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Daily texts will return after June 20, 2024!

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  • Fri

    Transfer of the Precious Relics of our Father among the Saints John Chrysostom


    Kathisma Reading

    “Blessed is the man...” is sung.

    At Psalm 140

    In Tone 4

    Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!

    Let us joyfully sing the praises of Chrysostom, the golden trumpet,* the divinely-inspired organ, the inexhaustible sea of doctrine,* the pillar of the Church, the heavenly mind,* the abyss of wisdom, the gilded vase.* He pours forth sweet streams of dogma like honey* for the refreshment of the world.

    Let Your ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.

    Let us joyfully sing the praises of Chrysostom, the golden trumpet,* the divinely-inspired organ, the inexhaustible sea of doctrine,* the pillar of the Church, the heavenly mind,* the abyss of wisdom, the gilded vase.* He pours forth sweet streams of dogma like honey* for the refreshment of the world.

    If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.

    Let us joyfully sing the praises of Chrysostom, the golden trumpet,* the divinely-inspired organ, the inexhaustible sea of doctrine,* the pillar of the Church, the heavenly mind,* the abyss of wisdom, the gilded vase.* He pours forth sweet streams of dogma like honey* for the refreshment of the world.

    I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.

    Let us worthily honour John Chrysostom,* he is the ever-shining star all nations with the rays of true teaching.* He is the preacher of repentance;* the golden sponge wiping away the despair of sadness.* His words are a refreshing dew* reviving hearts which are worn by sin.

    From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.

    Let us worthily honour John Chrysostom,* he is the ever-shining star all nations with the rays of true teaching.* He is the preacher of repentance;* the golden sponge wiping away the despair of sadness.* His words are a refreshing dew* reviving hearts which are worn by sin.

    For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

    Let us worthily honour John Chrysostom,* he is the ever-shining star all nations with the rays of true teaching.* He is the preacher of repentance;* the golden sponge wiping away the despair of sadness.* His words are a refreshing dew* reviving hearts which are worn by sin.

    Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.

    With joyful hymns let us praise Chrysostom:* an earthly angel and a heavenly man.* He is a sweet and well-tuned harp, a treasury of virtues;* an immovable rock, a model of the faithful,* an imitator of the martyrs, a dweller with the holy angels,* and a companion of the apostles.

    Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.

    With joyful hymns let us praise Chrysostom:* an earthly angel and a heavenly man.* He is a sweet and well-tuned harp, a treasury of virtues;* an immovable rock, a model of the faithful,* an imitator of the martyrs, a dweller with the holy angels,* and a companion of the apostles.


    The Church, enriched by your radiant teachings, cries out to you, Chrysostom,* I am nourished by your golden pastures;* I feed at the sweet streams of your words,* by your example, I am led from action to contemplation.* I am united to Christ my bridegroom and reign with him.* Now we, assembled in your memory, cry out to you,* cease not to pray that our souls may be saved.


    O Mother of God, because of You David the Prophet* became an ancestor of God;* he foretold and sang a joyous hymn of praise* and cried out to Him who worked wonders in you:* “The Queen stood at your right hand.”* God revealed you as a life-giving mother,* when He chose to be incarnate of you without a father.* He renewed in man His image which the passions had corrupted.* He found the lost sheep in the mountains, carried it on His shoulders,* offered it to the Father, generously numbered it among the powers of heaven,* and saved the whole world, since He is Christ of great and rich mercy.


    (1) Proverbs 10:6-8; 8:6-21; (2) Wisdom 8:17-21; 9:1-4; (3) Wisdom 4:1, 6-20


    In Tone 5

    Grace is poured out on your lips, holy father Chrysostom.* The Lord anointed you to be a priest of his people,* to feed his flock in holiness and justice.* Armed with the sword of strength, you cut off the confusion of error:* cease not to pray for peace for the world* and salvation for our souls.

    My mouth shall speak wisdom and the meditation of my heart understanding!

    Rejoice, father of orphans, sufferer of unjust banishment,* treasury of the poor, food of the hungry,* converter of sinners, skilled physician of souls,* interpreter of holy Scripture, living law of the Holy Spirit:* pray to Christ our God, that He may have mercy on us.

    The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom and his tongue speaks justice.

    The world is enlightened by your words, brilliant sun,* your charity is a bright star, a shining lamp, and a beacon for all,* guiding to salvation those lost in the stormy sea of this world.* Venerable John, intercede for us.

    In Tone 6, Glory...

    Holy father, as a loyal pastor you suffered unjustly,* you drank the bitter cup of tribulation and exile.* You received a blessed death, glorifying God for all things.* As a courageous soldier, you overcame the crafty enemy.* Chrysostom, offer our prayers to Christ our God,* who glorified you with the crown of victory.


    Christ the Lord, our Creator and Redeemer,* came forth from your womb, O most pure Virgin.* He clothed Himself in our human flesh* to set us free from the original curse of Adam.* Therefore, O Mary, we praise you, without ceasing,* as the true Virgin Mother of God,* and we sing with the angels:* Rejoice, O Lady, advocate, protector, and salvation of our souls.


    In Tone 8

    The divine Church rejoices* and the whole world keeps feast with radiance* at the transfer of your relics, O venerable hierarch John Chrysostom.* Your life as a bishop was godly* and you willingly became a martyr.* Therefore we cry to you, O martyr, passion-bearer and hierarchs’ companion:* Pray to Christ God that our souls may be saved.

    Glory… Now…

    O gracious Lord, for the sake of mankind You were born of a virgin;* through Your death on the cross You conquered death;* and through Your resurrection You revealed yourself as God.* O merciful Lord, do not disdain those whom You have created with Your own hands,* but show forth Your love for mankind.* Accept the intercession which the Mother, who bore You, makes in our behalf.* O Saviour, save Your despairing people!




    Great Ekteny

    The Lord is God (Tone 8)

    Troparion, Tone 8

    The divine Church rejoices* and the whole world keeps feast with radiance* at the transfer of your relics, O venerable hierarch John Chrysostom.* Your life as a bishop was godly* and you willingly became a martyr.* Therefore we cry to you, O martyr, passion-bearer and hierarchs’ companion:* Pray to Christ God that our souls may be saved.

    Glory… Now…

    O gracious Lord, for the sake of mankind You were born of a virgin;* through Your death on the cross You conquered death;* and through Your resurrection You revealed yourself as God.* O merciful Lord, do not disdain those whom You have created with Your own hands,* but show forth Your love for mankind.* Accept the intercession which the Mother, who bore You, makes in our behalf.* O Saviour, save Your despairing people!

    Kathisma & Little Ekteny

    Sessional Hymn I, Tone 1

    By brilliant flashes of teachings and precepts,* you enlightened the earth like a great sun. John Chrysostom,* you drove the darkness of ignorance far away!* Therefore, I beg you, free me from the eternal darkness and by your intercessions,* count me worthy of the light of salvation!

    Glory… Now…

    You alone brought forth Christ with out seed:* how beyond thought is the miracle, Virgin and mother!* Bowing down, we glorify you as Theotokos,* for you gave birth to the King of glory.* Pray to Him to establish peace in the world* and to save our souls!

    Kathisma & Little Ekteny

    Sessional Hymn II, Tone 4

    Chrysostom, you were granted by Christ to the Church* as a gleaming, golden, pleasing and divine instrument* sounding forth the words from God!* Sweetly-voiced swallow, shining like gold,* mind robed with gold, harp of repentance,* by your prayers, blessed one, amazing pastor,* deliver those who honour you from temptation.

    Glory… Now…

    I have fled for refuge to your divine shelter Theotokos* and after God, I call on you with pleas:* have mercy, pure One, for my sins have engulfed me;* I am distracted and tremble in fear of punishments!* Lady, pray to your holy Son, to deliver me from these!



    We extol you,* O Holy Hierarch Gregory the Theologian,* and we honour your holy memory,* for you pray to Christ our God for us!


    Hear this, all peoples!

    Give ear all who dwell upon the earth!

    Glory… Now…

    Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Glory to You, O God! (3)

    Gradual Hymn


    (Tone 4) My lips will speak words of wisdom, understanding will be my heart’s desire.

    verse: Hear this, all peoples, give ear all who dwell upon the earth.


    Let Everything That Has Breath (Tone 4)

    John 10:1-8

    Psalm 50

    After Psalm 50

    Tone 6, Glory…

    Through the prayers of the holy hierarch John Chrysostom,* O merciful Lord,* cleanse me from the multitude of my transgressions.


    Through the prayers of the Theotokos,* O merciful Lord,* cleanse me from the multitude of my transgressions.

    Have mercy upon me, O God, according to Your loving kindness, according to the multitude of Your tender mercies blot out my transgressions

    Venerable, thrice-blessed and most holy father,* good pastor and teacher of Christ the chief shepherd:* you laid down your life for your sheep!* Now, all-praised John Chrysostom,* entreat by your prayers that we may be granted great mercy!


    ODE 1

    Irmos I will open my mouth and it will be filled with the Spirit, and I will utter a word to the Queen and Mother, and I shall be seen keeping glad festival, and rejoicing I will sing her wonders.

    Refrain: Holy father John, pray to God for us!

    Spiritually enriched with mysteries, blessed Father inspired by God, you uttered words of doctrines; through which you became a shepherd of the Church, leading it over to a heavenly sheepfold.

    Refrain: Holy father John, pray to God for us!

    You sped towards the height of the ascents of Scripture, and explored its irresistible and unravaged beauty with purity of mind, through which you have been declared a lantern of high priesthood.

    Refrain: Holy father John, pray to God for us!

    You encountered the divine illumination of the spiritual light, Father, and made our minds radiant, while with rightly expounding rays you reduced heresies to ashes and burned them up through the Spirit.

    Glory… Now…

    Child-birth without knowledge of man is perfected in you; from you the Word above all godhead comes forth, and, keeping you virgin after childbirth, appears as perfect God and man.

    Katavasia I will open my mouth and it will be filled with the Spirit, and I will utter a word to the Queen and Mother, and I shall be seen keeping glad festival, and rejoicing I will sing her wonders.


    ODE 3

    Irmos Your Church, O Christ, rejoices in you and cries, You, Lord, are my strength, my refuge and my firmament.

    Refrain: Holy father John, pray to God for us!

    By the shining out of your holy actions you kept your mind unsullied, and were revealed, O Hierarch, as a mirror of divine splendour.

    Refrain: Holy father John, pray to God for us!

    Truly perfected by the hope of grace, you became a priest of the Gospel of grace.

    Refrain: Holy father John, pray to God for us!

    The Church, bearing the delight of your words, glorious Saint, beyond the sweetness of honeycomb, spits out the bitterness of heresies.

    Glory… Now…

    As we revere you, All-blameless Mother of God, a gate and common temple of the divine glory, we are all freed from dangers.

    Katavasia Your Church, O Christ, rejoices in you and cries, You, Lord, are my strength, my refuge and my firmament.





    (Tone 5) The meadow of the words of the inspired Scriptures, who guides us to repentance; Christ’s Hierarch, who endured temptations of many kinds, as we have been taught by him, let us honour him as is fitting, for he intercedes with the Lord to have mercy on our souls.


    Hail gate of the Lord, through which none may pass; hail wall and protection of those who flee to you; hail haven without storms and who did not know wedlock; who bore in the flesh your Maker and God; do not cease to intercede for those who hymn and worship your Offspring.


    Your Mother, seeing you willingly hung upon a cross between thieves, O Christ, wounded as a mother in her heart she said: My sinless Son, how you have been unjustly fixed like a malefactor, to a cross, wishing as compassionate, to save the human race.


    ODE 4

    Irmos I heard of your coming, Lord, and was afraid; I knew your works, Lord, and was amazed, for the earth is full of your praise.

    Refrain: Holy father John, pray to God for us!

    Having caught them like fishes with the net of the true confession, Father, you offered the sacred condition of your flock as a sacrifice to God.

    Refrain: Holy father John, pray to God for us!

    Armed with Christ, the helmet of faith, you cut off, as in ecstasy, the heads of heretics; and so a garland of victory has been woven for you.

    Refrain: Holy father John, pray to God for us!

    You appeared as Hierarch and minister of the divine dispensation, and became an initiator and most sacred initiate of the glory of the gifts of the Spirit.

    Glory… Now…

    We have you, Bride of God, as a wall in temptations and a divine protection in trouble, a fair haven, and a sure mercy-seat for our souls.

    Katavasia I heard of your coming, Lord, and was afraid; I knew your works, Lord, and was amazed, for the earth is full of your praise.]


    ODE 5

    Irmos You, Lord, my light, came into the world, a holy light turning from the darkness of ignorance those who sing your praise in faith.

    Refrain: Holy father John, pray to God for us!

    You were revealed as a godlike river for your flock, watering the ploughland of their souls, High Priest, with your godlike gifts.

    Refrain: Holy father John, pray to God for us!

    You made the splendour of your words shine out for us, while you scattered the fog of godless doctrines, appeared like a star which knows no evening.

    Refrain: Holy father John, pray to God for us!

    By your entreaties to God, stretch out your hand of help to me in troubles, from the harshness of dangers, all-praised servant of Christ.

    Glory… Now…

    We present you as an unbreakable weapon against foes; we have gained you as anchor and hope of our salvation, Bride of God.

    Katavasia You, Lord, my light, came into the world, a holy light turning from the darkness of ignorance those who sing your praise in faith.]


    ODE 6

    Irmos Prefiguring your burial for three days, the Prophet Jonas, as he prayed within the whale, cried out, Deliver me from corruption, Jesus, Kings of Powers!

    Refrain: Holy father John, pray to God for us!

    You drew the abyss of the thoughts of the Scriptures, you were enriched with the inspired doctrines and you dried up, High Priest, the rivers of heresies.

    Refrain: Holy father John, pray to God for us!

    As you stand at the table of the Master Christ, and are found worthy of his divine banquet, do not cease to ask insistently for pardon for our souls.

    Refrain: Holy father John, pray to God for us!

    Drawing the sword, inspired Father, with the word of the Spirit you destroyed the unnatural growths of godless thoughts and rooted firmly the thoughts of believers.

    Glory… Now…

    By your child-bearing you escaped the ancient curse, for you conceived joy in your womb, O Virgin, and by giving birth to God you made human nature divine.

    Katavasia Prefiguring your burial for three days, the Prophet Jonas, as he prayed within the whale, cried out: Deliver me from corruption, Jesus, King of Powers.





    (Tone 1) The precious Church rejoices mystically* at the transfer of your holy relics* and treasuring them as costly gold* it lavishly grants to those who hymn you the grace of healing,* by your prayers, O John the Golden-mouthed.



    I bow the knee to the Maker of all things, I stretch out my hands to the eternal Word seeking the gift of words that I may sing the praise of the Saint whom he magnified. For he who lives to the ages said to the Prophet: I glorify those who glorify me with faith. He then, who among those of old exalted Samuel, has now glorified his Hierarch. For having traded well he brought the talent with which he had been entrusted to the King. Therefore the One above all being also exalted him. For this reason I the unworthy ask that words be given me that I may have strength to sing his praise. For he is the instructor of the of the world who makes clear things divine.


    ODE 7

    Irmos You saved in the fire your Youths, of Abraham’s line, and destroyed the Chaldaeans with the snare with which they had unjustly trapped the just. O Lord highly exalted, the God of our Fathers, blessed are you.

    Refrain: Holy father John, pray to God for us!

    As a lover of wisdom, you were united by unbounded love to the love of Christ, High Priest, and so you cried: O Lord, highly praised, the God of our Fathers.

    Refrain: Holy father John, pray to God for us!

    You set your feet on the firm rock of the faith, you appeared unshaken by the waves of temptations, and you sang: O Lord, highly praised, the God of our Fathers.

    Refrain: Holy father John, pray to God for us!

    Leading a rational flock you pastured it on the green grass of immortal teachings, and with it you faithfully cried out: O Lord, highly praised, the God of our Fathers.

    Glory… Now…

    Hope and protection, haven and invincible wall, sure defence you have appeared, All-blameless, for those who cry: O Lord, highly praised, the God of our Fathers.

    Katavasia You saved in the fire your Youths, of Abraham’s line, and destroyed the Chaldaeans with the snare with which they had unjustly trapped the just. O Lord highly exalted, the God of our Fathers, blessed are you.


    ODE 8

    Irmos All-powerful Redeemer of all, you came down and bedewed the devout in the midst of the flame, and taught them to sing: All you works, bless, praise the Lord.

    Refrain: Holy father John, pray to God for us!

    Anointed with the oil of the Spirit, you have been revealed as God’s High Priest, like Aaron, blest Father, and you taught us to cry: All you works, bless, praise the Lord.

    Refrain: Holy father John, pray to God for us!

    Ablaze with the unapproachable light you dispelled the fog of error; scatter too the gloom of my passions, High Priest, by your prayers, that I may rejoice and glorify your memory.

    Refrain: Holy father John, pray to God for us!

    You adorned your sacred robe with the delight of the word, revealer of God, and through both you shone out, as you taught the cry: All you works, bless, praise the Lord.

    Glory… Now…

    As storm-tossed from the squalls of passions, we take refuge in your haven, Mother of God and Queen, and we cry without ceasing: All you works, bless, praise the Lord.

    Katavasia All-powerful Redeemer of all, you came down and bedewed the devout in the midst of the flame, and taught them to sing: All you works, bless, praise the Lord.




    ODE 9

    Irmos The Lord has shown strength with his arm, he has put down the mighty from their thrones and exalted the humble, the God of Israel, by which he ,the Dayspring from on high, has visited us, and directed us in the way of peace.

    Refrain: Holy father John, pray to God for us!

    Your clear tongue, like a melodious trumpet sounding the mystery of the word, rouses the faithful and arms them by divine operation against invisible foes.

    Refrain: Holy father John, pray to God for us!

    Mystically robed in the divine garment, you entered the marriage feast and joy above, and took your place at table with Christ, All-blessed Father.

    Refrain: Holy father John, pray to God for us!

    With one accord the choir of fathers rejoices and leaps for joy, the company of believers is glad, and the Church of God mystically dances at your memory.

    Glory… Now…

    Sovereign Lady, who gave birth to the Lamb of God and Chief Shepherd, Christ, rescue the city which honours you from dangers and corruption and the passions of sin.

    Katavasia The Lord has shown strength with his arm, he has put down the mighty from their thrones and exalted the humble, the God of Israel, by which he the Dayspring from on high has visited us, and directed us in the way of peace.


    Hymn of Light

    Rejoice, queen of cities! Clap your hands and sing! Today you receive the body of your good shepherd and chief pastor! The golden mouth flowing with honey governs and saves you and all the world!

    Glory… Now…

    Rejoice, palace of God! Rejoice overshadowed mountain! Rejoice bush which burned but was not consumed! Rejoice, throne of glory! Rejoice, divine table! Rejoice, golden vessel! Rejoice, brightly shining lamp! Rejoice, Mary, virgin Mother, the light-bearing cloud!


    At The Praises

    In Tone 4

    Your holy teachings poured out, all wise one, more brilliant than gold.* They enrich the understanding of the hungry* and dispel the gloom of the passions and bitter winter of avarice.* Therefore we fittingly bless you, Chrysostom, and honour the return of your relics* as a well-spring of holiness.

    You were unjustly driven from your flock, venerable father.* You endured tribulation and bitter exile* where you were counted worthy of a blessed end, as a good athlete, trampling down the crafty enemy.* Therefore, in your return the church rejoices* for you adorned her as with gold by your all-wise teachings.

    Today the blessed Chrysostom is hymned as a pillar of fire,* a river flowing with the waters of doctrine,* a heavenly intelligence, an all-golden mouth of theology,* the surety of sinners, a divine preacher of repentance,* a brightly shining lamp and a heavenly man!

    The imperial city receives your relics, Chrysostom, like a royal ornament.* It is adorned by them and boasts in your words.* It calls the whole world to celebrate and to a divine share in your abundant gifts.* It cries aloud: good Jesus,* You are the glory of your servants!

    In Tone 4, Glory…

    Father Chrysostom, like a divine river flowing mystically in the beginning from Eden,* passing over the four ends of the earth in your words,* you have watered every faithful person with your golden teaching.* Therefore, since the return of your divine relics has been openly ascribed to your city, John,* pray now that the souls of those who praise you may be saved!


    Look on the entreaties of your servants, blameless One!* Stop all the terrible attacks against us, freeing us from every affliction,* for we have only you as our sure and firm anchor!* Lady, do not let us be put to shame,* for we call on you for our intercession!* Hasten to pray for those who call in faith:* rejoice, Lady, help of all,* the joy and shelter and salvation of our souls!



    Troparion and Kontakion

    Troparion, Tone 8 The divine Church rejoices* and the whole world keeps feast with radiance* at the transfer of your relics, O venerable hierarch John Chrysostom.* Your life as a bishop was godly* and you willingly became a martyr.* Therefore we cry to you, O martyr, passion-bearer and hierarchs’ companion:* Pray to Christ God that our souls may be saved.

    Glory… Now…

    Kontakion, Tone 1 The precious Church rejoices mystically* at the transfer of your holy relics* and treasuring them as costly gold* it lavishly grants to those who hymn you the grace of healing,* by your prayers, O John the Golden-mouthed.

    Prokeimenon, Tone 1

    My mouth shall speak wisdom* and the meditation of my heart understanding.

    verse: Hear these things, all you nations; give ear all you inhabitants of the world.


    Hebrews 7:26-8:2

    Alleluia Verses, Tone 2

    verse: The mouth of the just man shall meditate wisdom and his tongue shall speak judgment.

    verse: The law of his God is in his heart, and his steps will not falter.


    John 10:9-15

    Communion Verse

    The just man shall be in everlasting remembrance;* of evil hearsay he shall have no fear. Alleluia. (3)