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Daily texts will return after June 20, 2024!

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  • Mon

    Our Holy Father Meletius, Archbishop of Antioch (379-95).

    First day of the Great Fast. Abstention from meat, dairy, and eggs, and foods that contain these ingredients. According to liturgical prescriptions, the Divine Liturgy is not celebrated today.


    Sessional Hymn I, Tone 4

    Make my humble soul turn back, O Lord,* for I have wasted all my life in sin;* receive me as the harlot and save me.

    O Lord, rebuke me not in Your anger, neither chasten me in Your wrath.

    Sailing across the sea of this present life,* I lay to heart the depth of my many sins;* and lacking spiritual wisdom to guide me on my course, I cry to You like Peter:* Save me, Christ my God, save me in Your love for mankind.

    God is wonderful in His saints, the God of Israel.

    Today the angelic hosts are present at the memorial of the martyrs;* they enlighten the minds of the faithful and make the inhabited earth bright with grace.* O God, accept their intercessions, and grant us Your great mercy.

    Glory… Now…

    To you who were brought up in the temple, within the Holy of Holies,* to you who were clothed with faith and wisdom and blameless virginity,* the Archangel Gabriel brought greetings from heaven,* and he cried: ‘Hail, All-blessed; hail, All-glorified, the Lord is with you.’

    Sessional Hymn II, Tone 2

    Let us acquire compunction of soul,* as God-given first-fruits of the fast.* Let us cry: “Accept our prayer as pure incense, O Christ our master.* Deliver us, we entreat You, from the stench of corruption and from fearful torment.* For You alone are ready to forgive!”

    Glory… Now…

    As you are a well-spring of loving compassion, O Theotokos,* grant mercy to us.* Look upon us a sinful people,* and ever show forth your power;* for, trusting in you, we cry out to you, Rejoice!* as once did Gabriel, the supreme commander of the bodiless hosts.

    Sessional Hymn III, Tone 2

    Let us begin the most holy season of fasting with joy;* let us shine with the bright radiance of the holy commandments of Christ our God.* With the brightness of love and the splendour of prayer,* the strength of good courage and the purity of holiness!* So, clothed in garments of light, let us hasten to the holy resurrection on the third day,* that shines on the world with the glory of eternal life!

    Glory… Now…

    Beyond all hope, I am wondrously set free, O Mother of God,* from all that troubles me,* for I have obtained in my distress your invincible intercession!* You are always swift to help those who beseech you in faith,* dispelling the darkness of their many sins.* Therefore, with thanksgiving, I cry to You:* “Accept, O Lady, this small offering of grateful praise, and be my helper in all things!”


    Ode 1

    Irmos: Come, O people, let us sing a song to Christ our God,* Who divided the sea, and made a way for the nation* which He had brought up out of the bondage of Egypt;* for He has been glorified.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    How shall I begin to weep for my failings? Where can I make a start for salvation? I have lived as a prodigal. Save me by the ways that are Yours, O bountiful one.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    This is the time of repentance. This is the day of salvation. This is the beginning of the fast. Be vigilant, my soul! Close the door of your passions, and seek the Lord.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    The tempest of my sins has drawn me to the depths of despair, but I flee to the sea of Your mercy; save me, O Lord!

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    I have become a slave to sin. I alone have opened the doors to passionate impulse, O word, but convert me by Your compassion, O Saviour!

    Irmos: Come, O people, let us sing a song to Christ our God,* Who divided the sea, and made a way for the nation* which He had brought up out of the bondage of Egypt;* for He has been glorified.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    This is the time of great spiritual efforts, the course of the fast, let us all begin with sincerity, bearing good works to the Lord as gifts.


    Let us praise the simple unity of three Lights, the most powerful and ever-existing and ever-acting Lord and God: the Father almighty, the Son, and the Spirit!


    Let us sing of the holy mount of God, of the immaculate Mary, from whom the Sun of righteousness arose, and shone light on those who were in darkness: Christ, the life of all.

    Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

    The fiery chariot received Elijah who was strengthened by fasting. By fasting, Moses was a seer of ineffable things, and by it, we shall see Christ.

    Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

    Adam ate food and for this indulgence was cast out from paradise. But we receive the fast with joy, O Lord: Show us to be worthy of perfect repentance, O Lover of mankind.

    Katavasia: Come, O people, let us sing a song to Christ our God,* Who divided the sea, and made a way for the nation* which He had brought up out of the bondage of Egypt;* for He has been glorified.


    Ode 8

    Irmos: God who descended into the fiery furnace with the Hebrew children,* and transformed the flame into dew,* all you works hymn,* and supremely exalt as Lord throughout all ages.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    Christ, by the light of the fear of You, renew my soul, which is in darkness and burning with bitterness; show me the light of salvation so that I may glorify You throughout all ages.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    Having despised the fullness of passions, O my humble soul, be nourished by the food of good deeds. Take joy in the sweetness of fasting, avoiding the woes of sweetness, and be ever enriched.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    My soul was blinded, darkened by the drunkenness of the passions. In no way can I look upon You, O God. Therefore, be bountiful to me and enlighten me and open to me the gates of true repentance.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    O pure virgin, you have transformed our earthly and corruptible existence into a spiritual heaven. By your prayers, direct our entreaties and supplications to your Son, the God and King of all.

    Irmos: Of old the Hebrew children were bedewed in the flames of the furnace,* and gloriously were the Chaldeans burnt up by the Lord therein,* let us sing to Him saying:* bless and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    O faithful, let us enter the fast with joy! Let us not be sad but let us cleanse our faces with the waters of passionlessness, blessing and exalting Christ throughout the ages!

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    Anointing our heads with the oil of mercy, let us not use many words praying to our Father who is in heaven, but let us bless and exalt Christ throughout all ages!

    Let us bless the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: the Lord!

    O faithful, let us hymn the Father, ever-existing from before eternity, the Son, who is equally without beginning, and the Spirit, shining forth from the father: The three consubstantial hypostases, one all-powerful principle and authority.


    O Mary, the chosen of God, the true purification of the faithful: from you, forgiveness is given to all in abundance, cease not to intercede before your Son and Lord, on behalf of all who sing and magnify you!

    Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

    The Lord consecrated and sanctified these forty days of the fast by Himself fasting for forty days. Having entered into them, O brethren, let us cry aloud: blessing and exalting Christ throughout the ages!

    We praise, we bless and we worship the Lord, hymning and supremely exalting Him throughout all ages!

    Katavasia: Of old the Hebrew children were bedewed in the flames of the furnace,* and gloriously were the Chaldeans burnt up by the Lord therein,* let us sing to Him saying:* bless and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.




    Ode 9

    Irmos: God the Word, God of God, who by ineffable wisdom came to create Adam anew* after his grievous fall to corruption through eating* and who took flesh beyond all telling from the Holy Virgin for our sake,* Him we faithful with one accord magnify in song.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    This is the first day of the fast, for you, O my soul, let it be the setting aside of sin, the return to God; to life with Him. Flee from the abyss of evil, love only those ways which lead to peace, resting before and within God.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    Having been tempted by foul thoughts, I have sinned in the flesh, but yet I cry out: “save me, O Lord; save me, O You, only gracious one. Condemn me not to the fires of Gehenna, though I am fully worthy of such condemnation.”

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    Clothed with the radiant garments of the fast, Let us shed the dark and grievous garments of debauchery, so that, illumined by divine and good works, we may behold in faith the radiant passion of the Saviour.

    Most Holy Theotokos, save us!

    Heal my wretched soul, made weak by the attacks of most evil devils, O most pure Lady, for you have given birth to the healer, Christ, The redemption of us who know you, O undefiled Virgin and handmaiden.

    Irmos: In a manner surpassing nature,* the Word who timelessly shone forth from the Father,* has been conceived within a womb, according to the flesh,* O faithful, with never silent hymns let us magnify Him.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    Now the time of the holy fast has come, let us begin it with a return to good actions, for it is written; you shall not fast in quarrels and disputes.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    Cleansed by fasting on mount Horeb, Elijah saw God, let us also cleanse our hearts with fasting, and we shall see Christ.


    I bow down to the one Essence; I sing to the three Hypostasis: the one God of all, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the ever-existing Life.


    The pure one bears a child; the Virgin gives milk... how can this be? A Virgin has given birth; God has done this! Ask not of me how this can be!

    Glory to You, our God, glory to You!

    Only as one day, He said, is the life of those on earth. For those who make the effort in love, there are forty days of the fast for us to complete with joy!

    Katavasia: In a manner surpassing nature,* the Word who timelessly shone forth from the Father,* has been conceived within a womb, according to the flesh,* O faithful, with never silent hymns let us magnify Him.

    Aposticha, Tone 5

    The fast is here, the mother of chastity,* the accuser of sins, the advocate of repentance,* the life of angels and the salvation of mortals,* O faithful, let us cry aloud:* “O God, have mercy on us.”

    In the morning, fill us with Your love; we shall exult and rejoice all our days. Give us joy to balance our affliction for the years when we knew misfortune. Show forth Your work to Your servants; let Your glory shine on their children.

    The fast is here, the mother of chastity,* the accuser of sins, the advocate of repentance,* the life of angels and the salvation of mortals,* O faithful, let us cry aloud:* “O God, have mercy on us.”

    Let the favour of the Lord be upon us: give success to the work of our hands, give success to the work of our hands.

    Blessed is the army of the heavenly King!* Though on earth they endured great sufferings,* they achieved the rank of angels.* They did not care for the flesh* and became equals to the bodiless hosts.* By their prayers, O Lord, save our souls.

    Glory… Now…

    We magnify you in song, O mother of God:* Pure virgin, more holy than the cherubim,* for with souls and bodies we confess you to be the Theotokos* who truly gave birth to the incarnate God.* O Pure one, intercede on behalf of our souls.



    Kathisma Reading

    We chant the appointed psalms

    At Psalm 140

    Tone 2

    If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.

    Having engaged in every sin,* having surpassed all men in prodigality,* although I wish to repent, I have not a flow of tears.* Since I now live in laziness I am condemned to torture,* but O Good one grant me repentance,* and have mercy on me.

    I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.

    On the beautiful day of the fast* grant me clouds of tears, O Christ* that I may weep and wash away the filth of my desire for sweet things,* and appear before You as one who is clean* when You, O Lord, come from the heavens to judge all mankind* as the only righteous Judge!

    From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.

    Come, O faithful!* With great fervour, having the mighty weapon of the fast as a shield,* let us turn away from all the charms of the enemy.* Let us not be scorched by the sweetness of our passions,* nor fear the fires of temptations,* for Christ the Lover of mankind* will crown us with honour for our patience.* Let us having fallen down, and praying with boldness,* cry and ask peace for our souls* and great mercy.

    Tone 2

    For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

    Come and with hymns let us crown the athlete of Christ, the Lamb of the Orthodox,* as with lilies of the field and the full-grown blossoms of the paradise of God;* for he has been manifestly revealed to the world as the beauty of purity,* the sacrifice of faith, the glory of abstinence.* Wherefore, he has received the immutable crown of the kingdom.

    Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.

    Having the fire of the divine Spirit within your heart, O Martinian blessed of God,* you were found to have burned up the image of the impure woman* and wounded the adversary with his own sword,* without sustaining injury yourself,* truly putting the most vile one to shame* and making him an object of derision.

    Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.

    You kindled a material fire against the attacks of the enemy, O all-blessed one,* having acquired the constant remembrance of the everlasting fire;* and you caused the burning of the pleasures to wither utterly away.* Setting your feet upon a rock, O venerable one, you built a hut for yourself thereon;* and wandering about many lands,* you received a crown for your endurance.


    Rejoice, O honoured and most wondrous boast of Palestine,* for you have shone forth upon us like an all-radiant sun!* Burning up all the power of the enemy,* you consumed your members with fire, O blessed one;* for in the mountains and the wastelands, and among the islands,* he brought every temptation to bear upon you.* In the desert, he set a woman before you;* and even on a rock in the midst of the sea, the tempter assayed to test you, O wise one.* O thrice-blessed Martinian, never cease to entreat Christ without fail in behalf of us* who keep your memory with faith.


    O pure one, when you beheld the mature Vine,* whom you bore in your womb without being cultivated by man, suspended upon the Tree,* you exclaimed, lamenting:* “O my Child and Benefactor, as You are compassionate,* with Your divine consolations pour forth the sweetness which takes away the drunkenness of the passions,* for the sake of me who gave birth to You!”

    Prokeimenon, Tone 4

    Salvation is of the Lord;* and Your blessing is upon Your people!

    verse: O Lord, why are they multiplied that afflict me? Many rise up against me.

    Vespers Reading I

    Genesis 1:1-13

    Prokeimenon, Tone 6

    The Lord will hearken to me* when I cry to Him.

    verse: When I called upon You, O God of my righteousness!

    Vespers Reading II

    Proverbs 1:1-20

    Aposticha, Tone 3

    Let us present a good fast, well-pleasing to the Lord!* A true fast is alienation from the evil one;* the bridling of one’s tongue, the laying aside of all anger,* the removal of all sensuality, of accusation,* falsehood and the sin of swearing.* The weakening of these will make the fast true and well-pleasing.

    I have lifted up my eyes to You enthroned in heaven. Behold, as the eyes of servants are on the hands of their masters, as the eyes of a maid are on the hands of her mistress, so are our eyes on the Lord our God until He has mercy on us.

    Let us present a good fast, well-pleasing to the Lord!* A true fast is alienation from the evil one;* the bridling of one’s tongue, the laying aside of all anger,* the removal of all sensuality, of accusation,* falsehood and the sin of swearing.* The weakening of these will make the fast true and well-pleasing.

    Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us; for we have been filled with shame; our soul is all too full of the mockery of the rich, of the contempt of the proud.

    Great is the might of Your martyrs, O Christ,* for though they lay in their tombs they drive away demons* and defeat the power of the enemy.* They have lived their lives in battle for piety,* by faith in the consubstantial Trinity.

    Glory… Now…

    O Theotokos, protection of all who pray to you,* we have boldness, and exult in you!* We put all our hope in you; pray for your corrupt servants,* to the one whom you bore.