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New Texts arriving in the evening of April 17, 2024!

Event Information:

  • Sat

    Our Venerable Father Theodore Trichinas (that is, “the one who wears a hair shirt”). Holy Anastasius of Mt. Sinai (686).


    Paschal Beginning

    Kathisma Reading

    No psalms are assigned to be chanted.

    At Psalm 140

    Tone 2

    If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.

    In the deep of dawn, the myrrh-bearing women* came to the Lord’s tomb bearing sweet-smelling spices,* and finding that which they had not expected,* they stood reverently pondering the removal of the stone,* and said one to another: Where are the seals of the sepulchre?* Where are Pilate’s watchmen and the secure sentry?* Upon which a radiant Angel, proclaimed to the women saying to them:* “Why do you lament seeking Him that lives* and has given life to the race of mortals?* Christ our God has arisen from the dead, since He is Almighty,* granting to all incorruption, life, illumination, and great mercy.

    I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.

    Why mingle tears with the myrrh-oils, O women disciples?* The stone has been rolled away, the sepulchre has been emptied.* Behold corruption has been trodden under by Life,* the seals clearly bearing witness,* the guards of the disobedient ones are fast asleep.* Mortal nature has been saved by the flesh of God, Hades laments.* Hasten with joy, and say to the Apostles:* Christ, the Firstborn of the dead, who caused death to die,* goes before you into Galilee.

    From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.

    Rising up early and coming with earnestness to Your tomb,* the Myrrh-bearers sought for You so as to anoint Your immaculate Body, O Christ.* And having been told by the words of the Angel,* they preached to the Apostles the tokens of joy:* that the Author of our salvation has arisen, having despoiled death,* and granting the world eternal life and great mercy.

    Tone 8

    For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

    O venerable father Theodore, you offered yourself as a choice gift to God,* having acquired all-night vigilance and compunction,* divine instruction, utter humility, hope, faith and undiluted love,* watchfulness and lovingkindness, true dispassion and prayer,* which showed you to be a most radiant pillar of light.

    Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.

    O venerable father Theodore,* seeking with pious mind to clothe yourself in the vesture of truth* and the raiment of salvation,* you never ceased to cover your body with rags of sackcloth;* and thus, strengthened by the power of the divine Spirit,* you laid bare the wiles of him who stripped us naked.

    Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.

    Being poor in spirit, you brought yourself as a living sacrifice,* an acceptable whole-burnt offering* and a precious gift, O most blessed one,* to God who assumed our flesh from the Virgin Mother and beggared Himself for our sake.* Wherefore, you have received heavenly delight.* Pray to Him, we beseech you,* that He have mercy upon us.

    Tone 6, Glory…

    The myrrh-bearing women came to Your tomb;* and beholding the seals of the sepulchre* yet not finding Your immaculate Body,* they came with haste, lamenting and saying:* Who has stolen our Hope?* Who has taken away a naked and anointed body,* the only comforting consolation of His Mother?* Alas! how has He that has quickened the dead been put to death?* And how has He who despoiled Hades been buried?* But after three days arise, O Saviour, by Your own authority, as You said,* and save our souls.

    Tone 2, Now…

    O Virgin, the shadow of the Law passed away* with the realization of grace.* For as the bush had burned without being consumed,* so you gave birth while a virgin* and you remained a virgin.* Instead of the pillar of fire there rose the Sun of Justice.* Instead of Moses, Christ God came forth,* the Saviour of our souls.


    Tone 2

    Come, let us worship God the Word, begotten of the Father before all ages,* incarnate of the Virgin Mary;* for having endured the Cross, He was handed over for burial,* as He himself had willed,* and having risen from the dead He has saved me,*the whole man,* who has gone astray.

    The Lord reigns, He is clothed in majesty. Robed is the Lord, and girt about with strength.

    Christ our Saviour by nailing the record against us to the Cross has blotted it out,* and destroyed the might of death.* We worship His arising on the third day.

    For He has made the world firm, which shall not be moved.

    With the Archangels let us hymn the Resurrection of Christ;* for He is the Redeemer and the Saviour of our souls;* and He is coming again with great glory and mighty power* to judge the world which He has fashioned.

    Holiness befits Your house, O Lord, for length of days.

    Your Resurrection, O Christ our Saviour,* has enlightened the whole universe;* and You have called back Your own creation.* O All-powerful Lord, glory be to You!

    Tone 5, Glory… Now…

    O You who have clothed Yourself with light as with a garment,* Joseph with Nicodemus took You down from the Tree* and beholding You dead, naked, and unburied,* struck up a heartfelt dirge,* and lamenting, said:* Woe is me, O sweetest Jesus!* When but a short while ago the sun beheld You hanging upon the Cross,* it shrouded itself in darkness, and the earth quaked with fear,* and the veil of the Temple was rent in two.* But now beholding You,* I understand that You willingly submitted to death for my sake.* How shall I bury You, O my God?* Or how shall I wrap You with winding sheets?* With what hands shall I touch Your undefiled Body?* Or what hymns shall I sing at Your departure, O Compassionate One?* I magnify Your Passion; I praise Your Burial and Resurrection,* and I cry out: O Lord, glory be to You.


    Tone 2

    When You went down to death, O Life Immortal,* You struck Hades dead with the blazing light of Your divinity.* When You raised the dead from the nether world,* all the powers of heaven cried out:* O Giver of life, Christ our God, glory be to You!


    The noble Joseph took down Your most pure Body from the tree.* He wrapped it with a clean shroud and aromatic spices,* and placed it in a new tomb.* But on the third day You arose, O Lord,* granting the world Your great mercy.


    The angel stood by the tomb and cried out to the women bringing ointment:* Ointments are for the dead,* but Christ has shown Himself not subject to corruption.* So now cry out: The Lord is risen,* bestowing great mercy upon the world.



    After the priest has exclaimed, Blessed be the Kingdom… and the people have responded, Amen, the clergy sing the Paschal Troparion once and the people repeat it. Then, the clergy sing the first half, and the people conclude it.

    Paschal Troparion

    Christ is risen from the dead,* trampling death by death,* and to those in the tombs* giving life.

    Troparia and Kontakia

    Troparion, Tone 2: When You went down to death, O Life Immortal,* You struck Hades dead with the blazing light of Your divinity.* When You raised the dead from the nether world,* all the powers of heaven cried out:* “O Giver of Life, Christ our God, glory be to You!”

    Troparion, Tone 2: The noble Joseph took down Your most pure body from the tree.* He wrapped it with a clean shroud and aromatic spices* and placed it in a new tomb.* But on the third day You arose, O Lord,* granting the world Your great mercy.

    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

    Kontakion, Tone 2: You commanded the myrrh-bearers to rejoice, O Christ God,* and ended the grief of our mother Eve by Your Resurrection.* You ordered the apostles to proclaim to all:* “The Saviour is risen from the tomb.”

    Now and for ever and ever. Amen.

    Kontakion, Tone 8: Though You descended into a tomb, O Immortal One,* yet You destroyed the power of Hades;* and You rose as victor, O Christ God,* calling to the myrrh-bearing women: Rejoice!* and giving peace to Your Apostles:* You, who grant Resurrection to the fallen.

    Prokeimenon, Tone 6

    Save Your people, O Lord, * and bless Your inheritance.

    verse: Unto You I will cry, O Lord, my God, lest You turn from me in silence. (Psalm 27:9,1)


    Acts 9:20-31

    Alleluia, Tone 8

    verse: You have shown favour to Your land, O Lord; You brought back the captives of Jacob.

    verse: Mercy and truth have met; righteousness and peace have embraced. (Psalm 84:2,11)


    John 15:17-16:2

    Hymn to the Mother of God

    The Angel cried out to the One full of Grace: O chaste Virgin, rejoice! And again I say, Rejoice! Your Son has risen from the tomb on the third day, and raised the dead. Let all people rejoice! Shine, shine, O new Jerusalem, for the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! Exult now and be glad, O Sion! And you, O chaste Mother of God, take delight in the resurrection of your Son.

    Communion Hymn

    Receive the Body of Christ;* taste the fountain of immortality.* Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise Him in the highest.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia. (Psalm 148:1)

    Instead of Blessed is He Who comes… we sing:

    Christ is risen from the dead,* trampling death by death,* and to those in the tombs* giving life.

    Instead of We have seen the true light… we sing:

    Christ is risen from the dead,* trampling death by death,* and to those in the tombs* giving life.

    Instead of May our mouths be filled… we sing three times:

    Christ is risen from the dead,* trampling death by death,* and to those in the tombs* giving life.

    Instead of Blessed be the name of the Lord… we sing three times:

    Christ is risen from the dead,* trampling death by death,* and to those in the tombs* giving life.

    At the dismissal, instead of Glory be to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen. we chant:

    Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death,* and to those in the tombs giving life.

    After the final Amen, the Troparion Christ is risen is sung as at the beginning of the Liturgy, but with the addition:

    And to us He has granted life eternal;* we bow down before His resurrection on the third day.