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    Our Venerable Father and Confessor Theophilactus, Bishop of Nicomedia (c. 845).

    Great Fast Day 26. Abstention from meat and foods that contain meat.


    Sessional Hymn I, Tone 7

    You have made Your Cross, O Christ, brighter than any fire,* and clearer than any flame.* Burning up the sins of those in sickness,* it enlightens all men’s hearts,* as they sing the praises of Your voluntary Crucifixion.* Glory be to You, O Christ our God.

    Exalt the Lord our God, and worship at His footstool for He is holy.

    O Ruler of the spiritual powers, You know well how slothful is my soul.* Save me by Your Cross, O Christ my God who loves mankind.

    God is wonderful in His saints, the God of Israel.

    Your Martyrs, O Lord, defeated the enemy,* and armed with the power of the Cross they put to shame the error of idolatry.* Therefore, with the angels we cry out to You, O Christ, giving glory to You in a hymn of victory.* Through their intercessions, we beseech You, save us.

    Glory… Now…

    To Christ our God, who was crucified for us and has destroyed the power of death,* pray without ceasing, O Theotokos, for the salvation of our souls.

    Sessional Hymn II, Tone 4

    The all-honoured Cross is seen set before us,* sanctifying the season of abstinence.* Falling down and worshiping it this day, let us cry aloud:* O Master who loves mankind, grant that aided by it,* we may traverse with compunction the remainder of the Fast,* and thereby behold Your lifegiving Passion* by which we have been redeemed.

    Glory… Now…

    She who in the latter days gave birth in the flesh to You, O Christ,* Who was begotten of the beginningless Father,* upon seeing You hanging upon the Cross, cried aloud:* “Woe is me, O Jesus, most beloved Christ!* How is it that You Who are glorified as God by the angels* now consents to be crucified by iniquitous men, O my Son?* I hymn You, O Long-suffering One!”

    Sessional Hymn III, Tone 4

    Beholding now the light of our souls, O Christ,* Thy most honoured Cross,* we joyfully fall down and worship it* and with gladness cry aloud:* Glory be to Thee whose will it was to be raised upon the Cross;* glory be to Thee who by the Cross hast illumined all creation;* by which we ceaselessly glorify Thee.

    Glory… Now…

    When Your most pure Mother beheld You lifted up upon the Cross, O Word of God,* she exclaimed, lamenting maternally:* “What is this new and strange wonder, O my Son?* How is it that You, the Life of all,* tastes of death desiring to bring life to the dead,* in that You are compassionate?”


    Ode 1

    Irmos: The wonderworking staff of Moses,* striking and dividing the sea in the figure of a cross,* once drowned Pharaoh, the pursuing charioteer,* while it saved the fleeing people of Israel* as they fled on foot,* chanting a hymn to God.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    Come, let us fall down today and worship the Cross of the Lord, approaching with pure minds and a pious disposition. For set before us, it bestows sanctification and salvation, light and glory, and mercy, upon those who worship it.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    The lifegiving Cross has been set before us, shining forth with the radiance of grace. Let us approach and receive the illumination of joy, salvation, and remission of sins, as we offer praise to the Lord.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    Before us a strange and marvellous sight is seen; the precious Cross; like a fountain flowing with gifts of grace; has caused sin to cease, destroying disease, and giving strength to the minds of those who approach it with purity.


    The staff of Moses prefigured the Cross when it parted the sea, by which we also, with faith, traverse the troubled sea of life, and sailing unharmed, escape all the currents of sin and attain to divine tranquillity.


    “When, transcending description, I gave birth to You, O my Son, I felt no pain. How is it then, that I am now utterly consumed by pain?” said the all-holy Virgin weeping. “For I now see You, Who suspended the earth upon the waters, hanging as a malefactor upon the Cross.”


    Ode 3

    Irmos: O Christ fortify me on the rock of Your commandments,* You who in the beginning established the heavens with understanding* and established the earth upon the waters,* for there is none holy save You, O only Lover of mankind.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    We see the Cross, the Giver of all good gifts, worshiped before us; wherefore the whole of creation joyously keeps festival, illumined by the grace of our God who has been willingly elevated upon it.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    At the mid-point of the season of sacred abstinence, illumined by the rays of the light of the Cross, let us flee from the darkness of sin and cry aloud: “O enlightenment of all things, lovingly-compassionate Lord, glory be to You.”


    We hymn your praises, O Cross, and adoring you with faith we ask of you: By your mighty power deliver us who honour you from the snares of the enemy and guide us all to the haven of salvation.


    Gazing upon Life, as One dead upon the Cross, and unable to bear the anguish in the depths of her soul, the holy Virgin cried out lamenting: “Woe is me, O my Son! What is this that lawless men have rendered to You?”

    Katavasia: O Christ fortify me on the rock of Your commandments,* You who in the beginning established the heavens with understanding* and established the earth upon the waters,* for there is none holy save You, O only Lover of mankind.


    Sessional Hymn, Tone 4

    No sooner had the wood of Your Cross been raised up, O Christ,* than the foundations of death were shaken, O Lord.* Hades eagerly swallowed You,* but trembling let You go.* You have revealed to us Your salvation, O Holy One,* and we glorify You, O Son of God;* have mercy on us.

    Glory… Now…

    Today the words of the Prophet have been fulfilled:* for behold we worship at the place upon which Your feet have stood, O Lord;* and, partaking of the Tree of salvation, we have been delivered from our sinful passions,* by the intercessions of the Theotokos,* O You only Lover of mankind.


    Ode 4

    Irmos: You, O Lord, are my strength and You are my power,* You are my God and You are my joy,* You Who, while never leaving the bosom of Your Father,* has visited our poverty.* Therefore, with the Prophet Habakkuk, I cry to You,* “Glory to You power, O Lover of mankind!”

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    The mighty protection and the restoration of mankind, the unconquerable weapon of the Faith, the salvific Cross, has been set before us; sanctifying and illumining with grace the hearts of all who approach it with faith.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    In the middle of the Fast we behold the most precious Cross set before us, upon which, in the middle of the earth, You willingly ascended, O Lover of mankind, by its veneration the world has been sanctified, and the hosts of demons put to flight.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    The heavens and all the earth rejoice together; the passion-bearers, and martyrs, the apostles, and the souls of the righteous are filled with joy. For all the faithful behold the grace-giving Tree set before them, sanctifying them with grace.


    Your laws, O Lord, have I shamelessly not kept, and shall thereby be condemned when You come from heaven to judge the deeds of all mankind. Wherefore, I cry to You: turn me back by the power of Your Cross, save me and grant me tears of repentance.


    The all-pure one cried aloud saying, “From a virginal womb I gave birth to You, O my Child, and now I behold You suspended on the Tree. I am troubled, and cannot comprehend the loftiness of this mystery, and the depths of Your great judgments.” Wherefore, with never-silent voices we bless her as the Mother of God.


    Ode 5

    Irmos: O Light never-waning, why have You turned Your face from me* and why has the alien darkness surrounded me, wretched though I be?* But guide my steps I implore You* and turn me back towards the light of Your commandments.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    Cry out with gladness, O you nations; leap for joy, O you peoples singing in praise to God who has given you the Cross as an unshakable support; for taking delight in it during the present season of abstinence, we noetically feed our soul and understanding.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    All the noetic hosts of heaven attend you, O all-holy Cross, and today we mortals kiss you with lips of clay, with love drawing forth sanctification and blessing, glorifying Him who has been crucified upon you.

    Most holy Theotokos, save us.

    Beholding upon the Cross Him who was born from you in a manner transcending understanding, O all-immaculate one, you were wounded in the depths of your soul and cried aloud: “Woe is me, my divine Child! How do You suffer pain for the sake of all? I worship Your loving-kindness, O Lord.”

    Irmos: All nations marvelled at your divine glory,* for you, O Virgin, who have not known wedlock, carried within your womb the God of all,* the Eternal Son to whom you gave birth;* He grants salvation to all who sing your praises.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    The lights of heaven hid their brightness when they saw You, Who alone are righteous, unjustly nailed upon the Tree, O longsuffering One; and by Your might mocking the dark powers of the evil one.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    Let us wash our countenances in the waters of fasting and embrace the Tree upon which Christ was raised. For assuming our mortal flesh, He alone has suffered for the sake of all, that He might put to death him who made us die.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    O all-honoured Cross, glory of the apostles, weapon of the passion-bearers, splendour of priests, rampart of the venerable, guardian of all the faithful, protect and sanctify those who fall down and worship you with faith.

    Most holy Theotokos, save us.

    Beholding the Cluster of grapes she had borne suspended upon the Tree, the Virgin cried aloud: “O My Child, You are the Sweet Wine consumed in the drunkenness of Your enemies who vainly crucified You; Who are longsuffering on behalf of all.”

    Irmos: From the night I seek you early,* O life-giving Cross of Christ,* and with fear I fall down and worship you.* Grant us light, and ever shine upon us with the day of salvation.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    Today Your Cross, the Tree of Life, has been set before us, and venerating it, the world rejoices at the coming of the Spirit.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    Gazing upon Your Cross, set forth before us, the ministers of heaven hymn Your praises, O Lord; and the demons tremble, unable to endure Your power.


    With orthodox faith let us glorify the Trinity, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, one Godhead, a Unity in three Hypostases.


    With orthodox faith we and all the faithful confess you to be a Mother and Virgin: for in a manner beyond all telling, you have conceived Christ our God, who alone is abundantly merciful.

    Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You.

    You were crucified, O Son of God, on pine, cedar, and cypress: sanctify us all, and grant us to worthily behold Your life-giving Passion.

    Katavasia: From the night I seek you early,* O life-giving Cross of Christ,* and with fear I fall down and worship you.* Grant us light, and ever shine upon us with the day of salvation.


    Ode 6

    Irmos: Cleanse me, O Saviour, for many are my iniquities;* lead me up from the abyss of evils, I pray You,* for to You have I cried, and You have hearkened to me,* O God of my salvation.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    Having set the Cross in its place upon the earth, the demons fell; that which we now behold gloriously set before us, let us venerate, raising ourselves up from the fall into sin.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    We exalt You, O Christ, as King and Lord; for You have given us the Cross as an unshakable rampart. Wherefore having reached the midpoint of the divine Fast we reverently adore it, rejoicing.


    The Cross of the Lord has been set before us, bestowing great gifts on us all. Let us approach, and draw from it enlightenment of heart and soul.


    Strengthen us, O pure one, to abstain from all evil, and ever help us to refrain from wicked deeds, for you are the protection of all mankind.

    Katavasia: Cleanse me, O Saviour, for many are my iniquities;* lead me up from the abyss of evils, I pray You,* for to You have I cried, and You have hearkened to me,* O God of my salvation.


    Kontakion, Tone 7

    The fiery sword no longer guards the gates of Eden,* for it has been wondrously quenched by the wood of the Cross.* The sting of death and the victory of Hades have been vanquished,* for You  come, O my Saviour, crying to those in Hades: “Enter again into Paradise.”

    Ikos of the Cross

    Pilate set up three crosses in the place of the Skull, two for the thieves and one for the Giver of Life. Seeing Him, Hades cried to those below: “O my servants and my powers! Who is this that has fixed a nail in my heart? A wooden spear has suddenly pierced me, and I am rent asunder. Inwardly, I am in pain and anguish has seized my senses. My spirit is troubled, and I am constrained to cast out Adam and his posterity. A tree brought them to me, but now the Tree of the Cross leads them back again to Paradise.”


    Ode 7

    Irmos: Once in Babylon the fire stood in awe of God’s condescension,* for which sake the youths in the furnace,* dancing with joyous steps as in a meadow, chanted:* O God of our fathers, blessed are You!

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    He who exists outside time has taken flesh within time, and in His goodness has healed our temporal passions in the season of fasting, during which the divine Cross has been set before us, sanctifying us.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    We praise, glorify, worship, and magnify Your power, O Lord, for You have given Your servants the divine Cross, our unending joy and the guardian of our souls and bodies.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    Destroy me not with my sins in the day of judgment, O Lord, and cast me not away in shame from before Your face, but have compassion upon me, and save me by Your precious Cross, since You are supremely good.


    With the Tree Moses sweetened the bitter waters, prefiguring the grace that comes through you, O Cross, for by its might we are delivered from the bitterness of the passions. Wherefore, sweetened by it, we now reverently adore you with compunction of heart.


    By your intercessions, O Lady, enlarge my heart, sealing it from all the deceitful snares of the adversary, and guide me on the narrow path that leads to the heavenly life, O Mother of God.


    Ode 8

    Irmos: In his wrath the Chaldean Tyrant made the furnace blaze,* with heat fanned sevenfold for the servants of God;* but when he perceived that they had been saved by a greater power* he cried aloud to the Creator and Redeemer;* “you children bless, you priests praise,* you people, supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.”

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    Of old the Prophet Elisha drew the iron axe-head from the river with a piece of wood, prefiguring you, O most honoured Cross. For you have raised us from the depths of delusion to the firm ground of truth, and this day, having been deemed worthy to behold and venerate you with faith, we gain salvation.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    When of old Jacob blessed his children, he manifestly prefigured you, O all-honoured Cross. And we all, who have been deemed worthy by grace to behold you, draw near with undoubting faith, and embracing you, receive rich blessings, light and salvation, and the remission of our sins.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    Whitened by our virtuous actions, let us draw near rejoicing at the midpoint of the Fast; and embracing the Cross of the Lord with faith, let us be guided by its might, that we may complete the course with eagerness and be illumined by the divine Passion.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    To the Holy Trinity: Single in Nature, co-beginningless, co-enthroned, simple in Essence yet distinct in Hypostases, unbegotten Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, uncreated Substance and Godhead, we all praise You, singing: O priests bless, and people supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.

    Most holy Theotokos, save us.

    The all-holy One cried out lamenting: “Now I behold You as an innocent lamb, hanging and nailed upon the Cross by lawless men, O my pre-eternal Son, I am heavily weighed down by my lamentation, pained with a mother’s grief.” Wherefore, with never-silent voices, we rightly hymn her throughout all ages.

    Irmos: The three Youths in the furnace were saved by the Offspring of the Theotokos.* He who was foretold has been born on earth, and He joins together all creation to sing:* All you works of the Lord, bless the Lord* and praise Him above all forever!

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    Beholding the Passion of You who are passionless, creation suffered with You, O longsuffering One. The sun was quenched, and the rocks were rent asunder; the whole earth was shaken and cried out in fear: “O you works of the Lord, praise the Lord and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.”

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    Rebuke the wild beasts which trouble me within, hidden in the reeds of my soul, O my compassionate God; for You endured to be shamefully struck by a reed, desiring to restore to honour all who had fallen into disgrace through the transgression of old.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    When I call to mind, O most just Judge, Your dread and righteous judgment seat, I am filled with fear and greatly troubled, I tremble and lament, for I know that my deeds deserve condemnation. But, O my Saviour, let not the multitude of my sins prove greater than the wealth of Your loving-kindness.

    Most holy Theotokos, save us.

    “I gave birth to You without the pangs of childbirth, but now I suffer anguish at Your Crucifixion, and my soul has been set aflame. For You have been pierced with nails, O longsuffering One, and wounded in Your side,” lamented the most pure One; wherefore with one accord we hymn her as the Theotokos.

    Irmos: O all you works of God and all creation, bless the Lord,* for the Light has shone forth, illumining the inhabited earth, granting eternal life to mankind:* O peoples praise Him* and supremely exalt Him throughout the ages.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    Let the mountains gush with righteousness, and the hills with rejoicing, upon beholding the veneration of the Wood of the Cross, which we supremely exalt, O Christ, throughout the ages.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    Fearful is the grace of Your Cross: for it drives away the hosts of demons, bringing the waters of healing to mankind. Wherefore we sing Your praises, O Christ, throughout the ages.

    We bless the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Lord

    Let us glorify the beginningless Father, and the Son with the Holy Spirit, the consubstantial Trinity, one sovereign power and God; and let us piously hymn His praises throughout the ages.


    Every mortal tongue doth hymn you, O Virgin, for from you has shone forth the unapproachable Light, Christ God, illumining the whole world; Whom we supremely exalt throughout the ages.

    Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You.

    The ends of the earth rejoice at the veneration of Your Cross, O Lover of mankind, and the Angels in heaven exult with us today, O Christ, and with us hymn You throughout the ages.

    We praise, we bless, and we worship the Lord, hymning and supremely exalting Him throughout all ages!

    Katavasia: O all you works of God and all creation, bless the Lord,* for the Light has shone forth, illumining the inhabited earth, granting eternal life to mankind:* O peoples praise Him* and supremely exalt Him throughout the ages.


    Ode 9

    Irmos: Heaven was stricken with awe,* and the ends of the earth were filled with amazement,* for God has appeared in the flesh,* and your womb was rendered more spacious than the heavens.* Wherefore, the ranks of men and of angels* magnify you as the Theotokos.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    Heal my brokenness, O supremely good One, for You were nailed upon the Cross, Your hands and feet, and Your side ,were pierced O King of all. You Who are the joy of all mankind, their sweetness, glory, and eternal redemption, was given vinegar and gall to drink.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    O divine Cross, more beautiful than sapphire and gold, shining forth upon us like the sun, for standing before us, surrounded by the ranks of noetic powers, you illumine the whole inhabited world by the rays of your divine power.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    The Cross is the safe-haven of the tempest-tossed, the guide and firm foundation of those who have gone astray, the glory of Christ, the power of the apostles and the prophets, the strength of God’s strugglers, and the refuge of all mankind. Wherefore, beholding it placed before us, we adore it in this time of fasting.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    When You shall come upon the earth to judge the world which You have fashioned O Lord, the army of angelic hosts will precede You, and the Cross shall shine more radiantly than beams of sunlight. By its power have compassion upon me and save me, who has sinned more than all others.

    Most holy Theotokos, save us.

    “From my womb I gave birth without corruption to You, Who was begotten from the Father before all ages: how, then, O my Son, are You subject to corruption? For men rend Your body, and cruelly pierce Your side with a spear, and inhumanly nail Your hands and feet,” cried the all-pure one; whom, as is meet, we magnify.

    Irmos: May every child of the earth exult in spirit and hold aloft the burning lamp;* may the angels in heaven praise with joy* the holy feast of the Mother of God* and sing to her: Rejoice, O blessed and ever-virgin, holy Mother of God.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    By the Tree of the Cross, O Christ, You have subdued the flame of sin: with Your pierced hands You have delivered from the hand of the adversary him who in his greed stretched out his hand, to partake of the fruit from the only tree in Paradise from which You forbade him to eat, O greatly merciful Christ.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    Grant us O Christ, to fall down and worship Your precious Cross in purity, and to behold Your Passion which frees all mankind from the passions, and look not upon our sins, but make us true sons of Your Resurrection.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    By Your Resurrection You have raised us up who were fallen into death; destroying death and reconciling us to Your Father, having shed Your blood for us, O Benefactor. Wherefore we glorify You as God, the almighty Redeemer.

    Most holy Theotokos, save us.

    You, who alone have conceived the Hypostatic Wisdom of God, I entreat; grant me wisdom that I may escape the snares and cunning of him who is falsely wise in evil, O unwedded Virgin Theotokos; the mighty refuge of all the faithful.

    Irmos: O undefiled Theotokos, with never-silent hymns* we magnify your Offspring born without seed, Christ our God.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    O precious Cross, attended to by the hosts of angels, and worshiped by us, you do we magnify.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    The most pure Tree, whereby we who were once dead partake of life, the Cross of the Saviour, you do we magnify.


    The beginningless Father, the coeternal Son, and the co-enthroned Spirit, the Holy Trinity, You do we magnify.


    O unwedded Mother and Virgin, we hymn you, O pure one, for without seed you have conceived the Creator.

    Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You.

    Having been deemed worthy to behold and worship you, may we also reach the holy Passion, O Cross of Christ.

    Katavasia: O undefiled Theotokos, with never-silent hymns* we magnify your Offspring born without seed, Christ our God.

    Aposticha, Tone 4

    Discerner of truth and seer of hidden things, O Lord,* You have condemned the Pharisee* who, overcome by vainglory, imagined he could be justified by virtuous deeds;* but You have justified the Publican* who condemned by the Pharisee, prayed with compunction.* Grant that we may follow the example of the Publican in his penitence* and grant us forgiveness,* since You are the Lover of mankind.

    In the morning, fill us with Your love; we shall exult and rejoice all our days. Give us joy to balance our affliction for the years when we knew misfortune. Show forth Your work to Your servants; let Your glory shine on their children.

    Discerner of truth and seer of hidden things, O Lord,* You have condemned the Pharisee* who, overcome by vainglory, imagined he could be justified by virtuous deeds;* but You have justified the Publican* who condemned by the Pharisee, prayed with compunction.* Grant that we may follow the example of the Publican in his penitence* and grant us forgiveness,* since You are the Lover of mankind.

    Let the favour of the Lord be upon us: give success to the work of our hands, give success to the work of our hands

    Who is not filled with wonder, O holy martyrs,* at beholding the good fight you have fought?* How in the body you defeated the bodiless enemy;* armed with the Cross and confessing Christ,* whereby you put to flight hordes of demons* driving back the barbarians,* ceaselessly intercede that our souls be saved.

    Tone 8, Glory… Now…

    Today, the Master of creation and the Lord of Glory* is nailed to the Cross and His side is pierced;* and He Who is the sweetness of the Church tastes gall and vinegar.* A crown of thorns is put upon Him Who covers the heavens with clouds.* He is clothed in a cloak of mockery,* and He Who formed man with His hands is struck by a hand of clay.* He Who wraps the heavens in clouds is smitten upon His back.* He accepts spitting and scourging, reproach and buffeting;* and all these things my Redeemer and God endures for me who am condemned,* that in His compassion He may save the world from delusion.




    At Psalm 140

    Tone 8

    Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name.

    I have enslaved my soul’s dignity to the passions;* and have become like the wild beasts,* and have no strength to lift my eyes to You in the highest.* But like the Publican, O Christ, with my head bowed down,* I pray to You, and cry aloud:* O God cleanse me and save me.

    The just shall gather around me* when You have been good to me.

    I have enslaved my soul’s dignity to the passions;* and have become like the wild beasts,* and have no strength to lift my eyes to You in the highest.* But like the Publican, O Christ, with my head bowed down,* I pray to You, and cry aloud:* O God cleanse me and save me.

    Tone 7

    Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!

    Glory to You, O Christ our God.* You are the praise of the apostles,* and the delight of the martyrs,* who preached the consubstantial Trinity.

    Let Your ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.

    O holy martyrs who fought the good fight* and have received your crowns,* entreat the Lord to have mercy on our souls.

    If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.

    Not caring for any earthly things, O holy martyrs,* you boldly preached Christ during your trials,* and received your due reward from Him.* But since you possess confidence before Him,* we beseech you to entreat Him, as the Almighty God, to save our souls.

    I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.

    O martyrs, lofty praise is due to you,* for you are lambs of the Spirit and spiritual offerings.* You are pleasing sacrifices that have found favour with God;* and though the earth may not have covered you, the heavens received you.* We entreat you; for you have become partakers with the angels,* to join with them in beseeching our God* to give the world peace and to save our souls.

    Tone 2

    From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.

    Bravely enduring the present happenings and rejoicing in things hoped for,* the holy martyrs said to each other:* We have not stripped ourselves of a garment,* but we have put off the old person.* The winter is bitter but Paradise is sweet.* Although the chill is painful, it becomes sweet enjoyment.* Let us not bow down, O captains.* We suffer a little at present* that we may receive the crowns of victory from Christ,* since He is God and the Saviour of our souls.

    For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

    Bravely enduring the present happenings and rejoicing in things hoped for,* the holy martyrs said to each other:* We have not stripped ourselves of a garment,* but we have put off the old person.* The winter is bitter but Paradise is sweet.* Although the chill is painful, it becomes sweet enjoyment.* Let us not bow down, O captains.* We suffer a little at present* that we may receive the crowns of victory from Christ,* since He is God and the Saviour of our souls.

    Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.

    Throwing off their garments and going into the lake without trembling,* the holy martyrs said to each other:* Since we have lost Paradise,* let us not care for a corruptible garment today.* Having once been clothed in corruption through the serpent,* let us now beseech resurrection for all.* Let us despise the icy destroying cold and scorn the flesh,* that we may receive the crowns of victory from Christ * for He is God and the Saviour of our souls.

    Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.

    Looking upon the tortures as pleasures* and hastening towards the icy lake as towards the heat,* the holy martyrs said to each other:* Let us stand fearless in the winter season* that we may escape the dreadful fire of Hades.* Let a foot be burnt that it may rejoice forever;* let a hand be lost that it may be lifted towards the Lord;* let us not spare the dying nature.* Let us now accept death* that we may receive crowns of victory from Christ,* for He is God and the Saviour of our souls.

    Tone 7


    Grant repose, O God our Saviour,* to our departed loved ones who cry out to You:* O Lord and Giver of life, glory to You.


    Immaculate Mother of God,* you became a mother outside the laws of nature,* remaining a virgin in a way that exceeds all description and human understanding.* The wonder of your birth-giving could not be told in human language,* for your conception of Christ blinded intelligence,* and your birth-giving exceeded understanding:* for whenever God so desires, the laws of nature are broken.* Wherefore we all firmly believe that you are the Mother of God,* and we eagerly beseech you to intercede for the salvation of our souls.

    Prokeimenon I, Tone 4

    O Shepherd of Israel, hear us,* You who lead Joseph’s flock.

    verse: Shine forth from Your Cherubic throne.

    Reading I

    Genesis 12:1-7

    Prokeimenon II, Tone 2

    Ring out your joy to God, our strength,* shout in triumph to the God of Jacob.

    verse: Raise a song and sound the timbrel, the sweet-sounding harp and lute.

    Reading II

    Proverbs 14:15-26

    Reading III

    Isaiah 43:9-14

    Reading IV

    Wisdom 3:1-9

    Reading V

    Wisdom 5:15-6:3