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    Lazarus Saturday.



    God the Lord, Tone 1

    Troparion, Tone 1

    Assuring us before Your Passion of the general resurrection,* You raised Lazarus from the dead, O Christ God:* and so, like the children we also carry signs of victory* and cry to You, the conqueror of death:* Hosanna in the highest!* Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. (2)

    Glory… Now…

    Assuring us before Your Passion of the general resurrection,* You raised Lazarus from the dead, O Christ God:* and so, like the children we also carry signs of victory* and cry to You, the conqueror of death:* Hosanna in the highest!* Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.

    Psalter Reading I

    Kathisma 16

    Sessional Hymn I, Tone 1

    Having taken pity on Martha and Mary,* for the sake of their tears, O Christ God,* You commanded the stone to be rolled away from the tomb;* and calling to the dead man,* You raised him, O Giver of life,* granting to the world, through him, an assurance of the resurrection.* Glory be to Your might, O Saviour;* glory be to Your power;* glory be to You who have established all things by Your word.

    Glory… Now…

    Having taken pity on Martha and Mary,* for the sake of their tears, O Christ God,* You commanded the stone to be rolled away from the tomb;* and calling to the dead man,* You raised him, O Giver of life,* granting to the world, through him, an assurance of the resurrection.* Glory be to Your might, O Saviour;* glory be to Your power;* glory be to You who have established all things by Your word.

    Psalter Reading II

    Kathisma 17


    Blessed are You, O Lord,* teach me Your statutes.

    The company of angels was amazed* beholding You, O Saviour, numbered among the dead.* who have destroyed the power of death and raised up Adam with Yourself* setting all men free from hell.

    Blessed are You, O Lord,* teach me Your statutes.

    Why do you mingle sweet-smelling ointment with tears of pity,* O women disciples?* cried the angel who shone as lightning within the tomb* to the myrrh-bearing women.* Behold the tomb and understand* for the Saviour has risen from the grave!

    Blessed are You, O Lord,* teach me Your statutes.

    The women bearing sweet-smelling ointment* hastened early in the morning to Your tomb, lamenting;* But the angel arose before them and he said:* The time for lamentation has ceased;* weep not,* but tell the apostles of the Resurrection.

    Blessed are You, O Lord,* teach me Your statutes.

    The women bearing sweet-smelling ointment* came to Your tomb, O Saviour.* But they heard the angel say to them:* Why count the living among the dead?* For as God* He has risen from the tomb!


    We worship the Father together with His Son and the Holy Spirit,* the Holy Trinity, One in Essence.* And we cry with the Seraphim:* Holy, Holy, Holy are You, O Lord!


    O Virgin, who have borne the Giver of life,* you have delivered Adam from sin,* and to Eve* you have brought joy in place of sorrow.* He who took flesh from you, who is both God and Man,* has raised up once more those who had fallen from life!

    Small Ektenia

    Sessional Hymn Tone 5

    O Fount of wisdom and discernment,* You came to Bethany and ask the companions of Martha saying:* “Where have you laid my friend Lazarus?”* and shedding tears of compassion for him,* You raised him who lay four days dead,* by the command of Your voice;* O compassionate Lover of mankind,* since You are the Lord and the Giver of Life.

    Glory… Now…

    O Fount of wisdom and discernment,* You came to Bethany and ask the companions of Martha saying:* “Where have you laid my friend Lazarus?”* and shedding tears of compassion for him,* You raised him who lay four days dead,* by the command of Your voice;* O compassionate Lover of mankind,* since You are the Lord and the Giver of Life.

    Having Beheld the Resurrection

    Having seen the Resurrection of Christ* let us worship the holy Lord Jesus,* the only sinless one.* We venerate Your Cross, O Christ* and Your holy Resurrection we praise and glorify* for You are our God.* We know no other than You.* we call on Your Name.* O come, all you faithful,* let us worship the holy Resurrection of Christ,* for behold, through the Cross joy has come to all the world.* Ever blessing the Lord,* we sing the praises of His Resurrection,* for by enduring the Cross for us* He destroyed death by death!

    Psalm 50


    Ode 1

    Irmos: Let us sing to the Lord, who led His people through the Red Sea:* for He alone has gloriously been glorified.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    You raised the dead Lazarus by Your divine command; for You are the Fashioner and Guardian of Life, O Lover of mankind.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    By Your word You raised Lazarus, who was four days dead, O immortal Lord, and by Your might You have destroyed the dark kingdom of Hades.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    To all You have given proof of Your transcendent Divinity, O Master, by raising up Lazarus who was four days dead.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    Today Bethany proclaims beforehand the Resurrection of Christ the Giver of Life, and it rejoices at the arising of Lazarus.

    Irmos: Having passed through the water as upon dry land,* and having escaped the malice of the Egyptians,* the Israelites cried aloud:* let us sing to our God and Redeemer.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    In the beginning You brought forth all of creation from nothing, and as Master knowing the secrets of the heart, You foretold the falling asleep of Lazarus to Your disciples.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    O Christ, You have assumed the nature of man, from the Virgin, and as a man You asked where Lazarus was buried, though as God You were in no wise ignorant of this.


    Giving us an assurance of Your own Resurrection, You raised Your friend as if from sleep, O Word, though he lay four days in the tomb and already stinks.


    The hosts of angels and mankind ceaselessly hymn you, O Unwedded Mother, for you have carried their Creator as a babe in your arms.

    Katavasia: Having passed through the water as upon dry land,* and having escaped the malice of the Egyptians,* the Israelites cried aloud:* let us sing to our God and Redeemer.


    Ode 3

    Irmos: O Lord, You are the confirmation of those who flee to You,* You are the Light of those in darkness, and my spirit hymns You.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    Displaying Your two energies, O Saviour, You manifested Your two natures: for You are both God and man.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    Though You are an Abyss of knowledge, You asked where the body of Lazarus had been laid. For it was Your will, O Giver of Life, to raise him who lay there.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    Passing from place to place, as a man, You appeared, circumscribed; but, as God filling all things, You are uncircumscribed.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    Lazarus arose, by Your divine word, O Christ, I pray You, raise me also, who am deadened by my many sins.

    Irmos: O Lord, Creator of the vault of Heaven and Builder of the Church,* strengthen me in Your love, O Summit of desire,* O Support of the faithful,* O only Lover of mankind.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    Standing in Bethany by the tomb of Lazarus, O wonderworking Lord, You shed tears for him in accordance with the law of nature, confirming that You have indeed assumed flesh, O Jesus my God.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    Straightway, O Saviour, in Your sovereign authority, You assuaged the sorrow of Mary and Martha, for You are the Resurrection, and life, as You said, for in truth You are the Lord of all.


    O Lord, from the ranks of the dead and the darkness of Hades have you snatched Your friend Lazarus; by Your all-powerful word breaking asunder the locked gates of the kingdom of death.


    Taking up Your dwelling within the Virgin, O Lord, You appeared to mankind in the flesh, that they may behold with their eyes You who have revealed her to be in truth the Theotokos and the support of the faithful, O only Lover of mankind.

    Katavasia: O Lord, Creator of the vault of Heaven and Builder of the Church,* strengthen me in Your love, O Summit of desire,* O Support of the faithful,* O only Lover of mankind.


    Sessional Hymn, Tone 4

    The sisters of Lazarus stood beside Christ together* and, weeping with bitter tears, they said to Him: “O Lord, Lazarus has passed from us.”* And though as God He knew the place of burial, as a man He asked them,* “Where have you laid him?”* And coming upon the tomb, He called out to Lazarus who was four days dead;* and straightway he arose and worshipped the Lord who had raised him up.

    Tone 8, Glory… Now…

    Foreseeing all things as the Creator,* You prophesied to the disciples, saying:* “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep today in Bethany.”* And, foreknowing the answer, You asked: “Where have you laid him?”,* while weeping as a man You prayed to the Father;* whereupon having called Lazarus whom You loved, O Lord,* You raised him who had been four days dead, from the bowels of Hades.* Wherefore we cry to You:* “Accept, O Christ our God, the praise we dare to offer to You,* and deem us all worthy of Your glory.”


    Ode 4

    Irmos: O Lord, I have heard the mystery of Your dispensation;* I have considered Your works, and I have glorified Your divinity.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    Not that You are in need of help, but in order to fulfil the inexpressible mystery of Your plan; praying, You raised up a corpse four days dead.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    Coeternally existing with the Father, the Word who has been revealed from the beginning as God, now prays as a man, He who accepts the prayers of all.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    O Saviour, Your voice has destroyed all the power of death, and the foundations of Hades have been shaken by Your divinity.

    Most holy Theotokos, save us.

    Let us hymn the Virgin, for she has remained a virgin even after child-bearing, having given birth to Christ God, who has delivered the world from delusion.

    Irmos: You, O Lord, are my strength and You are my power,* You are my God and You are my joy,* You who, while never leaving the bosom of Your Father,* have visited our poverty.* Therefore, with the Prophet Habbakuk, I cry to You,* “Glory to Your power, O Lover of mankind!”

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    O Saviour and Creator, as Shepherd, You truly snatched the four day dead man from the wicked and all-devouring wolf; and through him O Lord, as all-powerful, You foreshadowed the universal glory of Your Resurrection on the third day.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    Beholding You the Life, the companions of Martha cried aloud, O Christ: “If You had been here, O Lord, Light and Life of all, Lazarus would not have died.” But since You are the Life of the dead, O Lover of mankind, You have turned their sorrow into joy.


    O Lord, You are the source of life, of whom the depths quake in fear; for all the waters serve You, the gatekeepers of Hades tremble before You, O Christ, and the bars therein have been smashed by Your power, and Lazarus has been raised from the dead by Your command, O almighty Saviour, Lover of mankind.


    O unwedded Virgin, you are the glory of the faithful; you are the intercessor and refuge of Christians, their rampart and haven. For entreating your Son, O all-immaculate One, you save from danger those who in faith and love acknowledge you to be the pure Theotokos.

    Katavasia: You, O Lord, are my strength and You are my power,* You are my God and You are my joy,* You who, while never leaving the bosom of Your Father,* have visited our poverty.* Therefore, with the Prophet Habbakuk, I cry to You,* “Glory to Your power, O Lover of mankind!”


    Ode 5

    Irmos: O Light never-waning, why have You turned Your face from me* and why has the alien darkness surrounded me, wretched though I be?* But guide my steps, I implore You* and turn me back towards the light of Your commandments.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    O Lover of mankind, having come to the tomb of Lazarus You, the immortal life of all mankind, called him and grant him life; whereby You, as God, have clearly foreshadowed the future Resurrection.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    His feet bound in grave clothes, Lazarus walked forth from the tomb, O wonder of wonders! He who has given him such strength is greater than the power which held him back, Christ, whose word all things obey, serving Him as God and Master.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    O Christ, who raised Lazarus on the fourth day, raise me up also, who am deadened by my sins, and lie in the pit and the shadow of death; since You are exceedingly compassionate, deliver me and save me.

    Irmos: O Light never-waning, why have You turned Your face from me* and why has the alien darkness surrounded me, wretched though I be?* But guide my steps, I implore You* and turn me back towards the light of Your commandments.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    You gave glory to the Father, for Your prayer was not a rebuke of God, but the confirmation of the faith of the multitude that stood around You, for You thanked Your Father, O long-suffering Lord, and then raise Lazarus by Your command.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    O divine voice of God’s proclamation! O divine power and might! With which, O Saviour, You have shattered the gates of Hades and its all-devouring death. Deliver me from my passions, as you once delivered Your four-day dead friend Lazarus.


    By the prayers of Lazarus, and of Martha and Mary, deem us worthy to behold Your Cross and Passion, and the joyful light-bearing Queen of Days, the Feast of Your Resurrection, O Lover of mankind.


    O most pure one, since you have a mother’s boldness before your Son, forget not us who are in need, we pray you, for we are your kinsfolk: you alone do we Christians offer as an intercessor, to win the Master’s favour.

    Katavasia: O Light never-waning, why have You turned Your face from me* and why has the alien darkness surrounded me, wretched though I be?* But guide my steps, I implore You* and turn me back towards the light of Your commandments.


    Ode 6

    Irmos: You, O Lord, placed Jonah alone within the sea monster.* Save me, who am ensnared in the nets of the enemy, as you saved him from corruption.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    Love led You, O Lord, to Lazarus in Bethany; and as God, even though his corpse did stink, You raised him up, and save him from the bonds of Hades.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    Martha despaired when she saw Lazarus already four days dead. But Christ, as God, raised him from the decay of corruption and brought him back to life by His word.

    Irmos: Cleanse me, O Saviour, for many are my iniquities;* lead me up from the abyss of evils, I pray You,* for to You have I cried, and You have hearkened to me,* O God of my salvation.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    As the true God, You foreknew the falling asleep of Lazarus and having announced it beforehand to Your disciples, You confirmed in them, O Master, the recognition of the infinite Power of Your divinity.

    Glory… Now…

    You who by nature are uncircumscribed, was circumscribed in the flesh; and coming to Bethany, O Master, as a man You wept over Lazarus, but as God You, by Your will, raised up him who was four days dead.

    Katavasia: Cleanse me, O Saviour, for many are my iniquities;* lead me up from the abyss of evils, I pray You,* for to You have I cried, and You have hearkened to me,* O God of my salvation.


    Kontakion, Tone 2

    Christ, the joy of all, the truth, the light,* the life, the resurrection of the universe,* in His goodness has revealed Himself to those on earth;* He Himself has become the pattern of the Resurrection,* granting divine forgiveness to all.


    The Creator of the world foretold His disciples that which came to pass, proving to them that as the Creator of all things He is all-knowing. “Brethren and companions, our friend has fallen asleep,” He said. “Let us go, then, and see a strange burial, and behold the tears of Mary and the tomb of Lazarus. For I shall work a miracle there, as the prelude to my Crucifixion, granting divine forgiveness to all.”


    Ode 7

    Irmos: The Hebrew children in the furnace boldly trampled upon the flames,* changing the fire into dew,* they cried aloud: “Blessed are You, O Lord our God,* throughout the ages.”

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    As a man You wept, O compassionate One, but as God You raised Lazarus from the tomb; and having been delivered from Hades, he cried aloud: “Blessed are You, O Lord God, throughout the ages.”

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    Coming forth bound in grave clothes, and fleeing from the chaos and darkness of Hades, by the Master’s word, Lazarus cried aloud: “Blessed are You, O Lord God, throughout the ages.”

    Irmos: The children of Judaea, who of old came to dwell in Babylon,* trampled underfoot the flame of the furnace* through their faith in the Trinity,* as they sang: “Blessed are You, O God of our fathers.”

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    Shedding tears over Your friend, O Compassionate One, You assuaged the tears of Martha, and by Your voluntary Passion You wiped away all tears from the face of Your people. Blessed are You, O God of our fathers.


    O Treasury of life, You raised him who was dead, as if from sleep, by Your word bursting asunder the belly of Hades, and having arisen he chanted: “Blessed are You, O God of our fathers.”


    A stinking corpse, and one bound in grave clothes have You raised up O Master, raise me also who am held fast in the bonds of sin that I may sing: “Blessed are You, O God of our fathers.”

    Katavasia: The children of Judaea, who of old came to dwell in Babylon,* trampled underfoot the flame of the furnace* through their faith in the Trinity,* as they sang: “Blessed are You, O God of our fathers.”


    Ode 8

    Irmos: The instruments of music sounded out in harmony,* and countless multitudes worshipped the image in Dura;* but the three children, refusing to bow in deferential repect,* hymn and glorify the Lord throughout all ages.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    Like a Shepherd, You sought Your lamb, rescuing him from the wicked and destructive wolf, and restoring him who had fallen into corruption, wherefore he cried out to You: “Praise and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.”

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    As a man You asked where Lazarus was buried; as the Fashioner, You raised him from the dead, by Your royal command, which Hades feared as he cried out to You: “Praise and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.”

    Irmos: Let us praise and supremely exalt throughout all ages* the King of heaven, who is glorified by the hosts of angels.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    As a mortal, You sought out Lazarus, as God, You raised him who was four days dead by Your word, wherefore we hymn, and supremely exalt You throughout all ages.

    We bless the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Lord.

    Fulfilling a debt of gratitude on behalf of her brother, Mary brought You, O Lord, sweet-smelling spices, hymning You throughout all ages.


    As a man You called out to the Father, as God You raised Lazarus, wherefore, we hymn Christ throughout the ages.

    We praise, we bless, and we worship the Lord, hymning and supremely exalting Him throughout all ages!

    Katavasia: Let us praise and supremely exalt throughout all ages* the King of heaven, who is glorified by the hosts of angels.


    The Magnificat is not chanted today.


    Ode 9

    Irmos: O people, with glory let us honour the pure Theotokos,* who received the fire of the Divinity in her womb* yet remained unconsumed,* let us magnify her with hymns.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    Having seen a four-day dead corpse walking, the people were struck with wonder at the miracle and cried out to the Redeemer: “We magnify You in hymns, O God.”

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    You confirmed faith in Your glorious Resurrection, O my Saviour, before it came to pass, by freeing him who was four days dead from Hades, wherefore I magnify You in hymns.

    Irmos: Saved by you, O pure Virgin, we confess you to be truly the Theotokos,* and together with the choirs of the bodiless hosts we magnify you.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    Honouring Your Father, O Christ, and showing that in no way are You opposed to Him, upon praying, and by Your own authority, You raised him who was four days dead.

    Glory be to You, O God, glory be to You.

    You raised Lazarus from the tomb who was four days dead, thereby making him a most truthful witness, O Christ, to Your Resurrection on the third day.


    Thou dost walk, and weep, and speak, O my Savior, showing the activity of Thy human nature; and Thou didst raise Lazarus, revealing Thy divine nature.


    In ways inexpressible, O my Master and Saviour, and in accordance with the free-will exercised in each of Your two natures, You brought about my salvation.

    Katavasia: Saved by you, O pure Virgin, we confess you to be truly the Theotokos,* and together with the choirs of the bodiless hosts we magnify you.


    Holy is the Lord our God

    Hymn of Light, Tone 3

    By Your word, O Word of God, Lazarus now leaps up, returning back to life,* wherefore the people honour You with palms, O mighty Lord,* for by Your death You shall utterly destroy Hades. (2)

    Glory… Now…

    Through Lazarus, O death, Christ has already despoiled you.* O Hades, where is your victory?* The lamentation of Bethany has now been presented to you.* In Christ’s honour let us raise on high the branches of victory.

    At the Praises

    Tone 1

    You are the Resurrection and the Life of mankind, O Christ,* standing by the tomb of Lazarus* You have confirmed our faith in Your two natures, O long-suffering Lord,* proving that You came forth from the pure Virgin as both God and man.* For as a man you asked, “Where is he buried?”* and as God by Your life-giving command* You raised him from the dead on the fourth day.

    Before Your own death, O Christ,* You raised the four days dead Lazarus from Hades,* thereby shaking the dominion of death.* By this one man loved by You,* You have foretold the deliverance of all mankind from corruption.* We therefore worship Your almighty power and cry aloud:* “Blessed are You, O Saviour; have mercy on us.”

    Martha and Mary spoke to the Saviour saying:* “Had You, O Lord, been here, Lazarus would not have died.”* But Christ, the Resurrection of those who have reposed,* has raised from the dead, him who was four days dead.* Draw near, O faithful, and let us all worship Him* who comes in glory to save our souls.

    You granted to Your disciples, O Christ, proofs of Your divinity,* but among the crowds You humbled Yourself, wishing to conceal this from them.* As God, foreseeing all things, You foretold the death of Lazarus to the apostles;* yet at Bethany, when in the presence of the people,* as a man You asked where Your friend was buried,* not in any way ignorant of this,* But having raised him four days after he had died,* You manifested Your power as God.* O almighty Lord, glory be to You.

    Tone 4

    O Christ, You raised up Your four days dead friend,* thereby assuaging the lamentation of Martha and Mary,* showing to all that You are He who fills all things* by Your divine power and Your sovereign will,* to whom the cherubim without ceasing cry aloud:* “Hosanna in the highest:* blessed are You, O God of all: glory be to You.”

    Martha cried to Mary: “Come, the Teacher stands here and calls for you.”* And she, running to the place where You were, O Lord, she cried out when she saw You;* and falling at Your feet she worshipped You, saying:* “O Lord, had You been here, our brother would not have died.”

    Tone 8

    You raised up Lazarus who had reposed in Bethany and was four days dead;* For as soon as You stood by the tomb, the sound of Your voice became the source of life to him who had reposed,* and Hades groaning aloud, released him in fear.* O mighty miracle!* O abundantly merciful Lord, glory be to You.

    O Lord, You said to Martha, “I am the Resurrection”;* and You have confirmed Your words by Your deeds, calling Lazarus from Hades,* wherefore I beseech You;* raise me up who am also deadened by my passions,* since You are the Lover of mankind.

    Tone 2, Glory…

    A great and marvellous wonder has been wrought today:* for calling to a four-day dead corpse,* Christ has raised His friend from the tomb.* Let us glorify Him, for He is supreme in glory,* that by the prayers of righteous Lazarus* He may save our souls.


    Most Blessed are you, O Virgin Theotokos,* for through Him who became incarnate of you is Hades led captive,* Adam recalled, the curse annulled, Eve set free, death slain,* and we are given life. Wherefore, we cry aloud in praise:* Blessed are You, O Christ God,* who has been thus well-pleased, glory be to You.

    Great Doxology, Troparion, the two Litanies, and the Dismissal.


    Troparia and Kontakia

    Troparion, Tone1: Assuring us before Your Passion of the general resurrection,* You raised Lazarus from the dead, o Christ God:* and so, like the children we also carry signs of victory* and cry to You, the conqueror of death:* Hosanna in the highest!* Blessed is He who comes* in the name of the Lord.

    Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.

    Kontakion, Tone 2: Christ, the joy of all, the truth, the light,* the life, the resurrection of the universe,* in His goodness has revealed Himself to those on earth;* He Himself has become the pattern of the Resurrection,* granting divine forgiveness to all.

    Instead of “Holy God,” we sing:

    All you who have been baptized into Christ, you have put on Christ. Alleluia.

    Prokeimenon, Tone 3

    The Lord is my light and my Saviour;* whom shall I fear?

    verse: The Lord is the protector of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? (Psalm 26:1)


    Hebrews 12:28-13:8

    Alleluia, Tone 5

    verse: The Lord is King; He is robed in majesty.

    verse: For He has established the world which shall not be shaken. (Psalm 92:1)


    John 11:1-45

    Hymn to the Mother of God

    Irmos, Tone 8: Let us honour with glory the pure Mother of God;* though she received the Divine Fire within her womb she was not consumed.* With never ceasing hymns, O people,* we magnify her.

    Communion Hymn

    Out of the mouth of infants and nursing babies* You have perfected praise.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia. (Psalm 8:3)