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    Holy Martyrs Chrysanthus and Daria (253-60).

    Great Fast Day 37. According to liturgical prescriptions, the Divine Liturgy is not celebrated today.



    Sessional Hymn I, Tone x

    Make haste to open to me Your fatherly embrace,* for as the Prodigal I have wasted my life.* In the unfailing wealth of Your mercy, O Saviour,* reject not my heart in its poverty.* For with compunction I cry to You, O Lord:* Father, I have sinned against heaven* and before You.

    O Lord, rebuke me not in Your anger, neither chasten me in Your wrath.

    Fearful is Your judgement-seat, and Your judgement is just,* but my works are evil.* Come, merciful Lord, before it is too late:* save me and deliver me from punishment.* Redeem me, Master, from the condemnation of the goats,* and count me worthy to stand at Your right hand,* O Judge most just.

    God is wonderful in His saints, the God of Israel.

    As faithful soldiers you believed with one accord;* you were not terrified, O saints, by the threats of the tyrants,* but taking up the precious Cross, eagerly you followed Christ,* and finishing the course, you received victory from heaven.* Glory be to Him who gave you strength;* glory be to Him who crowned you; *glory be to Him who through you grants healing to all.

    Glory… Now…

    Unconsumed have you conceived the fire of the Godhead,* and without seed you have born the Lord who is the fount of life.* O Theotokos full of grace, preserve from death those who magnify you.

    Sessional Hymn II, Tone 6

    Emaciated by the disease of sin, I lie on the bed of despair.* Wherefore I ask You, the Physician of the sick;* visit me in You love for mankind;* and leave me not sleeping wickedly in death, O all-compassionate One,* that I may cry to You:* Bestower of mercy, O Lord, glory be to You.

    Glory… Now…

    The announcement of Gabriel to the Virgin was the beginning of our salvation;* for she heard Rejoice! and rejected not the salutation;* she doubted not, like Sarah of old, but spoke thus saying:* Behold the handmaiden of the Lord!* Be it done to me according to your word!

    Sessional Hymn III, Tone 5

    Yesterday and today the sickness of Lazarus, was manifest to Christ by his sisters.* With joy prepare yourself, O Bethany,* to welcome as your guest the Lord and King,* and to cry aloud together with us:* O Lord, glory be to You.

    Glory… Now…

    O most holy Mother of God, bulwark of Christians:* as is your manner, deliver your people who diligently supplicate you;* do battle against our shameful and proud thoughts,* that we may cry out to you:* Rejoice, O Ever-Virgin!


    Ode 2

    Irmos: Behold now, and see that I am God, who by My right hand and by My power alone* rained down manna in the days of old,* and made springs of water flow from the barren rock,* for My people in the wilderness.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    You who are rich by nature, willingly became a pauper, O Christ; and You who fill every living thing with abundance, have willingly deprived Yourself. Wherefore satisfy me who hungers for Your grace, and show me, O Word, to be a partaker of Your table in the age to come.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    Make me, O Christ, as poor as Lazarus in sin, scattering the wealth of evil that I have wickedly gathered; fill me with Your perfect love, O compassionate One, and deliver me from the fearful torments.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    Once in Babylon the Children became stronger than the fire through fasting. Be not despondent, O my soul, but emulate them, and you shall quench the fire of sensual pleasure with the dew of the Spirit.

    Most holy Theotokos, save us.

    We cry to you who have conceived our joy, “Rejoice,” O divinely joyous Virgin Theotokos. Pray to God whom you bore, that we who ever hymn you, be delivered from danger and corruption.

    Irmos: Behold, now, and see that I am God* who has willingly clothed Myself in flesh to save Adam,* who from the snares of the serpent* fell into transgression.

    Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You.

    See now, see that I am God, who, when dwelling on the far side of the Jordan heard that Lazarus was sick, and said: “He will not die, but this is for My glory.”

    Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You.

    Lamenting, the sisters of Lazarus noetically revealed their anguish to You who knows all things. But You delayed somewhat, that the miracle of his raising would reveal to Your disciples Your awesome power.


    A Unity in three Hypostases, a single sovereignty, and kingdom of the ages, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: the multitude of angels and all mankind glorify You.


    Who is not filled with wonder, O Virgin, at beholding the Creator refashioning fallen Adam within you, in an ineffable union, and born from you in the flesh without undergoing change, for our salvation?

    Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You.

    Adorn yourself with rejoicing now, O Bethany, and make ready to receive the King of all: for He is coming to you to reveal Lazarus returned from corruption to life.

    Katavasia: Behold, now, and see that I am God* who has willingly clothed Myself in flesh to save Adam,* who from the snares of the serpent* fell into transgression.


    Ode 8

    Irmos: You made flame bedew the holy children,* and burned the sacrifice of a righteous man with water.* For You alone, O Christ, do all as You will,* You do we exalt throughout all ages.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    I contemplate the multitude of my transgressions and am pierced by pangs of conscience; I suffer as though already in the flames of Hades wretched as I am: Have compassion upon me, O Word of God, by Your mercy.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    I have overlooked the virtuousness of Lazarus and emulated the ways of the unmerciful rich man. O lovingly compassionate God, have compassion upon me, and turn me back, that I may glorify You throughout all ages.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    Held fast by the infirmities of my soul, despair has brought me near to death and I stand in need of Your visitation, O Jesus, who gives life to those who call upon You.

    Most holy Theotokos, save us.

    O most holy Virgin, save me and come to the aid of my feebleness, for you have given birth to Him whose will it is to be merciful, whom we supremely exalt throughout all ages.

    Irmos: Your venerable children sang Your praises in the furnace, O Christ,* and they cried aloud: all you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!

    Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You.

    Rejoice, O Bethany, home of Lazarus, for Christ comes to you to perform a mighty work, the raising of Lazarus to life.

    Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You.

    Lazarus has fallen sick that You, O Son of God, may be glorified through him; wherefore, without ceasing, the works of Your hands praise You, O Lord.

    We bless the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Lord.

    We hymn the all-holy Trinity, in the Father, and the Son, and the Spirit, chanting: O all you works of the Lord, bless the Lord.


    With all mankind, we hymn the praises of your ineffable childbearing, O pure one; and honouring your Son as God, we bless and praise Him without ceasing.

    Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You.

    Preparing branches of the virtues with which to meet Christ, we cry aloud: O you works of the Lord, bless the Lord.

    We praise, we bless, and we worship the Lord, hymning and supremely exalting Him throughout all ages!

    Katavasia: Your venerable children sang Your praises in the furnace, O Christ,* and they cried aloud: all you works of the Lord, bless the Lord!


    Ode 9

    Irmos: It is impossible for mankind to see God* upon whom the orders of Angels dare not gaze;* but through you, O all-pure one, did the Word Incarnate become man* and with the Heavenly Hosts we magnify Him and we call you blessed.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    Having once tasted of the bitter fruit, the first-formed man was banished in grief from Paradise and harnessed to the bridle of death. Fast, O my soul; flee from his example; flee from the pain and suffering that comes from taking pleasure in eating.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    I call to mind Your judgment seat, and the unquenchable flames; and before the judgment has come, O righteous Judge, I have condemned myself. I fear and tremble, for without measure I have sinned against You, more than any other mortal man: wherefore have compassion upon me.

    Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me.

    Let us cleanse ourselves of the darkness of the passions through the illumination of prayer and bearing branches of virtue let us hasten to greet Christ, who shall soon approach riding upon a foal, preparing himself to suffer that he may save us.

    Most holy Theotokos, save us.

    Coming forth from you, O Virgin who are full of the grace of God, Christ the Giver of light and peace has shone upon us, who are darkened by the passions. Having forgiven us the transgression that came about through heedlessness, He has bestowed redemption upon us.

    Irmos: O Isaiah, rejoice and be glad! The Virgin has conceived in her womb,* and has borne a Son, Emmanuel, who is both God and man;* and Orient is His name;* we magnify Him and we call the Virgin blessed.

    Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You.

    O wise Lazarus, prepare now for your burial; for tomorrow morning you shall die and pass from this life. Behold the tomb in which you shall lay, for Christ shall return you to life again, raising you up on the fourth day.

    Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You.

    Rejoice and be glad, O Bethany: for Christ shall come to you, and perform in you a great and fearful miracle. Binding death, as the God of all, He shall raise up Lazarus, who having died shall once again magnify the Creator.


    O Trinity, I sing Your praises, One in Essence, beginningless, honoured source of life, an undivided Unity: the Father unbegotten, the Word and Son begotten, and the Holy Spirit, save us who hymn You.


    Your childbearing transcends comprehension, O Mother of God. For you conceived without a man, giving birth without corruption; and the Child that was borne from you is God. We magnify Him, O Virgin, and you we call blessed.

    Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You.

    Come, let us prepare to meet the Lord, bringing the palms of virtue to Him. That we may receive Him in our souls as though in the city of Jerusalem, worshipping Him and hymning his praises.

    Katavasia: O Isaiah, rejoice and be glad! The Virgin has conceived in her womb,* and has borne a Son, Emmanuel, who is both God and man;* and Orient is His name;* we magnify Him and we call the Virgin blessed.


    Aposticha, Tone 5

    Lulled into the sleep of indifference by transgressions* and bound fast by the bonds of sin,* why do you despair, O my soul?* Why are you slothful and lazy?* Ever flee from the burning of lasciviousness, as did Lot from Sodom and Gomorrah;* turn not back, lest you become a pillar of salt.* Save yourself upon the mountain of the virtues;* ever flee the consuming flames of the unmerciful and cruel rich man.* Rather, like Lazarus go to dwell in the bosom of Abraham, crying out in humbleness of thought:* My hope and my refuge, O Lord, glory be to You.

    In the morning, fill us with Your love; we shall exult and rejoice all our days. Give us joy to balance our affliction for the years when we knew misfortune. Show forth Your work to Your servants; let Your glory shine on their children.

    Lulled into the sleep of indifference by transgressions* and bound fast by the bonds of sin,* why do you despair, O my soul?* Why are you slothful and lazy?* Ever flee from the burning of lasciviousness, as did Lot from Sodom and Gomorrah;* turn not back, lest you become a pillar of salt.* Save yourself upon the mountain of the virtues;* ever flee the consuming flames of the unmerciful and cruel rich man.* Rather, like Lazarus go to dwell in the bosom of Abraham, crying out in humbleness of thought:* My hope and my refuge, O Lord, glory be to You.

    Let the favour of the Lord be upon us: give success to the work of our hands, give success to the work of our hands.

    Your passion-bearers, O Lord,* emulating the life of the angelic hosts,* patiently endured tortures, as though they themselves were bodiless,* having a singular hope in the blessings You have promised.* By their prayers, O Christ our God, grant peace to Your world,* and to our souls great mercy.

    Glory… Now…

    To you do we pray, as the Mother of God:* O blessed one,* pray for the salvation of our souls!



    At Psalm 140

    Tone 2

    If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.

    My heart, beset by a multitude of passions,* has been weakened by the wiles of the evil one,* shamefully laying in the tomb of slothfulness,* covered by a lack of feeling as with a tombstone, O Saviour.* By the Wood of Your lifegiving Cross* by which You have enlivened all those in Hades,* awaken me and grant me life,* that with reverent fear I may glorify Your Divinity.

    I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.

    Through the machinations of the evil one,* I ever covet the riches of corrupting pleasure,* thoughtlessly delighting in vanity.* Having neglected my mind, when it groaned like Lazarus,* I hunger for the divine food, O Word.* Deliver me in Your compassionate goodness from the future flames,* that I may glorify You, O Lover of mankind.

    Tone 3

    From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.

    Today, Lazarus has passed away* and Bethany laments for him:* whom You, our Saviour, shall awaken from the dead.* Confirming through Your friend, an assurance of Your own awesome Resurrection,* and of the end of Hades and Adam’s restoration to life;* wherefore we hymn Your praises.

    Tone 4

    For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

    Loving the ultimate Goal of desire utterly, O venerable ones,* you accounted the beauties of life to be but dung;* and through vigil and prayer, through rain and burning heat,* you acquired those things which alone are lasting;* and having dwelt together as one,* by grace were you shown to be dwellers with the angels.

    Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.

    Beaten with staves, stoned with rocks, cut down with swords,* you did not break your oneness of mind, O martyrs,* bound together by love and fraternal desire;* yet, slain together,*your members cut off, O passion-bearers,* you have set yourselves upon the altar of God* as unblemished sacrifices.

    Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.

    Consumed by fire, laid waste by suffocation,* you committed your souls into the hands of the King of all* as unblemished sacrifices, O glorious martyrs;* you have joined yourselves to the choirs of the incorporeal powers,* and inherited everlasting glory.* Pray unceasingly, that they that praise you* may also have a share therein.

    Glory… Now…

    When she beheld You nailed to the Cross, O Lord,* the ewe-lamb, Your Mother, marveled and cried aloud:* “What is this that I see, O my Son, most desired,* wherewith the disobedient and iniquitous assembly has recompensed You,* which enjoyed Your many wonders?* But glory to Your ineffable descent, O Master!”

    Prokeimenon I, Tone 4

    The fear of the Lord* is the beginning of wisdom.

    verse: I will confess You, O Lord, with my whole heart: in the council of the upright and in the congregation.

    Reading I

    Genesis 31:3-16

    Prokeimenon II, Tone 4

    He is merciful, and compassionate,* and righteous.

    verse: Blessed is the man that fears the Lord: in His commandments shall he greatly delight.

    Reading II

    Proverbs 21:3-21


    Tone 1

    O my soul, you were clothed in the divinely-woven purple of self-restraint,* and in the fine linen of incorruption,* but having mocked your own dignity,* you have made sin your wealth and your delight;* looking scornfully upon your brothers,* like the rich man who despised Lazarus the beggar.* So that you not share in the punishment of the rich man* become poor in spirit as did the Lord* who for your sake became poor Himself* and cry out to Him saying:* Before Your Crucifixion You clothed Yourself with the purple of mockery,* and for my sake You were nailed upon the Cross naked;* O Christ, clothe me in the raiment of Your Kingdom,* and deliver me from eternal shame.

    I have lifted up my eyes to You enthroned in heaven. Behold, as the eyes of servants are on the hands of their masters, as the eyes of a maid are on the hands of her mistress, so are our eyes on the Lord our God until He has mercy on us.

    O my soul, you were clothed in the divinely-woven purple of self-restraint,* and in the fine linen of incorruption,* but having mocked your own dignity,* you have made sin your wealth and your delight;* looking scornfully upon your brothers,* like the rich man who despised Lazarus the beggar.* So that you not share in the punishment of the rich man* become poor in spirit as did the Lord* who for your sake became poor Himself* and cry out to Him saying:* Before Your Crucifixion You clothed Yourself with the purple of mockery,* and for my sake You were nailed upon the Cross naked;* O Christ, clothe me in the raiment of Your Kingdom,* and deliver me from eternal shame.

    Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us; for we have been filled with shame; our soul is all too full of the mockery of the rich, of the contempt of the proud.

    Wise was the exchange that you made, O saints!* giving your blood, and receiving as your reward heaven;* you suffered tribulation for a time, and now you rejoice eternally.* Wise indeed was the trade you made:* forsaking things corruptible, you have received things incorruptible;* and rejoicing with the choirs of angels* you hymn without ceasing the consubstantial Trinity.

    Glory… Now…

    “A sword has pierced me, O my Son,”* said the Virgin upon seeing Christ hung upon the Tree,* “my heart has been rent, O Lord, as Simeon once foretold to me.* But arise, I pray You, O immortal One,* and glorify Your Mother and handmaiden.”