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Daily texts will return after June 20, 2024!

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  • Sun

    First Sunday after Pentecost. All Saints Sunday. Holy Apostle Carpus, One of the Seventy Disciples.


    Kathsima Reading

    “Blessed is the man...” is sung.

    At Psalm 140

    Tone 8

    Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name.

    O Christ, during this spiritual service,* we sing to You these evening prayers,* commemorating the mercy You have shown us* by Your resurrection.

    The just shall gather around me* when You have been good to me.

    O Lord, O Lord, do not cast us away from Your face;* but in Your kindness have mercy on us* through Your resurrection.

    Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!

    Rejoice, O holy Zion,* the Mother of Churches and the dwelling-place of God;* for you were the first to receive the forgiveness of sins* through the resurrection.

    Let Your ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.

    Christ the Word was begotten by God the Father before all ages;* yet in these latter times,* He freely willed to take flesh from the Virgin who did not know man.* By His death on the cross and His resurrection,* He saved mankind from the ancient curse of death.

    If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.

    O Christ, we glorify Your resurrection;* for by rising from the dead* You freed the race of Adam from the sufferings of Hades,* and as God You granted eternal life* and great mercy to the world.

    I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.

    Glory to You, O Christ our Saviour,* the only-begotten Son of God;* for You were nailed to the cross,* and then arose from the dead on the third day.

    Tone 6

    From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.

    Through faithfulness the disciples of the Lord* became instruments of the Spirit* and were scattered to the ends of the earth* to proclaim His sacred word and the doctrine of truth.* From these roots, an army of Martyrs blossomed forth* by the grace of the Divine Gardener.* By their numberless torments and by fire,* they imitated the holy passion of Christ,* and now they intercede for our souls.

    For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

    Inflamed by the love of the Lord,* the venerable Martyrs of Christ despised the fire;* and being consumed as living coals,* they burned the dried grass of the arrogance of error;* they bridled the mouths of the beasts by their prayers;* and by their beheading, they severed the hosts of the enemy.* Having courageously shed their blood,* they watered the Church with the seed of their faith.

    Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.

    Truly the heroic Martyrs have wrestled with beasts* and were torn apart by their claws;* they fell under the edge of the sword* and were mutilated and tortured;* they were thrown into fire and burned alive,* dismembered and pierced with swords.* All this they bore courageously,* seeing in advance what was to come:* the unfading crowns and the glory of Christ.* And now they intercede for our souls.

    Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.

    Let us celebrate with songs of praise* the deeds of all the Saints over all the earth,* honouring them, as it is fitting:* the Apostles and Martyrs,* the Bishops and Holy Women.* While living on earth, they joined with the heavenly spirits,* and by the grace of Christ,* they received immortality through their sufferings.* They shine as bright stars for us,* and now they intercede for our souls.


    You are pillars of the Church* and the fulfilment of the Gospel,* O divine ranks of Martyrs.* By your deeds you have fulfilled the words of the Saviour;* for through you the gates of Hades,* once opened against the Church, have now been closed;* and through the shedding of your blood* you dried up the sacrifices poured out for the idols.* And having built up the faith of believers through your martyrdom,* you filled the heavenly spirits with admiration.* You stand before Christ, wearing your crowns;* intercede with Him for our souls.

    Tone 8, Now…

    Out of his love for mankind* the King of heaven appeared on earth and dwelt with men,* for He assumed a human body from the pure Virgin* and was seen in the flesh He received from her.* He is the One and only God having two natures but not two persons.* Wherefore we profess and declare the truth* that Christ our God is perfect God and perfect Man.* O Mother, who knew not carnal union,* intercede with Him that He may have mercy on our souls.


    (1) Isaiah 43:9-14; (2) Wisdom 3:1-9; (3) Wisdom 5:15-6:3


    Tone 1

    With unity of faith,* let us celebrate a solemn feast of all those* who from the ages have found grace before God.* Let us remember all the Saints:* the Patriarchs, Prophets, and Apostles of Christ,* the Martyrs, and the Ascetics of all ages; *they intercede unceasingly for the peace of the world* and for the salvation of our souls.

    Come, O faithful, let us celebrate,* with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,* the glorious memory of all the Saints:* the Baptist of the Lord, the Apostles and Prophets,* the Martyrs, the Bishops, and the Doctors of the Church,* the Blessed ones, the Ascetics, and all the Just,* together with all the Holy Women.* Let us venerate their blessed memory,* and together, let us all sing:* O Christ our God and Supreme Goodness,* through their prayers grant peace to your Church,* victory over the Enemy,* and salvation for our souls.

    Come, let us celebrate the memory of the Saints,* in the joy of the Holy Spirit;* for the day of their feast has arrived,* filling us with divine gifts.* With purified conscience, let us cry out with joy* and let us sing in their honour:* Rejoice, O choir of Prophets who announce the coming of Christ,* and who clearly see that which is far away.* Rejoice, O Apostles of the Lord,* fishermen who gather the whole world in your nets.* Rejoice, O company of Martyrs, *gathered from all the world in the same profession of faith;* for this you suffered punishments and tortures* before receiving the crown of victory.* Rejoice, O multitude of Holy Fathers;* by your ascetic effort you subdued the body* and put to death the passions of the flesh.* You have been carried in spirit, on the wings of divine love, to heaven *where you enjoy the eternal blessings* with the angels whose joy you share.* Therefore, O Apostles, Prophets, and Martyrs,* together with the Ascetics,* intercede with the One who crowned you in heaven,* and pray unceasingly to Him *that He may deliver from the Enemy* all those who, with faith and love,* celebrate your holy memory.

    Tone 5, Glory…

    O faithful, today let us hasten to the feast* for a spiritual banquet has been prepared;* the mystical cup has been filled with the food of joy.* It is the virtue of the Martyrs from throughout the world* who offered themselves valiantly to God* through the torments they suffered in their bodies;* and as a· spiritual sacrifice,* they offered the flower of their youthful years:* their heads were cut off, and their hands were severed,* their members were mutilated and wrenched apart.* And together, all these holy ones* shared in the sufferings of Christ.* But in exchange for their miseries,* You have given them crowns in heaven, O Lord;* and now in your love for us,* grant that we may imitate their virtues.

    Tone 5, Now…

    O most pure Virgin,* you are the temple, the gate, the palace, and the throne of the King.* Christ, our Redeemer and Lord,* appeared through you to those who slumbered in darkness.* For He, as the Sun of Righteousness,* wished to enlighten those whom He created with his own hands* according to his own image.* Therefore, O Lady, whom we always praise in song,* we beseech you to intercede with Christ for the salvation of our souls;* for, as his mother, you can approach Him with the greatest confidence.


    Tone 8

    O Jesus, You descended from heaven* so that You might ascend the cross.* O immortal Life, You came to die.* You are the true light to those who live in darkness,* and You are the resurrection of the fallen.* Therefore, O Saviour of all, we glorify You.

    The Lord reigns, He is clothed in majesty.* Robed is the Lord, and girt about with strength.

    Let us glorify Christ, the Saviour of our Souls* Who arose from the dead.* For He took upon himself a soul and a body,* and during His passion He separated the one from the other.* His pure soul went down to conquer Hades,* while His holy body lay uncorrupted in the grave.

    For He has made the world firm.* which shall not be moved.

    O Christ, we glorify Your resurrection with psalms and hymns.* For by Your victory over death* You delivered us from the sufferings of Hades,* and as God You granted us eternal life and great mercy.

    Holiness befits Your house, O Lord,* for length of days.

    O Lord of all, Creator of heaven and earth,* You are above all understanding.* Through Your passion on the cross* You freed us from the sufferings of Hades.* And, after condescending to be buried, You arose in glory;* and with Your mighty arm You also raised up Adam.* O most merciful Lord, we glorify You;* for by Your resurrection on the third day* You granted us remission of sins and eternal life.

    Tone 6, Glory…

    Come, O faithful, let us exalt with joy:* let us celebrate in faith on this day* the feast of all the Saints;* and let us venerate their glorious memory, saying:* Rejoice, Apostles, Prophets, and Martyrs,* O Bishops, O Just and Blessed Ones,* together with the ranks of the Holy Women.* Intercede with Christ for us,* that He may grant peace to the world* and great mercy to our souls.


    Christ the Lord, our Creator and Redeemer,* came forth from your womb, O most pure Virgin.* He clothed Himself in our human flesh* to set us free from the original curse of Adam.* Therefore, O Mary, we praise you, without ceasing,* as the true Virgin Mother of God,* and we sing with the angels:* Rejoice, O Lady, Advocate, Protector, and salvation of our souls.


    Tone 8

    You came down from on high, O Merciful One,* and accepted three days of burial* to free us from our sufferings.* O Lord, our life and our resurrection,* glory be to You.

    Tone 4, Glory…

    Clothed as in purple and fine linen* with the blood of Your martyrs throughout the world,* Your Church cries out to You through them, O Christ God:* send down Your loving-kindness on Your people;* grant peace to Your community,* and to our souls great mercy.


    O Mother of God, the mystery hidden from all eternity* and unknown even to the angels,* was revealed through you to those on earth:* God took on our human nature* and united it to His divine nature in a perfect but unconfused union.* Then, He willingly accepted the Cross for our sake* and thereby raised again the first created man,* and saved our souls from death.



    Usual Beginning


    Great Litany

    God the Lord, Tone 8

    Troparia, Tone 8

    You came down from on high, O Merciful One,* and accepted three days of burial* to free us from our sufferings.* O Lord, our life and our resurrection,* glory be to You. (2)

    Tone 4, Glory…

    Clothed as in purple and fine linen* with the blood of Your martyrs throughout the world,* Your Church cries out to You through them, O Christ God:* send down Your loving-kindness on Your people;* grant peace to Your community,* and to our souls great mercy.


    O Mother of God, the mystery hidden from all eternity* and unknown even to the angels,* was revealed through you to those on earth:* God took on our human nature* and united it to His divine nature in a perfect but unconfused union.* Then, He willingly accepted the Cross for our sake* and thereby raised again the first created man,* and saved our souls from death.

    Psalter Reading

    Stasis I: Psalms 9, 10
    Stasis II: Psalms 11, 12, 13
    Stasis III: Psalms 14, 15, 16

    Small Litany

    Sessional Hymn, Tone 8

    You the Life of all, did rise from the dead,* and an Angel of light cried out to the women saying:* Cease your tears. Bring the good tidings unto the Apostles.* Cry aloud in hymns that Christ the Lord has arisen* who as God was well-pleased to save mankind.

    Arise, O Lord my God, let Your hands be lifted on high;* forget not Your poor to the end.

    When You were indeed risen from the tomb* You commanded the holy women to announce the Resurrection to the Apostles, as it is written;* and Peter, having arrived quickly, stood by the grave* and seeing the light in the tomb was frightened,* observing the grave clothes lying therein, without the divine body,* and believing he cried aloud:* Glory be to You O Christ God our Saviour, who has saved us all,* for You are the radiant splendour of the Father.

    Glory… Now…

    O Good One, who for our sake was born of the Virgin* and, having endured crucifixion, cast down death by death,* and as God revealed the resurrection:* disdain not that which You have fashioned with Your own hand.* Show forth Your love for mankind, O Merciful One;* Accept the supplications of the Theotokos who bore You,* and save Your despairing people, O our Saviour!

    Psalter Reading

    Stasis I: Psalm 17
    Stasis II: Psalms 18, 19, 20
    Stasis III: Psalms 21, 22, 23

    Small Litany

    Sessional Hymn, Tone 8

    Arrayed in white and bright like lightning,* Gabriel came unto the sepulcher of Christ God* and rolled away the stone from the tomb,* and loosed the seal from the stone.* The soldiers, seized with fear, became as dead men,* and forsook the tomb,* O ye lawless ones, be ye now put to shame,* and know that Christ hath arisen.

    I will confess You, O Lord, with my whole heart,* I will tell of all Your wonders.

    In truth, having arisen from the tomb,* You sent forth the righteous women* to preach to the apostles that You had arisen as says the scripture.* Peter then ran with haste and arrived at the sepulchre,  and on seeing the light in the tomb, he was struck with awe.  Wherefore seeing the linen clothes lying alone,* and Your divine body not laying there,* in fear he cried aloud: Glory be to You, O Christ God,* for You are the Saviour of us all,* You are the effulgence of the Father.

    Glory… Now…

    In you, O Full of grace, does all creation rejoice,* the ranks of Angels and the race of mankind;* O all-hallowed Temple and spiritual Paradise, boast of Virgins.* For from youGod became incarnate* and He who is our God before the ages became a child.* He has made your womb a throne and rendered it wider than the heavens.* In you, O Full of grace, does all creation rejoice;* glory be to you.


    Small Litany

    Hypakoe, Tone 8

    The myrrh-bearing women standing at the tomb of the Giver of life* seeking the immortal Master among the dead;* and having received the glad tidings of joy from the Angel* announced to the Apostles that Christ the Lord is risen,* granting the world great mercy.

    Hymn of Ascent, Tone 8

    Antiphon 1

    From my youth the enemy tempts me, enflaming me with the desire for pleasures;* but placing my trust in You O Lord, I put him to flight.

    Let those that hate Sion,* become like grass before it is tilled;* for Christ severs their necks with the sharp blade of torments.

    Glory… Now…

    By the Holy Spirit all things have life;* Light from Light, eminent God:* we hymn Him* together with the Father and the Word.

    Antiphon 2

    Let my humble heart be sheltered by the fear of You;* lest it fall away from You by being conceited,* O exceedingly compassionate One.

    He who has his hope in the Lord* will not be afraid when the Lord judges all things* with fire and torment.

    Glory… Now…

    Everyone inspired by the Holy Spirit sees all and foretells,* working the greatest wonders, singing of one God in three Hypostases;* for though the Divinity radiates with triune light,* it rules as one.

    Antiphon 3

    I have cried to You, O Lord, hearken to me,* bend Your ear to my supplications when I cry to You,* and cleanse me before taking me from this life.

    Each and every one who returns to mother earth* will depart to receive torments or rewards* in reward for their life’s actions.

    Glory… Now…

    Contemplation of God by the Holy Spirit is of a thrice-holy unity;* for the Father is beginningless, from Whom the Son was begotten before time,* and the Spirit equal in essence and majesty,* blazes forth equally from the Father.

    Prokeimenon, Tone 8

    The Lord will reign forever, Sion’s God, from age to age.

    verse: My soul, give praise to the Lord; I will praise the Lord all my days.

    Let everything that lives, Tone 8


    Matthew 28:16-20

    Hymn of Resurrection

    Psalm 50

    Verses at Psalm 50

    Canon, Tone 8

    Ode 1

    Irmos: When the wonder-working rod of Moses* smote the sea with the sign of the cross and divided it,* Pharaoh the charioteer it overthrew in the deep,* but fugitive Israel, fleeing on foot, it saved,* and he raised a glad shout* of praise to God.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    How should we not wonder at the mighty power of Christ’s divinity? Freedom from passions and incorruption to all the faithful flow from his Passion; drop by drop from his holy side a deathless fountain falls; and from the grave comes life unending.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    How beautiful the angel now reveals himself to the women! Bearing the signs of innate and immaterial purity, and in his far-shining form revealing the splendour of the resurrection, he cries: the Lord is risen.

    Most holy Theotokos, save us!

    Glorious things are spoken of you, O Virgin Mother of God, from generation to generation, for, remaining undefiled, you found room in your womb for God the Word. Therefore, we honour you as our protector after God.

    All you Saints of the Lord, pray to God for us.

    While praising the ranks of Your Saints, I ask that by their prayers I may be illumined in soul by Your light; for You are the Unapproachable Light who by Your beams drives away the darkness of ignorance, O Christ, Giver of Light and Word of God.

    All you Saints of the Lord, pray to God for us.

    When You were lifted up upon the Tree, You drew to Your knowledge the entire lot of the nations, O Master, and You illumined it with the light of the Holy Trinity through Your holy Apostles, through whom you dispelled error.

    All you Saints of the Lord, pray to God for us.

    Being obedient to Your law, O Christ, Your Apostles piously laid aside all the things of the earth; and these glorious ones made the whole world radiant with the light of grace while proclaiming You in an evangelical manner.


    Rejoicing, the Martyrs took up Your Cross and unwaveringly imitated Your august Passion. These valiant ones feared neither the threat of the tyrants, nor fire, nor sword, nor stripes, nor hunger, nor death.


    Manifestly acquiring a manly disposition, the virgins unwaveringly endured the contests of martyrdom, O all-pure one. Rejoicing in a godly wise manner, they were brought after you to your Son, the King of all, as is written in the psalms.

    Katavasia: I shall open my mouth, and be filled with the Spirit,* and utter discourse to the Queen and Mother;* and be seen radiantly keeping festival,* joyfully praising her wonders.


    Ode 3

    Irmos: In the beginning, O Christ, you established the heavens in understanding,* and founded the earth upon the waters:* establish me upon the rock of your commandments,* for none is holy but you, only Lover of man.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    The saving suffering of your flesh, O Christ, justified Adam, condemned by the taste of sin; for as the sinless one you were shown in the trial as owing no debt to death.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    Jesus , my God, shed the light of his resurrection upon those sitting in darkness and in the shadow of death; and by his divinity he bound the strong man and seized all his goods.

    Most holy Theotokos, save us!

    Higher than Cherubim and Seraphim you are declared to be, Mother of God, for you alone, undefiled, received within your womb the illimitable God. Therefore, all the faithful ever sing to you and bless you.

    All you Saints of the Lord, pray to God for us.

    The priests and shepherds were clothed with the sacred priesthood, which they wisely governed and worthily adorned, O Christ, for they were truly endowed with the word of teaching from above.

    All you Saints of the Lord, pray to God for us.

    Made comely with the beauty of that primal creation of beauty, you appeared as unerring luminaries and made the Church of Christ a Heaven, O Saints, adorning it in diverse manners, each one in his own land.


    Being obedient to Your law and made radiant by diverse virtues, the assemblies of the blessed inherited the heavenly mansions rejoicing. For they all worthily performed the virtues, one accomplishing one, and another accomplishing another.


    O Mother of God, for our sake and from a virginal womb you gave birth to God the Word who came forth from God, whom the pure maidens long for in a God-befitting manner, manifestly following after you to Him.

    Katavasia: O Theotokos, living and plentiful fount,* establish in spiritual fellowship those who sing hymns to you,* and in your divine glory* grant them crowns of glory.


    Sessional Hymns of the Saints, Tone 8

    Keeping feast on the holy memorial of the forefathers,* fathers, and patriarchs, apostles, and hierarchs, and martyrs,* prophets, and righteous ones, the ascetics, and just, O Christ God,* and of every name that is written in Your Book of Life,* we beseech them all to make intercession, and we pray:* Grant Your world peace through their prayers, O Lord,* in that You are the Lover of mankind,* that we all may cry to You:* O Christ God, who are glorified in the counsel of Your Saints,* lo, You are He who as is meet has now truly glorified their memory.

    Glory… Now…

    Let us all praise the heavenly gate and ark,* the most holy mountain, the radiant cloud, the ladder to Heaven’s heights,* that true spiritual paradise, the redemption of Eve, the great treasure of all the world;* for through her was salvation enacted for all mankind,* and complete forgiveness and remission of ancient offences.* Thus, for this cause, let us all fervently cry aloud, and say to her:* Entreat your Son and our God that He grant forgiveness of transgressions to them* that reverently worship your all-holy Offspring.


    Ode 4

    Irmos: O Lord, you are my strength and my might, you are my God and my joy;* without leaving the deep recesses of the Father, you visited our poverty;* so with Habakkuk the prophet, I cry to you:* Glory to your power, O Lover of man.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    Merciful Saviour, you loved me much when I was at enmity with you; in strange self-emptying you came to earth, not rejecting the last recesses of my pride. While remaining still upon the heights of your ineffable glory, you glorified me, formerly so disgraced.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    Who is not amazed, O Lord, at seeing death done away through sufferings, corruption take flight through a cross, Hell emptied of its possessions through a death? This is the marvellous work of the divine sovereignty of you, the Crucified One, O Lover of man.

    Most holy Theotokos, save us!

    Boast of the faithful, Bride unwed, you are the protection and refuge of Christians, city wall and harbour; for you bring our petitions to your Son and save from danger those who acknowledge you in faith and love as the pure Mother of God.

    All you Saints of the Lord, pray to God for us.

    Made one with Thee by love, and purely and sincerely taking delight in Thee, the company of Thy Saints doth dance the perpetual dance with the Angels in joy round about Thee, O Seer of all things, God and Lord of all.

    All you Saints of the Lord, pray to God for us.

    O glorious hieromartyrs, with youthful vigour, you put on the crown of the martyrs, having already been adorned with the divinely-effectual chrism of the priesthood. Wherefore, O most noetically rich ones, having rightly received twofold crowns, you rejoice with Christ eternally.

    All you Saints of the Lord, pray to God for us.

    You truly subjected the whole mind of the flesh to the Spirit, O God-bearers, when by fasting you utterly weakened its unruly impulses in an ascetical manner. And now, aflame with the light of passionlessness, you have received the rewards of your labours.


    As Martyrs of Christ, the First Martyr, you collectively endured torments with great steadfastness, contesting as though in the bodies of others, O glorious ones. And since you have now been shown forth as heirs of the Kingdom, you pour forth healings for the faithful.


    You became the Bride of God, O Birthgiver of God, since for our sake you gave birth in the flesh to His Word who is from before the ages. In Him women also have lived in a holy manner and have through you adorned themselves with diverse contests, thereby setting aright the fall of our first mother.

    Katavasia: He who sits in glory upon the throne of the Godhead, Jesus the true God,* is come in a swift cloud* and with His sinless hands he has saved those who cry:* Glory to Your power, O Christ.


    Ode 5

    Irmos: Why have you thrust me away from the never-setting light of your face,* so that alien darkness has covered me, most wretched one?* Turn me back, I beg you, and direct my ways* to the light of your commandments.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    Before your Passion, O Saviour, you allowed yourself to be clothed in the robe of mockery, thus covering the shameful nakedness of man; and to be nailed naked to the cross while putting off the garment of death.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    When you arose from the dust of death, O Christ, you built again my beggared nature and rendered it immortal, revealing once again the kingly image, radiant with the light of incorruption.

    Most holy Theotokos, save us!

    As you possess a mother’s boldness before your Son, All-pure, do not refuse your far-seeing care for our race, we pray you. For you alone, as Christians, we present to the Lord for gracious favour and propitiation.

    All you Saints of the Lord, pray to God for us.

    Like the divine Prophets, you were deemed worthy to behold the things to come which you longed for. In nobility of soul you purified yourselves by an august manner of life, O God-bearers, being enlightened by the might of the Spirit.

    All you Saints of the Lord, pray to God for us.

    The choir of the Saints is now adorned with divine gifts, even those who were before the Law, as well as the patriarchs, prophets, and apostles, and the assemblies of the martyrs, ascetics, and teachers, and the righteous together with the hieromartyrs.


    Beholding the company of Your Saints shining today with Your radiance and with unquenchable lamps of grace, O Saviour, we unceasingly praise Your divine wealth and bountiful good things, O Lover of mankind.


    Since the all-modest women loved thy supremely wondrous Offspring, they accounted the delights of life as naught, O all-pure one; for with ardent love they desired His beauty and divine illumination alone.

    Katavasia: All creation stands in awe of your divine glory;* for you, O Virgin who have not known wedlock, contained within your womb the God of all,* and gave birth to the timeless Son,* bestowing peace, upon all who hymn you.


    Ode 6

    Irmos: Be merciful to me, O Saviour, for many are my transgressions;* bring me up from the depths of evil, I pray you.* For I have cried out to you,* hear me, O God of my salvation.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    Mightily, through a tree, the originating evil overthrew me; uplifted on the cross, O Christ, you cast him down with a greater might, putting him to shame and raising me, the fallen.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    Rising from the tomb in compassion you took pity on Zion, by your divine blood bringing about the new in place of the old; and now you reign in her, O Christ, throughout the ages.

    Most holy Theotokos, save us!

    May we be rescued from all our grievous stumblings by your prayers, pure Mother of God, and may we meet with the divine outshining of the Son of God, ineffably made flesh of you.

    All you Saints of the Lord, pray to God for us.

    O Master, having found You to be a precious, choice and firmly set cornerstone in Sion, the Saints, like select stones, built themselves thereupon, as though upon an unshakable foundation.

    All you Saints of the Lord, pray to God for us.

    When Your side was pierced, the drops of blood fell together with the deifying water, and refashioned the world. And the divine host of all the Saints addressed You as Benefactor.


    We praise most reverently the God-inspired cloud of witnesses, who by grace were made luminous, and shine more resplendently in the royal purple of their blood and in the crimson of their steadfast contest.


    We all know thee to be the all-true Mother of God, through whom the nature of women, having been given strength, contested for Christ, O all-immaculate one, and in godly manner became filled with every virtue.

    Katavasia: Celebrating the divine and solemn feast of the Mother of God,* O you divinely wise,* let us come, clapping our hands,* and glorify God who was born of her.


    Kontakion of the Saints, Tone 8

    To You, the Planter of creation,* the world offers the God-bearing martyrs as the first-fruits of nature.* By their supplications, preserve Your Church in perfect peace,* through the Theotokos, O Greatly-Merciful One.


    Those who have borne witness in all the earth and thereby taken up their dwelling in the heavens, having imitated Christ’s Passion and thereby taken away our passions, have assembled here today, showing that the Church of the first-born presents an arch-type of the Church on high, crying out to Christ: You are my God, preserve me through the pure Theotokos, O You who are greatly merciful.


    Ode 7

    Irmos: The fire in Babylon once was put to shame by the descent of God* and the young men danced in the furnace,* with joy in their steps, as in a grassy meadow,* and sang: Blessed are you, the God of our fathers.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    Your glorious abasement and the divine wealth of your beggary, O Christ, struck the angels with amazement when they saw you nailed to the cross to save those who cry in faith to you: Blessed are you, God of our fathers.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    By your divine descent the lowest depths were filled with light, and the darkness and torment of former ages driven away. Then those in age-old bonds rose up and cried: Blessed are you, God of our fathers.

    Most holy Theotokos, save us!

    In accordance with orthodox doctrine, we proclaim you Lord of all, only Father of the one, only-begotten Son, and we know the one true Spirit proceeding from you, one with you in nature and co-eternal.

    All you Saints of the Lord, pray to God for us.

    The orders of the Saints now enjoy godly delight as they unceasingly praise Him who rests in the Saints. Rejoicing, they form a choir and chant: Blessed is the God of our fathers.

    All you Saints of the Lord, pray to God for us.

    Made majestically radiant with the divine illuminations of the thrice-resplendent effulgence, the assemblies of the Saints piously speak with divine authority concerning the threefold Unity, even the co-beginningless Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

    All you Saints of the Lord, pray to God for us.

    When You, O God, shall be seen among gods in Your ineffable glory bestowing due rewards and granting crowns unto each one, then deem us all worthy to chant to You: Blessed is the God of our fathers.


    Let us joyously sing of the company of all the Saints, which is composed of every race, rank and way of life, and let us chant together with them: Blessed is the God of our fathers.


    O all you maidens, as you together form a divine choir, cry out with a great voice: Be glad, O Mary, most pure and most holy Birthgiver of God, who made the Source of Joy to flow forth for us.

    Katavasia: Refusing to worship created things in place of the Creator,* the divinely wise youths bravely trampled down the threatening fire* and rejoicing they sang aloud:* O supremely hymned Lord and God of our Fathers, Blessed are You.


    Ode 8

    Irmos: The Chaldaean tyrant in fury kindled the furnace sevenfold for those who feared God;* then, as he beheld them saved alive by a mightier power than his, their Creator and Redeemer himself,* he cried: Bless him, young men, praise him, O priests,* highly exalt him, O people, throughout all the ages.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    The power supremely divine of the Godhead of Jesus has shone out in these things: on the cross he tasted death in the flesh for all men, and he brought to nothing the might of Hell. Bless him without ceasing, young men, praise him, O priests, highly exalt him, O people, throughout all the ages.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    The crucified one arose, the boastful and vainglorious fell, the fallen and the broken are restored, corruption is banished, incorruption has blossomed, for death is swallowed up by life. Bless him, young men, praise him, O priests, highly exalt him, O people, throughout all the ages.

    Most holy Theotokos, save us!

    Godhead of threefold light, in single radiance shining from one three-personed nature, Begetter without beginning, Word of the Father’s nature and Spirit consubstantial, co-reigning: bless him, young men, praise him, O priests, exalt him, O people, throughout all the ages.

    All you Saints of the Lord, pray to God for us.

    O martyrs, prophets, and apostles; august assembly of hieromartyrs, the just, and the righteous; divine choir of teachers, together with the myrrhbearing women, rejoice as you chant: Bless Him, O children; praise Him, O priests; and supremely exalt him O people, throughout all ages.

    All you Saints of the Lord, pray to God for us.

    O Saints, who bear within yourselves the radiance that transcends the mind, and filled with divine gladness and joy, you are called gods because of your nearness to God, standing in the presence of the deifying effulgence, you have been enlightened with the rays of ineffable glory. Supremely exalt Christ throughout all ages.

    Let us bless Father, Son, Holy Spirit, the Lord!

    Having appeared as luminaries of many lights, O Saints, you make radiant the heaven of the Church with various gifts and diverse beauties, in righteousness, chastity, courage and prudence, and you cry: Praise Christ, O priests, and supremely exalt Him, O people, throughout all ages.


    O all you godly-minded women who have been perfected in Christ by the Spirit, as with gladness you now encircle the immaculate Virgin and true Mother of God, who has delivered us from the curse of our first mother Eve, praise now throughout the ages the Fruit that she has borne.

    We praise, we bless, and we worship the Lord, hymning and supremely exalting Him throughout all ages!

    Katavasia: The Offspring of the Theotokos saved the holy children in the furnace.* He who was then prefigured has now been born on earth,* and He gathers all creation to hymn you:* all you works praise the Lord and supremely exalt Him throughout all ages.




    Ode 9

    Irmos: Heaven is amazed and the ends of the earth stricken with fear* that your womb is become wider than the heavens, and God is seen bodily by men.* Therefore, O Mother of God* the ranks of angels and of men magnify you.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    Word of God, simple in your nature divine and unoriginate, by giving existence to flesh and assuming it to yourself you became compound: suffering as a man you remained beyond suffering as God. Therefore, we magnify you in the two natures, indivisible and yet without confusion.

    Glory to your holy Resurrection, O Lord.

    O Most High, according to the divine essence you are ever one with God as your Father; but when you took the nature of man, coming down to your servants and rising from the tomb, you made him, who is by nature God and Lord, by grace Father of those born of the earth. You with him we magnify.

    Most holy Theotokos, save us!

    O Virgin Mother of God, you are seen beyond nature bearing in the body that good Word which the Father as the One Good uttered from his heart before all ages. And we understand him now as being beyond the body, yet clothed with a body

    All you Saints of the Lord, pray to God for us.

    Shielded with hope and love and fenced about with faith, the gathering of the chosen, even the foremost witnesses on behalf of the truth, nobly endured with rejoicing the tortures and stripes and all the threats of the tyrants, for they possessed Christ, who bestows victory in contest.

    All you Saints of the Lord, pray to God for us.

    As is meet, let us now acclaim as a haven of salvation the Baptist, the apostles, the prophets, the martyrs, the ascetics, the divine teachers, the priests, the assembly of patriarchs, the noble hieromartyrs, the God-loving women, the righteous and the just.


    Since you have been tried in the fire of temptations and were not enticed by pleasures, O glorious saints, assembling now in the heavens, the looking glass taken away, and the shadow covering truth dispelled, you rejoice sincerely as you stand before the Master’s throne of light.


    You are seen to be the uniter of things which were separated, for through you all have truly become fellow citizens with the angels in the heavens; and now the ranks of all the Saints bear witness together with them, as they praise with eternal songs Him whom you bore, O Virgin Theotokos.

    Katavasia: Let every mortal born on earth, radiant with light, in spirit leap for joy;* and let the host of the angelic powers celebrate and honour the holy feast of the Mother of God,* and let them cry aloud:* Rejoice! O all-blessed Theotokos, pure Ever-Virgin.


    Small Litany

    Holy is the Lord

    Hymn of Light

    Tone 1

    O faithful, let us gather with the disciples on the mountain in Galilee* to behold Christ as He says to them:* I have received all power over all things on high and those below.* Let us learn how He taught them to baptize all nations* in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,* and how He promised His disciples* to be present with them to the end of the world.


    With hymns let us crown as is meet the Baptist and Forerunner,* the prophets and apostles with the martyrs and wise hierarchs,* ascetics and hieromartyrs, the women who loved God* and the just ones and the righteous ones, with all the ranks of angels,* and let us pray and make supplication that we may also attain to the glory* which they have with Christ the Saviour.


    O most pure one, He who is glorified on high by angels,* has ineffably descended to us without forsaking the bosom of the Father;* for you lent flesh to Him from your pure blood in a manner transcending speech,* thereby becoming the cause of our salvation.* Beseech Him, O pure one, that He grant remission of sins* to us your servants.


    Stichera of the Praises, Tone 8

    O Lord, though You stood before the judgment seat* being judged by Pilate,* yet You were seated with the Father* and were not absent from Your throne.* And risen from the dead You freed the world from slavery to the stranger,* as You are full of compassionate pity and love for mankind.

    O Lord, the Jews laid You as a corpse in a grave,* and soldiers guarded You as a sleeping king* sealing You with a seal as if a treasury of life;* but You arose* and grant incorruption to our souls.

    O Lord, You have given us Your Cross as a weapon against the devil;* for he quakes and trembles, unable to contemplate Your power;* for raised the dead and abolished death:* wherefore we worship Your Burial and Your Rising.

    Your Angel, O Lord, having proclaimed Your Resurrection,* filled the guards with fear,* but he cried to the women saying: Why do you seek the living among the dead?* Being God He is risen* granting life to the whole world.’

    You endured the Cross, O You who are impassible in Your Divinity,* to free us from slavery to the enemy* and You accepted burial for three days, making us immortal,* and granting life unto us through Your Resurrection,* O Christ God, Lover of mankind.

    O Christ, I worship, I glorify, and I praise Your Resurrection from the tomb,* through which You delivered us from the unbreakable bonds of Hades* and as God granted the world eternal life and great mercy.

    The Lawless men, watching over Your grave* which had received life, sealed it;* but You, as the immortal and all-powerful God,* arose on the third day.

    When You entered the gates of Hades, O Lord, and shattered them,* the prisoners therein cried aloud:* Who is this? for He has not been condemned to the lowest parts of the earth,* but has torn down the prisons of death as if a tent,* we received Him as One mortal, and we tremble before Him as God.* O All-powerful Saviour have mercy on us.

    Tone 1, Glory…

    The Lord appeared to His disciples* who had hastened to the mountain for His ascension from here below,* and they bowed before Him.* They learned of His universal power* and were sent to all the peoples of the earth* to announce His resurrection from the dead* and His return from earth to heaven.* He also promised to be with them always,* and His word is truth;* for He is Christ our God, the Saviour of our souls.

    Tone 2, Now…

    You are truly most blessed, O virgin Mother of God.* Through the One who was incarnate of you,* Hades was chained, Adam revived, the curse wiped out,* Eve set free, Death put to death,* and we ourselves were brought back to life.* That is why we cry out in praise;* Blessed are You, O Christ our God,* who finds in this your good pleasure. Glory to You!

    Great Doxology

    Trisagion Prayers

    Troparion, Tone 2

    You came forth from death, destroying the eternal bonds of Hades, O Lord.* You broke the curse of Death* and thus delivered us from the snares of the Evil One.* Then You appeared to your apostles and sent them forth to preach,* and through them You have bestowed your peace upon all the world,* for You alone are rich in mercy.

    Insistent Litany

    Litany of Supplication

    Great Dismissal



    Troparia and Kontakia

    Troparion, Tone 8: You came down from on high, O Merciful One,* and accepted three days of burial* to free us from our sufferings.* O Lord, our life and our resurrection,* glory be to You!

    Troparion, Tone 4: Clothed as in purple and fine linen* with the blood of Your martyrs throughout the world,* Your Church cries out to You through them, O Christ God:* send down Your loving-kindness on Your people;* grant peace to Your community,* and to our souls great mercy.

    Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.

    Kontakion, Tone 8: O Lord, Master of nature,* the world offers You the godly martyrs as the first-fruits of nature.* By their supplications, through the Mother of God,* preserve Your Church and Your people in profound peace,* O most merciful One.

    Prokeimenon, Tone 8

    Pray and give thanks to the Lord our God.

    verse: In Judea God is known; His name is great in Israel. (Psalm 76:12,2)


    Hebrews 11:33-12:2

    Alleluia, Tone 4

    verse: The just cried out and the Lord heard them, and delivered them out of their afflictions.

    verse: The afflictions of the just are many, and out of them all will the Lord deliver them. (Psalm 33:18,20)


    Matthew 10:32-33, 37-38; 19:27-30

    Communion Hymn

    Praise the Lord from the heavens;* praise Him in the highest. (Psalm 148:1)* Rejoice in the Lord, O you just;* praise befits the righteous. (Psalm 32:1)* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia.