Event Information:
Circumcision of our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ. Our Father Among the Saints Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia (379).
Feast of our Lord. All-Night Vigil Feast. The Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great is celebrated today. A day when the faithful are highly encouraged to participate in the Divine Liturgy.
Kathisma Reading
“Blessed is the man” is sung.
At Psalm 140
Tone 8
Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!
In His love for mankind,* the Saviour condescended and willed to be wrapped in swaddling clothes.* Eight days old according to His mother* and eternal according to His Father,* He did not look down upon the circumcision of the flesh.* Therefore, O believers, let us cry out to Him:* You are our God; have mercy on us!
Let Your ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.
In His love for mankind,* the Saviour condescended and willed to be wrapped in swaddling clothes.* Eight days old according to His mother* and eternal according to His Father,* He did not look down upon the circumcision of the flesh.* Therefore, O believers, let us cry out to Him:* You are our God; have mercy on us!
If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.
The all-good God was not ashamed to be circumcised in the flesh,* but He offered Himself as a symbol* and an example of salvation to all.* For the Maker of the law submitted Himself to its commands* and to what the prophets beforehand told of Him.* O our God who hold all things in Your hands,* and yet were wrapped in swaddling clothes,* O Lord, glory to You!
I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.
The all-good God was not ashamed to be circumcised in the flesh,* but He offered Himself as a symbol* and an example of salvation to all.* For the Maker of the law submitted Himself to its commands* and to what the prophets beforehand told of Him.* O our God who hold all things in Your hands,* and yet were wrapped in swaddling clothes,* O Lord, glory to You!
Tone 4
From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.
You have been called by the name of Basil, after the kingdom.* In your kingly rank you led the people of Christ to wisdom and knowledge.* Then the Lord of all and King of Kings* adorned you with the crown of the kingdom, O Basil.* He is the everlasting and co-eternal Son* who was united to her that bore Him.* Therefore, intercede with Him* that He may enlighten and save our souls.
For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.
You have been called by the name of Basil, after the kingdom.* In your kingly rank you led the people of Christ to wisdom and knowledge.* Then the Lord of all and King of Kings* adorned you with the crown of the kingdom, O Basil.* He is the everlasting and co-eternal Son* who was united to her that bore Him.* Therefore, intercede with Him* that He may enlighten and save our souls.
Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.
Adorned with the vestments of a bishop, O Basil,* you gladly proclaimed the Gospel of the kingdom* and poured out the teachings of the true faith for the Church.* Now enlightened by them, we confess and glorify* the one Godhead, indivisible in three Persons;* namely the almighty Father, the only-begotten Word of God, and the Divine Spirit.* Intercede with Him * that He may enlighten and save our souls.
Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.
You are now living among the ranks of the heavenly powers, O Basil,* for you imitated their life with the purity of your way of living.* When you were in the flesh,* you lived on earth as one without flesh.* Therefore, intercede with Christ our God for us* who delight in your God-inspired teachings,* that He may protect us from dangers and the darkness of ignorance,* and that He may enlighten our souls.
Tone 8, Glory…
O venerable Father, you became a lover of wisdom,* preferring life with God to all possessions of the world.* Your contemplation of death made you forsake the wealth of the earth,* and by your perseverance in fasting,* you overcame the sting of passions.* By study of the divine law* you preserved the freedom within your soul.* By your generous practice of virtue* you subjected the passions of the flesh to the spirit.* You renounced the flesh, the world, and the princes of the earth;* now you stand in the presence of Christ.* Intercede with Him for great mercy upon our souls.
In his love for mankind,* the Saviour condescended and willed to be wrapped in swaddling clothes.* Eight days old according to his mother* and eternal according to his Father,* He did not look down upon the circumcision of the flesh.* Therefore, O believers, let us cry out to Him:* You are our God; have mercy on us!
(1) Genesis 17:1-14; (2) Proverbs 8:22-30; (3) Proverbs 10:31-11:12
Tone 3
With your life of purity, O holy Basil,* you attracted Christ, the fountain of life, to dwell in your soul.* You channelled streams of inspired teachings to the world.* The faithful people of the Church drink from them* and acknowledge the teachings of your lips* and offer good works to Him* who glorified your memory for all ages.
The holy chrism of grace was poured out upon you, O God-inspired Basil,* and anointed you as minister of the Gospel of the kingdom of heaven.* You were the sweet fragrance of Christ;* you filled the earth with the fragrance of His knowledge.* Graciously hear the voices of your servants* and ask abundant mercy for us who honour you.
Clothed in priestly vestments, holy Basil,* O defender of the Trinity,* you stood before the tribunal,* braving danger for the faith.* You resisted with the undaunted courage of a martyr.* You put to shame the anger of the bold emperor* who was filled with the power of the ungodly.* You willingly decided beforehand* to accept the sufferings that he threatened.* Having been ready of your own choice to be a martyr,* you received the crown of victory from Christ* who has shown great mercy.
Tone 6, Glory…
The grace flowed from your lips, O holy Father Basil.* You were the shepherd of the Church of Christ,* teaching your spiritual sheep to believe in the holy Trinity,* consubstantial on the one Godhead.
Tone 8, Now…
In His love for mankind,* the Saviour condescended and willed to be wrapped in swaddling clothes.* Eight days old according to His mother* and eternal according to His Father,* He did not look down upon the circumcision of the flesh.* Therefore, O believers, let us cry out to Him:* You are our God, have mercy on us!
Tone 1
You were like a divine and noble bee of the Church of Christ, all-blessed Basil.* When you armed yourself with the sting of divine love,* you wounded the blasphemers of God-transgressing heresies,* and you stored up the sweetness of true worship in the souls of believers.* Now that you have attained the delights of the divine presence,* remember us before the consubstantial Trinity.
My lips will speak words of wisdom; my heart is full of insight.
You have acquired the virtues of all the saints, O Father Basil:* the meekness of Moses and the zeal of Elijah,* the confession of faith by Peter,* and the eloquence in theology of John.* Like Paul, you never cease to cry aloud:* Who is weak and I am not weak?* Who is offended and I burn not?* Therefore, because you dwell with them,* pray for the salvation of our souls.
Tone 2
The mouth of the just utters wisdom, and his lips speak what is right.
O Basil, the revealer of holiness,* having studied the nature of creatures* and contemplated the instability of all things,* you found the only One Who is unchangeable,* the transcendent Creator of all the world.* And having clung to Him, you cast off the desire of transient things.* Therefore, intercede for us* that we may also obtain the divine love.
Tone 6, Glory…
O all-blessed Basil, you received the grace of miracles from heaven* and exposed the errors of the heathen by your doctrines.* You are the glory and support of bishops,* and an example of the teachings of all the Fathers.* Therefore, having received favour with Christ,* intercede with Him for the salvation of our souls.
Tone 8, Now…
The all-good God was not ashamed to be circumcised in the flesh,* but He offered Himself as a symbol* and an example of salvation to all.* For the Maker of the Law submitted Himself to its commands* and to what the prophets beforehand told of Him.* O our God who holds all things in Your hands* and yet were wrapped in swaddling clothes,* glory to You!
Tone 1
Your message has spread through all the earth:* it accepted the word with which you taught in a manner befitting God.* You explained the nature of things and ordered human conduct.* O namesake of the royal priesthood, venerable Father Basil,* pray to Christ God that our souls may be saved. (2)
You are seated on high on a fiery throne,* with Your Father who is without beginning and Your divine Spirit.* Yet You willed, O Jesus, to be born of a virgin maiden, Your Mother,* as a man, You were circumcised on the eighth day.* Glory to Your all-gracious will,* glory to Your providence,* glory to Your condescension, O You who alone love mankind.
The Lord is God, Tone 1
Troparia, Tone 1
You are seated on high on a fiery throne,* with Your Father who is without beginning and Your divine Spirit.* Yet You willed, O Jesus, to be born of a virgin maiden, Your Mother,* as a man, You were circumcised on the eighth day.* Glory to Your all-gracious will,* glory to Your providence,* glory to Your condescension, O You who alone love mankind. (2)
Your message has spread through all the earth:* it accepted the word with which you taught in a manner befitting God.* You explained the nature of things and ordered human conduct.* O namesake of the royal priesthood, venerable Father Basil,* pray to Christ God that our souls may be saved.
You are seated on high on a fiery throne,* with Your Father who is without beginning and Your divine Spirit.* Yet You willed, O Jesus, to be born of a virgin maiden, Your Mother,* as a man, You were circumcised on the eighth day.* Glory to Your all-gracious will,* glory to Your providence,* glory to Your condescension, O You who alone love mankind.
Psalm Reading & Small Litany
Sessional Hymn I
Tone 5
Let us all praise Basil as the royal adornment of the Church,* an inexhaustible treasury of doctrines,* for thereby he has taught us to worship the Holy Trinity,* which is united in essence* but distinguished as to hypostasis.
Tone 1
O all-wise Basil, as you stand before the Trinity,* pray that we who hymn you and honour your memory* may receive grace, mercy, and the washing away of our transgressions on the day of judgment,* that with mouth and heart we may glorify Him who alone loves mankind.
The Creator of all and Master of the world,* though He is on high with the Father and the Spirit,* is circumcised on earth as a babe eight days of age.* Truly divine and wondrous are Your works!* For You, O Master, who are the Fulfilment of the law** was circumcised for our sake.
Psalm Reading & Small Litany
Sessional Hymn II
Tone 8
You divinely drew forth the mystic riches of ineffable wisdom,* and have poured forth upon all the waters of Orthodoxy* which divinely gladden the hearts of the faithful* and fittingly drown the commands of the infidels.* Wherefore, in both have you been shown to be an invincible champion of the Trinity* by the sweat of your works of piety, O holy hierarch Basil.* Entreat Christ God, that He grant remission of transgressions* to those who with love celebrate your holy memory.
Tone 3
To the whole world you have given to drink your doctrines,* the collected dogmas of piety, as though they were water;* for the Well-spring of life truly resided within you, O Basil.* As you have acquired boldness, O divinely inspired one,* beseech Him to grant us great mercy.
Tone 4
He who is invisible in essence is now become visible in the flesh;* the uncreated Word now takes form, born of the pure Virgin.* Wherefore, following the law for the sake of us men,* He is circumcised as a babe eight days of age.* Let us therefore worship Him as our Saviour.
We extol You,* O Christ, the Giver of life,* and we honour the circumcision of Your all-pure flesh,* which You deigned to endure in accordance with the law.
We extol you,* O Basil, holy hierarch of Christ,* and we honour your holy memory* for you pray to Christ our God for us.
Shout joyfully to the Lord all the earth; sing to His name, give to Him glorious praise.
We extol you,* O Basil, holy hierarch of Christ,* and we honour your holy memory* for you pray to Christ our God for us.
Your priests shall be clothed with holiness; Your faithful shall ring out their joy.
We extol you,* O Basil, holy hierarch of Christ,* and we honour your holy memory* for you pray to Christ our God for us.
He has sent deliverance to His people. Holy is His name.
We extol you,* O Basil, holy hierarch of Christ,* and we honour your holy memory* for you pray to Christ our God for us.
They are happy, who dwell in Your house, forever singing Your praise.
We extol you,* O Basil, holy hierarch of Christ,* and we honour your holy memory* for you pray to Christ our God for us.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.
We extol you,* O Basil, holy hierarch of Christ,* and we honour your holy memory* for you pray to Christ our God for us.
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Glory be to You, O God! (3)
We extol you,* O Basil, holy hierarch of Christ,* and we honour your holy memory* for you pray to Christ our God for us.
Sessional Hymn, Tone 8
By the power of your divine words you cast down dark heresies:* you drowned all the insolence of Eunomius, for you preached that the Spirit is God,* and you slayed the enemy with the work of your hands;* and you drove away all the ministry of Sabellius and set at nought all the reasonings of Nestorius.* O holy hierarch Basil, entreat Christ God, that He grant remission of transgressions* to those who with love celebrate your holy memory.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
The grace of your divine discourses and the mystic heights of your dogmas* have become for us a ladder of divine ascent;* for having acquired the clarion of the Spirit, O father,* you thereby proclaimed divine doctrines.* wherefore, you have made your abode in a place of verdure,* receiving the reward for your struggles.* O venerable hierarch Basil, entreat Christ God, that He grant remission of transgressions* to those who with love celebrate your holy memory.
Now and for ever and ever. Amen.
The Master and Creator of all, who received flesh from your all-pure womb,* has shown you to be an intercessor for men, O most immaculate one;* wherefore, we all flee to you, asking to be cleansed of our transgressions, O Mistress,* and to be delivered from everlasting torments and all the oppression of the evil prince of this world.* For this cause we cry to you:* Entreat your Son and God, that He grant remission of transgression* to those who with faith worship your most holy birthgiving.
Gradual Hymn
Sunday Tone 4, First Antiphon
Prokeimenon, Tone 4
My mouth shall speak wisdom;* the meditation of my heart shall be understanding.
verse: Hear this, all peoples; give ear all inhabitants of the earth!
John 10:9-16
After Psalm 50
Tone 6
Through the prayers of the holy Basil, saint and bishop,* O merciful Lord,* cleanse me from the multitude of my transgressions!
Through the prayers of the Theotokos,* O merciful Lord,* cleanse me from the multitude of my transgressions!
Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy; according to the multitude of Your compassions, blot out my transgressions.
The grace flowed from your lips, O holy father Basil.* You were the shepherd of the Church of Christ,* teaching your reason-endowed sheep to believe in the holy Trinity,* consubstantial on the one Godhead.
Canon, Tone 2
Irmos Come, all people! Let us sing a song to God who divided the sea, guiding the people He led out from bondage to the Egyptians: for gloriously has He been glorified!
Glory to You, our God, glory to You!
Bearing a symbol of things to come, the eighth day is sanctified and brightened by Your voluntary poverty, Christ, for on this day you were circumcised in the flesh according to the Law.
Glory to You, our God, glory to You!
Christ accepts the circumcision of the eighth day after His birth, and on that day the prefiguring shadow is clothed by the light of the dawning new grace.
Irmos Come, all people! Let us sing a song to God who divided the sea, guiding the people He led out from bondage to the Egyptians: for gloriously has He been glorified!
Holy father Basil, pray to God for us!
The sound of your voice would be welcome company for those desiring to prepare praises in your honour! But in its place, grant them the indulgence of abundant grace
Holy father Basil, pray to God for us!
You tamed the play of the passions and torments of the flesh by your love for the pursuit of wisdom. Therefore, father Basil, you dwell in the unassailable kingdoms.
Holy father Basil, pray to God for us!
You trod the thorny path of virtues, Basil, to reach the plain and peaceful way up to heaven, and so were revealed as a pattern for all humanity.
Holy father Basil, pray to God for us!
With the sword of the Spirit, Basil, you wisely cut down the passions both of soul and body, and offered yourself as a sacrifice to the Master.
You befriended ineffable things, Basil, initiating mankind into the kingdom of Christ, holy father, causing the light of the Trinity to shine clearly on us.
Who can rightly tell of your ineffable conceiving? For you bore God in the flesh, the Saviour of all who appeared to us, most holy Virgin!
Katavasia The Lord mighty in battle uncovered the foundations of the deep and led His servants on dry ground; but He covered their adversaries with the waters, for He has been glorified!
Katavasia Israel passed through the storm-tossed deep of the sea, which God had turned into dry land: but the dark waters completely covered the chief captains of Egypt in a watery grave, through the mighty strength of the right hand of the Master.
Irmos O Lord, as You put sin to death upon the tree, establish us in You, and plant the fear of You in the hearts of those who sing Your praises!
Glory to You, our God, glory to You!
Made flesh, the transcendent Word was circumcised to the fulfilment and end of the Law, giving us the divine first fruits of grace and incorruptible life.
Glory to You, our God, glory to You!
The Incarnate Christ showed Himself as the divine Fulfiller of the Law, condescending to be circumcised on the eighth day.
Irmos Lord, as You put sin to death upon the tree, establish us in You, and plant the fear of You in the hearts of those who sing Your praises!
Holy father Basil, pray to God for us!
You manifestly trampled down the things of the earth with the fullness of all teaching, Basil, and the light of a better world.
Holy father Basil, pray to God for us!
For love of the better part, you flew on wings of wisdom, Basil, taught in the fear of the Lord, the beginning of wisdom.
You wisely ascended by action, Basil, showing deeds to be the way to the most divine contemplation, learning well the knowledge of future things.
Pure and ever Virgin, you conceived God in your womb without seed and ineffably brought Him forth upon whom the hosts of heaven dare not gaze!
Katavasia The Lord who gives strength to our kings and exalts the horn of His anointed, is born of a Virgin and comes to baptism. Therefore let us, the faithful, cry aloud: none is holy as our God and none is righteous save you, O Lord!
Katavasia We have all been set loose from the ancient snares and the jaws of the devouring lions have been broken: let us then, rejoice exceedingly and open our mouths in song, weaving with words a melody to the Word who delights to grant gifts to us!
Small Litany
Kontakion, Tone 3
The Lord of all submits to circumcision* and in His love cuts off the failings of mortals;* today He gives the world salvation.* While in the highest there rejoices* Basil the hierarch of the Creator and bearer of Light,* and the divine initiate of Christ.
Irmos I have heard the report of Your dispensation, Lord, and I have glorified You, only Lover of mankind.
Glory to You, our God, glory to You!
Circumcision has ceased for Christ was circumcised of His own will, granting the nations remission of sins, and saving them by grace.
Glory to You, our God, glory to You!
The eighth day, the day on which Christ the Master was circumcised in the flesh, portrays for us the eternal life of the age to come.
Irmos I have heard the report of Your dispensation, Lord, and I have glorified You, only Lover of mankind.
Holy father Basil, pray to God for us!
The Church is adorned as a bride by the birth of the Christ Child and by the memorial of St. Basil.
Holy father Basil, pray to God for us!
Honouring the divine Child, you reverently taught, Basil, that He is not created by the Godhead!
Holy father Basil, pray to God for us!
You unashamedly fought for God, humbling yourself, Basil, before all His ordinances.
Holy father Basil, pray to God for us!
All-blessed Basil, you were given by God to the Church as a fortress and unassailable wall.
All-blessed father Basil, you appeared a destroying weapon to the opponents of God, and as a fire burning up deceit.
Undefiled One, who conceived God without seed, we entreat you to intercede for your servants.
Katavasia He whom you have called, O Lord, the voice of one crying in the wilderness, heard Your voice when You thundered upon many waters, bearing witness to Your Son. Wholly filled with the Spirit that had come, He cried aloud: You are Christ, the Wisdom and the Power of God!
Katavasia Cleansed by the fire of a mystic vision the prophet sang the praises of the renewal of mortal man. Filled with the inspiration of the Spirit, he raised his voice, telling of the incarnation of the ineffable Word who has shattered the dominion of the strong.
Irmos Lord, the Giver of light and Creator of the ages, guide us by the light of Your statutes, for we know no other God but You!
Glory to You, our God, glory to You!
Not thinking it unworthy to put on the form of mortal man, You proceeded from a Virgin Mother in ways past understanding, Lord, and as a child, You lawfully fulfilled the Law.
Glory to You, our God, glory to You!
Loving the shadow of the Law, Israel entered into night, while Christ, the Light of the world has been revealed, flashing forth from you as lightning, O Theotokos.
Irmos Lord, the Giver of light and Creator of the ages, guide us by the light of Your statutes, for we know no other God but You!
Holy father Basil, pray to God for us!
Today the Church worthily honours a twofold feast: the feast of the circumcision of the Master as a child who appeared on earth, and the memorial of His wise and thrice-blessed servant.
Holy father Basil, pray to God for us!
The incomprehensible Light ever rested in you, O saint, and Christ has manifested you as a radiant lamp to the world; therefore we praise your memory, Basil.
Holy father Basil, pray to God for us!
Moses the lawgiver, and Joseph, who before the Law, distributed corn for food, were not equal to you, Basil, for you were manifested as a celebrant at the breaking of the divine Flesh at the altar.
What was present on Sinai and shown to Moses as in a dim mirror, you made plain to all humanity, Basil.
We cry out to you who bore Christ the creator: rejoice, Pure One! Rejoice, for you have made the Light to rise for us! Rejoice, for you have encompassed the uncircumscribed God!
Katavasia Jesus, the Prince of Life, has come to set loose the first-formed man from condemnation and though as God He needs no cleansing, yet for the sake of fallen man He is cleansed in the Jordan. In its streams He slew the enmity and grants the peace that passes all understanding.
Katavasia We have been washed by the cleansing of the Spirit from the poison of the dark and unclean enemy, and we have set out upon a new path free from error, leading to gladness of heart beyond all attaining, which only they attain whom God has reconciled to himself.
Irmos An abyss of sins has finally encompassed me. But, O Lord, lead my life up out of corruption as You led up Jonah!
Glory to You, our God, glory to You!
The Law became of no effect when Christ became a child, and was manifest as the fulfilment of the Law. By accepting circumcision, He has set us free from its curse.
Glory to You, our God, glory to You!
Through the Spirit, Christ by appearing has caused the Sabbaths and circumcision of the haughty Jews to cease, and the spring of grace has shone!
Irmos An abyss of sins has finally encompassed me. But, O Lord, lead my life up out of corruption as You led up Jonah!
Holy father Basil, pray to God for us!
You bountifully fed the souls of the poor, wasted with hunger, Basil, filling their famished hearts with every divine gladness!
Holy father Basil, pray to God for us!
You fed the souls of the hungry with heavenly food, for your word, Basil, is the bread of angels, and you were a generous dispenser of grain.
Holy father Basil, pray to God for us!
With love of labour, Basil, you gathered every virtue as bees from the flowers. Becoming all-wise, you were called blessed.
You made haste to break the bonds of the world in order to live with God. Therefore laying aside unstable and corruptible things, you wisely gained those that are eternal.
Unwedded Theotokos, Mary, the bush on Sinai transfigured with fire portrayed you, Ever-Virgin Mother!
Katavasia The voice of the Word, the Candlestick of the Light, the Morning Star and Forerunner of the Sun, cried in the wilderness to all the peoples: repent and be cleansed while there is yet time. For lo, Christ is at hand, who delivers the world from corruption.
Katavasia The Father in a voice full of joy made manifest His Beloved whom He had begotten from the womb. This is indeed my offspring, He said, of the same nature as Myself: bearing light, He has come forth from mankind, My Living Word, in divine providence made a mortal man.
Small Litany
Kontakion, Tone 4
You have appeared as a firm foundation for the Church,* maintaining its authority as a sure refuge for mortals,* sealing it by your doctrine,* O venerable Basil,* revealer of heaven.
Spiritually, the great Basil was a cup of purity, a mouth of wisdom, and a pillar of the doctrines that shine for us as lightning. Come, then, and let us stand in the house of God, and behold fervently the same miracles that brought him the fullness of joy! And as lamps burning brightly, let us warm ourselves by the pure spirit of his life, his faith, his fervour, and his humility. Through these he was manifested as the dwelling of God. Crying aloud to him, we sing: Saint Basil: our venerable and heavenly father!
Irmos Your three children trampled on the ungodly command to adore the golden calf on the Persian field, and sprinkled with dew, they sang in the midst of the fire: blessed are You, Lord God of our fathers!
Glory to You, our God, glory to You!
Today the bright and shining birth of Christ and the mystery of the coming rebirth are portrayed. For the Saviour is circumcised according to the decree of the Law, not as God but as mortal man, yet the Fulfiller of the Law!
Glory to You, our God, glory to You!
Today the Maker of the Law is voluntarily circumcised, thus fulfilling it and circumcising our sins, causing us to cry: blessed are You, Lord God of our fathers!
Irmos Your three children trampled on the ungodly command to adore the golden calf on the Persian field, and sprinkled with dew, they sang in the midst of the fire: blessed are You, Lord God of our fathers!
Holy father Basil, pray to God for us!
The Son has appeared as an image of the Father, and the Spirit as an image of the Son: and you, Basil, are a clear glass and a dwelling of the Trinity. Your memory is blessed, and those who glorify it shall themselves be glorified!
Holy father Basil, pray to God for us!
You plunged your mind into the depth of the incomprehensible things of God, and collecting the most precious pearl of knowledge, you enriched the world with wisdom, teaching it to cry: blessed are You, Lord God of our fathers!
Holy father Basil, pray to God for us!
You both were as one soul in two bodies: Gregory in Basil and Basil in Gregory, united by divine love. Pray now to Christ for your flock.
Holy father Basil, pray to God for us!
Father of orphans and champion of widows, wealth for the poor and comfort for the weak! You were shown, Basil, to be a guide for the wealthy, a staff for the old, and a teacher of virtue for the young who lived the monastic life.
You cleansed your mind of filthy defilement, and in the Spirit you longed for, you searched out the things of the Spirit. Therefore, singing the praises of the Trinity, you cried out with boldness: blessed are You, Lord God of our fathers!
Moses foresaw you on Mount Sinai as pure as the burning bush, receiving unconsumed the unbearable brightness of the Ineffable One who was united in you as one of the holy Persons, to the flesh of mankind.
Katavasia The breath of the wind heavy with dew and the descent of the angel of God preserved the holy children from all harm, as they walked in the fiery furnace. Refreshed with dew in the flames, they sang in thanksgiving: blessed are You and praised above all, Lord God of our fathers!
Katavasia He who stilled the heat of the flame of the furnace that mounted high in the air and encircled the godly children, burnt the heads of the dragons in the stream of the Jordan: and with the dew of the Spirit He washes away all the stubborn obscurity of sin.
Irmos All works of the Lord, bless the Lord: the Word of God who has ordered all things in His wisdom, leading them from nothingness into being!
Glory to You, our God, glory to You!
The Master was circumcised on the eighth day, and He received the name of Jesus, for He is the Saviour and the Lord of all the world.
Glory to You, our God, glory to You!
The most glorious memorial of the bishop is joined to the feast of the nativity of Christ. Honouring both the feasts, we sing the praises of the Lord!
Irmos All works of the Lord, bless the Lord: the Word of God who has ordered all things in His wisdom, leading them from nothingness into being!
Holy father Basil, pray to God for us!
Basil, the light of godliness and trumpet of theology has been given to the world in an ineffable dispensation. All works of the Lord, bless the Lord!
Holy father Basil, pray to God for us!
A generous and active power dwelt in the wise Basil, and he discoursed with reverence on the nature of God: all works of the Lord, bless the Lord!
Holy father Basil, pray to God for us!
Ever delighting in your divine words and praising your memory, we cry, Basil: all works of the Lord, bless the Lord!
Holy father Basil, pray to God for us!
Enlightening the world with the radiance of your words, Basil, you guided it with light to worship the one nature of the Trinity. All works of the Lord, bless the Lord!
We praise, bless and worship the Lord, singing and exalting him throughout all ages!
All works of the Lord, bless God the Word, pre-eternal and timeless, proceeding from the Father, and in these latter days arising from the Virgin!
Katavasia The Babylonian furnace, as it poured forth dew, foreshadowed a marvellous mystery: how the Jordan should receive in its streams the immaterial fire, and should encompass the creator, when he was baptized in the flesh. Peoples, bless and exalt him above all forever.
Katavasia The creation finds itself set free, and those in darkness are now made sons of light: alone, the prince of darkness groans. Let all the inheritance of the nations, that was before in misery, now bless with eagerness him who has wrought this change!
O my soul, magnify her who is greater in honour than the hosts on high; O my soul, magnify Him who is circumcised in the flesh according to the Law!
Irmos All pure and blessed one, you ineffably gave flesh from your virgin womb to the light that was before the sun, the god who shone forth and came in the body to live with us. We magnify you, Theotokos!
O my soul, magnify Him who received circumcision on the eighth day!
Today the Master is circumcised in the flesh fulfilling the Law as an infant.
O my soul, magnify Him who received circumcision on the eighth day!
Today the Master is circumcised in the flesh and is called Jesus!
O my soul, magnify Him who received circumcision on the eighth day!
Christ surpassed the limits of mankind’s entire nature! He was born beyond nature of a Virgin, and He who clearly directs the letter of the Law is circumcised in the flesh and shown to be the Fulfilment of the Law!
O my soul, magnify the Church of God in her beauty!
Come, let us keep the solemn feast! Let us celebrate holy things: the glorious naming of the Master, Christ. For today Jesus is called by His Name, as is divinely fitting. And together with these holy things, we magnify the memorial of the holy bishop.
O my soul, magnify Basil, great among holy bishops; O my soul, magnify Basil the Great from Caesarea!
Irmos All pure and blessed one, you ineffably gave flesh from your virgin womb to the light that was before the sun, the god who shone forth and came in the body to live with us. We magnify you, Theotokos!
O my soul, magnify the bright luminary of the inhabited earth!
Basil, faithful sheep of the chief Shepherd, Christ, you followed in His life-giving footsteps, for you gave up your soul to the tyrant, nobly braving the dangers which were threatening the Church, all-blessed father.
O my soul, magnify the bright luminary of the inhabited earth!
Beholding the sacred structure of the Church of Christ adorned by you as bishop, wise Basil, the all-destructive tyrant fell as one struck by thunder, for he could not bear the radiance of the Spirit that was in you.
O my soul, magnify him who adorns the Church of Christ!
You were counted worthy of the sees of the Apostles, Basil, of the choirs of the martyrs of Christ, the mansions of the patriarchs, the delight of the righteous and company of the prophets, for you were a friend of the Theotokos and a servant of the Trinity.
O my soul, magnify the power of the Godhead in Three Persons and undivided!
O my soul, magnify her who delivered us from the curse!
The only Lord, who covers the heavens with waters setting the bounds of the sea and drying up the unfathomed deep, has assumed flesh from you. He hastens from Bethlehem to the Jordan to be baptized in the flesh!
Katavasia No tongue is capable of praising you worthily: the angelic mind is overawed in exalting you, Theotokos! But accept our faith, since you are gracious and know our divine love. You are the protectress of Christians, and we praise you!
Katavasia Most pure Bride, blessed Mother, the wonders of your childbearing pass all understanding. Through you we have obtained the salvation of all, and fittingly rejoice truly before you, our Benefactor, bringing as a gift a song of thanksgiving!
Hymn of Light, Tone 3
With the desire of love of wisdom you cut away that which covered your soul, O father, and in your miracles were shown to the world to be like the sun; and you have illumined the thoughts of the faithful, O divinely wise Basil, initiate of the mysteries of the Trinity and servant of the Theotokos. (2)
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.
The Creator of the ages, who has fulfilled the law, is circumcised in the flesh as a babe eight days of age; He is wrapped in swaddling bands as a man; He is fed with milk who, as God, sustains all things by His infinite might and holds all things in His hand.
At the Praises, Tone 5
He who as the Word was ineffably begotten of the Father without separation or corruption* endures circumcision in the flesh,* and as God begotten by God He remains immutably divine;* wherefore, He who is above the law,* following the law delivers all from the curse of the law,* and grants them blessing from on high.* For this cause, praising His all-good condescension,* we hymn and glorify Him in thanksgiving,* entreating Him to grant our souls great mercy. (2)
Having become a child of God through grace,* by the regeneration of divine baptism, O venerable one,* in essence and truth you confessed the pre-eternal Son and Word of God,* as consubstantial and equally unoriginate with the Father;* and with the brilliance of your words you shut the gaping mouths of the heretics.* Wherefore, you have made your abode in the kingdom on high,* reigning together with Christ, who rules alone and naturally,* and does richly accord great mercy to the world.
Through activity and vision you entered within the temple of heaven as a sacred priest,* vested in the principles of wisdom as with holy raiment.* And now, serving as priest at the altar of heaven, O venerable one,* and standing before God, performing the immaterial service,* mercifully remember those who celebrate your sacred and most honoured memory, O most blessed Basil,* entreating Christ, who grants the world great mercy.
Wholly consecrated to God and dedicated to Him from childhood in every way, shining forth with the rays of wisdom all-divine you have made clear the understanding of those things which exist, speaking plainly and holding forth in wisdom, revealing the order of nature, that all may recognize the work of God. Wherefore, we proclaim you to be a divinely eloquent and godly teacher and a radiant beacon of the Church, who prays to Christ, who grants the world great mercy.
Made steadfast by the fear of God,* you understood the beginning of wisdom, O Basil.* You surpassed fear by the wisdom and uprightness of your life, O father,* and, united to God by love, you became His alone.* Wherefore, having learned His divine justifications and judgments,* you taught morals to men, and adorned the minds of the faithful,* making the council splendid by your spiritual laws.* For this cause, entreat Christ, that He grant great mercy to our souls.
Tone 6, Glory…
Grace was poured forth in your lips, O venerable father,* and you were a shepherd of the Church of Christ,* teaching the reason-endowed sheep to believe in the consubstantial Trinity,** in the one Godhead.
Tone 8, Now…
Descending to the human race,* the Saviour deigned to be wrapped in swaddling-bands,* and He did not refuse to be circumcised in the flesh* as an eight-day old infant born of His Mother,* but unoriginate according to His Father.* To Him, O you faithful, let us cry:* You are our God! Have mercy upon us!
Troparia, Tone 1
Your message has spread through all the earth:* it accepted the word with which you taught in a manner befitting God.* You explained the nature of things and ordered human conduct.* O namesake of the royal priesthood, venerable Father Basil,* pray to Christ God that our souls may be saved.
Glory… Now…
You are seated on high on a fiery throne,* with Your Father who is without beginning and Your divine Spirit.* Yet You willed, O Jesus, to be born of a virgin maiden, Your Mother,* as a man, You were circumcised on the eighth day.* Glory to Your all-gracious will,* glory to Your providence,* glory to Your condescension, O You who alone love mankind.
Troparia and Kontakia
Troparion, Tone 1: You are seated on high on a fiery throne,* with Your Father who is without beginning and Your divine Spirit.* Yet You willed, O Jesus, to be born of a virgin maiden, Your Mother,* as a man, You were circumcised on the eighth day.* Glory to Your all-gracious will,* glory to Your providence,* glory to Your condescension, O You who alone love mankind.
Troparion, Tone 1: Your message has spread through all the earth:* it accepted the word with which you taught in a manner befitting God.* You explained the nature of things and ordered human conduct.* O namesake of the royal priesthood, venerable Father Basil,* pray to Christ God that our souls may be saved.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
Kontakion, Tone 4: You have appeared as a firm foundation for the Church,* maintaining its authority as a sure refuge for mortals,* sealing it by your doctrine,* O venerable Basil,* revealer of heaven.
Now and for ever and ever. Amen.
Kontakion, Tone 3: The Lord of all submits to circumcision* and in His love cuts off the failings of mortals;* today He gives the world salvation.* While in the highest there rejoices* Basil the hierarch of the Creator and bearer of Light,* and the divine initiate of Christ.
Prokeimenon, Tone 6
Save Your people, O Lord and bless Your inheritance.
verse: Unto You I will cry, O Lord my God, lest You turn from me in silence. (Psalm 27:9,1)
Colossians 2:8-12; Hebrews 7:26-8:2
Alleluia, Tone 8
verse: Give heed, O Shepherd of Israel, You who lead Joseph like sheep. (Psalm 79:2)
verse: The mouth of the righteous shall declaim wisdom, and his tongue shall speak justice. (Psalm 36:30)
Luke 2:20-21, 40-52; Luke 6:17-23
Hymn to the Mother of God
In you, O Full of Grace, all creation rejoices: the angelic ranks and all the human race. Sanctified temple and spiritual paradise, virgins’ pride and boast, from whom God is made flesh and became a little Child; and He who is our God before all ages, He made your womb a throne, and He made it wider that all the heavens. In you, O Full of Grace, all creation rejoices. Glory be to you.
Communion Hymn
Praise the Lord from the heavens;* praise Him in the highest. (Psalm 148:1)* The just man shall be in everlasting remembrance;* of evil hearsay he shall have no fear. (Psalm 111:6-7)* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia.