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    Our Venerable Father Martinian

    Great Fast Day 2. Abstention from meat and foods that contain meat. According to liturgical prescriptions, the Divine Liturgy is not celebrated today.


    Sessional Hymn I, Tone 4

    Let us make haste to enter the bridal chamber of Christ,* that we may hear the blessed voice of our God.* O come, you who love the heavenly glory,* and who follow the example of the wise virgins;* let us make our lamps shine brightly with faith.

    O Lord, rebuke me not in Your anger, neither chasten me in Your wrath.

    Reflect, my soul, how we shall stand before the Judge in that fearful hour,* when the dread thrones are set up and the deeds of each man are disclosed.* No entreaty then will sway the Judge;* there the fire of torment is prepared for you,* like an angry, raging sea, overwhelming all things.* Reflect on this, my soul:* weep and repent before the end is here.

    God is wonderful in His saints, the God of Israel.

    As with scarlet and fine linen Your Church is adorned* with the blood of Your martyrs in all the world,* and through them she cries aloud to You, O Christ our God:* Have compassion on Your people, grant peace to Your flock,* and to our souls great mercy.

    Glory… Now…

    O you who are in very truth the Theotokos,* who intercedes with the boldness of a Mother before your Son and our God,* preserve your flock that turns to you for protection* and receives its strength from you;* you are a wall and haven,* and the only guardian of mankind.

    Sessional Hymn II, Tone 2

    The grace of the holy fast is most blessed:* for through fasting Moses was glorified,* receiving the law written upon tablets.* Through fasting the three children were made stronger than the flames!* Let us, then, quench the burning passions of the flesh.* Let us cry out to Christ the Saviour:* “Grant us all conversion and deliver us from Gehenna!”


    The season of repentance is at hand,* show the fruits of abstinence, O my soul!* Consider those who have repented in the past* and cry aloud to Christ:* I have sinned, O loving master;* save me, as You saved the publican who sighed with sorrow from his heart,* for You alone are plenteous in mercy!


    O Theotokos, fervent intercessor of Christians,* ever entreat your son, that He deliver us* from all the malice and cunning of the enemy,* and by your intercessions, O Mother and Virgin,* that in His tender compassion* He grant us the forgiveness of our sins,

    Sessional Hymn III, Tone 5

    As we begin the second day of saving abstinence,* we cry to You, O Lord:* pierce our hearts with compunction for we are Your servants* and accept the prayers we offer to You in fear.* Allow us to complete the course of the fast without stumbling,* and grant us cleansing and great mercy!


    As we begin the second day of saving abstinence,* we cry to You, O Lord:* pierce our hearts with compunction for we are Your servants* and accept the prayers we offer to You in fear.* Allow us to complete the course of the fast without stumbling,* and grant us cleansing and great mercy!


    O root that has budded forth the divine flower,* tabernacle and candlestick, golden vessel of manna,* holy table bearing the bread of life:* with John the Forerunner, intercede before Him,* since He is your son and God,* that He may grant mercy and salvation to all* who acknowledge you to be the very Theotokos!

    Canon, Tone 2

    Ode 2

    Irmos: Behold; behold! I am He who has saved the people of Israel* in the sea and nourished them in the wilderness.* I drew water from a rock for mortal men,* that I might raise up the one who had fallen into corruption,* and draw him to me* by My unspeakable mercy.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    O my Soul, be temperate; be vigilant, sigh and weep. Reject all the burden of sin by fasting. Flee from the fire of the passions by true and fervent repentance, rend asunder the garments of mourning with your tears, and be clothed anew.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    By fasting let us ascend the mountain of virtue, casting aside the creeping things of sensuality. Let us enter into the darkness of sacred contemplations, let us behold Christ our beloved one in His beauty, and through divine ascents mystically become godlike.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    Woe is me! Who will I become? And what shall I do? Conscienceless, I have committed sins and not feared the Master. Therefore, even before the Judgment, I stand condemned. Save me and bring me back, O righteous and gracious Judge, though I have angered You more than all mankind.

    Most Holy Theotokos, save us!

    O unsown earth, which brought forth the Nourisher of all: He Who opens His hands, and of His own good will, satisfies every living thing by His power. Strengthen with the Living Bread hearts weakened by satiation with wicked transgression.

    Irmos: Behold now and see that I am God* who has willingly clothed Myself in flesh to save Adam,* who from the snares of the serpent* fell into transgression.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    Come, let us gather in the chamber of our soul, rendering prayers to the Lord and crying: “Our Father, Who art in heaven, forgive and remit our transgressions, since You alone are compassionate!”

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    Showing our souls to be joyful in the Fast, let us not grieve the loss of our days of pleasure, for this loss brings instruction in virtue.


    The Unity of three Hypostases, beginningless, uncreated Lord, King of all the ages, a multitude of angels and all mortal nature glorify You: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!


    Let us hymn the most virtuous glory of mankind, for in her we have been deified. You have borne, for our sake, the God and Saviour, Christ who has released us from the curse.

    Glory to You, our God, glory to You!

    Who quenched the flames? Who closed the mouths of beasts? It is the Fast, which delivered the youths from the fiery furnace, and Daniel the prophet from the teeth of the lions. So even now O brethren let us welcome it.

    Katavasia: Behold now and see that I am God* who has willingly clothed Myself in flesh to save Adam,* who from the snares of the serpent* fell into transgression.


    Ode 8

    Irmos: To Him Who of old prefigured the miracle of the Virgin,* to Moses in the burning-bush on Mount Sinai,* let us sing, bless and supremely exult* throughout all ages.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    O my Soul, put aside the wicked sleep of laziness, and persevere with sincere vigilance in the Lord’s commands. The torch-bearing Bridegroom draws near; let us hasten to greet Him!

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    Wounded by wicked pleasures, heal me with the bountiful cure of Your merciful divine will, O Word, and I will ever glorify You with thanksgiving.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    Restrain yourself, O soul, from harmful passions, from hate, and envy, and from every evil, and be nourished in the Fast with the spiritual manna from heaven, which is the Word of God.

    Most Holy Theotokos, save us!

    O Pure Birthgiver of God, heal the inclinations of my soul, the passions of my heart; and the instability of my mind. For you alone are an invincible wall and the only help of us sinners.

    Irmos: The Fashioner of all creation, whom the angels fear:* let us praise, O you people, and supremely exalt throughout all ages!

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    Having raised our souls toward heaven through abstinence, let us offer acceptable prayers to the Lord.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    Receiving the spirit of compunction, let us weep for the salvation of our souls, glorifying Christ throughout the ages.

    Let us bless the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Lord!

    Trinity consubstantial, Unity uncreated, God of all: we exalt You throughout all ages.


    Pray for all those who magnify you in song, O pure One, and deliver them from all temptations and dangers.

    Glory to You, our God, glory to You!

    Spitting out the food of the wealthy, come, let us fast with Lazarus, that we also may be comforted in the bosom of Abraham.

    We praise, we bless and we worship the Lord, hymning and supremely exalting Him throughout all ages!

    Katavasia: The Fashioner of all creation, whom the angels fear:* let us praise, O you people, and supremely exalt throughout all ages!


    Ode 9

    Irmos: Who born on Earth has ever heard of, or beheld,* a Virgin miraculously conceiving in her womb,* and painlessly giving birth to a child,* wherefore we magnify you, O pure Virgin.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    Who among men has sinned against the Lord as much as I have? Or who has remained in sin for as long as I, O wretched man? But, O God, the Fountain of mercy, have compassion upon me.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    O Angelic powers, you who look upon God, entreat Him who is quick to forgive, to save the soul of one, lost and adrift on the sea of this life’s pleasures, in a tempest of passions, and suffering from the attacks of hostile spirits.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    Come, soul, take wing, by the efforts of the fast arise from indolence. Be filled with the vision of joy and behold God in faith!

    Most Holy Theotokos, save us!

    Who can worthily proclaim your praises, O pure Virgin, you who have given birth ineffably to the exalted Master and Lord, and to whom the angelic hosts sing praises. Pray to Him on behalf all of whom have sinned exceedingly, O unwedded Bride.

    Irmos: O Isaiah, Rejoice and be glad!* The Virgin has conceived in her womb,* and has borne a Son, Emmanuel,* who is both God and man;* and Orient is His name;* Him we magnify, and the Virgin we call blessed.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    This is the acceptable time. This is the time for repentance. Let us offer our virtues to God as gifts, and set aside the works of darkness, by putting on the armour of light as the apostle Paul proclaims.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    As the Lord killed the enemy by fasting, so let us also come to destroy his arrows and spears, saying: Get behind me, Satan! when he comes to tempt us.


    I hymn the Trinity in Unity: eternal, honourable, life-giving; indivisible, consubstantial. Unbegotten Father, begotten Word and Son, and Holy Spirit, save us who hymn You!


    Your fruit is above all understanding, O Mother of God, for in you a conception took place without a man, and your childbearing was virginal. God was born from you, and we magnify and bless you, O Virgin.

    Glory to You, our God, glory to You!

    Through fasting, let us look on God, as we approach the mount of prayer with a pure heart, and receive the tablet of His commandments as Moses did, shining spiritually with them in the presence of God’s love.

    Katavasia: O Isaiah, Rejoice and be glad!* The Virgin has conceived in her womb,* and has borne a Son, Emmanuel,* who is both God and man;* and Orient is His name;* Him we magnify, and the Virgin we call blessed.

    Aposticha, Tone 3

    Let us begin the pure fast, O you people,* which is the salvation of our souls.* Let us serve the Lord with fear; let us anoint our heads with the oil of good deeds.* Let us wash our faces with the waters of purity.* Let us not use empty phrases in prayer, but as we have been taught, let us cry aloud:* “Our Father who art in the heavens,* forgive us our trespasses, for You are the Lover of mankind!”

    In the morning, fill us with Your love; we shall exult and rejoice all our days. Give us joy to balance our affliction for the years when we knew misfortune. Show forth Your work to Your servants; let Your glory shine on their children.

    Let us begin the pure fast, O you people,* which is the salvation of our souls.* Let us serve the Lord with fear; let us anoint our heads with the oil of good deeds.* Let us wash our faces with the waters of purity.* Let us not use empty phrases in prayer, but as we have been taught, let us cry aloud:* “Our Father who art in the heavens,* forgive us our trespasses, for You are the Lover of mankind!”

    Let the favour of the Lord be upon us: give success to the work of our hands.

    The warriors of Christ have rejected the fear of kings and tormentors,* and with boldness and courage confessed Him, our King,* the Lord and God of all,* and now they pray on behalf of our souls.

    Glory… Now…

    O Theotokos, protection of all who pray to you,* we have boldness and exult in you.* We put all our hope in you.* Pray for your corrupt servants,* to the one whom you bore.



    Kathisma Reading

    We chant the appointed psalms.

    At Psalm 140

    Tone 2

    If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.

    As of old we were cast out from paradise through eating bitter food,* let us make haste to enter therein again,* abstaining from the passions, and crying to our God:* “Thou didst stretch out Thy hands upon the cross,* Thou didst drink vinegar and tasted of gall,* patiently enduring the pain of the nails:* Do Thou uproot all bitter pleasures from our souls,* and for the sake of Thy tender compassion save Thou Thy servants.”

    I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.

    Once we were cast out of paradise through eating from the tree,* but through Thy cross we are restored again.* We offer unto Thee Thy cross in supplication,* O Lord of many mercies, praying to Thee in faith:* send down upon us fountains of tears in this time of abstinence* to cleanse the filth of our passions and offenses,* that we may cry fervently to Thee:* “Glory to Thee O Lord!”

    From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.

    As once Thou didst grant paradise to Adam,* so now grant me O Word the joy of abstinence,* that I may taste of all Thy commandments, O God,* yet never eat of the forbidden fruit of sin;* and so with gladness* I shall come to Thy life-giving passion on the cross!

    Tone 4

    For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

    Showing forth an increase of asceticism,* you received from God an outpouring of spiritual gifts,* to heal infirmities and dispel demons, O most blessed Auxentius,* faithful to the calling of Christ,* and full of divine grace, and the power of the Spirit;* wherefore, manifestly guided thereby,* you have attained to the harbour.

    Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.

    Having cleansed yourself in mind,* you were enriched with the grace of healings and miracles;* for you shook off the weakness of the passions* and the darkness and threefold waves of the flesh,* and fashioned splendid spiritual armour.* Wherefore, you have shone forth among the ranks of monastics,* entreating Him who loves mankind* in behalf of those who praise you.

    Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.

    You increased the talent entrusted to you O all-wise one;* and having richly worked the soil of your soul and sown it with tears,* you now reap in joy, O father,* truly harvesting manifold joy and consolation.* Wherefore, as one who has boldness before the Master,* entreat Him in behalf of those who hymn you, O God-bearing Auxentius.

    Tone 8, Glory…

    The pure wisdom of the Holy Spirit which dwelt within your heart* showed you to be a dread persecutor of the spirits of wickedness,* O most blessed and venerable father Auxentius,* and not only one awesome, but also a healer of hidden ailments.* Wherefore, having acquired boldness before God who loves mankind,* by your unceasing supplication free us from the passions of soul and body.


    When the ewe-lamb beheld her Lamb* suspended on the tree of the Cross of His own will,* she cried out maternally, in painful lamentation:* “O my Son, what is this strange sight which I see?* How is it that You, the Lord who gives life to all, dies, O Long-suffering One,* bestowing resurrection upon mortals?* I glorify Your great condescension, O my God!”

    Prokeimenon I, Tone 5

    O Lord my god, in You have I put my hope,* save me!

    verse: Save me from them that persecute me, and do Thou deliver me!

    Vespers Reading I

    Genesis 1:14-23

    Prokeimenon II, Tone 5

    O Lord, our Lord,* how wonderful is Your name in all the earth!

    verse: Your magnificence is lifted high above the heavens!

    Vespers Reading II

    Proverbs 1:20-33


    Tone 8

    Let us keep the fast not only by refraining from food,* but by becoming strangers to all bodily passions;* that we who are enslaved to the tyranny of the flesh may be deemed worthy* to partake of the Lamb, the Son of God,* slain of His own will for the sake of the world,* and that we may spiritually celebrate the feast of the Saviour’s resurrection from the dead!* So shall we be raised on high in the glory of the virtues,* through our righteous actions* giving joy to the Lord and the Lover of mankind!

    I have lifted up my eyes to You enthroned in heaven. Behold, as the eyes of servants are on the hands of their masters, as the eyes of a maid are on the hands of her mistress, so are our eyes on the Lord our God until He has mercy on us.

    Let us keep the fast not only by refraining from food,* but by becoming strangers to all bodily passions;* that we who are enslaved to the tyranny of the flesh may be deemed worthy* to partake of the Lamb, the Son of God,* slain of His own will for the sake of the world,* and that we may spiritually celebrate the feast of the Saviour’s resurrection from the dead!* So shall we be raised on high in the glory of the virtues,* through our righteous actions* giving joy to the Lord and the Lover of mankind!

    Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us; for we have been filled with shame; our soul is all too full of the mockery of the rich, of the contempt of the proud.

    Your martyrs, O Lord, putting aside the things of this life,* and enduring tortures for the sake of the life to come,* were shown to be its inheritors,* and now they rejoice with the angels!* By their prayers grant Your people great mercy!

    Glory… Now…

    “O marvellous wonder! O Strange mystery and fearful deed!” cried the Virgin* as she beheld in fear and trembling, You, the child whom she had borne without travail,* hanging between two malefactors on the cross.* She cried aloud weeping:* “Woe is me, O my beloved child! How has this wicked and ungrateful people* nailed You to the Cross!”