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Daily texts will return after June 20, 2024!

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  • Fri

    Holy Martyr Agapius and the Six Martyrs with Him (284-305).

    Great Fast Day 33. Abstention from meat and foods that contain meat. According to liturgical prescriptions, the Divine Liturgy is not celebrated today.



    Sessional Hymn I, Tone 8

    In the midst of Eden, a tree put forth the flower of death;* in the midst of all the earth, a tree has flowered with life.* Eating from the first tree, we who were immortal fell into corruption;* but through the second tree incorruption is bestowed upon us again.* For by the Cross, O God, You save mankind.

    Exalt the Lord our God, and worship at His footstool for He is holy.

    In Paradise of old the tree stripped me bare;* for by giving me its fruit to eat, the enemy brought in death.* But now the Tree of the Cross that clothes men with the garment of life* has been set up on the earth, and the whole world is filled with boundless joy.* Beholding it exalted, O you people, let us with one accord raise in faith our cry to God:* His house is full of glory.

    God is wonderful in His saints, the God of Israel.

    Through their self-restraint the martyrs of Christ* put to death the fiery impulses of passion.* They received the grace to drive out diseases from the sick,* and to work miracles both alive and after they were dead.* O marvellous wonder! For their bare bones are a source of healing.* Glory be to God, the only wise Creator.

    Glory… Now…

    O holy Virgin, Christ took flesh from your pure womb* and was born from you in ways beyond our understanding.* Seeing Him hang between two evildoers on the Cross, your heart was filled with anguish,* and with a mother’s grief you have cried out:* ‘Woe is me, my Child! What is this divine and ineffable act of Your divine providence,* whereby You have restored Your creature to Life?* I sing the praises of Your deep compassion.’

    Sessional Hymn II, Tone 1

    You have stretched out Your hands upon the Tree, O Christ,* by Your wounds healing Adam’s wound.* Wherefore I pray You: heal the wounds which the deceiver has inflicted upon my soul,* and through prayer and fasting, O Saviour, grant me to serve You.

    Glory… Now…

    Beholding You stretched out dead upon the Cross, O Christ,* Your all-immaculate Mother cried aloud:* “O my Son, who with the Father and the Spirit, are beginningless,* what is this ineffable dispensation,* wherewith You have saved the work of Your most pure hands,* O Compassionate One?”

    Sessional Hymn III, Tone 6

    O Cross, guardian of the world and exorcist of demons,* you do we have as our invincible protection:* grant us to pass the remainder of the Fast with a pure conscience,* guiding our souls to Christ, O blessed Tree.

    Glory… Now…

    O Pure and honoured Virgin, glory of the angels,* standing by the Cross of your Son and God,* you could not bear to hear the insults cast upon Him by His enemies,* but cried aloud, with a mother’s anguish:* “O Lover of mankind, how do You endure their threatening?* Glory be to Your long-suffering.”


    Ode 5

    Irmos: O Cross, guardian of the world and exorcist of demons,* we have you as our invincible protection:* grant us to pass the remainder of the Fast with a pure conscience,* guiding our souls to Christ, O blessed Tree.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    You who stretch out the heavens like a curtain, O supremely good Jesus, have stretched out Your hands upon the Cross. Wherefore I pray You: have compassion upon me, for I too am stretched out and tempted by the enemy.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    You have awoken from Your sleep upon the Cross, O supremely good Jesus, and roused us to salvation, as we lay asleep in the bowels of destruction, wherefore we glorify You with faith.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    Grant Your noetic light to the hearts of Your servants, O Saviour, and grant us to behold the day of Your Passion and Your life-giving Resurrection, as we praise the power of Your Kingdom.

    Most holy Theotokos, save us.

    Upon seeing You nailed to the Cross, the all-pure one was wounded in her soul and cried out in grief: “For the sake of mercy O Lord, You have patiently endured Your Passion, thereby granting freedom from the passions to all.”

    Irmos: Out of the night I seek You early,* enlighten me I pray You, O Lover of mankind,* and guide me in Your commandments,* and teach me, O Saviour, to do Your will.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    O Lover of mankind, You stretched out Your arms, and were nailed to the Cross, and Your side was pierced with a spear by the Jews; You endured all these things, O Christ, that we may be saved.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    Adam died of old by eating from a tree, but he found life again through the Tree of the Cross, O compassionate Lord, and partook once more of the food of Paradise.


    O Trinity, I praise You as a Unity in essence, beginningless, uncreated, supreme in sovereignty, a unity beyond perfection, God and Light and Life, Creator of the world.


    In your childbearing transcending nature, the laws of nature are plainly annulled. For seedlessly have you given birth to God, begotten before all ages from the Father.

    Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You.

    I honour Your Cross, the spear and the nails, O Master, for through them You have delivered us from corruption, and by Your Passion, rendered us immortal.

    Katavasia: Out of the night I seek You early,* enlighten me I pray You, O Lover of mankind,* and guide me in Your commandments,* and teach me, O Saviour, to do Your will.


    Ode 8

    Irmos: The dew-moistened furnace was the image of an incomprehensible wonder.* It did not burn the youths entrapped there,* just as the fire of the Godhead did not consume the Virgin’s womb in which He dwelt.* Therefore, let us praise God, saying:* Let all creation bless the Lord and exalt Him above all forever.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    You blunted the sting of the evil one when You were affixed upon the Cross with nails, O Saviour. With a crown of thorns placed upon Your head in mockery, You have uprooted the thorns of mankind’s transgression, wherefore we sing Your praises, and cry aloud: “Let all of creation bless the Lord and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.”

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    You stretched out Your arms upon the Cross, O Christ, gathering mankind to the knowledge of You; suffering Your side to be pierced by a lance You have wrought a fountain of salvation for us who sing to You: “Let all of creation bless the Lord and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.”

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    With the streams of Your compassionate goodness, O Christ, cleanse my heart, defiled by the wounds of sin, and grant me to bring forth the waters of contrition from within me, O Christ Jesus, that I may cry out to You: “Let all of creation bless the Lord and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.”

    Most holy Theotokos, save us.

    We acknowledge you to be like the sacred Vessel which held the manna of the Godhead, the Ark and Table, the Candlestick and Throne of God, the Canopy, and the Bridge that leads us to a divine life; wherefore we sing to you: “Let all of creation bless the Lord and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.”

    Irmos: With the hymn of the Children I sing a song to Christ:* O all you works of the Lord, bless the Lord, and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    Christ has been crucified and I have been restored to life; wherefore with the children I sing: “O all you works of the Lord, bless the Lord and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.”

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    By Your death upon the Cross the world has been delivered from corruption, and with the children it sings: “O all you works of the Lord, bless the Lord and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.”

    We bless the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Lord.

    Trinity equal in honour, consubstantial Unity, the Father, the Son, and Spirit, save me, for with faith I hymn You.


    I venerate Your honourable childbirth, O pure Theotokos, and with the children I sing to you: “O all you works of the Lord, bless the Lord and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.”

    Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You.

    I praise Your Cross by which I have been saved, O Saviour, and with the children I sing to You: “O all you works of the Lord, bless the Lord and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.”

    We praise, we bless, and we worship the Lord, hymning and supremely exalting Him throughout all ages!

    Katavasia: With the hymn of the Children I sing a song to Christ:* O all you works of the Lord, bless the Lord, and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.


    Ode 9

    Irmos: The burning bush which was not consumed* offers us an image of your immaculate birthgiving.* Now we pray that you extinguish in us the furnace of violent temptations* so that we may extol you, O Mother of God.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    Elijah beheld the Lord in a light and gentle breeze and rendered his flesh lighter through prayer and fasting. Follow his example, O my soul, and cast aside the grossness of sensual delight, and thereby behold Him who is your true desire.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    Moses of old lifted an image of the serpent up upon a wooden staff, and thus prefigured Your exaltation upon the Cross, O supremely good Saviour. For through the Cross, You have delivered all nations that worship You from the wicked malice of the serpent.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    I lay in a tomb of melancholy; my heart is hardened and weighs heavily upon me. I understand not Your living word and fear You not, O Saviour. Have compassion and save me in Your goodness, O greatly merciful One.

    Most holy Theotokos, save us.

    O Lady, you are exalted above all things, show me to be raised high above wicked passions; for I glorify you as the true Theotokos, and I hymn the praises of your ineffable and honoured childbearing, transcending understanding, O pure and divinely joyous One.

    Irmos: Ineffable is the birthgiving of a seedless conception,* from a mother who knew not a man; an undefiled childbearing.* For the birth of God has renewed nature,* wherefore all generations rightly worship and magnify you as the Bride and Mother of God.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    You have been crucified and thereby saved me; You died and grant me life. O, the depth of Your love for mankind! Who has ever seen or heard of a master who chooses to die on behalf of his servants? But glory be to Your ineffable goodness, O Lord.

    Glory to Your precious Cross, O Lord.

    The sun set upon seeing You crucified: for how could it not but hide its light, beholding the indignation suffered by its Maker? Wherefore all creation was also shaken, and in silence cried to those who crucified You, that You are the God of all, who has suffered in the flesh.


    O Father, the only-Begetter of the only-Begotten Son; the only Light and Brightness from the one and only Light; and You, one and only Holy Spirit from the one God, Lord from Lord: O holy Three in One, save me as I theologize Your divinity.


    The wonder of your childbearing fills me with awe, O all-immaculate one. How did you conceive seedlessly Him whom none can comprehend? Tell me! How did you remain a Virgin and also become a Mother? “Accept that which is above nature with faith and worship the Child that is born; for whatsoever He wills, He accomplishes.”

    Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You.

    For our sake each one of Your members has endured suffering: Your head—blows, and Your cheek—buffeting; Your hands—the nails, and Your side—the lance; and the agony of the Cross. But glory be to Your ineffable loving-kindness, O our Saviour.

    Katavasia: Ineffable is the birthgiving of a seedless conception,* from a mother who knew not a man; an undefiled childbearing.* For the birth of God has renewed nature,* wherefore all generations rightly worship and magnify you as the Bride and Mother of God.


    Aposticha, Tone 8

    With the thieves were You nailed to the Cross, O Christ God,* and by Your wounds You have healed the nature of man.* Turn not away from me who has fallen among noetic robbers, and bodiless thieves;* who have stripped me of the virtues and grievously wounded me.* There is none among the saints who can heal me;* I lay almost dead and with little life remaining in me.* My only hope is in You, who has granted life to the dead:* Bind my wounds, and pour on me the oil of Your goodness,* O only Lover of mankind.

    In the morning, fill us with Your love; we shall exult and rejoice all our days. Give us joy to balance our affliction for the years when we knew misfortune. Show forth Your work to Your servants; let Your glory shine on their children.

    With the thieves were You nailed to the Cross, O Christ God,* and by Your wounds You have healed the nature of man.* Turn not away from me who has fallen among noetic robbers, and bodiless thieves;* who have stripped me of the virtues and grievously wounded me.* There is none among the saints who can heal me;* I lay almost dead and with little life remaining in me.* My only hope is in You, who has granted life to the dead:* Bind my wounds, and pour on me the oil of Your goodness,* O only Lover of mankind.

    Let the favour of the Lord be upon us: give success to the work of our hands, give success to the work of our hands.

    What shall we call you, O saints?* Cherubim, for Christ rested upon you?* Seraphim, for you glorify Him without ceasing?* Angels, for you have renounced the flesh?* Powers, for you perform miracles?* Manifold are your names, but greater are your gifts:* pray that our souls be saved.

    Glory… Now…

    “O marvellous wonder! O Strange mystery and fearful deed!”* cried the Virgin as she beheld in fear and trembling,* You, the child whom she had borne without travail,* hanging between two malefactors on the cross.* She cried aloud weeping: “Woe is me, O my beloved child!* How has this wicked and ungrateful people nailed You to the Cross!”



    At Psalm 140

    Tone 6

    Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name.

    As if from Jerusalem, I have departed from Your divine commandments,* and reached the Jericho of the passions,* led astray by the false glory of the cares of this life.* I have fallen among the thieves of my own thoughts,* who have stripped me of the robe of sonship and grace,* and now I lie wounded, and breathless.* The priest drew near, saw my body and paid no heed;* the Levite looked at it with loathing and passed by on the other side.* But You, O Lord who ineffably assumed flesh from the Virgin,* have willingly issued forth blood and water from Your side,* and as with oil anointed me, O Christ God,* binding my wounds with fine linen,* and joining me to the heavenly choirs, since You compassionate.

    The just shall gather around me* when You have been good to me.

    As if from Jerusalem, I have departed from Your divine commandments,* and reached the Jericho of the passions,* led astray by the false glory of the cares of this life.* I have fallen among the thieves of my own thoughts,* who have stripped me of the robe of sonship and grace,* and now I lie wounded, and breathless.* The priest drew near, saw my body and paid no heed;* the Levite looked at it with loathing and passed by on the other side.* But You, O Lord who ineffably assumed flesh from the Virgin,* have willingly issued forth blood and water from Your side,* and as with oil anointed me, O Christ God,* binding my wounds with fine linen,* and joining me to the heavenly choirs, since You compassionate.

    Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!

    O martyrs of the Lord,* you sanctify every place and heal every manner of illness:* and now we entreat you,* pray that our souls be delivered from the snares of the enemy.

    Let Your ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.

    Revealing the pre-eternal counsel to you O Maiden,* Gabriel appeared and stood before you, greeting you and saying:* “Rejoice, earth that has not been sown;* Rejoice, burning bush that remains unconsumed;* Rejoice, depth incomprehensible;* Rejoice, bridge that leads to heaven* and ladder raised on high seen by Jacob;* Rejoice, divine vessel of manna;* Rejoice, destruction of the curse;* Rejoice, recalling of Adam, ** the Lord is with you.”

    If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.

    Revealing the pre-eternal counsel to you O Maiden,* Gabriel appeared and stood before you, greeting you and saying:* “Rejoice, earth that has not been sown;* Rejoice, burning bush that remains unconsumed;* Rejoice, depth incomprehensible;* Rejoice, bridge that leads to heaven* and ladder raised on high seen by Jacob;* Rejoice, divine vessel of manna;* Rejoice, destruction of the curse;* Rejoice, recalling of Adam, ** the Lord is with you.”

    I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.

    Revealing the pre-eternal counsel to you O Maiden,* Gabriel appeared and stood before you, greeting you and saying:* “Rejoice, earth that has not been sown;* Rejoice, burning bush that remains unconsumed;* Rejoice, depth incomprehensible;* Rejoice, bridge that leads to heaven* and ladder raised on high seen by Jacob;* Rejoice, divine vessel of manna;* Rejoice, destruction of the curse;* Rejoice, recalling of Adam, ** the Lord is with you.”

    From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.

    “You appear to me as a man”, said the undefiled Maiden to the Archangel:* “how then do you speak to me of things surpassing men?* For you have said that God shall be with me,* and shall dwell in my womb;* and how pray tell, shall I become the habitation* and the sanctified palace of Him who rides upon the cherubim?* Beguile me not with deceit:* for I have not known the pleasure of a man,* I have not entered into wedlock.* How then shall I bear a babe?”

    For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

    “You appear to me as a man”, said the undefiled Maiden to the Archangel:* “how then do you speak to me of things surpassing men?* For you have said that God shall be with me,* and shall dwell in my womb;* and how pray tell, shall I become the habitation* and the sanctified palace of Him who rides upon the cherubim?* Beguile me not with deceit:* for I have not known the pleasure of a man,* I have not entered into wedlock.* How then shall I bear a babe?”

    Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.

    “When God so desires, the natural order is overthrown,” said the bodiless angel,* “and things surpassing men come to pass.* Believe my words to be true, O all-holy all-immaculate one.”* And she cried aloud saying,* “Let it now be to me according to your word:* and I shall bear Him who is without flesh, who shall assume flesh from me,* that He may lead man up, for He is all-powerful,* to his ancient glory, by the union of the natures.”

    Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.

    “When God so desires, the natural order is overthrown,” said the bodiless angel,* “and things surpassing men come to pass.* Believe my words to be true, O all-holy all-immaculate one.”* And she cried aloud saying,* “Let it now be to me according to your word:* and I shall bear Him who is without flesh, who shall assume flesh from me,* that He may lead man up, for He is all-powerful,* to his ancient glory, by the union of the natures.”

    Tone 2

    Glory… Now…

    The mystery that is from all ages has been revealed today.* The Son of God becomes the Son of Man,* that, sharing in what is worse, He may grant me to share in that which is better.* Of old Adam was deceived: seeking to become a God, but did not.* Now God becomes a man, that He may make Adam a god.* Let creation rejoice, let nature exult:* for the Archangel stands in fear before the Virgin,* and with his salutation “Rejoice!” he brings the joyful greeting* whereby our sorrows are assuaged.* O God, who in Your merciful compassion became a man,* glory be to You.

    Prokeimenon I, Tone 4

    The Lord is compassion and love,* slow to anger and rich in mercy.

    verse: My soul, give thanks to the Lord; all my being, bless His holy name.

    Reading I

    Genesis 22:1-18

    Prokeimenon II, Tone 4

    How great are Your works, O Lord;* You have made all things in wisdom.

    verse: Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord my God, You are exceedingly great.

    Reading II

    Proverbs 17:17-18:5