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New Texts arriving in the evening of April 17, 2024!

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    Great Thursday. Our Venerable Father Hilarion the New. Holy Stephen the Wonderworker (464).

    Great Week. Abstention from meat and foods that contain meat. The Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great is celebrated in the late afternoon today.



    Troparion, Tone 8

    When the glorious disciples* were illumined at the Supper by the washing of their feet,* then the impious Judas* became darkened by the disease of avarice,* and he delivered You, the just judge, to lawless judges.* See, O lover of money,* how for money’s sake he hanged himself.* Flee from the insatiable greed which made him dare to do such things against his Master.* O Lord, who are good towards all mankind, glory be to You. (2)

    Glory… Now…

    When the glorious disciples* were illumined at the Supper by the washing of their feet,* then the impious Judas* became darkened by the disease of avarice,* and he delivered You, the just judge, to lawless judges.* See, O lover of money,* how for money’s sake he hanged himself.* Flee from the insatiable greed which made him dare to do such things against his Master.* O Lord, who are good towards all mankind, glory be to You.


    Luke 22:1-39


    Ode 1

    Irmos: The Red Sea was parted by a blow from the staff of Moses,* and the deep with its waves became dry,* becoming a path to the unarmed people of Israel,* but to the fully armed ones it became a grave.* A hymn of Praise well-pleasing to God was sung:* gloriously has Christ our God been glorified.

    Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You.

    The Cause of all and the Bestower of life, the infinite Wisdom of God has built His house from a pure Mother who has not known a man. For clothing Himself in a bodily temple, Christ our God has gloriously been glorified.

    Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You.

    Instructing His friends in the Mysteries, the true Wisdom of God prepares a soul-nourishing table, mingling for the faithful the cup of the wine of eternal life. Let us approach with reverence and cry aloud: Christ our God has gloriously been glorified.

    Glory… Now…

    O faithful, let us give ear to the exalted preaching of the uncreated and consubstantial Wisdom of God, for He cries aloud: “O taste and see that I am good! Wherefore sing: Christ our God has gloriously been glorified.

    Katavasia: The Red Sea was parted by a blow from the staff of Moses,* and the deep with its waves became dry,* becoming a path to the unarmed people of Israel,* but to the fully armed ones it became a grave.* A hymn of Praise well-pleasing to God was sung:* gloriously has Christ our God been glorified.


    Ode 3

    Irmos: O Lord You are the God and Creator of all,* becoming poor, You have united Yourself without passion to a creature,* and offered ourself as a Passover for those for whom You were soon to die;* crying aloud: Eat My Body, and you shall be firmly established in the faith.

    Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You.

    You offered Yourself in redemption for the race of mankind, O Good One, and with joy filled the cup, from whence Your disciples drank, Yourself consecrating it, saying: “Drink My Blood, and you shall be firmly established in the faith.”

    Glory… Now…

    “Foolish is the man who is a traitor in your midst!” in foresight did You say to Your disciples: “He will never know nor understand these mysteries. But abide in Me, and you shall be firmly established in the faith.”

    Katavasia: O Lord You are the God and Creator of all,* becoming poor, You have united Yourself without passion to a creature,* and offered ourself as a Passover for those for whom You were soon to die;* crying aloud: Eat My Body, and you shall be firmly established in the faith.


    Sessional Hymn, Tone 1

    He who has made the lakes and springs and seas,* wishing to teach us the surpassing value of humility,* girded Himself with a towel and washed the feet of the disciples,* humbling Himself in the abundance of His great and loving-kindness,* raising us up from the depths of wickedness,* for He alone is the Lover of mankind

    Tone 3, Glory…

    Humbling Yourself in Your loving-kindness,* You washed the feet of Your disciples,* teaching them to take the path which as God You have followed.* Peter, who at first refused to have his feet washed,* then yielded to the divine command,* and earnestly entreated You* that we may be granted Your great mercy.

    Tone 4, Now…

    Eating, O Master, with Your disciples,* You mystically revealed Your all-holy repose,* which delivers from corruption,* those who honour Your sacred Passion.


    Ode 4

    Irmos: Foreseeing Your ineffable mystery, O Christ, the Prophet cried aloud:* “You have manifested the power of Your love, O merciful Father,* for in Your goodness You have sent Your only-begotten Son* to cleanse the world from sin.

    Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You.

    O Christ, going to Your Passion, which frees all the descendants of Adam from the passions, You said to Your friends: “I have desired to eat this Passover with you; for the Father has sent Me, His only-begotten Son, to cleanse the world from sin.”

    Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You.

    Partaking from the cup, O Lord Immortal, You cried to the disciples: “In this present life I will no more drink of the fruit of the vine with you, for the Father has sent Me, His only-begotten Son, to cleanse the world from sin.”

    Glory… Now…

    “In My Kingdom,” You said say to Your friends, O Christ, “I shall drink a new drink, for as God among gods shall I be with you, for the Father has sent Me, His only-begotten Son, to cleanse the world from sin.”

    Katavasia: Foreseeing Your ineffable mystery, O Christ, the Prophet cried aloud:* “You have manifested the power of Your love, O merciful Father,* for in Your goodness You have sent Your only-begotten Son* to cleanse the world from sin.


    Ode 5

    Irmos: Bound with the bond of love, the apostles, having offered themselves to Christ, the Master of all,* had their comely feet cleansed by Him, proclaiming peace to all.

    Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You.

    The Wisdom of God that holds back the untamed fury of the waters above the firmament, and which bridles the deep, holding back the seas, now pours water into a basin; and the Master washes the feet of His servants.

    Glory… Now…

    The Master has shown His disciples an example of humility; For He who has wrapped the heaven in clouds, has girt Himself with a towel; and He in whose hand is the breath of life of all things, kneels down to wash the feet of His servants.

    Katavasia: Bound with the bond of love, the apostles, having offered themselves to Christ, the Master of all,* had their comely feet cleansed by Him, proclaiming peace to all.


    Ode 6

    Irmos: The uttermost depths of sin have encompassed me;* and its stormy waves I can endure no more,* wherefore like Jonah, I cry out to You, O Master:* Lead me up from corruption.

    Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You.

    “O disciples, you call Me Lord and Master, and so I am”, You cried, O Saviour. “Follow then the example that you have seen in Me.”

    Glory… Now…

    He who is free from defilement need not have his feet washed, O My disciples, you are clean, but not all of you. For one of you is inclined to madness.

    Katavasia: The uttermost depths of sin have encompassed me;* and its stormy waves I can endure no more,* wherefore like Jonah, I cry out to You, O Master:* Lead me up from corruption.


    Kontakion, Tone 2

    The traitor takes the Bread in his hands,* but stretches them out secretly to receive the price of Him* who has fashioned mankind with His own hands.* For Judas, the slave and deceiver,* remained unrepentant.


    Let us all draw near to the mystical table in fear, and with pure souls receive the Bread, remaining with the Master, that we may see how He washed the feet of the disciples and wiped them with a towel; and let us do as we have seen, subjecting ourselves to each other, washing one another’s feet. For such is the commandment that Christ Himself gave to His disciples; but Judas, the slave and deceiver, listened not.


    Ode 7

    Irmos: In Babylon the children feared not the fiery furnace;* but cast into the midst of the flames* they were bedewed and sang:* “O God of our fathers, blessed are You.”

    Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You.

    With bowed head, Judas plotted evil, seeking an opportunity to deliver to condemnation the Judge who is Lord of all and the God of our fathers.

    Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You.

    “Among you there is one that shall betray Me,” Christ said to His friends; and they, forgetting their gladness, were seized with grief and anguish, saying: “Who shall this be? Tell us, O God of our fathers.”

    Glory… Now…

    “He that dips his hand with Me in the dish; it had been better for him had he never passed through the gates of life;” for he would be revealed as the traitor of the God of our fathers.”

    Katavasia: In Babylon the children feared not the fiery furnace;* but cast into the midst of the flames* they were bedewed and sang:* “O God of our fathers, blessed are You.”


    Ode 8

    Irmos: Suffering affliction for the sake of the laws of their fathers,* the blessed children in Babylon scorned the foolish decree of the King.* Standing together in the midst of the flames, they remained unharmed,* and sang a song fitting for almighty God:* “O you works of the Lord, praise the Lord* and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.”

    Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You.

    Blessed guests in Sion, the apostles, and faithful companions of the Word, followed the Shepherd like sheep united to Christ, and feeding upon the divine Word, they cried out in thanksgiving: “O you works of the Lord, praise the Lord and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.”

    Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You.

    Forgetting the law of friendship, iniquitous Iscariot hastened to the betrayal on the feet which You had washed. Eating Your Bread, the divine Body, he lifted up his heel against You; for he knew not how to cry: “O you works of the Lord, praise the Lord and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.”

    Let us bless the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: the Lord!

    Having unconscionably received the Body that delivers from sin, and the divine Blood that has been shed for the world. He was not ashamed to drink that which he had sold for money; he felt no angst for sin; for he knew not how to cry: “O you works of the Lord, praise the Lord and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.”


    Having unconscionably received the Body that delivers from sin, and the divine Blood that has been shed for the world. He was not ashamed to drink that which he had sold for money; he felt no angst for sin; for he knew not how to cry: “O you works of the Lord, praise the Lord and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.”

    We praise, we bless, and we worship the Lord, hymning and supremely exalting Him throughout all ages!

    Katavasia: Suffering affliction for the sake of the laws of their fathers,* the blessed children in Babylon scorned the foolish decree of the King.* Standing together in the midst of the flames, they remained unharmed,* and sang a song fitting for almighty God:* “O you works of the Lord, praise the Lord* and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.”


    The Magnificat is not sung.


    Ode 9

    Irmos: Come, O faithful, let us raise our minds on high* and enjoy the Master’s hospitality* and the table of immortal life in the upper room;* and let us hear the exalted teaching of the Word whom we magnify.

    Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You.

    “Go,” said the Word to the disciples, “and prepare the Passover for those whom I shall call to share in the Mystery: with the unleavened bread of the word of truth prepare the Passover in the upper room where the mind shall be established, and magnify the strength of grace.”

    Glory be to You, our God, glory be to You.

    Before all ages the Father has begotten Me, who am Wisdom and the Creator, and He established Me as the beginning of His ways. He appointed Me to perform the works which have now been mystically accomplished. For though I am by nature the uncreated Word, I make My own, the speech and qualities of the manhood I have assumed.

    Glory… Now…

    Since I am man not merely in appearance, but in essence, the human nature united to Me is rendered godlike. Know Me, then, as one single Christ, who saves those among whom I am, and of whom I am.

    Katavasia: Come, O faithful, let us raise our minds on high* and enjoy the Master’s hospitality* and the table of immortal life in the upper room;* and let us hear the exalted teaching of the Word whom we magnify.


    Hymn of Light, Tone 3

    Sung slowly with compunction

    Your bridal chamber do I see all-adorned, O my Saviour, yet I have no wedding garment that I may enter therein. Make the robe of my soul to shine forth, O Giver of Light, and save me. (3)

    At the Praises

    Tone 2

    Praise Him for His mighty acts,* praise Him according to the multitude of His greatness.

    The council of the Jews hastens to assemble,* to deliver the Fashioner and Creator of all over to Pilate.* O transgressors, O unbelievers!* For they make ready to surrender to judgment,* Him who comes to judge the living and the dead;* they prepare the Passion of Him who heals the passions.* Great is Your mercy, O long-suffering Lord: glory be to You.

    Praise Him with the sound of trumpet,* praise Him with the psaltery and harp.

    Judas the transgressor at the supper dipped his hand into the dish with You, O Lord,* yet sinfully he reached out his hands to receive the money.* He reckoned the value of the myrrh,* but was not afraid to sell You who are above all price.* He stretched out his feet to be washed,* yet deceitfully he kissed the Master and betrayed Him to the breakers of the Law.* Cast from the company of the apostles, he threw away the thirty pieces of silver,* and did not see Your Resurrection on the third day,* by which have mercy on us.

    Praise Him with timbrel and dance,* praise him with strings and flute.

    Judas, the deceitful traitor, with a deceitful kiss betrayed the Lord and Saviour;* he sold the Master of all as a slave to the transgressors;* the Lamb of God, the Son of the Father,* went as a sheep to the slaughter:* for He alone is plenteous in mercy.

    Praise Him with tuneful cymbals, praise Him with cymbals of jubilation.* Let every breath praise the Lord.

    Judas, servant and deceiver, disciple and traitor, friend and false accuser,* was exposed by his deeds.* For he followed the Master, yet within himself he plotted to betray Him.* He said to himself: “I shall deliver Him up and gain the money that is promised.”* He desired the myrrh to be sold but Jesus to be taken by deceit.* He gave a kiss and handed over Christ;* and the Lord went as a sheep to the slaughter,* for He alone is compassionate and the Lover of mankind.

    Tone 2, Glory… Now…

    The Lamb whom Isaiah proclaimed of His own will goes to the slaughter.* He gives His back over to scourging, and His cheeks to blows,* and turns not His face away from the shame of their spitting;* He is condemned to a disgraceful death.* Though sinless, He willingly accepts all these things,* that He may grant to all mankind resurrection from the dead.


    Tone 8

    Today the evil Sanhedrin has assembled against Christ* and devised vain things against Him,* to deliver Him, though innocent, over to Pilate to be put to death.* Today Judas places the noose of money around his neck,* and deprives himself of life both temporal and divine.* Today Caiaphas prophesies against his will, saying:* “It is expedient that one man should perish for the people.”* He came to suffer for our sins, that He might set us free from bondage to the enemy:* for He is good and the Lover of mankind.

    He that ate My bread* has lifted up his heel against Me

    Today Judas lays aside his pretence of love for the poor,* openly displaying his greed for money.* No longer does he take thought for the needy.* He offers now for sale, not the myrrh brought by the sinful woman,* but the Myrrh from heaven,* and he takes the pieces of silver.* He hastens to the Jews saying to the transgressors:* “What will you give me if I deliver Him over to you?”* O the avarice of the traitor!* agreeing that the sale be profitable,* and agreeable with the price of the purchasers,* He does not dispute the price but sells the Lord like a runaway slave;* for it is the custom of thieves to throw away that which is precious,* the disciple then casts away that which is holy to the dogs,* and the madness of avarice fills him with fury against his own Master.* Let us flee from such temptations, and cry:* O long-suffering Lord, glory be to You.

    His heart gathered iniquity to itself:* he went out and spoke of it.

    Your ways are deceitful, O lawless Judas;* Sickened by the love of money, you came to hate mankind.* If you have a love for riches, why become a disciple of Him who teaches poverty?* But if your love is for Him, why sell the Lord who is above all price and hand Him over to be murdered?* Tremble, O sun; O earth groan and quaking cry aloud:* O long-suffering Lord, glory be to You.

    They spoke lawless words* against Me.

    O faithful, let none who are uninstructed in the Mystery draw near to the table;* let none approach deceitfully as did Judas.* For though he received his portion, he betrayed the Bread.* He outwardly appeared to be a disciple,* but was present as a murderer.* He rejoiced with the Jews, though he sat at supper with the apostles.* He kissed in hatred,* and with the kiss he sold Him who has redeemed us from the curse,* the God and Saviour of our souls.

    Tone 8, Glory…

    Your ways are deceitful, O lawless Judas;* Sickened by the love of money, you came to hate mankind.* If you have a love for riches, why become a disciple of Him who teaches poverty?* But if your love is for Him, why sell the Lord who is above all price and hand Him over to be murdered?* Tremble, O sun; O earth groan and quaking cry aloud:* O long-suffering Lord, glory be to You.

    Tone 5, Now…

    You instructed Your disciples in the Mystery, O Lord,* teaching them saying: “My friends, take care that fear does not separate you from Me.* For though I suffer, it is for the sake of the world.* Be not scandalized because of Me;* for I have not come to be ministered to, but to minister,* and to give My life as a ransom for the world.* If then you are My friends, you will do as I do.* He who will be first, let him be as the last;* let the master be as the servant.* Abide in Me, that you may bear fruit:* for I am the vine of Life.”



    There is no kathisma reading

    At Psalm 140

    Tone 2

    Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name.

    The council of the Jews hastens to assemble,* to deliver the Fashioner and Creator of all over to Pilate.* O transgressors, O unbelievers!* For they make ready to surrender to judgment,* Him who comes to judge the living and the dead;* they prepare the Passion of Him who heals the passions.* Great is Your mercy, O long-suffering Lord: glory be to You.

    The just shall gather around me* when You have been good to me.

    The council of the Jews hastens to assemble,* to deliver the Fashioner and Creator of all over to Pilate.* O transgressors, O unbelievers!* For they make ready to surrender to judgment,* Him who comes to judge the living and the dead;* they prepare the Passion of Him who heals the passions.* Great is Your mercy, O long-suffering Lord: glory be to You.

    Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!

    Judas the transgressor at the supper dipped his hand into the dish with You, O Lord,* yet sinfully he reached out his hands to receive the money.* He reckoned the value of the myrrh,* but was not afraid to sell You who are above all price.* He stretched out his feet to be washed,* yet deceitfully he kissed the Master and betrayed Him to the breakers of the Law.* Cast from the company of the apostles, he threw away the thirty pieces of silver,* and did not see Your Resurrection on the third day,* by which have mercy on us.

    Let Your ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.

    Judas the transgressor at the supper dipped his hand into the dish with You, O Lord,* yet sinfully he reached out his hands to receive the money.* He reckoned the value of the myrrh,* but was not afraid to sell You who are above all price.* He stretched out his feet to be washed,* yet deceitfully he kissed the Master and betrayed Him to the breakers of the Law.* Cast from the company of the apostles, he threw away the thirty pieces of silver,* and did not see Your Resurrection on the third day,* by which have mercy on us.

    If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.

    Judas, the deceitful traitor, with a deceitful kiss betrayed the Lord and Saviour;* he sold the Master of all as a slave to the transgressors;* the Lamb of God, the Son of the Father,* went as a sheep to the slaughter:* for He alone is plenteous in mercy.

    I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.

    Judas, the deceitful traitor, with a deceitful kiss betrayed the Lord and Saviour;* he sold the Master of all as a slave to the transgressors;* the Lamb of God, the Son of the Father,* went as a sheep to the slaughter:* for He alone is plenteous in mercy.

    From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.

    Judas, servant and deceiver, disciple and traitor, friend and false accuser,* was exposed by his deeds.* For he followed the Master, yet within himself he plotted to betray Him.* He said to himself: “I shall deliver Him up and gain the money that is promised.”* He desired the myrrh to be sold but Jesus to be taken by deceit.* He gave a kiss and handed over Christ;* and the Lord went as a sheep to the slaughter,* for He alone is compassionate and the Lover of mankind.

    For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

    Judas, servant and deceiver, disciple and traitor, friend and false accuser,* was exposed by his deeds.* For he followed the Master, yet within himself he plotted to betray Him.* He said to himself: “I shall deliver Him up and gain the money that is promised.”* He desired the myrrh to be sold but Jesus to be taken by deceit.* He gave a kiss and handed over Christ;* and the Lord went as a sheep to the slaughter,* for He alone is compassionate and the Lover of mankind.

    Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.

    The Lamb proclaimed by Isaiah* goes of His own will to the slaughter.* He gives His back to be scourged, and His cheeks to be slapped;* He does not turn His face from the shame of their spitting;* He is condemned to a disgraceful death.* Though sinless, He accepts all these things willingly,* that He may grant to all resurrection from the dead.

    Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.

    The Lamb proclaimed by Isaiah* goes of His own will to the slaughter.* He gives His back to be scourged, and His cheeks to be slapped;* He does not turn His face from the shame of their spitting;* He is condemned to a disgraceful death.* Though sinless, He accepts all these things willingly,* that He may grant to all resurrection from the dead.

    Tone 6, Glory… Now…

    Truly, Judas is the son of those ungrateful* who ate the manna in the wilderness,* and murmured against the Nourisher;* for, while food was still in their mouths,* those ingrates murmured against God.* Likewise this wicked one,* while the Holy Bread was still in his mouth,* conspired to betray the Saviour.* O, what greedy purpose!* What bold inhumanity!* For he betrayed the Nourisher* and delivered to death the Master who loved him.* In truth, this lawbreaker is a son of unbelievers,* and inherited destruction with them.* Save our souls, O Lord, from such unkindness;* for You alone can endure such long-suffering.

    Prokeimenon, Tone 1

    Deliver me, O Lord, from an evil person from the unrighteous man keep me safe.

    verse: From those who plan evil in their hearts all the day.


    Exodus 19:10-19

    Prokeimenon, Tone 7

    O God, deliver me from my enemies; redeem me from those who rise up against me.

    verse: Rescue me from those who work iniquity, and from men of blood save me.


    Job 38:1-23; 42:1-5

    Isaiah 50:4-11

    Small Litany and Trisagion Hymn

    Prokeimenon, Tone 7

    The rulers have gathered together against the Lord and His anointed.

    verse: Why have the nations grown insolent, and peoples contemplated vain things?


    1 Corinthians 11:23-32

    Alleluia, Tone 6

    verse: Blessed is he who considers the poor and needy; the Lord will deliver him on the day of evil.

    verse: My enemies spoke evil against me: “When will he die and his name perish?”

    verse: The one who ate of my bread increased trickery against me.


    Matthew 26:2-20; John 13:1-17; Matthew 26:21-39; Luke 22:43-45; Matthew 26:40-27:2

    Instead of the Cherubic Hymn, the following troparion is sung:

    Accept me this day, O Son of God, as a partaker of Your mystical supper. I will not tell the mystery to Your enemies, nor will I give You a kiss as did Judas, but like the thief I confess to You: remember me, O Lord, when You come into Your Kingdom.

    After the Great Entrance, the following is sung:

    Remember me, O Lord, when You come into Your Kingdom. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

    Hymn to the Mother of God

    Come, you faithful, let us lift up our minds on high,* and enjoy the Master’s hospitality,* and the Table of Immortal Life in the upper room;* and let us hear and learn the exalted teaching* of the Word, Whom we magnify.

    Communion Hymn

    Accept me this day, O Son of God, as a partaker of Your mystical supper. I will not tell the mystery to Your enemies, nor will I give You a kiss as did Judas, but like the thief I confess to You: remember me, O Lord, when You come into Your Kingdom.

    Instead of “Let our mouths be filled with Your praise, O Lord” we sing:

    Accept me this day, O Son of God, as a partaker of Your mystical supper. I will not tell the mystery to Your enemies, nor will I give You a kiss as did Judas, but like the thief I confess to You: remember me, O Lord, when You come into Your Kingdom.