasingly magnify you, Mother of God.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    O how the lawless and disobedient people, devising evil, made right the accursed and ungodly man and condemned the righteous, the Lord of glory, to the tree! Worthily, we magnify him!

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    O Saviour, innocent Lamb, taking away the sins of the world, risen on the third day, we glorify you, together with the Father and your divine Spirit; acknowledging you as God, we magnify you, the Lord of glory.

    Glory… Now…

    Save your people, Lord, whom you purchased with your precious blood. Grant strength to the king against his enemies, Lover of man, and bestow peace on your churches through the prayers of the Mother of God.

    Irmos: Dance, O Isaiah!* The virgin conceived in her womb and has borne a Son: Emmanuel, Who is both God and man.* Orient is His name; and, magnifying Him,* we call the Virgin blessed.

    Most Holy Mother of God, save us!

    Well, right well have you been adorned as a bride, O Virgin Mother of God; for in you have the stumbling of Adam and the most destructive suasion of Eve been set aright. Wherefore, with hymns we all unceasingly magnify you.

    Most Holy Mother of God, save us!

    Rightly does God, as your Master, give you glory, O Virgin. But what shall we, who are wretched, offer to you? Yet accept if only the zeal of those who with love honour you as the Theotokos, preserving us.

    Most Holy Mother of God, save us!

    In that the Most High, descending, issued forth from your womb, O Virgin Bride of God, through you He has visited us. Emulating Him, from the mansions of heaven you visit those who hymn you on the feast of your memory.

    Glory… Now…

    Grant victories over heresy to our Orthodox hierarchs, who hold thine honoured burial as their sure confirmation and honour your memory royally, O Mother of God, bringing the enemies of our Faith into submission.

    Small Litany

    Holy is the Lord

    Hymn of Light

    The two sons of Zebedee, with Peter, Nathaniel, and Thomas,* and two others were fishing in the Lake of Tiberias.* By the command of Christ, they cast the net on the right side* and drew out many fish.* Peter, recognizing Christ, came swimming toward Him.* This was the third appearance of the Lord after His resurrection.* Then He shared with them bread and fish from the fire.

    Glory… Now…

    O Virgin, pray to the Lord Who rose from the tomb on the third day* for us Christians who praise and bless you with zeal.* For we have all taken you as a refuge of salvation* and as a mediatrix with Him.* For we are your servants, O Mother of God;* we are the people of your house,* and we all await your protection.


    Stichera of the Praises, Tone 1

    We sing the praise of Your saving Passion, O Christ,* and we glorify Your Resurrection.

    Having endured the Cross,* and destroyed death* and risen from the dead,* grant peace to our lives, O Lord,* as You alone are All-powerful.

    Having despoiled Hades* and raised mankind by Thy Resurrection, O Christ, ** grant that with pure hearts we may praise and glorify Thee.

    As we glorify Your divine condescension,* we praise You, O Christ:* For You were born of a Virgin,* yet You were not separated from the Father;* as man You suffered and willingly endured the Cross;* arising from the grave, as though coming forth from Your bridal chamber,* that You might save the world.* O Lord, glory be to You!

    When You were nailed to the Tree of the Cross,* then the might of the enemy was slain;* creation shook in fear of You,* and Hades was despoiled by Your might.* You raised the dead from their tombs* and opened Paradise to the Thief.* O Christ our God, glory be to You!

    Lamenting, the holy women came with haste to Your grave;* but finding the tomb opened and learning from the Angel* the new and marvelous wonder,* they announced to the Apostles,* The Lord has arisen,* granting the world His great mercy.

    We bow down before the divine stripes of Your passion, O Christ God,* and the royal sacrifice that took place divinely revealed in Sion at the end of the ages;* for You, the Sun of righteousness,* enlightened those who slept in darkness,* leading them to the never-setting radiance,* O Lord, glory be to You!

    O Tumultuous race of the Jews, give ear.* Where are those who approached Pilate?* Let the soldiers who kept watch say,* where are the seals of the grave?* To where has the one who was buried been moved?* Where has the One who is not for sale been sold?* How has the treasure been burgled?* O Lawless Jews, why do you slander the Rising of the Crucified?* He has arisen, as one free among the dead,* and grants to the world His great mercy.

    In Tone 6, Glory…

    After Your descent into Hades, O Christ,* and Your resurrection from the dead,* the disciples grieved over Your departure.* They returned to their occupations* and attended to their nets and their boats,* but their fishing was in vain.* You appeared to them since You are Lord of all;* You commanded them to cast the nets on the right side.* Immediately Your word became deed.* They caught a great number of fish,* and they found an unexpected meal prepared for them on the shore,* which they immediately ate.* Now, make us worthy to enjoy this meal with them in a spiritual manner,* O Lord and Lover of mankind.

    In Tone 2, Now…

    You are truly most blessed, O virgin Mother of God.* Through the One who was incarnate of you,* Hades was chained, Adam revived, the curse wiped out,* Eve set free, Death put to death,* and we ourselves were brought back to life.* That is why we cry out in praise;* Blessed are You, O Christ our God,* who finds in this your good pleasure. Glory to You!

    Great Doxology

    Trisagion Prayers

    Troparion, Tone 2

    Today salvation has come to the world.* Let us sing to Him who is risen from the tomb,* the Author of Life who has crushed Death by his death* and bestowed on us victory and great mercy.

    Insistent Litany

    Litany of Supplication

    Great Dismissal



    Troparia and Kontakia

    Troparion, Tone 1: Though the stone was sealed by the Judeans,* and soldiers guarded Your most pure body,* You arose, O Saviour, on the third day,* and gave life to the world.* And so the heavenly powers cried out to You, O Giver of Life:* Glory to Your resurrection, O Christ!* Glory to Your kingdom!* Glory to Your saving plan,* O only Lover of mankind.

    Troparion, Tone 8: Raised in virtue, O Father Theodosius,* from childhood you loved the monastic life* and attained your desire courageously.* You lived in a cave adorning your life with fasting and radiance* and abided in prayer like the bodiless powers.* You shone like a beacon in the land of Rus’.* Entreat Christ God to save our souls.

    Troparion, Tone 4: O peoples, dance with joy and clap your hands with fervour.* Gather today in eagerness and jubilation, and sing with glee;* for the Mother of God is about to rise in glory,* going up from the earth into heaven.* it is to her we always sing hymns of praise,* for she is the Mother of God.

    Kontakion, Tone 1: You arose in glory from the tomb* and with Yourself You raised the world.* All humanity acclaims You as God,* and death has vanished.* Adam exults, O Master,* and Eve, redeemed now from bondage, cries out for joy:* “You are the One, O Christ, Who offer resurrection to all.”

    Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

    Kontakion, Tone 4: Today the whole universe dances with joy* at your glorious memory, O Mother of God,* and it cries out to you:* Rejoice, O virgin, pride of Christians.

    Now and forever and ever. Amen.

    Kontakion, Tone 3: Today we revere the star of Rus’, blessed Theodosius,* who shone from the east and same to the West;* for he enriched this whole land and all of us* with gentleness and miraculous wonders* by the practice and the grace of the monastic rule.

    Prokeimenon, Tone 1

    Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us, as we have hoped in You.

    verse: Rejoice in the Lord, O you just; praise befits the righteous. (Psalm 32:22,1)

    Prokeimenon, Tone 7

    Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His venerable ones. (Psalm 115:15)


    1 Corinthians 4:9-16; Hebrews 13:7-16

    Alleluia, Tone 1

    verse: God gives me vindication, and has subdued people under me.

    verse: Making great the salvation of the king, and showing mercy to His anointed, to David, and to His posterity forever. (Psalm 17:48,51)

    verse: Your priests shall clothe themselves with justice, and Your venerable ones shall rejoice. (Psalm 131:9)


    Matthew 17:14-23; Matthew 11:27-29

    Communion Hymn

    Praise the Lord from the heavens;* praise Him in the highest. (Psalm 148:1)* The just man shall be in everlasting remembrance;* of evil hearsay he shall have no fear.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia. (Psalm 111:6)