May 11, 2014
Sunday of the Paralytic
Holy Cyril and Methodius, Teachers of the Slavs and Equals to the Apostles

Saints Cyril and Methodius were brothers from Thessalonica of distinguished and wealthy parents, Leo and Maria. The older brother Methodius spent ten years as an officer among the Macedonian Slavs and thus learned the Slavic language. After that Methodius withdrew to Mount Olympus and dedicated himself to the monastic life of asceticism. It was here that Cyril (Constantine) later joined him. When the Khazarite king, Kagan, requested preachers of the Faith of Christ from Emperor Michael III then, by command of the emperor, these two brothers were found and sent among the Khazars. Convincing King Kagan of the Faith of Christ, they baptized him along with a great number of his chief assistants and even a greater number of the people. After a period of time, they returned to Constantinople where they compiled the Slavonic alphabet consisting of thirty-eight letters and proceeded to translate ecclesiastical books from Greek into Slavonic. At the request of Prince Rastislav, they traveled to Moravia where they spread and established the devout Faith and multiplied books and distributed them to the priests to teach the youth. At the request of the pope, Cyril traveled to Rome where he became ill and died on February 14, 867 A.D. Then Methodius returned to Moravia and labored to strengthen the Faith of Christ among the Slavs until his death. Following his death – he died in the Lord on April 6, 885 A.D. – his disciples, THE FIVE FOLLOWERS, with St. Clement, the bishop at the head, crossed the Danube River and descended to the south into Macedonia, where from Ohrid they continued their labor among the Slavs begun by Cyril and Methodius in the north. (The Prologue of Ohrid)


Kathisma Reading
“Blessed is the man…” is sung.


At Psalm 140

In Tone 3

10. By Your Cross, O Christ our Saviour,
the power of Death has been vanquished,
and the deceit of the devil has been destroyed.
Therefore, mankind, saved by faith,
offers You hymns of praise forever.

9. O Lord, all creation has been enlightened by Your Resurrection,
and Paradise has been reopened;
therefore, all creation extols You
and offers You hymns of praise forever.

8. I glorify the power of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit;
and I praise the dominion of the undivided Divinity,
the consubstantial Trinity
who reigns forever and ever.

In Tone 1

7. O ineffable goodness who created the human form,
You came to heal those who are ill.
O Christ, by Your word You raised the Paralytic at the Sheep Pool;
You healed the suffering of the woman with the flow of blood;
You showed mercy to the tormented daughter of the Canaanite woman;
and You did not disdain the prayer of the centurion.
Because of this we cry out in praise:
O Almighty Lord, glory to You!

6. O ineffable goodness who created the human form,
You came to heal those who are ill.
O Christ, by Your word You raised the Paralytic at the Sheep Pool;
You healed the suffering of the woman with the flow of blood;
You showed mercy to the tormented daughter of the Canaanite woman;
and You did not disdain the prayer of the centurion.
Because of this we cry out in praise:
O Almighty Lord, glory to You!

5. The Paralytic was like an unburied dead man,
and when he saw You, O Lord, he cried out:
Have mercy on me, for my bed has become my grave.
Of what use is my life?
I have no need for the Sheep Pool,
for there is none to put me into the water.
Therefore, I come to You, O Fountain of all healing,
that with all I may cry to You:
O Lord Almighty, glory to You!

In Tone 2

4. With what crowns of praise shall we adorn the divinely-wise teachers,
the voices of wisdom sounding amid clouds of darkness,
enlightening those in the shadow of death with the light of the Gospel!
The great preachers of the undivided Trinity who grafted barren unbelievers
as branches into the fruitful tree of the orthodox Church
that they might obtain from Christ our God peace and great mercy.

3. With what songs of praise shall we glorify the divinely-wise teachers:
the golden-mouthed Cyril
who reached the heights of wisdom through his sweet preaching,
humbling the fierce pride of Islam!
And Methodius, the lover of solitude,
who in silence received the fruits of the Spirit.
Through their prayers, Christ our God, grant us great mercy.

2. With what hymns of praise shall we magnify the divinely-wise teachers:
Cyril, who chose to live with wisdom in his youth.
He multiplied his talents to the glory of God;
and Methodius who renounced the things of this world for love of Christ.
He strove like an angel for the kingdom of heaven.
Through them, we have come to know God,
the eternal Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
receiving from Christ our God great mercy!

1. With what spiritual songs shall we magnify you, most blessed teachers?
For the sake of the salvation of the Slavs you became equals to the apostles.
You laboured to enlighten them by the lamp of the Word of God,
opening for them the door of the written Word.
As we enter, we understand the blessed teaching of Christ,
receiving from Him peace and great mercy.

In Tone 5, Glory…

Jesus went up to Jerusalem to the Sheep Pool
which in Hebrew was called Bethesda.
And there lay a great multitude of sick people in its five porticoes;
for the angel of the Lord went down at certain times and stirred the water,
granting healing to those who approach in faith.
The Lord saw there a man with a chronic illness,
and He asked him: Do you want to be healed?
The sick man replied:
I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred.
I have spent my money on physicians
and received no help from anyone.
The Physician of soul and body said to him:
Take up your pallet and walk;
proclaim to the whole world
the greatness of My mercy and My mighty deeds.

In Tone 3, Now…

O Lady most honourable,
how could we be rapt in wonder
at your giving birth to the incarnate God
who without a mother was born of a Father before all ages.
You gave Him birth in the flesh without a father,
without a man’s instrumentality.
He is God and man whose two natures are intact,
neither one losing any of its properties.
Therefore, O Virgin Mother, intercede with Him
to save the souls of those who believe and profess in true faith
that you are the Mother of God.


(1) Deuteronomy 1:8-17; (2) Deuteronomy 10:14-21; (3) Wisdom 3:1-9



In Tone 3

O Christ, who darkened the sun by Your passion
and enlightened all creation by Your Resurrection,
accept our evening prayer, for You love mankind.

The Paschal Stichera are now sung in the customary manner:

Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered.

Today a sacred Pascha is revealed to us: a new and holy Pascha; a mystical Pascha; a Pascha which is Christ the Redeemer; a blameless Pascha; a great Pascha; a Pascha of the faithful; a Pascha which has opened for us the gates of Paradise; a Pascha which sanctifies all the faithful.

As smoke vanishes, let them vanish!

Come from that scene O women bearers of glad tidings, and say to Zion: Receive from us the glad tidings of joy of Christ’s Resurrection: Exult and be glad, and rejoice, O Jerusalem, seeing Christ the King who comes forth from the tomb like a Bridegroom in procession!

So let sinners perish before the face of God, but let the righteous scatter rejoice!

The myrrh-bearing women at the break of dawn drew near to the tomb of the Life Giver. There they found an angel sitting upon a stone, he greeted the, with these words: “Why do you seek the living among the dead? Why do you mourn in the incorrupt amid corruption? Go, proclaim the glad tidings to His disciples.”

This is the day which the Lord has made: let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Pascha of beauty! The Pascha of the Lord! Pascha! A Pascha worthy of all honour has dawned on us. Pascha! Let us embrace each other joyously! Pascha, ransom from affliction! For today as from a bridal chamber Christ has shown forth from the Tomb, and filled the women with joy saying: “Proclaim the glad tidings to the Apostles!”

In Tone 8, Glory…

Rejoice, blessed ones who enlightened us with the knowledge of God!
Rejoice, Cyril, living source of spiritual wisdom:
you quenched the thirst of the Slavic people!
Rejoice, Methodius, pure dwelling of prayer:
now you stand in the glory of Christ.
Therefore never cease to pray that we may glorify Him
as we magnify you throughout the ages!


This is the day of Resurrection, let us be illumined by the Feast! Let us embrace each other! Let us call “brothers and sisters” even those that hate us and forgive all by the Resurrection, and so let us cry:

Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death, and to those in the tombs, giving life.



In Tone 3
Let the heavens be glad, let the earth rejoice,* for the Lord has done a mighty deed with His arm.* He trampled death by death. He became the first-born of the dead;* He saved us from the abyss of Hades* and granted great mercy to the world.

In Tone 4, Glory…
As equals to the apostles in the way you lived* and teachers of the Slavic lands,* O Cyril and Methodius, divinely wise,* intercede with the Master of all* to confirm the Slavic nations in orthodoxy and oneness of mind;* to grant peace to the world and save our souls.

O Mother of God, the mystery hidden from all eternity* and unknown even to the angels,* was revealed through you to those on earth:* God took on our human nature* and united it to His divine nature in a perfect but unconfused union.* Then, He willingly accepted the cross for our sake* and thereby raised again the first created man,*and saved our souls from death.



After Blessed is the kingdom sing Christ is risen (3).

Troparion, Tone 3Let the heavens be glad, let the earth rejoice,* for the Lord has done a mighty deed with His arm.* He trampled death by death. He became the first-born of the dead;* He saved us from the abyss of Hades* and granted great mercy to the world.

Troparion, Tone 4: As equals to the apostles in the way you lived* and teachers of the Slavic lands,* O Cyril and Methodius, divinely wise,* intercede with the Master of all* to confirm the Slavic nations in orthodoxy and oneness of mind;* to grant peace to the world and save our souls.


Kontakion, Tone 3:Lord, as of old You raised the Paralytic,* lift my soul by Your divine presence,* for by my many sins and foolish actions, I, too, am now afflicted and crippled.* Raise me, that being saved I may cry to You: Glory to Your power, O merciful Christ.


Kontakion, Tone 8:Though You descended into a tomb, O Immortal One,* yet You destroyed the power of Hades;* and You rose as victor, O Christ God,* calling to the myrrh-bearing women: Rejoice!* and giving peace to Your Apostles:* You, who grant resurrection to the fallen.

Prokeimenon, Tone 1
Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us* as we have hoped in You.
verse: Rejoice in the Lord, O you just; praise befits the righteous.

Prokeimenon, Tone 7
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His venerable ones.
verse: What shall I render to the Lord for all the things He has rendered to me? (Psalm 115:15,12)

Acts 9:32-42; Hebrews 7:26-8:2

Alleluia, Tone 5
verse: Of Your mercies, O Lord, I will sing forever; with my mouth I will proclaim Your truth from generation to generation.
verse: For You have said, “Mercy will be established forever.”
verse: Your priests shall clothe themselves with justice, and Your venerable ones shall rejoice.
verse: For the Lord has chosen Sion; he has chosen it for His dwelling. (Psalm 131:9,13)

John 5:1-15; John 10:9-16

Hymn to the Mother of God
The Angel cried out to the One full of Grace: O chaste Virgin, rejoice! And again I say, Rejoice! Your Son has risen from the tomb on the third day, and raised the dead. Let all people rejoice! Shine, shine, O new Jerusalem! for the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! Exult now and be glad, O Sion! And you, O chaste Mother of God, take delight in the resurrection of your Son.

Communion Verse
Receive the Body of Christ;* taste the fountain of immortality.* Praise the Lord from the heavens;* praise Him in the highest.* The just man shall be in everlasting remembrance;* of evil hearsay he shall have no fear.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia. (Psalm 111:6)



Instead of Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, we sing: Christ is risen.

Instead of We have seen the true light we sing: Christ is risen.

Instead of May our lips be filled, we sing Christ is risen, thrice.

Instead of Blessed be the name of the Lord we sing Christ is risen thrice.

After the priest sings: Glory to You, Christ God, the people sing: Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death, and to those in the tombs, giving life. Lord, have mercy, thrice. Give the blessing. Then we sing Christ is risen, thrice. At the end the following is sung: And to us He granted life eternal, we bow down before His resurrection on the third day.

May 9, 2014
Transfer of the Relics of Our Holy Father Nicholas the Wonderworker from Myra to Bari

During the reign of Emperor Alexius Commenus and Patriarch NicholasGrammaticus, the body of this saint was translated from Myra in Lycia to the town of Bari in Italy in 1007 A.D. This occurred because of the assault of the Muslims on Lycia. The saint appeared in a dream to an honorable priest in Bari and ordered that his relics be translated to this town. At that time, Bari was Orthodox and under the Orthodox Patriarch. During the translation of the relics of this saint many miracles occurred either by touching the relics or from the myrrh [oil] which abundantly flowed from his relics. “Also on this day, is commemorated the miracle of St. Nicholas to the Serbian King, Stephan of Decani: how St. Nicholas restored the sight to the blinded King Stephan. (The Prologue of Ohrid)


At Psalm 140

In Tone 8

6. After following in the steps of Christ,
serving Him with devotion, Myrrhbearers,
you did not forsake Him even after His death.
Moved by compassion, you went, bearing myrrh with tears.
Therefore we celebrate your sacred memory!

5. The divine company of women
desiring to see the Life, slain, in the tomb,
came in the night and heard from the angels:
Christ is risen, as He said!
Go with haste and tell the disciples:
Drive away the sorrow from your souls!
Instead of tears, accept ineffable joy!

4. Myrrhbearers, today we faithful rejoice in your memory,
glorifying the most gracious Lord Who glorified you!
Entreat Him to grant us eternal glory, the joy of the saints:
For you always have boldness before Him, blessed ones!

In Tone 8

3. You have reached the heights of virtue, O blessed ambassador of Christ,
and have become the glorious wonder-worker of Myra.
While your body rests in Bari, receiving worthy veneration,
in spirit you visit the faithful everywhere,
delivering them from misfortune, O blessed one of the hierarchs.
Today, we call upon you with supplications and earnestly beseech you:
Pray, O bishop Nicholas, to the Saviour of all,
that He grant peace to the world and great mercy to our souls.

2. Let us the faithful honour with joy and hymns of praise
the translation of the precious relics of our intercessor,
who enlightens every nation with miracles,
consoles the sorrowing, and protects the poor.
For the sake of almsgiving, he fell into God’s debt;
for this he received a hundredfold reward.
To him we all cry out:
Pray, O bishop Nicholas, to the Saviour of all,
that He grant peace to the world and save our souls.

1. Because of your virtues you, O God-bearing Nicholas,
have entered the palaces of the angels and stand before your Master Christ,
Whose most humble servant you have become.
From your relics you exude myrrh;
you help the faithful by your miracles,
and lead the true believers to God.
Not from Bari do we call upon you, but from the heavenly Jerusalem,
where you are rejoicing with the apostles, prophets, and bishops.
Pray today to the Saviour of all,
that He grant peace to the world and save our souls.

In Tone 6, Glory…

Let us all together venerate with canticles of praise
the beauty of the hierarchs and the glory of the fathers,
the fountain of miracles and the great intercessor of the faithful,
crying out: Rejoice, O protector of the laity,
honourable archbishop and unshakeable pillar!
Rejoice, universal lamp that illumines all nations with miracles!
Rejoice, holy joy of the afflicted and sincere defender of the downtrodden!
Do not cease, O all-praised Nicholas,
even today to pray to Christ God for those who with faith and love
always honour your blessed and sacred memory.

In Tone 2, Now…

The Myrrhbearers came early to Your tomb, O Christ,
seeking You, to anoint Your most pure body,
enlightened by the angel’s words,
they proclaimed joyous things to the apostles:
The Leader of our salvation is risen!
He has captured death!
Granting to the world eternal life and great mercy!


(1) Proverbs 10:6-8; 8:6-21; (2) Proverbs 10:13-32; 11:1-10; (3) Wisdom 4:7-15



In Tone 5

Rejoice, O priestly leader, spotless vessel of virtue,
model of divine priesthood, great shepherd of your flock,
bearer of the torch of victory.
You hear the prayers of those who call upon you;
you grant petitions of the poor;
you rescue all who praise your name.
Now we ask you to Implore Christ
that He may shower abundant mercy on the world.

Precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of His faithful.

Rejoice, O saintly Father, temple of the Trinity;
pillar of the Church, protector of the faithful,
helper of all in trouble.
You are a star whose rays of prayer dispel the darkest trouble.
You are a quiet harbour for the storm-tossed,
for all adrift in the sea of life.
Pray to Christ to save our souls with his great mercy.

Your priests shall be clothed with holiness; your faithful shall ring out their joy.

Rejoice, O zealous man of God.
You appeared in a dream,
and you saved from death the ones unjustly sentenced.
You are a fountain in Myra, overflowing with scented myrrh.
You inspire us to keep from sin.
You are a sword that cuts the woods of error
you proved Arius to be a false teacher.
Pray to Christ to save our souls with His great mercy.

In Tone 4, Glory…

O bishop Nicholas, by sea,
You made your journey from Myra in Lycia to the city of Bari.
Your coffin was removed from the tomb
and transferred from the East to the far off West, O most glorious Nicholas.
It was followed by pious monks
who, by the will of God, performed services at your tomb.

In Tone 6, Now…

Joseph begged the body of Jesus.
He placed it in his own new tomb.
It is fitting for Him to come forth from it as from a wedding chamber!
You destroyed the dominion of death
and opened the gates of paradise to mankind:
Glory to You!



In Tone 4
The day of radiant feasting is here,* the city of Bari rejoices, and the world exults with hymns and spiritual songs.* For today is the sacred feast* of the transfer of the precious and healing relics of the bishop and wonder-worker Nicholas.* Like a never-setting sun* he shines with radiant beams of light* dispelling the gloom of temptations and grief* from those who cry with faith:* Save us, great Nicholas, for you intercede for us.

In Tone 2, Glory… Now…
When You went down to death, O Life Immortal,* You struck Hades dead with the blazing light of Your divinity.* When You raised the dead from the nether world,* all the powers of heaven cried out:* “O Giver of Life, Christ our God, glory be to You!”



Troparia and Kontakia
Troparion, Tone 2: When You went down to death, O Life Immortal,* You struck Hades dead with the blazing light of Your divinity.* When You raised the dead from the nether world,* all the powers of heaven cried out:* “O Giver of Life, Christ our God, glory be to You!”

Troparion, Tone 2: The noble Joseph took down Your most pure body from the tree.* He wrapped it with a clean shroud and aromatic spices* and placed it in a new tomb.* But on the third day You arose, O Lord,* granting the world Your great mercy.

Troparion, Tone 4: The day of radiant feasting is here,* the city of Bari rejoices, and the world exults with hymns and spiritual songs.* For today is the sacred feast* of the transfer of the precious and healing relics of the bishop and wonder-worker Nicholas.* Like a never-setting sun* he shines with radiant beams of light* dispelling the gloom of temptations and grief* from those who cry with faith:* Save us, great Nicholas, for you intercede for us.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Kontakion, Tone 3: Like a star your relics have moved from east to west,* and the sea is hallowed by your passage;* holy bishop Nicholas, the city of Bari receives grace through you,* for you are revealed as one who works wonders:* illustrious, awesome, and merciful.

Now and for ever and ever. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone 2: You commanded the myrrh-bearers to rejoice, O Christ God,* and ended the grief of our mother Eve by Your Resurrection.* You ordered the apostles to proclaim to all:* “The Saviour is risen from the tomb.”

Prokeimenon, Tone 7
The venerable ones will exult in glory* and they shall be joyful in their beds.
verse: Sing to the Lord a new song; let His praise be in the assembly of the venerable ones. (Psalm 149:5,1)

Acts 8:40-9:19; Hebrews 13:17-21

Alleluia, Tone 2
verse: Your priests shall clothe themselves with justice, and Your venerable ones shall rejoice.
verse: For the Lord has chosen Sion; He has chosen it for His dwelling. (Psalm 131:9,13)

John 6:48-54; Luke 6:17-23

Hymn to the Mother of God
The Angel cried out to the One full of Grace: O chaste Virgin, rejoice! And again I say, Rejoice! Your Son has risen from the tomb on the third day, and raised the dead. Let all people rejoice! Shine, shine, O new Jerusalem, for the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! Exult now and be glad, O Sion! And you, O chaste Mother of God, take delight in the resurrection of your Son.

Communion Hymn
Receive the Body of Christ;* taste the fountain of immortality.* The just man shall be in everlasting remembrance;* of evil hearsay he shall have no fear*. Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia. (Psalm 111:6)

May 8, 2014
Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian

The feast day of this great apostle and evangelist is celebrated on September 26. This day (May 8) commemorates the miracle which appeared at his grave. When John was over one hundred years old, he took seven of his disciples, went outside the town of Ephesus and ordered them to dig a grave in the form of a cross. After that, the elder went down into this grave and was buried. Later on, when the faithful opened John’s grave, they did not find his body. On May 8 of every year, dust is raised from his grave from which the sick are healed of various diseases. (The Prologue of Ohrid)


At Psalm 140

In Tone 2

10. Hearing the joyful words
of the angels sitting in the tomb of the Word,
the women who had run there with good intentions
knew that the purpose of their group would be changed.
No  longer will you carry myrrh!
Instead, you will preach to the apostles:
He Who was hidden in the earth is risen from hell!
Initiate them into the mystery
of Him Who became Man for us!

9. Very early in the morning
the Myrrhbearing women came to the tomb in fear
bringing myrrh for the Giver of life:
Christ Who died to slay hell!
But the divine angel stood before them and cried:
Why do you seek the life-bearing Lord among the dead?
Go, proclaim the Resurrection!

8. Blessed Joseph,
you bear in your arms the Word enthroned upon the cherubim!
You carried on your shoulders Him Who first took our flesh,
and then died to give life to us who lay dead.
Then, you mourned His death with the Myrrhbearers;
now you see His Resurrection and rejoice!

In Tone 1

7. The beholder of ineffable revelations
and recounter of the most sublime mysteries of God,
the son of Zebedee, who set down in writing the Gospel of Christ,
has taught us to theologize
concerning the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

6. The beholder of ineffable revelations
and recounter of the most sublime mysteries of God,
the son of Zebedee, who set down in writing the Gospel of Christ,
has taught us to theologize
concerning the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

5. The harp of heavenly songs played by God,
the recorder of mysteries, the divinely eloquent mouth,
beautifully chants the hymn of hymns;
for, moving his lips as though they were strings,
and using his tongue as a plectrum,
he prays that we be saved.

4. Proclaiming with your thunderous tongue
the hidden Word of divine wisdom, O beloved of God,
you ever cry out, continually moving your lips:
In the beginning was the Word!
And you instruct every man in the knowledge of God.

In Tone 8

3. O divinely wise father Arsenius,
having illumined your mind with fountains of tears,
you conversed with God,
and by unceasing purification and effulgence
was shown to be a most radiant pillar of piety,
shining as with fire, O blessed one, boast of monks.
And now, by your supplications, preserve us all.

2. O divinely wise father Arsenius,
having girt your mind round about with abstinence,
you caused it to ascend to the primal Cause,
and, forsaking the turbulence of the world and shunning its tumults,
you truly mingled purity of mind with the utmost desire, O blessed and all-wise one.

1. O venerable father Arsenius, seeking after God,
and piously desiring to be illumined by His radiant effulgence,
you abandoned all the splendour of high position and the imperial palace,
and received an immortal inheritance,
abiding now with Christ, O divinely blessed one.

In Tone 1, Glory…

O you of the race of man,
let us offer goodly praise as is meet to the beloved and virginal John,
the son of thunder, the foundation of the words of God, the author of theology,
the first preacher of the truth of the dogmas of the wisdom of God;
for having the Divine continually within him, he said:
In the beginning was the Word,
Who is inseparable from the Father and of the same essence with the Father,
revealing to us through himself the orthodoxy of the Holy Trinity.
And he has likewise shown us that He creates with the Father
and bears life and the light of Truth.
O awesome wonder! O uttermost wisdom!
For, full of love, he was also filled with theology through glory, honour and faith,
as a founder of our pure Faith.
Wherefore, we shall receive everlasting blessings on the day of judgment.

In Tone 1, Now…

Mary Magdalene and the other Mary
came to the tomb, seeking the Lord.
They saw an angel, like lightning,
sitting upon the stone.
He said to them:
Why do you seek the Living among the dead?
He is risen, as He said!
You will find Him in Galilee!
Lord, Who rose from the dead, glory to You!


(1) 1 John 3:21-4:6; (2) 1 John 4:11-16; (3) 1 John 4:20-5:5



In Tone 1

Rivers of theology poured forth from your honoured mouth, O apostle,
and the Church of God, watered thereby, worships the consubstantial Trinity in Orthodoxy.
Pray now to the Trinity, O theologian John,
that our souls be made steadfast and saved.

The garden of purity has emitted for us the myrrh of sweet fragrance on this present feast,
that we may cry out to him: O Apostle John,
who reclined against the Master’s breast,
who has rained down discourse upon the world
and preserved the Virgin as the apple of your eye,
beseech Christ, that He grant us great mercy.

O disciple of the Saviour, virgin and theologian, when Christ God was crucified
He committed the Virgin Theotokos to your care, in that you are virginal;
and you preserved her as the apple of your eye.
Wherefore, pray that our souls be saved.

As an eyewitness to ineffable mysteries, you cried out, exclaiming:
“In the beginning the pre-eternal Word was with God, and He was God!”
O Apostle John, intimate and faithful friend of Christ,
delight of the Trinity, unshakable confirmation of Ephesus and Patmos, our help.
Pray, O most blessed theologian, that the people who ever celebrate your memory with faith
be delivered from wicked enemies, material and noetic.

In Tone 5

O venerable father, having heard the voice of the Gospel of the Lord,
you forsook the world, holding riches and glory to be as naught.
Wherefore, you cried out to all:
“Love God and you shall find eternal grace.
Prefer nothing to His love, that when He shall come in His glory,
you shall find rest with all the saints.”
By his supplications, O Christ, preserve and save our souls.

In Tone 4, Glory… Now…

Reclining against the breast of Christ the Teacher at the Lord’s supper,
O beloved disciple, you thereby came to know ineffable things,
and has thundered forth your heavenly voice for all to hear,
saying: “In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God, and the Word was God:
Christ God, the Saviour of our souls,
the Light of truth Who enlightens every man
who comes into the world.”



In Tone 4

Theologizing concerning the Son of the Most High,
Who with the Father is equally everlasting and of the same essence,
immutable Light from Light, the impress of the hypostasis of the Father,
Who shone forth timelessly and dispassionately from Him,
the Creator and Lord of all the ages, Christ our God,
you preached to the world, O beloved,
as the One Who brought light forth out of darkness.
Entreat Him that He save and enlighten our souls.

Their sound has gone forth into all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world.

Receiving the light of the Comforter,
illumined therewith you theologized and proclaimed to all, O beloved,
that He proceeds from the Father
and through the Son is revealed to mankind,
equal in honour, equally enthroned
and of the same essence with the unoriginate Father and God the Word.
Wherefore, we honour you in hymns as the foundation of the divine Faith,
which you preserve unshaken through your supplications to the Lord.

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament proclaims the work of His hands.

Having ascended to the summit of theology,
you learned the ineffable mysteries of God:
the single essence of the Godhead,
His single glory, kingdom and dominion, ever distinct in three Hypostases,
yet essentially indivisible and united in unconfused divine unity.
And, rendering glory, O theologian,
you preached the indivisible Trinity.
Entreat Him that He save and enlighten our souls.

In Tone 6, Glory…

O apostle of Christ, evangelist and theologian,
as an initiate of ineffable mysteries you have thundered forth upon us
the ineffable doctrines of wisdom,
explaining to the faithful that He was in the beginning,
and discounting that there was a time when He did not exist,
thus rejecting the words of the heretics.
And as you were shown to be the beloved intimate and friend of Christ,
like the eloquent Isaiah and Moses the God-seer,
pray earnestly for our souls, in that you have boldness before God.

In Tone 2, Now…

The women sprinkled spices mixed with tears on Your grave,
but their mouths were filled with laughter
when they said:  The Lord is risen!



In Tone 2
O beloved apostle of Christ our God,* hasten, deliver a people without defense.* He who received you when you leaned upon His breast accepts you as you bow in prayer.* Implore Him, O Theologian, to scatter the cloud of nations that besets us,* asking peace and great mercy for us. Twice

and then, “Rejoice, Mother of God, Virgin Mary, full of grace…”



Troparia and Kontakia
Troparion, Tone 2: When You went down to death, O Life Immortal,* You struck Hades dead with the blazing light of Your divinity.* When You raised the dead from the nether world,* all the powers of heaven cried out:* “O Giver of Life, Christ our God, glory be to You!”

Troparion, Tone 2: The noble Joseph took down Your most pure body from the tree.* He wrapped it with a clean shroud and aromatic spices* and placed it in a new tomb.* But on the third day You arose, O Lord,* granting the world Your great mercy.

Troparion, Tone 2: O beloved apostle of Christ our God,* hasten, deliver a people without defense.* He who received you when you leaned upon His breast accepts you as you bow in prayer.* Implore Him, O Theologian, to scatter the cloud of nations that besets us,* asking peace and great mercy.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Kontakion, Tone 2: O virgin apostle, who can recount your mighty works?* For you pour out wonders and healings* and you pray for our souls as Theologian and friend of Christ.

Now and for ever and ever. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone 2: You commanded the myrrh-bearers to rejoice, O Christ God,* and ended the grief of our mother Eve by Your Resurrection.* You ordered the apostles to proclaim to all:* “The Saviour is risen from the tomb.”

Prokeimenon, Tone 8
Their utterance has gone forth into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.
verse: The heavens tell the glory of God, and the firmament declares the work of His hand. (Psalm 18:5,2)

Acts 8:26-39

Alleluia, Tone 1
verse: The heavens shall confess our wonders, O Lord, and Your truth in the church of the saints.
verse: God is glorified in the assembly of the saints. (Psalm 88:6,8)

John 6:40-44

Hymn to the Mother of God
The Angel cried out to the One full of Grace: O chaste Virgin, rejoice! And again I say, Rejoice! Your Son has risen from the tomb on the third day, and raised the dead. Let all people rejoice! Shine, shine, O new Jerusalem, for the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! Exult now and be glad, O Sion! And you, O chaste Mother of God, take delight in the resurrection of your Son.

Communion Hymn
Receive the Body of Christ;* taste the fountain of immortality.* Their utterance has gone forth into all the earth,* and their word unto the ends of the world.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia. (Psalm 18:5)

May 4, 2014
Sunday of the Holy Myrrh-Bearing Women

Pelagia was born in the town of Tarsus of pagan but distinguished and wealthy parents. Hearing about Christ and the salvation of souls from Christians, she burned with love for the Savior and, in her soul, was totally Christian. At that time there was a terrible persecution of Christians. It so happened that the Emperor Diocletian stopped off at Tarsus and during the time of his stay in Tarsus, his son, the crown prince fell deeply in love with Pelagia and wanted to take her as his wife. Pelagia replied through her nefarious mother that she had already been betrothed to her heavenly Bridegroom, Christ the Lord. Fleeing from the profane crown prince and her wicked mother, Pelagia sought and found Bishop Linus, a man distinguished for his holiness. He instructed Pelagia in the Christian Faith and baptized her. Then Pelagia gave away her luxurious garments, much wealth, returned home and confessed to her mother that she is already baptized. Learning of this and having lost all hope that he will gain this holy virgin for his wife, the crown prince stabbed himself with a sword and died. The wicked mother denounced her daughter before the emperor and turned her over to him for trial. The emperor was amazed at the beauty of this young virgin and, forgetting his son, became inflamed with impure passions toward her. But since Pelagia remained unwavering in her faith, the emperor sentenced her to be burned alive in a metal ox, glowing with a red-hot fire. When the executioner stripped her, St. Pelagia made the sign of the cross and with a prayer of thanksgiving to God on her lips, entered the glowing ox where, in the twinkling of an eye, she completely melted like wax. Pelagia suffered honorably in the year 287 A.D. The remains of her bones were acquired by Bishop Linus and he buried them on a hill under a stone. At the time of Emperor Constantine Copronymos (741-775 A.D) and, on that exact spot, a beautiful church was built in honor of the holy virgin and martyr Pelagia, who sacrificed herself for Christ in order to reign eternally with Christ. (The Prologue from Ohrid)


Kathisma Reading
“Blessed is the man…” is sung.


At Psalm 140

In Tone 2

10. Come, let us adore God the Word,
Who was born of the Father before all ages
and was incarnate of the Virgin Mary;
for of His own free will He suffered the Cross
and submitted Himself to burial,
and arose from the dead to save me, a sinful one.

9. Christ our Saviour cancelled the decree that was written against us
by nailing it to the Cross;
and He abolished the dominion of Death.
Let us glorify His Resurrection on the third day.

8. Let us, together with the archangels, sing of Christ’s Resurrection;
for He is the Redeemer and Saviour of our souls.
He will come again in awesome glory and mighty power
to judge the world which He has fashioned.

7. Although You died and were buried,
the angel yet declared You as Master.
He said to the women: Come and see where the Lord was placed;
for He is risen as He foretold,
because He is almighty.
Therefore, we worship You, the only Immortal One,
and we beseech You to have mercy on us, O Giver of Life.

6. O Christ, You have abolished the curse of the tree by Your Cross;
You have destroyed the power of Death by Your burial;
and You enlightened mankind by Your resurrection.
Therefore, we cry out to You:
O God and Benefactor, glory to You!

5. O Lord, the gates of death opened before You in fear,
and the gatekeepers of Hades were filled with dread at the sight of You.
You smashed the gates of brass and crushed the posts of iron.
Then You burst our chains asunder
and led us out from the darkness, away from the shadow of death.

4. Let us all come and prostrate ourselves in the house of the Lord,
singing this hymn of salvation:
O Christ, You were crucified on the tree and rose from the dead;
and You now abide in the bosom of the Father.
Please cleanse us of our sins.

3. Early at dawn, the myrrh-bearing women arose,
and, carrying spices, they came to the tomb of the Lord;
and not finding what they expected,
the pious women pondered the removal of the stone.
They spoke to one another, saying:
Where are the seals of the grave?
Where is the guard which Pilate sent with great care?
And behold, a radiant angel appeared and proclaimed to them:
Why do you tearfully seek the Living One Who gives life to all mortal flesh?
Christ our God has risen from the dead.
He is the Almighty One
Who grants to all enlightenment, eternal life, and great mercy.

2. Why do you sprinkle your myrrh with tears, O women disciples?
The stone is rolled away, and the tomb is empty;
behold, Life has triumphed over Death.
The seals give brilliant witness:
that the guards of the godless have watched in vain,
that mortal nature has been saved by the flesh of God,
and that Hades is in mourning.
Hasten in joy, proclaiming to the apostles,
that Christ, the conqueror of Death, is the first-born of the dead.
He shall go before you into Galilee.

1. The myrrh-bearing women, O Christ, rose up early and hastened to Your tomb,
seeking to anoint Your most pure Body.
But when the glad tidings were brought to them by the words of the angel,
they hastened to the apostles as messengers of joy.
The Leader of our salvation has risen and conquered Death.
He grants the world eternal life and great mercy.

In Tone 6, Glory…

The myrrh-bearing women, O Saviour, came to Your grave;
and they saw that it was empty
but did not find Your most pure Body.
Therefore, they cried out and tears and said:
Who has robbed us of our hope?
Who has taken away a naked and anointed corpse.
The only consolation to His Mother?
How could they bury the One Who trampled down Hades?
But in Your own power, O Lord, arise after three days as You said
and grant great mercy to our souls.


(Dogmatikon, Tone 2) 

O Virgin, the shadow of the law passed away with the realization of grace.
For as the bush had burned without being consumed
so you gave birth while a virgin
and you remained a virgin.
Instead of the pillar of fire there rose the Sun of Justice.
Instead of Moses Christ God came forth,
the Saviour of our souls.



In Tone 2

Your Resurrection, O Christ our Saviour,
has enlightened the whole universe;
and, through it, You call back to Yourself all creation.
Almighty God, glory to You!

The Paschal Stichera are now sung in the customary manner:

Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered.

Today a sacred Pascha is revealed to us: a new and holy Pascha; a mystical Pascha; a Pascha which is Christ the Redeemer; a blameless Pascha; a great Pascha; a Pascha of the faithful; a Pascha which has opened for us the gates of Paradise; a Pascha which sanctifies all the faithful.

As smoke vanishes, let them vanish!

Come from that scene O women bearers of glad tidings, and say to Zion: Receive from us the glad tidings of joy of Christ’s Resurrection: Exult and be glad, and rejoice, O Jerusalem, seeing Christ the King who comes forth from the tomb like a Bridegroom in procession!

So let sinners perish before the face of God, but let the righteous scatter rejoice!

The myrrh-bearing women at the break of dawn drew near to the tomb of the Life Giver. There they found an angel sitting upon a stone, he greeted the, with these words: “Why do you seek the living among the dead? Why do you mourn in the incorrupt amid corruption? Go, proclaim the glad tidings to His disciples.”

This is the day which the Lord has made: let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Pascha of beauty! The Pascha of the Lord! Pascha! A Pascha worthy of all honour has dawned on us. Pascha! Let us embrace each other joyously! Pascha, ransom from affliction! For today as from a bridal chamber Christ has shown forth from the Tomb, and filled the women with joy saying: “Proclaim the glad tidings to the Apostles!”

In Tone 5, Glory…

O Lord, who clothes Yourself with light as with a garment,
Joseph and Nicodemus took You down from the Cross,
and seeing You without life, without a garment, and without a grave,
in their compassion they wept and lamented:
Woe is me, most sweet Jesus.
The sun was covered with darkness
when it saw You suspended upon the Cross.
The earth quaked with fear,
and the veil of the Temple was torn in two.
I see that You willingly endured death for my sake.
How then shall I bury You, O my God?
With what linens shall I cover You?
With what hands shall I touch Your most pure body?
What hymns shall I sing at Your death?
Therefore, O compassionate Lord, I glorify Your passion,
and I praise Your burial and Your resurrection, crying out:
O Lord, glory to You!


This is the day of Resurrection, let us be illumined by the Feast! Let us embrace each other! Let us call “brothers and sisters” even those that hate us and forgive all by the Resurrection, and so let us cry:

Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death, and to those in the tombs, giving life. (3)



In Tone 2
When You went down to death, O Life Immortal,* You struck Hades dead with the blazing light of Your divinity.* When You raised the dead from the nether world,* all the powers of heaven cried out:** O Giver of life, Christ our God, glory be to You!

The noble Joseph took down Your most pure Body from the tree.* He wrapped it with a clean shroud and aromatic spices,* and placed it in a new tomb.* But on the third day You arose, O Lord,** granting the world Your great mercy.

The angel stood by the tomb and cried out to the women bringing ointment:* Ointments are for the dead,* but Christ has shown Himself not subject to corruption.* So now cry out: The Lord is risen,** bestowing great mercy upon the world.




Troparia and Kontakia
Troparion, Tone 2:When You went down to death, O Life Immortal,* You struck Hades dead with the blazing light of Your divinity.*When You raised the dead from the nether world, all powers of heaven cried out:* O Giver of Life, Christ our God, glory to You!

Troparion, Tone 2:The noble Joseph took down Your pure body from the tree.* He wrapped it with a clean shroud and aromatic spices and placed it in a new tomb.* But on the third day You arose, O Lord,* granting the world Your great mercy.


Kontakion, Tone 2:You commanded the myrrh-bearers to rejoice, O Christ God,* and ended the grief of our mother Eve by Your Resurrection.* You ordered the apostles to proclaim to all:* The Saviour is risen from the tomb.


Kontakion, Tone 8:Though You descended into a tomb, O Immortal One,* yet You destroyed the power of Hades;* and You rose as victor, O Christ God,* calling to the myrrh-bearing women: Rejoice!* and giving peace to Your Apostles:* You, who grant resurrection to the fallen.

Prokeimenon, Tone 6
Save Your people, O Lord, and bless Your inheritance.
verse: Unto You I will cry, O Lord my God, lest You turn from me in silence.

Acts 6:1-7

Alleluia, Tone 8
verse: You have shown favour to Your land, O Lord; You have brought back the captives of Jacob.
verse: Mercy and truth have met; righteousness and peace have embraced.

Mark 15:43-16:9

Hymn to the Mother of God
The Angel cried out to the One full of Grace: O chaste Virgin, rejoice! And again I say, Rejoice! Your Son has risen from the tomb on the third day, and raised the dead. Let all people rejoice! Shine, shine, O new Jerusalem! for the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! Exult now and be glad, O Sion! And you, O chaste Mother of God, take delight in the resurrection of your Son.

Communion Verse
Receive the Body of Christ;* taste the fountain of immortality.* Praise the Lord from the heavens;* praise Him in the highest Alleluia. (3)



Instead of Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, we sing: Christ is risen.

Instead of We have seen the true light we sing: Christ is risen.

Instead of May our lips be filled, we sing Christ is risen, thrice.

Instead of Blessed be the name of the Lord we sing Christ is risen thrice.

After the priest sings: Glory to You, Christ God, the people sing: Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death, and to those in the tombs, giving life. Lord, have mercy, thrice. Give the blessing. Then we sing Christ is risen, thrice. At the end the following is sung: And to us He granted life eternal, we bow down before His resurrection on the third day.

April 30, 2014
The Holy Apostle James, Brother of Saint John the Theologian

James was the son of Zebedee, brother of John and one of the Twelve Apostles. At the invitation of the Lord Jesus, James left the fishermen’s net, his father and, together with John, immediately followed after the Lord. He belonged to that trinity of apostles to whom the Lord revealed the greatest mysteries; before whom He was transfigured on Tabor and before whom He lamented before His agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. After receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit, he preached the Gospel in various places and traveled to Spain. Upon his return from Spain, the Jews began to quarrel with him concerning Holy Scripture and no one was able to withstand him, not even a certain magician Hermogenes. Hermogenes and his disciple Philip were defeated by the power of truth which James preached and, both of them were baptized. Then the Jews accused him before Herod and persuaded Josias to slander the apostle. Josias, seeing the brave conduct of James and listening to his clear explanation about the truth, repented and believed in Christ. When James was condemned to death, this same Josias was also condemned to death. Enroute to the place of execution, Josias implored James to forgive him the sin of slander. James embraced and kissed him and said: “Peace and forgiveness be to you!” Both of them bowed their heads under the sword and were beheaded for the Lord Whom they loved and Whom they served. Saint James suffered in Jerusalem in the year 45 A.D. His body was translated to Spain, where miraculous healings occurred over his grave and, do so even today. (The Prologue from Ohrid)


“Blessed is the man…” is sung.


At Psalm 140

In Tone 1

6. The Lover of mankind, Who rose from the dead on the third day
said to Thomas: See and feel the wounds in My hands and feet.
Know Me as the changeless God
Who accepted the earthly image and suffered in it!

5. Thomas the twin was amazed
seeing the wounds on the hands and feet.
He marvelled at the miracle, and touched His side.
Then he proclaimed to the pagans
the rising from the tomb on the third day!

4. I receive great joy, my Saviour,
seeing Your Resurrection confirmed by positive facts
which Thomas had a chance to touch!
So I preach You as truly God and truly Man!

In Tone 4

You drew men up from the depths of vanity with a fisher’s rod of grace.
You obeyed the commands of the Teacher, worthy James,
who enlightened all your thoughts
and revealed you as an apostle and holy preacher,
expounding His incomprehensible Divinity, most blessed one.

The illumination of the Spirit descended on you in the form of fire
and made you a divine vessel, blessed one,
dispelling with power the darkness of godlessness;
enlightening the world with the brightness of your all wise words.
Preacher of mysteries, leader of the apostles,
James, the eye-witness of Christ.

You illumined those lying in the darkness of ignorance
with the lightning flash of your preaching, glorious James!
You revealed them to be sons through faith of the Master and God
whose passion and death you imitated with zeal.
You became an heir of the glory, O wise one,
as one speaking from God and a most faithful disciple.

In Tone 8, Glory…

Come, let us praise James with hymns of psalms:
the preacher of heavenly mysteries and expounder of the Gospel;
for he was revealed as a river of the mystical Paradise,
watering spiritual furrows with heavenly streams,
revealing them to bear fruit to Christ God,
who, by his prayers, grants cleansing, enlightenment and great mercy!

In Tone 4, Now…

Lord, shining with the splendour of Your divinity,
You came through closed doors to Your disciples,
showing Your pierced side, the wounds from the nails,
dispelling all sadness and sorrow!
Friends, see that I am not a spirit, but truly Man!
The disciple who did not believe, You commanded to see,
saying: Prove to yourself, then come and believe!
He touched Your side with his own hand and cried in faith and fear:
My Lord and my God, glory to You!


of the day


(1) James 1:1-12; (2) James 1:13-27; (3) James 2:1-13



In Tone 8

Blessed, God-seer James, after you listened to the voice of the Word,
you paid no heed to the service and customs of your father,
for you left behind the life of earthly cares and passed over the spiritual sea!
You stirred its depths with the precepts of godliness and with your heavenly thunder,
apostle most blessed of God!

Their proclamation has gone out into all the earth and their words to the ends of the universe!

All-blessed James, by your deeds you served the Word,
the cause of life and of the future age.
Truly you deprived Israel of its first born privilege
when it forsook the worship of the true God,
while recalling it to sonship as the new Israel!

The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament proclaims His handiwork!

You are now appointed a prince over all the earth,
as it is written of you, glorious one,
since you became a disciple of the Creator of all.
In fervent zeal, you suffered murder by the transgressor’s sword,
taking you from the revered company of the twelve apostles.

In Tone 1


You followed after Christ and despised the world,
hiding his teachings in your treasury, godly James.
You were revealed to be His apostle.
Therefore, going to the nations with the commandments of the Savior,
you enlightened the souls in the darkness of delusion and passion,
that they might believe in the consubstantial Trinity!

In Tone 8, Now…

Thomas, touch My side with your hand.
Come and feel the scars of the nails.
Know in faith and do not be faithless, but believing!
Thomas, when he touched the Master, cried:
You are my God and Lord, compassionate One, glory to You!



In Tone 7
When the tomb was sealed, O Christ God,* You dawned as life from the sepulchre,* and while the doors were shut,* You came to Your disciples, the Resurrection of all,* renewing a right spirit in us through them,* according to Your great mercy.

In Tone 3, Glory…
O James, worthy of all praise,* chosen apostle of Christ and only brother of the beloved theologian;* ask God to bestow on those who hymn you forgiveness of sins* and to grant our souls great mercy.

We sing your praises, O Virgin;* for, as the Mother of God, you always intercede for the salvation of the human race.* It is from you that our God and Your Son took flesh. * Then, by suffering the passion on the Cross,** and out of love for mankind, He delivered us from corruption.


Troparion and Kontakion
Troparion, Tone 7
When the tomb was sealed, O Christ God,* You dawned as life from the sepulchre,* and while the doors were shut,* You came to Your disciples, the Resurrection of all,* renewing a right spirit in us through them,* according to Your great mercy.

Troparion, Tone 3: O James, worthy of all praise,* chosen apostle of Christ and only brother of the beloved theologian.* Ask God to bestow on those who hymn you forgiveness of sins* and to grant our souls great mercy.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Kontakion, Tone 2: When you heard God’s voice calling out to you,* you spurned the love of your father* and fled to Christ with your kinsman, O glorious James.* With him you were favoured to see the Lord’s divine transfiguration.

Now and for ever and ever. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone 8: With his searching hand, Thomas explored Your life-giving side, O Christ God. For when You entered while the doors were shut, he called out to You with the rest of the Apostles: You are my Lord and my God!

Prokeimenon, Tone 3
Great is our Lord and great is His strength;* and of His knowledge there is no end.
verse: Praise the Lord, for a psalm is good; may praise be sweet to our God.

Acts 12:1-11

Alleluia, Tone 8
verse: Come, let us sing joyfully to the Lord, let us acclaim God our Saviour.
verse: For God is the great Lord and the great king over all the earth.

Luke 5:1-11

Hymn to the Mother of God
The Angel cried out to the One full of Grace: O chaste Virgin, rejoice! And again I say, Rejoice! Your Son has risen from the tomb on the third day, and raised the dead. Let all people rejoice! Shine, shine, O new Jerusalem! for the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! Exult now and be glad, O Sion! And you, O chaste Mother of God, take delight in the resurrection of your Son.

Communion Hymn
Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem.* Praise your God, O Sion.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia.

April 27, 2014
Thomas Sunday


Kathisma Reading
“Blessed is the man…” is sung.


At Psalm 140

In Tone 1

10. When the doors were closed and the disciples were gathered together,
You suddenly appeared in their midst, O Jesus our Almighty God.
You granted them peace and filled them with the Holy Spirit;
You commanded them to wait and not depart from Jerusalem
until they were clothed with power from on high.
Therefore, we cry to You, O Lord:
Glory to You, our Light,
our Resurrection and our Peace.

9. When the doors were closed and the disciples were gathered together,
You suddenly appeared in their midst, O Jesus our Almighty God.
You granted them peace and filled them with the Holy Spirit;
You commanded them to wait and not depart from Jerusalem
until they were clothed with power from on high.
Therefore, we cry to You, O Lord:
Glory to You, our Light,
our Resurrection and our Peace.

8. Eight days after Your Resurrection, O Lord,
You appeared to Your disciples in the room where they were gathered;
You greeted them, saying: “Peace be with you!”
Then You showed Your hands and side to the doubting disciple.
He, therefore, cried out in an act of faith:
“My Lord, and my God, glory to You!”

7. Eight days after Your Resurrection, O Lord,
You appeared to Your disciples in the room where they were gathered;
You greeted them, saying: “Peace be with you!”
Then You showed Your hands and side to the doubting disciple.
He, therefore, cried out in an act of faith:
“My Lord, and my God, glory to You!”

6. Even though the doors were closed, You came to Your disciples, O Christ,
and Thomas, called the Twin, was not with them.
Therefore, he did not believe what they told him.
You did not deem him unworthy for his lack of faith,
but in Your goodness, You confirmed his faith
by showing him Your pure side
and the wounds in Your hands and feet.
He touched them, and when he saw You,
he confessed You to be neither an abstract God nor merely human;
and he cried out: “My Lord and my God, glory to You!”

5. Even though the doors were closed, You came to Your disciples, O Christ,
and Thomas, called the Twin, was not with them.
Therefore, he did not believe what they told him.
You did not deem him unworthy for his lack of faith,
but in Your goodness, You confirmed his faith
by showing him Your pure side
and the wounds in Your hands and feet.
He touched them, and when he saw You,
he confessed You to be neither an abstract God nor merely human;
and he cried out: “My Lord and my God, glory to You!”

4. On the eighth day the Saviour came to the doubting disciples.
He granted them peace and said to Thomas:
“O Apostle, come and touch my hands which were pierced by nails.”
How wonderful is this doubt of Thomas!
It brought the hearts of believers to the knowledge of God.
Therefore, he cried out with fear:
“My Lord, and my God, glory to You!”

3. On the eighth day the Saviour came to the doubting disciples.
He granted them peace and said to Thomas:
“O Apostle, come and touch my hands which were pierced by nails.”
How wonderful is this doubt of Thomas!
It brought the hearts of believers to the knowledge of God.
Therefore, he cried out with fear:
“My Lord, and my God, glory to You!”

In Tone 2

2. After Your Resurrection, O Lord,
You appeared in the midst of Your disciples and granted them peace
as they gathered behind closed doors.
And Thomas was convinced after seeing Your hands and side;
therefore, he confessed that You are Lord and God,
and Saviour of those who place their trust in You.
O Lover of Mankind, glory to You!

1. Although the doors were closed, Jesus appeared to His disciples.
He took away their fear and granted them peace.
Then He called Thomas and said to him:
“Why did you doubt My Resurrection from the dead?
Place your hand in my side;
and see My hands and My feet.
Through your lack of faith everyone will come to know of My Passion and My Resurrection,
and they will cry out with you:
My Lord and my God, glory to You!”

In Tone 6, Glory… Now…

Although the doors were locked, You appeared to Your disciples, O Christ;
but through providence, Thomas was not with them.
For he said: “I will not believe until I see the Lord,
until I see the side from which the blood and water of our baptism came forth,
and until I see the wound by which He healed all people from the great wound,
and I see that He is not a pure spirit, but a person made of flesh and bones.”
Therefore, O Lord, who trampled Death and made Thomas firm in his belief,
O Lord, glory to You!



In Tone 4

Manifesting the brightness of Your divinity,
You appeared even though the doors were closed, O Lord.
Standing in the midst of Your disciples,
You uncovered Your side
and showed them the wounds of Your hands and feet,
delivering them from the sadness that had overcome them.
You spoke to them clearly and said:
“As you see, my friends, I have assumed flesh; I am not a pure spirit.”
You spoke to the disciple who had doubted
and asked him to touch Your wounds, saying:
“Explore My wounds and doubt no longer.
The disciple touched You with his hand
and discovered both divinity and humanity;
filled with fear, he cried out in faith:
“My Lord and my God, glory to You!”

In Tone 8

“Touch My side with your hand, O Thomas;
feel the traces of the nails,
be no longer unbelieving, but believing,” said Christ.
When Thomas touched the Lord, he cried out in a loud voice:
“You are my Lord and my God; glory to You!”

Glory… Now…

Although the doors were closed and the disciples were reunited,
the Saviour appeared in the place where they were gathered.
Standing in the midst of them, He said to Thomas:
“Come and touch My wounds and see the marks of the nails;
do not persist in your unbelief,
but with faith, proclaim my Resurrection from the dead.”


In Tone 4

O marvellous wonder!
The lack of faith gave birth to certainty of faith;
for Thomas said: “Unless I see, I will not believe!”
Therefore, when he touched Your side,
he acknowledged that You were the Incarnate Son of God,
and he knew that You truly suffered in the flesh;
and thus he proclaimed Your Resurrection from the dead, saying:
“My Lord and my God, glory to You!

O praise the Lord, Jerusalem! Zion, praise your God!

O marvellous wonder!
For grass has touched the fire and was not burned.
Thomas placed his hand into the fiery side of the Saviour,
and he was not consumed by touching Him.
Truly, his soul was changed from doubt to faith,
and he exclaimed from the depth of his spirit:
“You are my Master and my God who arose from the dead.
O Lord, glory to You!”

He has strengthened the bars of your gates; He has blessed the children within you.

O marvellous wonder!
John leaned on the bosom of the Word,
and Thomas was made worthy to touch His side.
The first discovered the depth of theology,
and the other was privileged to announce the plan of salvation;
for he clearly revealed the mystery of His Resurrection, saying:
“My Lord and my God, glory to You!”

In Tone 5, Glory… Now…

How great is Your infinite compassion, O Lover of Mankind;
for because of Your long-suffering You were struck by Your enemies;
You were touched by an Apostle
and deeply pierced by those who denied You.
How did You become Incarnate?
How were You crucified, O Sinless One?
Teach us to cry out as Thomas:
“My Lord and my God, glory to You!”



In Tone 7
When the tomb was sealed, O Christ God,* You dawned as life from the sepulchre,* and while the doors were shut,* You came to Your disciples, the Resurrection of all,* renewing a right spirit in us through them,* according to Your great mercy. (3)



After “Blessed is the kingdom…” the priest sings “Christ is risen…” in its entirety twice, and again: “Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death.” The people then sing: “And to those in the tombs, giving life.”

Antiphon 1
Shout to the Lord, all the earth,* sing now to His name, give glory to His praise.
Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Saviour, save us.
Say unto God, “How awesome are Your works* Because of the greatness of Your strength Your enemies will flatter You.”
Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Saviour, save us.
Let all the earth worship You and sing to You,* let it sing to Your name, O Most High!
Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Saviour, save us.
Glory… Now… Only-begotten Son…

Antiphon 3
Come, let us sing joyfully to the Lord, let us acclaim God, our Saviour
Son of God, risen from the dead, save us who sing to You: Alleluia.
Let us come before His face with praise, and acclaim Him in psalms.
Son of God, risen from the dead, save us who sing to You: Alleluia.
For God is the great Lord and the great king over all the earth.
Son of God, risen from the dead, save us who sing to You: Alleluia.

Troparion and Kontakion
Troparion, Tone 7: While the tomb was sealed, O Christ God, You dawned as life from the sepulchre, and while the doors were shut, You came to Your disciples, the Resurrection of all, renewing a right spirit in us through them, according to Your great mercy.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone 8: With his searching hand, Thomas explored Your life-giving side, O Christ God. For when You entered while the doors were shut, he called out to You with the rest of the Apostles: You are my Lord and my God!

Prokeimenon, Tone 3
Great is our Lord and great is His strength;* and of His knowledge there is no end.
verse: Praise the Lord, for a psalm is good; may praise be sweet to our God.

Acts 5:12-20

Alleluia, Tone 8
verse: Come, let us sing joyfully to the Lord, let us acclaim God our Saviour.
verse: For God is the great Lord and the great king over all the earth.

John 20:19-31

Hymn to the Mother of God
The Angel cried out to the One full of Grace: O chaste Virgin, rejoice! And again I say, Rejoice! Your Son has risen from the tomb on the third day, and raised the dead. Let all people rejoice! Shine, shine, O new Jerusalem! for the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! Exult now and be glad, O Sion! And you, O chaste Mother of God, take delight in the resurrection of your Son.

Communion Hymn
Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem.* Praise your God, O Sion.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia.

Instead of “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord,” we sing: “Christ is risen.”

Instead of “We have seen the true light” we sing: “Christ is risen.”

Instead of “May our lips be filled,” we sing “Christ is risen,” thrice.

Instead of “Blessed be the name of the Lord” we sing “Christ is risen” thrice.

After the priest sings: “Glory to You, Christ God,” the people sing: “Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death,* and to those in the tombs, giving life.* Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.* Give the blessing.”

Then we sing “Christ is risen,” thrice. At the end the following is sung: “And to us He granted life eternal, we bow down before His resurrection on the third day.”

April 25, 2014
Bright Friday
Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark


Paschal Troparion with Versicles

The celebrant sings the following versicles, and to each one the people respond by singing: “Christ is risen …”

v. Let God arise and let his enemies be scattered, * and let those who hate Him flee from before His face.

v. As smoke vanishes, so let them vanish as wax melts before the fire.

v. So let the wicked perish at the presence of God, and let the righteous ones rejoice.

v. This is the day that the Lord has made, let us exalt and rejoice in it.

v. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.


Litany of Peace


At Psalm 140

In Tone 6

6. O Christ, You won the victory over Hades;
You ascended the Cross so that You might raise up with yourself
all those who dwelt in the darkness of Death.
Almighty Saviour, You are free from Death
and bestow life by your divine light.
We, therefore, beseech You to have mercy on us.

5. Today Christ has conquered Death.
He has risen from the grave as He had foretold,
bestowing great joy upon the world.
Therefore, let us all lift up our voices and sing:
O Fount of Life, O Light whom no one can approach,
almighty Saviour, have mercy on us.

4. O Lord, where can we sinners flee from You,
for You are present In all creation?
You are present In heaven, for it is your dwelling place.
Your power prevails in Hades where You conquered Death.
O Master, your sustaining hand touches even the depths of the sea.
Where, then, can we take refuge except in You?
We, therefore, prostrate ourselves before You and pray:
O Lord, risen from the dead, have mercy on us.

In Tone 1

3. Come, faithful, let us sing praises to Mark.
He is the wise writer of the Gospel!
The greatest of Egypt’s cities heard his inspired words.
Apostle, by your prayers and teachings,
guide our lives in the way of peace!

2. You became a fellow traveller of Paul, the chosen vessel.
you accompanied him through all Macedonia;
then you followed Peter to Rome.
You were welcomed as his secretary and interpreter.
But it was in Egypt, all-wise Mark,
that you finished your course in a manner well-pleasing to God!

1. You gave life to barren souls,
watering them with the radiant stream of your Gospel.
Because of you, holy Mark,
Alexandria rejoices with us today,
celebrating your blessed memory!

In Tone 6, Glory…

Grace is poured out upon your lips,
Apostle Mark.
you became a shepherd of Christ’s Church.
You taught the sheep whom God endowed with reason
to believe in the consubstantial Trinity, one Godhead!


Who would not call you blessed, O Virgin most holy?
Who would not sing a hymn of praise
to the glory of your giving birth without pain or travail?
The Only-begotten Son Himself,
begotten of the Father before all ages,
was made flesh out of you in a manner
that cannot be explained, O Woman most pure!
And for our sake, He Who is God by nature
assumed the nature of a man.
He is not divided into two persons;
He is understood to have two natures
without commixion or confusion.
O noble and blessed Woman,
intercede with Him that He may mercy on our souls.


Great Prokeimenon, Tone 7
I love You, Lord, my strength, my rock, my fortress, my Saviour.
verse: My God is the rock where I take refuge; my shield, my mighty help, my stronghold.
verse: The Lord is worthy of all praise; when I call I am saved from my foes .
verse: From his temple He heard my voice; my cry came to his ears.



In Tone 6

O Christ our Saviour,
the angels in heaven sing the praises of your Resurrection;
make us, on earth, also worthy
to extol and glorify You with a pure heart.


The Paschal Stichera are now sung in the customary manner:


Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered.

Today a sacred Pascha is revealed to us: a new and holy Pascha; a mystical Pascha; a Pascha which is Christ the Redeemer; a blameless Pascha; a great Pascha; a Pascha of the faithful; a Pascha which has opened for us the gates of Paradise; a Pascha which sanctifies all the faithful.

As smoke vanishes, let them vanish!

Come from that scene O women bearers of glad tidings, and say to Zion: Receive from us the glad tidings of joy of Christ’s Resurrection: Exult and be glad, and rejoice, O Jerusalem, seeing Christ the King who comes forth from the tomb like a Bridegroom in procession!

So let sinners perish before the face of God, but let the righteous scatter rejoice!

The myrrh-bearing women at the break of dawn drew near to the tomb of the Life Giver. There they found an angel sitting upon a stone, he greeted the, with these words: “Why do you seek the living among the dead? Why do you mourn in the incorrupt amid corruption? Go, proclaim the glad tidings to His disciples.”

This is the day which the Lord has made: let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Pascha of beauty! The Pascha of the Lord! Pascha! A Pascha worthy of all honour has dawned on us. Pascha! Let us embrace each other joyously! Pascha, ransom from affliction! For today as from a bridal chamber Christ has shown forth from the Tomb, and filled the women with joy saying: “Proclaim the glad tidings to the Apostles!”

In Tone 8, Glory…

Come, all you faithful,
let us praise Mark in psalms and hymns!
He is the herald of heavenly mysteries and interpreter of the Gospel.
He is a river of the spiritual paradise!
He waters the earth with living streams,
that it may bear fruit for Christ our God.
Through his intercession,
forgiveness and great mercy are granted to all!


This is the day of Resurrection, let us be illumined by the Feast! Let us embrace each other! Let us call “brothers and sisters” even those that hate us and forgive all by the Resurrection, and so let us cry:

Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death, and to those in the tombs, giving life. (3)

In Tone 3, Glory…
Learning from Peter the chief apostle* you too became an apostle of Christ,* and shone on various lands like the sun.* O blessed one, adornment of Alexandrians,* through you Egypt was freed from deceit.* For you are a pillar of light for the Church* enlightening all with your teaching of the Good News.* Therefore, we feast your memorial, O Mark divinely inspired.* Ask God whom you preached to all/ to grant our souls forgiveness of sins.

We sing your praises, O Virgin;* for, as the Mother of God, you always intercede for the salvation of the human race.* It is from you that our God and Your Son took flesh. * Then, by suffering the passion on the Cross,* and out of love for mankind, He delivered us from corruption.



After the priest has exclaimed, “Blessed be the Kingdom…” and the people have responded, “Amen,” the clergy sing the Paschal Troparion once and the people repeat it. Then, the clergy sing the first half, and the people conclude it.

Paschal Troparion
Christ is risen from the dead,* trampling death by death,* and to those in the tombs* giving life.

First Antiphon
Shout to the Lord, all the earth,* sing now to His name, give glory to His praise.

Through the prayers of the Mother of God,* O Saviour, save us.

Say unto God, “How awesome are Your works!* Because of the greatness of Your strength Your enemies will flatter You.”

Through the prayers of the Mother of God,* O Saviour, save us.

You,* let it sing to Your name, O Most High!

Through the prayers of the Mother of God,* O Saviour, save us.

Glory… Now… Only-begotten Son…

Third Antiphon

Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered; let those who hate Him flee from before His face.

Troparion: Christ is risen from the dead,* trampling death by death,* and to those in the tombs* giving life.

As smoke vanishes, let them vanish, as wax melts before the fire.

Troparion: Christ is risen from the dead,* trampling death by death,* and to those in the tombs* giving life.

So let sinners perish before the face of God, but let the righteous be glad.

Troparion: Christ is risen from the dead,* trampling death by death,* and to those in the tombs* giving life.

In the churches bless God, the Lord from the fountains of Israel.

Troparia and Kontakia
Troparion: Christ is risen from the dead,* trampling death by death,* and to those in the tombs* giving life.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Troparion, Tone 3: Learning from Peter the chief apostle* you too became an apostle of Christ,* and shone on various lands like the sun.* O blessed one, adornment of Alexandrians,* through you Egypt was freed from deceit.* For you are a pillar of light for the Church* enlightening all with your teaching of the Good News.* Therefore, we feast your memorial, O Mark, divinely inspired.* Ask God whom you preached to all to grant our souls forgiveness of sins.

Now and for ever and ever. Amen.

Kontakion, Tone 8: Though You descended into a tomb, O Immortal One,* yet You destroyed the power of Hades;* and You rose as victor, O Christ God,* calling to the myrrh-bearing women: Rejoice!* and giving peace to Your Apostles:* You, who grant resurrection to the fallen.

Instead of Holy God:
All you who have been baptized into Christ, you have put on Christ! Alleluia! (3)
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.
You have put on Christ! Alleluia!
All you who have been baptized into Christ, you have put on Christ! Alleluia!

Prokeimenon, Tone 8
Their utterance has gone forth into all the earth,* and their words unto the ends of the world.
verse: The heavens tell the glory of God, and the firmament declares the work of His hand. (Psalm 19:5,2)

Acts 3:1-8; 1 Peter 5:6-14

Alleluia, Tone 1
verse: The heavens shall confess Your wonders, O Lord, and Your truth in the church of the saints.
verse: God is glorified in the assembly of the saints. (Psalm 89:6,8)

John 2:12-22; Mark 6:7-13

Hymn to the Mother of God
The Angel cried out to the One full of Grace: O chaste Virgin, rejoice! And again I say, Rejoice! Your Son has risen from the tomb on the third day, and raised the dead. Let all people rejoice! Shine, shine, O new Jerusalem, for the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! Exult now and be glad, O Sion! And you, O chaste Mother of God, take delight in the resurrection of your Son.

Communion Hymn
Receive the Body of Christ;* taste the fountain of immortality.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia.

At Communion, “Christ is risen” replaces “Blessed is He,” “We have seen the true light,” and “Let our mouths be filled.” For the last of these, “Christ is risen” is sung thrice.

Instead of “Blessed be the name of the Lord,” we sing “Christ is risen” thrice. It is sung again (using the simple chord chant) instead of “Glory to the Father…” at the dismissal.

After the final Amen, the priest, with cross raised on high, exclaims “Christ is risen” thrice and we respond “Truly, He is risen” each time. Then, the Troparion “Christ is risen” is sung as at the beginning of the Liturgy, but with the addition:

And to us he has granted life eternal;* we bow down before his resurrection on the third day.

April 23, 2014
Bright Wednesday
Great Martyr and Wonderworker George


Paschal Troparion with Versicles

The celebrant sings the following versicles, and to each one the people respond by singing: “Christ is risen …”

v. Let God arise and let his enemies be scattered, * and let those who hate Him flee from before His face.

v. As smoke vanishes, so let them vanish as wax melts before the fire.

v. So let the wicked perish at the presence of God, and let the righteous ones rejoice.

v. This is the day that the Lord has made, let us exalt and rejoice in it.

v. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.


Litany of Peace


At Psalm 140

In Tone 4

10. We never cease to adore your life-giving Cross, O Christ our God,
and we glorify your Resurrection on the third day.
For You, almighty One, have thereby restored the corrupted nature of all
and reopened the way to heaven,
since You alone are gracious and You love all people.

9. O Saviour, You have absolved the penalty of disobedience,
committed through the tree of Eden,
by willingly being nailed to the tree of the Cross.
As almighty God, You descended into Hades
and broke asunder the bonds of Death.
We, therefore, venerate your Resurrection from the dead
and joyfully cry out to You:
Almighty Lord, glory to You!

8. O Lord, You have battered down the gates of Hades,
and by your death You have dissolved the realm of Death.
You have freed the human race from corruption,
bestowing life, incorruption, and your great mercy upon the world.

7. Come, all you people,
let us sing the praises of our Saviour’s Resurrection on the third day.
For we have thereby been delivered from the invincible bonds of Hades,
and we have received incorruption, together with eternal life.
Therefore, we cry out to You
after your crucifixion, burial, and resurrection:
Save us by your Resurrection, for You love all people.

In Tone 4

6. Having gathered together today,
we praise you, O George, as a valiant martyr.
You kept the faith and completed the course
and received from God the crown of victory.
Entreat Him to deliver from tribulations and corruption
those who faithfully observe your precious memory.

5. Having gathered together today,
we praise you, O George, as a valiant martyr.
You kept the faith and completed the course
and received from God the crown of victory.
Entreat Him to deliver from tribulations and corruption
those who faithfully observe your precious memory.

4. Drawing hope from your firmness of mind, O glorious one,
you willingly persevered to martyrdom like a lion.
Scorning the body as something that would wither,
you were wisely concerned with your incorruptible soul.
Covered with wounds by various forms of torture, O George,
like gold you were purified sevenfold.

3. You suffered martyrdom in behalf of the Saviour, O glorious one,
by a death similar to his voluntary death.
You reign gloriously with Him,
clothed with the resplendent purple robes of your blood,
and you are adorned with the sceptre of your sufferings.
O great-martyr George,
you are resplendent in your crown of victory
throughout all generations.

2. With faith as your armour and with grace as your shield,
with the cross as your spear, you waged war.
You were invincible in facing the foes, O George.
Like a mighty warrior, you destroyed the camps of the demons.
Now you are dancing joyfully with the angels.
Indeed you defend, sanctify, and save the faithful who invoke you.

1. We recognize you as a very bright star,
a sun shining in the firmament of the heavens,
a very precious pearl sparkling more than a gem.
O George the conqueror, we glorify you
as a son of the day and a courageous martyr.
We commemorate you as a defender of the faithful in tribulations.

In Tone 6, Glory…

You were true to your name, O warrior George,
for you took the cross of Christ upon your shoulders.
You ploughed well the land made barren by the deceits of the devil;
you rooted out the weeds of idol worship
arid planted the vine of the true faith.
Therefore, your healing overflows to the faithful throughout the whole world,
and you have shown yourself to be the righteous gardener of the Trinity.
Pray for peace in the world and salvation for our souls.


Who would not call you blessed, O Virgin most holy?
Who would not sing a hymn of praise
to the glory of your giving birth without pain or travail?
The Only-begotten Son Himself,
begotten of the Father before all ages,
was made flesh out of you in a manner
that cannot be explained, O Woman most pure!
And for our sake, He Who is God by nature
assumed the nature of a man.
He is not divided into two persons;
He is understood to have two natures
without commixion or confusion.
O noble and blessed Woman,
intercede with Him that He may mercy on our souls.


Great Prokeimenon, Tone 8
I cry aloud to God, cry aloud to God that He may hear me.
verse: In the day of my distress I sought the Lord.
verse: My soul refused to be consoled.
verse: Your ways, O God, are holy.


(1) Isaiah 43:9-14; (2) Wisdom 3:1-9; (3) Wisdom 4:7-15



In Tone 1

Because of his glorious suffering,
the brilliant warrior George rejoices with the powers above.
At this time we also rejoice with them.
He has inspired the faithful on earth
to observe the feast and to celebrate with them.
Because of that he was considered a servant of Christ.
Let us, therefore, worthily venerate him
who prays unceasingly to the God of all to grant us great mercy.

You produced the best by valiant sufferings
and offered up your fruitful toils, O blessed martyr George.
Strengthening your yearning by faith and scorning fear by hope,
you revealed your love for heaven.
You showed courage to us.
By your fervent prayers ask for peace for our souls,
the cleansing of our sins,
and great mercy for us.

In Tone 4

Come, O assembly of the faithful.
Come, let us celebrate the feast.
Today is manifested the glorious memory of George the martyr.
Sparkling with virtues, he is invisibly illuminating our hearts.
Therefore, let us cry out with one mind:
Rejoice, O warrior of Christ the great king!
Rejoice, O most splendid and rich one!
O most blessed one, in our behalf, implore Christ our God, the Master of all,
that we may be preserved from temptations of the Evil One
and that our souls may be saved.

In Tone 5, Glory… Now…

Come, let us be filled with delight.
Spring has come and brought forth the Resurrection of Christ.
Come, let us be joyful.
The commemoration of the martyr has arrived and illumines the faithful.
Therefore, come, O lovers of feasts;
let us celebrate that mystery.
For, as a good soldier, he courageously overcame and confounded the torturers.
He was an imitator of the passion of Christ the Saviour.
He did not spare his earthen vessel,
but exposed it naked, allowing it to suffer tortures.
Let us cry out to him:
O Martyr, pray that our souls may be saved.



In Tone 4

In being lifted upon the Cross, O Lord,
You abolished the curse which we had inherited from our ancestors.
By going down into Hades,
You freed from eternal captivity those imprisoned there
and granted incorruption to the human race.
We, therefore, praise your life-giving and redeeming Resurrection.


The Paschal Stichera are now sung in the customary manner:


Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered.

Today a sacred Pascha is revealed to us: a new and holy Pascha; a mystical Pascha; a Pascha which is Christ the Redeemer; a blameless Pascha; a great Pascha; a Pascha of the faithful; a Pascha which has opened for us the gates of Paradise; a Pascha which sanctifies all the faithful.

As smoke vanishes, let them vanish!

Come from that scene O women bearers of glad tidings, and say to Zion: Receive from us the glad tidings of joy of Christ’s Resurrection: Exult and be glad, and rejoice, O Jerusalem, seeing Christ the King who comes forth from the tomb like a Bridegroom in procession!

So let sinners perish before the face of God, but let the righteous scatter rejoice!

The myrrh-bearing women at the break of dawn drew near to the tomb of the Life Giver. There they found an angel sitting upon a stone, he greeted the, with these words: “Why do you seek the living among the dead? Why do you mourn in the incorrupt amid corruption? Go, proclaim the glad tidings to His disciples.”

This is the day which the Lord has made: let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Pascha of beauty! The Pascha of the Lord! Pascha! A Pascha worthy of all honour has dawned on us. Pascha! Let us embrace each other joyously! Pascha, ransom from affliction! For today as from a bridal chamber Christ has shown forth from the Tomb, and filled the women with joy saying: “Proclaim the glad tidings to the Apostles!”

In Tone 4, Glory…

Let us spiritually praise the great-martyr George,
the living steel of endurance.
He was tried by fire and branding irons
and sharp instruments of torture for the sake of Christ.
These various tortures ravaged the body which is perishable by nature;
but love conquered nature,
persuading the beloved to make his way through death to Christ our God,
the Saviour of our souls.


This is the day of Resurrection, let us be illumined by the Feast! Let us embrace each other! Let us call “brothers and sisters” even those that hate us and forgive all by the Resurrection, and so let us cry:

Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death, and to those in the tombs, giving life. (3)



In Tone 4
O victorious great-martyr George,* as a liberator of captives and helper of the poor,* physician of the sick,* and champion of kings, entreat Christ God to save our souls. (twice)

In Tone 1
Hail, Mother of God, Virgin Mary full of grace! The Lord is with you. * Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. * For you have borne Christ, the Saviour and Deliverer of our souls.

April 20, 2014



The clergy, fully vested as for Divine Liturgy in bright vestments, come before the altar in the usual order and all together they make a bow. A light is struck within the Altar, the First Priest lights the Paschal Trikirion and gives the light to all the Clergy. Then, according to custom, the light is passed to the faithful and the procession begins:

Angels in heaven, O Christ our Saviour,
sing of Your Resurrection,
enable us here on earth
to glorify You with a pure heart!

Priest: Glory to the holy, consubstantial, life-giving and undivided Trinity, always, now and forever and ever.

All: Amen.

Sung by the Clergy, then the people, with verses from Psalm 67:

Христос воскресе із мертвих, смертію смерть порпав,
і сущим во гробіх живот даровав!

Христос воскрес із мертвих, смертю смерть подолав,
і тим що в гробах життя дарував!

Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death,
and to those in the tombs giving life!

Verses from Psalm 67:
Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered,
and let those who hate Him flee from before His face.

As smoke vanishes, so let them vanish
as wax melts before the fire.

So let the wicked perish at the presence of God,
and let the righteous ones rejoice.

This is the day that the Lord has made,
let us exalt and rejoice in it.

Glory… Now…

The first half of the Paschal Troparion is repeated by the Clergy, then the second half by the people.
The First Priest, with the handcross, knocks on the doors of the church three times,
and having opened them, he enters the church together with the Clergy and the people, singing:

And to those in the tombs, giving life!

Once the Clergy have reached the Altar, the Deacon, taking his place before the iconostasis,
begins the Ekteny of Peace:


Deacon: In peace let us pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, have mercy.

For the peace from on high and for the salvation of our souls, let us pray to the Lord.

For the peace throughout the world, for the well-being of God’s holy churches and for the unity of all, let us pray to the Lord.

For this holy church and for all who enter it with faith, reverence, and fear of God, let us pray to the Lord.

For our most holy universal Pontiff, N., Pope of Rome, for our most blessed Patriarch, N., our most reverend Metropolitan, N., our God-loving Bishop, N., the revered priesthood, diaconate in Christ, and all the clergy and the people, let us pray to the Lord.

For our nation under God, for our government, and for all the military, let us pray to the Lord.

For this city (or For this village, or For this holy monastery), for every city and country and for the faithful who live in them, let us pray to the Lord.

For favorable weather, for an abundance of the fruits of the earth, and for peaceful times, let us pray to the Lord.

For the seafarers and travelers, for the sick and the suffering, for those held captive, and for their salvation, let us pray to the Lord.

That we may be delivered from all tribulation, wrath, and misfortune, let us pray to the Lord.

Help, and save, have mercy and protect us, O God, by Your Grace.

Remembering our most holy and immaculate, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Mother of God and ever-virgin Mary, together with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.

All: To You, O Lord.

Priest: For all glory, honor, and worship befit You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever.

All: Amen.

We now sing the Paschal Canon of St. John Damascus. The clergy sing the Irmos of each Ode. The Choir leads the people in singing the troparia.

Ode 1
Irmos O day of Resurrection!* Let us beam with festive joy!* This indeed is the Lord’s own Pasch* for from death to life, fromearth to heaven Christ has led us,* as we shout the vict’ry hymn:
Christ is risen from the dead!
Let our hearts be spotless* as we gaze upon our dazzling Christ* Behold His rising, a brilliant flash of light divine!* Let us listen, clearly hear Him greeting us:* as we shout the vict’ry hymn:
Christ is risen from the dead!
Let all heaven burst with joy!* Let all the earth resound with gladness!* Let all creation dance in celebration!* For Christ has risen:* Christ our lasting joy!
Katavasia O day of Resurrection!* Let us beam with festive joy!* This indeed is the Lord’s own Pasch* for from death to life, fromearth to heaven Christ has led us,* as we shout the vict’ry hymn:
Christ is risen! Truly, He is risen! (3)
Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death, and to those in the tombs giving life!


Deacon: Again and again, in peace let us pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, have mercy.

Deacon: Help and save, have mercy and protect us, O God, by Your grace.

Deacon: Remembering our most holy and immaculate, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, together with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.

All: To You, O Lord.

Priest: For Yours is the dominion, and Yours is the Kingdom and the power and the glory, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever.

All: Amen.

Irmos From barren rock behold the wonder!* The staff of Moses once drew water!* But we have something new to drink:* the drink of deathless life* from the rock that was His tomb;* for in Him is all our might!
Christ is risen from the dead!
Now does light flood all creation:* heaven and earth, the world beneath!* Behold the festival of all creation:* Now we feast the risen Christ,* for in Him is all our might!
Christ is risen from the dead!
Yesterday, my Christ, they buried me with You;* Today I rise with You!* Yesterday Your partner in death was I;* tomorrow, O my Saviour,* let me share the glory of Your realm!
Katavasia From barren rock behold the wonder!* The staff of Moses once drew water!* But we have something new to drink:* the drink of deathless life* from the rock that was His tomb;* for in Him is all our might!
Christ is risen! Truly, He is risen! (3)
Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death, and to those in the tombs giving life!


Deacon: Again and again, in peace let us pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, have mercy.

Deacon: Help and save, have mercy and protect us, O God, by Your grace.

Deacon: Remembering our most holy and immaculate, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, together with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.

All: To You, O Lord.

Priest: For You are our God, and we render glory to You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever.

All: Amen.

A choral composition sung by the Krylos, or simply, in Tone 4:
Before the dawn, Mary and her friends approached the tomb,* and she found the stone removed.* and suddenly an angel spoke:* “Why look among the dead for one who lives in light eternal? Look, see the cloth with which they wrapped Him,* Go! Tell the world the Lord has risen, dealing death a death blow;* for He is God’s Son,* the Saviour of mankind!

Irmos Let God’s prophet Habakkuk* now stand with us in godly vigil!* And show the angel radiant with light* whose voice gives forth the joyous news:* salvation visits the earth today,* for Christ has risen in His might!
Christ is risen from the dead!
The first-born of the Virgin,* a small and tender infant,* as man he came among us!* But we called Him, “Lamb,”* pure and undefiled Pasch unblemished,* our real God the perfect One!
Christ is risen from the dead!
Christ our Pasch was sacrificed,* yearling Lamb and crown of prophecy!* For all of us He freely died* and thus became the Pasch that purifies!* Upon us all resplendent sun our righteous Christ* has shown forth from the tomb!
Christ is risen from the dead!
Before the ark symbolic,* God’s forebear David danced and leaped.* But we God’s holy people,* our eyes see all symbols now fulfilled.* For this God’s joy and gladness dance within us,* for Christ has risen in His might!
Katavasia Let God’s prophet Habakkuk* now stand with us in godly vigil!* And show the angel radiant with light* whose voice gives forth the joyous news:* salvation visits the earth today,* for Christ has risen in His might!
Christ is risen! Truly, He is risen! (3)
Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death, and to those in the tombs giving life!


Deacon: Again and again, in peace let us pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, have mercy.

Deacon: Help and save, have mercy and protect us, O God, by Your grace.

Deacon: Remembering our most holy and immaculate, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, together with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.

All: To You, O Lord.

Priest: For You are the King of Peace and the Saviour of our souls, and we give glory to You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever.

All: Amen.

Irmos Now at daybreak* let us celebrate.* Let us gaze on Christ, our Sun of holiness.* Instead of spices,* let us offer Him our song* as He brings forth life for all!
Christ is risen from the dead!
Hell’s captives saw Your endless loving kindness;* they fled with joy to You their Light:* and on their lips the happy news:* Christ our God has truly risen!* Clap your hands! Applaud the lasting Pasch!
Christ is risen from the dead!
Come! Let us all go forth to meet Him!* Look behold our Christ triumphant who burst the tomb with glory,* God’s own Pasch, our soul’s salvation!* With angel hosts we celebrate* a festival of joy and gladness!
Katavasia Now at daybreak* let us celebrate.* Let us gaze on Christ, our Sun of holiness.* Instead of spices,* let us offer Him our song* as He brings forth life for all!
Christ is risen! Truly, He is risen! (3)
Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death, and to those in the tombs giving life!


Deacon: Again and again, in peace let us pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, have mercy.

Deacon: Help and save, have mercy and protect us, O God, by Your grace.

Deacon: Remembering our most holy and immaculate, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, together with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.

All: To You, O Lord.

Priest: For blessed and glorified is Your all-honourable and majestic name, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever.

All: Amen.

Irmos O Christ* You pierced the world beneath* and snapped infernal chains that bind forever!* But in three days You came forth from the tomb:* our Jonah from the belly of the whale!
Christ is risen from the dead!
You left the seals of burial intact* in rising from the tomb, O Christ,* who left in birth the portals of virginity unbroken!* But heaven’s gates* You open wide to earth!
Christ is risen from the dead!
O my Saviour!* Victim indestructible!* Our God, who freely gave Himself for us!* When You rose, O Christ, to God the Father,* You also raised up Adam and his race!
Katavasia O Christ* You pierced the world beneath* and snapped infernal chains that bind forever!* But in three days You came forth from the tomb:* our Jonah from the belly of the whale!
Christ is risen! Truly, He is risen! (3)
Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death, and to those in the tombs giving life!


Deacon: Again and again, in peace let us pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, have mercy.

Deacon: Help and save, have mercy and protect us, O God, by Your grace.

Deacon: Remembering our most holy and immaculate, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, together with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.

All: To You, O Lord.

Priest: For You are the King of Peace and the Saviour of our souls, and we give glory to You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever.

All: Amen.

Although You went down into the grave, Immortal One,* You destroyed the power of hell!* You arose a mighty Victor, Christ our God,* bringing peace to Your apostles,* joy for the myrrh-bearing women;* and resurrection for the fallen!

Chanted by a Reader
Before the dawn – as urgently as is in daylight – the women came with their spices to the tomb, looking for Him who existed before the sun was even created. That very Sun had come to set in a grave! They cried to each other: Bring your fragrant ointments, friends, and let us anoint that life-giving body which has been laid in a tomb. His is the body which raises the fallen Adam. Let us go! Let us hurry like the Magi; let us fall before Him in adoration. Let us offer myrrh to Him as He lays there wrapped, not in swaddling clothes, but in a shroud. Let us shed our tears and cry out to Him: Rise up, O Lord, give resurrection to the fallen!
All repeat:
Rise up, O Lord, give resurrection to the fallen!

Tone 6, Kievan
Having seen the Resurrection of Christ,
let us worship the holy Lord Jesus,
the only sinless One.
We venerate Your Cross, O Christ,
and Your holy Resurrection we praise and glorify,
for You are our God.
We know no other than You.
We call on Your Name.
O come, all you faithful,
let us worship the holy Resurrection of Christ,
for behold, through the Cross joy has come to all the world.
Ever blessing the Lord
we sing the praises of His Resurrection,
for by enduring the Cross for us
He destroyed death by death!

Then, three times in Tone 6
Jesus is risen from the tomb* as He foretold,
granting us eternal life* and great mercy!

Irmos As He rescued three young men from furnace flames* by His passion* He has rescued us from death,* this One who took our flesh and suffered like all mortals.* He alone is blessed and full of glory:* the only God!* The One our Fathers knew!* Ever robed in splendid glory!
Christ is risen from the dead!
Devoted women followed after You bearing fragrant spices to anoint You;* and though they mourned You first with many tears,* their gloom was turned to joy in finding You, their living God!* They spread the news to
all Your friends, O Christ,* the joy and gladness of the mystic Pasch!
Christ is risen from the dead!
Our feast today is death’s own death!* Hell is shattered!* A new and lasting life begins!* All joy and praise to Him who did this:* The only God — the one our fathers knew — ever robed in splendid glory!
Christ is risen from the dead!
O how holy! How resplendent!* What a truly radiant night!* Brilliant birth of man’s redemption!* The harbinger of resurrection joy!* The night when boundless Light transfigured flesh* as Christ our God escaped the grave — dazzling splendour for the world!
Katavasia As He rescued three young men from furnace flames* by His passion* He has rescued us from death,* this One who took our flesh and suffered like all mortals.* He alone is blessed and full of glory:* the only God!* The One our Fathers knew!* Ever robed in splendid glory!
Christ is risen! Truly, He is risen! (3)
Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death, and to those in the tombs giving life!


Deacon: Again and again, in peace let us pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, have mercy.

Deacon: Help and save, have mercy and protect us, O God, by Your grace.

Deacon: Remembering our most holy and immaculate, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, together with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.

All: To You, O Lord.

Priest: For blessed and all-glorified is the majesty of Your kingdom, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever.

All: Amen.

Irmos That hallowed and chosen day has come!* Of all holy Sabbaths the first and foremaost:* the very expectation of the people of God.* The Festivals of festivals;* of all solemnities the greatest:* when all of us bess Christ forever!
Christ is risen from the dead!
That hallowed and chosen day has come!* Let us share this joy divine!* Let us taste the vine’s new fruit* and share the lasting reign of Christ* when all of us bless Christ forever!
Christ is risen from the dead!
Rise up, Sion, lift your eyes!* See your sons arrayed before you!* How they gleam with light divine!* From all the corners of the earth your scattered sons have found you:* They hasten to your bosom where all of us bless Christ forever!
Glory to You, our God – most holy Trinity!
Almighty Father, Word and Spirit,* Trinity of persons one in essence:* God most high, beyond our understanding!* In You have we been born anew,* for this do all of us bless You forever!
Katavasia That hallowed and chosen day has come!* Of all holy Sabbaths the first and foremaost:* the very expectation of the people of God.* The Festivals of festivals;* of all solemnities the greatest:* when all of us bless Christ forever!
Christ is risen! Truly, He is risen! (3)
Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death, and to those in the tombs giving life!


Deacon: Again and again, in peace let us pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, have mercy.

Deacon: Help and save, have mercy and protect us, O God, by Your grace.

Deacon: Remembering our most holy and immaculate, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, together with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.

All: To You, O Lord.

Priest: For blessed is Your name and glorified is Your kingdom, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever.

All: Amen.

Deacon: Let us greatly extol in hymns the Theotokos and the Mother of Light!
The Angel cried out to the One full of grace:* O chaste Virgin, rejoice!* And again I say, Rejoice!* Your Son has risen from the tomb on the third day,* and raised the dead.* Let all people rejoice!
Irmos Shine, shine, O new Jerusalem!* for the glory to the Lord has risen upon you!* Exult now and be glad, O Sion!* And you, O chaste Mother of God,* take delight* in the resurrection of your Son.
Christ is risen from the dead!
How divine! How mellow! The voice of purest love!*Your promise to remain with us, O Christ,* until the end of time!* Firmly do we hold to this promise,* the well-spring of our faith and joy!
Christ is risen from the dead!
You are the greatest Pasch, O Christ, the holiest!* The Wisdom, Word and Power of God!* Your radiant presence, fuller ever lovelier manifest to us, O Lord* when You come again in glory* on the endless day when the sun will never set!
Katavasia Shine, shine, O new Jerusalem!* for the glory to the Lord has risen upon you!* Exult now and be glad, O Sion!* And you, O chaste Mother of God,* take delight* in the resurrection of your Son.
Christ is risen! Truly, He is risen! (3)
Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death, and to those in the tombs giving life!


Deacon: Again and again, in peace let us pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, have mercy.

Deacon: Help and save, have mercy and protect us, O God, by Your grace.

Deacon: Remembering our most holy and immaculate, most blessed and glorious Lady, the Theotokos and ever-virgin Mary, together with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.

All: To You, O Lord.

Priest: For all the powers of heaven extol You, O Lord, and we give glory to You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever.

All: Amen.

Sung solemnly three times
In the flesh You fell asleep like a mere mortal, O King, I King and Lord! But three days later You arose, lifting Adam from corruption, putting death to death. O Pasch beyond corruption, O Ransom of the world!

Psalms 148, 149, 150
These are sung antiphonally in Tone 1
Psalm 148
Let everything that lives and that breathes give praise to the Lord.* Praise the Lord from the heavens;* praise Him in the heights.* To You is due a hymn, O God!
Praise Him, all His angels,* praise Him, all His host.* To You is due a hymn, O God!
Praise Him, sun and moon,* praise Him, shining stars.
Praise Him, highest heavens* and the waters above the heavens.
Let them praise the name of the Lord.* He commanded: they were made.
He fixed them forever;* gave a law which shall not pass away.
Praise the Lord from the earth,* sea creatures and all oceans,
Fire and hail, snow and mist,* stormy winds that obey his word;
All mountains and hills,* all fruit trees and cedars,
Beasts, wild and tame,* reptiles and birds on the wing;
All earth’s kings and peoples,* earth’s princes and rulers,
Young men and maidens,* old men together with children.
Let them praise the name of the Lord for He alone is exalted.* The splendor of His name reaches beyond heaven and earth.
He exalts the strength of His people.* He is the praise of all His saints, of the children of Israel, of the people to whom He comes close.
Psalm 149
Sing a new song to the Lord,* His praise in the assembly of the faithful.
Let Israel rejoice in its Maker;* let Zion’s sons exalt in their king.
Let them praise His name with dancing* and make music with timbrel and harp.
For the Lord takes delight in His people.* He crowns the poor with salvation.
Let the faithful rejoice in their glory,* shout for joy and take their rest.
Let the praise of God be on their lips* and a two-edged sword in their hand,
To deal out vengeance to the nations* and punishment on all the people;
To bind their kings in chains* and their nobles in fetters of iron.
To carry out the sentence preordained* this honor is for all His faithful.
Praise God in His Holy place,* praise Him in His mighty heavens.

In Tone 1
Praise Him for His powerful deeds,* praise His surpassing greatness.

We praise Your saving passion, O Christ!* We glorify Your resurrection!

O praise Him with sound of trumpet,* praise Him with lute and harp.

You captured Hades, O Christ.* You raised us by Your own resurrection.* Make us worthy to praise and glorify You in purity of heart.

Praise Him with timbrel and dance,* praise Him with strings and pipes.

You captured Hades, O Christ.* You raised us by Your own resurrection.* Make us worthy to praise and glorify You in purity of heart.

O praise Him with resounding cymbals praise Him with clashing of cymbals.* Let everything that lives and that breathes give praise to the Lord.

We glorify Your divine humility;* we praise You, O Christ.* You were born of a virgin,* yet were not separated from the Father.* You became a mortal and suffered for us,* voluntarily enduring the cross.* You rose from the tomb, coming as from a bridal chamber to save the world.* O Lord, glory be to You!

 The two choirs come together in the centre of the temple.


Let God arise;* let His enemies be scattered!

Today a sacred Pascha is revealed to us.* A new and holy Pascha.* A mystical Pascha.* A Pascha worthy of veneration.* A Pascha which is Christ the Redeemer,* a blameless Pascha.* A great Pascha.* A Pascha of the faithful.* A Pascha which has opened for us the gates of Paradise.* A Pascha which sanctifies all the faithful.

As smoke vanishes,* let them vanish.

Come* from that scene, O women bearers of glad tidings,* and say to Sion:* Receive from us the glad tidings of joy* of Christ’s Resurrection:* Exult and be glad,* and rejoice, O Jerusalem,* seeing Christ the King* who comes forth from the tomb like a Bridegroom in procession!

So let sinners flee from before the face of God;* but let the righteous rejoice!

The myrrh-bearing women* at the break of dawn* drew near to the tomb of the LifeGiver.* There they found an angel* sitting upon the stone,* he greeted them with these words:* Why do you seek the living among the dead?* Why do you mourn the incorrupt amid corruption?* Go: proclaim the glad tidings to His disciples.

This is the day which the Lord has made:* Let us rejoice and be glad in

Pascha of beauty!* The Pascha of the Lord!* Pascha!* A Pascha worthy of all honour* has dawned on us. Pascha! Let us embrace each other joyously!* Pascha, ransom from affliction!* For today as from a bridal chamber* Christ has shown forth from the Tomb,* and filled the women with joy saying:* “Proclaim the glad tidings to the Apostles!”

Glory be to the Father, and the Son* and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.

This is the day of Resurrection,* let us be illumined by the Feast!* Let us embrace each other!* Let us call “Brothers and Sisters!”* even those that hate us and forgive all by the Resurrection,* and so let us cry:

Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death, and on those in the tombs bestowing life! Thrice

 All exchange the Paschal Kiss

If there be any devout people who love God, let them enjoy this splendid and radiant Feast. If any of them be wise servants, let them blissfully enter into the joy of their Lord. If any of them have laboured long in fasting, let them now receive their reward. If any have toiled from the first hour, let them now receive their just wage. If any came at the third hour, let them gratefully join in the Feast. If any arrived at the sixth hour, they should not be afraid, for they will not be deprived of anything. If any of them tarried even until the ninth hour, let them approach without hesitation. If any arrived only at the eleventh hour, they should not worry on account of their tardiness. For the Master loves to grant honours and will receive the last just as the first. He gives rest to the one who came at the eleventh hour, just as He does to the one who toiled from the first hour. He shows His mercy to the last, and His care for the first. To the one He gives; on the other, He showers gifts. He accepts deeds and welcomes intentions. He honours labours and praises resolutions. And so, let all enter into the joy of their Lord, and let the first as well as the last receive the reward. Let the rich and the poor celebrate together. Let the resourceful and the slothful honour this Day. Let those who fasted and those who did not fast be glad today. The Table is bountifully set; let all be satisfied. The Calf is fattened; let no one go away hungry. Let everyone enjoy the Cup of Faith. Let everyone receive the richness of Grace. Let none grieve at their poverty, for the Kingdom that belongs to all people has been revealed. Let none weep for their sins, for forgiveness shines forth from the Tomb. Let no one fear Death, for the Savior’s death has set us free. The One Whom Death imprisoned has extinguished Death. The One Who descended into Hades made Hades the captive. He caused it distress when it tasted His Flesh. When Isaiah foresaw this, he exclaimed: “Hades was all distressed by encountering You in the nether world.” It was distressed because it was abolished. It was distressed because it was mocked. It was distressed because it was slain. It was distressed because it was overthrown. It was distressed because it was chained. It seized a Body but discovered God. It seized the Earthly but encountered the Heavenly. It seized the Visible but was overcome by the Invisible. O Death, where is your sting! O Hades, where is your victory! Christ is risen, and you are abolished! Christ is risen, and the demons are cast down! Christ is risen, and the angels rejoice! Christ is risen, and Life now reigns! Christ is risen, and the Tomb is emptied of the dead! For in rising from the dead, Christ became the First-Fruits of those who have fallen asleep. To Him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.

After the Homily, this troparion in honour of St. John Chrysostom in Tone 8:

The grace that shines forth from your mouth like a torch has enlightened the universe;* it implanted in the world the treasure of the love of poverty,* it showed us the high value of humility;* instruct us by your words, John Chrysostom, our father,* and intercede with the Word, Christ God,* for the salvation of our souls!


Deacon: Have mercy on us, O God, in the greatness of Your compassion, we pray You, hear us and have mercy.

All: Lord, have mercy. (3)

For our most holy universal Pontiff, N., Pope of Rome, for our most blessed Patriarch, N., our most reverend Metropolitan, N., our God-loving Bishop., N., for those who serve or have served in this holy church, for our spiritual fathers, and for all our brethren in Christ.

We also pray for our nation under God, for our government, and for all the military.

We also pray for the people here present who await Your great and bountiful mercies, for those who have been kind to us, and for all orthodox Christians.

Priest: For You are a merciful and loving God, and we give glory to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever.

All: Amen.


Deacon: Let us complete our morning prayer to the Lord.

All: Lord, have mercy.

Help and save, have mercy and protect us, O God, by Your grace.

That this whole day may be perfect, holy, peaceful, and sinless, let us ask the Lord.

All: Grant this, O Lord.

For an angel of peace, a faithful guide, a guardian of our souls and bodies, let us ask the Lord.

For the forgiveness and remission of our sins and offenses, let us ask the Lord.

For all that is good and beneficial for our souls and for peace for the world, let us ask the Lord.

That we may spend the rest of our lives in peace and repentance, let us ask the Lord.

For a Christian end to our lives, one that is painless, unashamed, and peaceful,; and for a good defense at the awesome tribunal of Christ, let us ask the Lord.

Remembering our most holy and immaculate, most blessed and glorious lady, the Mother of God and ever-virgin Mary, together with all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.

All: To You, O Lord.

Priest: For You are merciful O God, and You love mankind, and to You we send up glory, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and for ages of ages.

All: Amen.


Deacon: Wisdom.

All: Give the blessing.

Priest: Blessed is He-Who-Is, Christ our God, always, now and forever and ever.

All: Amen. O God, uphold the holy orthodox Faith forever!

Priest: O most-holy Mother of God, save us.

All: Shine, shine, O new Jerusalem! For the glory to the Lord has risen upon you! Exult now and be glad, O Sion! And you, O chaste Mother of God, take delight in the resurrection of your Son

Priest: Glory be to You, Christ God, our Hope; glory be to You.

All: Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and to those in the tombs bestowing life! Lord, have mercy. (3) Give the blessing!

The priest intones the Paschal Dismissal.

Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death, and to those in the tombs giving life! Thrice

And He gave us eternal life… We bow down to His holy resurrection on the third day!


After the priest has exclaimed Blessed is the Kingdom and we have responded Amen, the clergy sing the Paschal Troparion once and we repeat it. Then, the clergy sing the first half, and we conclude it. This is done every day until the Wednesday before Ascension Thursday.

Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and to those in the tombs bestowing life.

Antiphon 1
Shout to the Lord, all the earth,* sing now to His name, give glory to His praise.
Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Saviour, save us.
Say unto God, “How awesome are Your works!* Because of the greatness of Your strength Your enemies will flatter You.”
Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Saviour, save us.
Let all the earth worship You and sing to You,* let it sing to Your name, O Most High!
Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Saviour, save us.
Glory… Now… Only-begotten Son…

Antiphon 3
Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered; let those who hate Him flee from before His face.
Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and to those in the tombs bestowing life.

As smoke vanishes, let them vanish, as wax melts before the fire.
Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and to those in the tombs bestowing life.
So let the sinners perish before the face of God, but let the righteous be glad.
Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and to those in the tombs bestowing life.

In the churches bless God, the Lord from the fountains of Israel.

Troparion and Kontakion
Troparion: Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and to those in the tombs bestowing life.

Glory… Now…

Kontakion, Tone 8: Though You descended into a tomb, O Immortal One,* yet You destroyed the power of Hades;* and You rose as victor, O Christ God,* calling to the myrrhbearing women: Rejoice!* and giving peace to Your Apostles:* You, who grant resurrection to the fallen.

Instead of Holy God, we sing:
All you who have been baptized into Christ, you have put on Christ! Alleluia.

Prokeimenon, Tone 8
This is the day which the Lord has made;* let us rejoice and be glad in it.
verse: Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy endures forever.

Acts 1:1-18

Alleluia, Tone 4
verse: When You rise, You will have compassion on Sion.
verse: The Lord looked down from heaven to earth to hear the groans of the prisoners, to set free the sons of those put to death.

John 1:1-18

Hymn to the Mother of God
The Angel cried out to the One full of Grace: O chaste Virgin, rejoice! And again I say, Rejoice! Your Son has risen from the tomb on the third day, and raised the dead. Let all people rejoice! Shine, shine, O new Jerusalem! for the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! Exult now and be glad, O Sion! And you, O chaste Mother of God, take delight in the resurrection of your Son.

Communion Hymn
Receive the Body of Christ;* taste the fountain of immortality.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia.

At Communion, Christ is risen replaces Blessed is He, We have seen the true light and Let our mouths be filled. For the last of these, Christ is risen is sung thrice.

Instead of Blessed be the name of the Lord we sing Christ is risen thrice. It is sung again (using the simple chord chant) instead of Glory to the Father… at the dismissal.

After the final Amen, the priest, with cross raised on high, exclaims Christ is risen thrice and we respond Truly, He is risen each time. Then, the Troparion Christ is risen is sung as at the beginning of the Liturgy, but with the addition:

And to us He has granted eternal life;* we bow down before His resurrection on the third day.


Свята і Велика Неділя Пасхи.
Воскресіння Господа Бога і Спаса нашого Ісуса Христа

Літургійні рубрики: Після того, як священик виголошує “Благословенне Царство” й люди відповідають “Амінь”, священики співають Тропар один раз, а люди його повторюють. Далі священики співають першу половину, а люди завершують другу. Так робимо щодня, аж до середи перед четвергом Вознесіння.

Тропар: Христос воскрес із мертвих, смертю смерть подолав, і тим, що в гробах, життя дарував (х3).

Антифон 1
Стих 1: Воскликніте Господеві, вся земле! Співайте ж імені його, віддайте славу хвалі його (Пс 65,2).

Приспів: Молитвами Богородиці, Спасе, спаси нас.
Стих 2: Скажіте Богові: Як страшні діла твої, задля великої сили твоєї підлещуються тобі вороги твої (Пс 65,3).

Приспів: Молитвами Богородиці, Спасе, спаси нас.
Стих 3: Вся земля нехай поклониться тобі і співає тобі, нехай же співає імені твоєму, Всевишній (Пс 65,4).

Приспів: Молитвами Богородиці, Спасе, спаси нас.
+Слава Отцю, і Сину, і Святому Духові. І нині, і повсякчас, і на віки вічні. Амінь.

Якщо cпіваємо 2ий aнтифон: Приспів: Молитвами Богородиці, Спасе, спаси нас. Як ні то співаємо: Єдинородний Сину

Антифон 2
Стих 1: Боже, ущедри нас і благослови нас, просвіти лице твоє на нас і помилуй нас (Пс 66,2).
Приспів: Спаси нас, Сину Божий, що воскрес із мертвих, співаємо тобі: Алилуя.
Стих 2: Щоб пізнали ми на землі путь твою, у всіх народах спасення твоє (Пс 66,3).
Приспів: Спаси нас, Сину Божий, що воскрес із мертвих, співаємо тобі: Алилуя.
Стих 3: Нехай ісповідують тебе люди, Боже, нехай ісповідують тебе люди всі (Пс 66,4).
Приспів: Спаси нас, Сину Божий, що воскрес із мертвих, співаємо тобі: Алилуя.
Слава і нині: Єдинородний Сину:

Антифон 3
Стих 1: Нехай воскресне Бог і розбіжаться вороги його, і нехай тікають від лиця його ті, що ненавидять його (Пс 67,2).
Тропар: Христос воскрес із мертвих, смертю смерть подолав, і тим, що в гробах, життя дарував.

Стих 2: Як іщезає дим, нехай іщезнуть, як тане віск від лиця вогню (Пс 67, 3).
Тропар: Христос воскрес із мертвих, смертю смерть подолав, і тим, що в гробах, життя дарував.

Стих 3: Так нехай погибнуть грішники від лиця Божого, а праведники нехай возвеселяться (Пс 67,3-4).
Тропар: Христос воскрес із мертвих, смертю смерть подолав, і тим, що в гробах, життя дарував.

Вхідне: В церквах благословіть Бога, Господа, ви – з джерел ізраїлевих (Пс 67,27).
Тропар: Христос воскрес із мертвих, смертю смерть подолав, і тим, що в гробах, життя дарував.

+Слава Отцю, і Сину, і Святому Духові. І нині, і повсякчас, і на віки вічні. Амінь.

Кондак (глас 8): Хоч і у гріб зійшов ти, Безсмертний,* та адову зруйнував ти силу,* і воскрес єси як переможець, Христе Боже,* жінкам-мироносицям звістивши: Радуйтеся,* і твоїм апостолам мир даруєш,* падшим подаєш воскресіння.
Замість Трисвятого: Ви, що в Христа хрестилися, у Христа зодягнулися. Алилуя!

Прокімен (глас 8): Це день, що його створив Господь,* возрадуємося і возвеселімся в нім (Пс 117,24).
Стих: Сповідуйтеся Господеві, бо він благий, бо на віки милість його (Пс 117,1).

Апостол: (Ді 1,1-8): Першу книгу я написав, о Теофіле, про все, що Ісус робив та що навчав від початку аж до дня, коли вознісся, давши Святим Духом накази апостолам, яких собі вибрав. Він показував їм себе також у численних доказах живим після своєї муки, з’являючись сорок день їм і розповідаючи про Боже Царство. Тоді ж саме, як споживав хліб-сіль із ними, він наказав їм Єрусалиму не кидати, але чекати обітниці Отця, що її ви від мене чули; бо Йоан христив водою, ви ж будете хрищені по кількох цих днях Святим Духом. Отож, зійшовшися, вони питали його: «Господи, чи цього часу знову відбудуєш Ізраїлеві царство?» Він відповів їм: «Не ваша справа знати час і пору, що їх Отець призначив у своїй владі. Та ви приймете силу Святого Духа, що на вас зійде, і будете моїми свідками в Єрусалимі, у всій Юдеї та Самарії й аж до краю землі.»

Алилуя (глас 4): Алилуя, aлилуя , aлилуя !
Стих: Ти, воскресши, помилуєш Сіона (Пс 101,14).
Стих: Господь з неба на землю споглянув (Пс 101,20).

Євангеліє: (Ів 1,1-18): Споконвіку було Слово, і з Богом було Слово, і Слово було – Бог. З Богом було воно споконвіку. Ним постало все, і ніщо, що постало, не постало без нього. У ньому було життя, і життя було – світло людей. І світло світить у темряві, і не пойняла його темрява. Був чоловік, посланий Богом, ім’я йому – Йоан. Прийшов він свідком – свідчити світло, щоб усі з-за нього увірували. Не був він світло – був лише, щоб свідчити світло. Справжнє то було світло – те, що просвітлює кожну людину. Воно прийшло у цей світ. Було у світі, і світ ним виник – і світ не впізнав його. Прийшло до своїх, – а свої його не прийняли. Котрі ж прийняли його – тим дало право дітьми Божими стати, які а ім’я його вірують; які не з крови, ані з тілесного бажання, ані з волі людської, лише – від Бога народилися. І Слово стало тілом, і оселилося між нами, і ми славу його бачили – славу Єдинородного від Отця, благодаттю та істиною сповненого. Свідчить про нього Йоан, і проголошує, промовляючи: «Ось той, про кого я говорив: Той, що йде за мною, існував передо мною, був раніше за мене.» Від його повноти прийняли всі ми – благодать за благодать. Закон бо був даний від Мойсея, благодать же й істина прийшла через Ісуса Христа. Ніхто й ніколи Бога не бачив. Єдинородний Син, що в Отцевому лоні, – той об’явив.
Замість Достойно: Ангел сповіщав Благодатній: Чистая Діво, радуйся. І знову кажу: Радуйся. Твій Син воскрес тридневний із гробу, і мертвих воздвигнув він; люди, веселіться.

Ірмос (глас 1): Світися, світися, новий Єрусалиме, слава бо Господня на тобі возсіяла. Радій нині і веселися, Сіоне. А ти, Чистая, красуйся, Богородице, востанням рождення твого.

Причасний: Тіло Христове прийміть, джерела безсмертного споживіть. Алилуя (х3).

Замість Благословен, хто йде в ім’я Господнє: Христос воскрес із мертвих, смертю смерть подолав, і тим, що в гробах, життя дарував.

Замість Ми бачили світло істинне: Христос воскрес із мертвих, смертю смерть подолав, і тим, що в гробах, життя дарував.

Замість Нехай сповняться: Христос воскрес із мертвих, смертю смерть подолав, і тим, що в гробах, життя дарував (х3).

Замість Будь ім’я Господнє: Христос воскрес із мертвих, смертю смерть подолав, і тим, що в гробах, життя дарував (х3).

Під час відпусту “Христос воскрес” співається один раз (на просту мелодію) замість “Слава Отцю…”

Тоді знову співається Тропар “Христос воскрес”, як і на початку Літургії, але з додатковим закінченням.

Тропар: Христос воскрес із мертвих, смертю смерть подолав, і тим, що в гробах, життя дарував (х3).

І нам дарував життя вічне, поклоняємось його тридневному воскресінню.


Deacon: Master, give the blessing.

Priest: Blessed is our God, always, now and for ever and ever.

All: Amen.


The Paschal Troprion is sung three times: first by the clergy, then by the faithful, then half by the clergy, and half by the faithful. We continue to sing the Troparion with verses from Psalm 67:

Christ is risen from the dead,
trampling death by death,
and to those in the tombs
giving life.

Priest: Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered; let those who hate Him flee from before His face!

All: Christ is risen…

Priest: As smoke vanishes, let them vanish, as wax melts before the fire!

All: Christ is risen…

Priest: So let the sinners perish before the face of God, but let the righteous be glad!

All: Christ is risen…

Priest: This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

All: Christ is risen…

Priest: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.

All: Christ is risen…

Priest: Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death,

All: And to those in the tombs giving life.



As the deacon (or priest if no deacon) performs the incensation, the Lamp-lighting Psalms (140, 141, 129, 116) are taken, with the introductory verses sung in Tone 2, Samohlasnyj.

Psalm 140

O Lord, I have cried to You, hear me;

Hear me, O Lord!

O Lord, I have cried to You, hear me;

receive the voice of my prayer when I call upon You.

Hear me, O Lord!

Let my prayer rise like incense before You;

the lifting up of my hands as an evening sacrifice.

Hear me, O Lord.

Set a guard, O Lord, before my mouth, • and a portal around my lips.* Incline my heart away from evil dealings, • from finding excuses for sinful deeds.* In company with men who work iniquity • let me not partake of what they choose.* May a just man chasten me with justice and reprove me; • may the oil of the wicked never touch my head.* Yet even then shall I pray for their welfare. • Their rulers were swallowed near the rock.* My words will be heard for they were sweet. • As a lump of clay broken on the ground, so their bones were strewn near the grave.* To You, Lord, O Lord, my eyes are lifted up; • in You have I hoped: let not my soul be lost.* Keep from me the snare that was set up for me. • and from the stumbling blocks of the wicked.* The wicked shall fall into their own nets • while I remain alone until I can escape.

Psalm 141

With my voice I cried out to the Lord, • with my voice I implored the Lord.* Before Him I pour out my supplication, • before Him I declare my distress.* When my breath was escaping me, • then You knew my paths.* On the road upon which I was walking • they set up snares for me.* I looked to my right and observed: • there was no friendly to me.* Even flight was denied me; • there was no one to take care of my life.* I cried out to You, O Lord, • and said: “You are my hope, my share in the land of the living.”* Listen to my supplication • for I am laid very low.* Deliver me from my oppressors, • for they have overwhelmed me.* Lead my soul forth from prison • that I may give thanks to Your name.* The just shall gather around me • when You have been good to me.

Psalm 129

Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord; • O Lord, hear my prayer.* Let Your ears be attentive • to the voice of my prayer.

In Tone 2, Samohlasnyj:

6. If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.

Come, let us worship Him who was born of the Father before all ages.* the Word of God incarnate of the Virgin Mary,* for by His own free will He has suffered crucifixion* and was committed to the tomb* and is now risen from the dead** and has saved me who had been lost.

5. I have waited for You as You have commanded;*my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.

By His cross, Christ our Saviour* wiped out the sentence written against us.* He wiped it out and abolished the might of death.* Let us therefore bow in adoration** before His resurrection on the third day.

4. From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.

With the archangels let us sing a hymn of praise* to the resurrection of Christ,* for He is the Redeemer and Saviour of our souls* and He shall come again with awesome glory and great might** to judge the world He Himself created.

3. For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.

O You who were crucified and were buried,* the angel proclaimed You the Lord when he said to the women:* Come and see where the Lord was laid.* Since He is almighty* He is risen as He had foretold.* Therefore, we worship You, the only Immortal One,* O Christ, Giver of life,** have mercy on us!

Psalm 116

2. Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all You people.

By Your cross You abolished the curse of the tree.* By Your burial You put to death the might of death* and by Your resurrection You enlightened humankind.* Therefore, we cry out to You:** O Christ our God, the Benefactor, glory to You!

1. Strong is the love of the Lord for us;*eternally will His truth endure.

O Lord, the gates of death opened to You out of fear,* and when the gate-keepers of Hades saw You, they trembled.* They trembled again when You crushed its gates of bronze and its iron bars* and delivered us from the shadow and gloom of death,** and broke our fetters.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Let us sing a salutary hymn or praise;* let us kneel in the house of the Lord and cry out:* O You who were crucified on a cross and rose from the dead* while still remaining in the bosom of the Father,** forgive us our sins.

Now and for ever and ever. Amen.

O Virgin, the shadow of the Law passed away with the realization of grace. For as the bush had burned without being consumed so you gave birth while a virgin, and you remained a virgin. Instead of the pillar of fire there rose the Sun of Justice. In stead of Moses, Christ God came forth, the Saviour of our souls.






The deacon takes the Holy Gospel and with the priest makes the entrance. The following dialogue is recited once they have come before the Royal Doors.

Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.

Priest: In the evening, in the morning, and at midday, we praise and bless You, we give You thanks and we entreat You, Master of all things! Let our prayer rise like incense before You, and preserve our hearts from all evil words and thoughts. Rescue us from all those who hunt after our souls, for our eyes are fixed on You, O Lord, and on You we count: do not disappoint us! For you deserve all glory, honour and worship; Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever.

Deacon: Amen. Master, bless the holy entrance!

Priest: Blessed is the entrance into Your holy places, always, now and for ever and ever.

Deacon: Amen.

At the completion of the last stichera, the deacon intones aloud:

Deacon: Wisdom! Stand aright!


While the Evening Hymn is being sung, the deacon incenses the sanctuary, iconostasis and the people.

Tranquil Light of the holy glory the immortal, heavenly, holy, blessed Father, O Jesus Christ; as we come upon the sunset, as we see the evening light, we sing to God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. At all times You are worthy of being hymned by joyful voices; O Son of God, You are the giver of life. For this the whole world glorifies You.


The Great Prokeimenon is sung in Tone 7 or to the melody of Bortniansky.

Who is so great a God as our God?
Thou art the God who doest wonders!

verse:   Amongst the people hast Thou made Thy power known!

verse:   And I said: now have I made a beginning: this change has been wrought by the right hand of the Most High.

verse:   I have remembered the works of the Lord, and called to mind Thy wonders from of old.





Deacon: That we be deemed worthy to hear the holy Gospel, in peace let us pray to the Lord.

All: Lord, have mercy. (3)

Deacon: Wisdom! Stand aright! Let us listen to the Holy Gospel.

Priest: Peace be with all

All: And with your spirit.

Priest: A reading from the holy Gospel according to John.

All: Glory be to You, O Lord, glory be to You!

Deacon: Let us be attentive!

Priest: On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being shut where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.” And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” Now Thomas, one of the twelve, called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see in his hands the print of the nails, and place my finger in the mark of the nails, and place my hand in his side, I will not believe.” [20:19-25 RSV]

All: Glory be to You, O Lord, glory be to You!











In Tone 2, Samohlasnyj:

Your Resurrection, O Christ, the Saviour,* has lighted up the whole universe.* You have renewed Your creation,* O Lord almighty, glory to You!

Then, the Paschal Stichera as at Matins:

Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered.

Today a sacred Pascha is revealed to us: a new and holy Pascha; a mystical Pascha; a Pascha which is Christ the Redeemer; a blameless Pascha; a great Pascha; a Pascha of the faithful; a Pascha which has opened for us the gates of Paradise; a Pascha which sanctifies all the faithful.

As smoke vanishes, let them vanish!

Come from that scene O women bearers of glad tidings, and say to Zion: Receive from us the glad tidings of joy of Christ’s Resurrection: Exult and be glad, and rejoice, O Jerusalem, seeing Christ the King who comes forth from the tomb like a Bridegroom in procession!


So let sinners perish before the face of God, but let the righteous scatter rejoice!

The myrrh-bearing women at the break of dawn drew near to the tomb of the Life Giver. There they found an angel sitting upon a stone, he greeted the, with these words: “Why do you seek the living among the dead? Why do you mourn in the incorrupt amid corruption? Go, proclaim the glad tidings to His disciples.”


This is the day which the Lord has made: let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Pascha of beauty! The Pascha of the Lord! Pascha! A Pascha worthy of all honour has dawned on us. Pascha! Let us embrace each other joyously! Pascha, ransom from affliction! For today as from a bridal chamber Christ has shown forth from the Tomb, and filled the women with joy saying: “Proclaim the glad tidings to the Apostles!”

Glory… Now…

This is the day of Resurrection, let us be illumined by the Feast! Let us embrace each other! Let us call “brothers” even those that hate us and forgive all by the Resurrection, and so let us cry:

Christ is risen from the dead,
trampling death by death,
and to those in the tombs,
giving life.


At this time, all exchange the Paschal Kiss


Deacon: Wisdom!

All: Give the blessing!

Priest: Blessed is the One-Who-is, blessed is Christ our God, always, now and forever and ever.

All: Amen. O God, strengthen the orthodox faith forever and ever.

Priest: O most holy Mother of God, save us.

All: Shine, shine, O new Jerusalem! For the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! Exult now and be glad, O Sion! And you, O chaste Mother of God, take delight in the resurrection of your Son

Priest: Glory be to You, O Christ our God, our hope, glory be to You!

All: Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death, and to those in the tombs, giving life. Lord, have mercy. (3) Give the blessing!

Priest: Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death, and to those in the tombs, giving life, through the prayers of His immaculate Mother, of the holy glorious and all-praiseworthy Apostles, of our venerable god-bearing fathers, of Saint N., patron of this temple, of Saint N., whose memory we celebrate this day, and of all the saints, will have mercy and save us, for He is good and loves mankind.

All: Amen.

Christ is risen from the dead,
trampling death by death,
and to those in the tombs,
giving life.

April 19, 2014
Great and Holy Saturday

In the early Church, Holy Saturday was the day when catechumens were baptized. In the Byzantine tradition, this took place at the Vespers with Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil which we still have on Holy Saturday. This service is the original “Easter Vigil.” In recent centuries it has been sadly neglected; some parishes rush through it. Other parishes abbreviate it in a poorly considered way. And many parishes do not hold it at all. But those who discover the Biblical and dogmatic wealth of this celebration treasure it, and look forward to it every year. Continue reading April 19, 2014 Great and Holy Saturday