In the early Church, Holy Saturday was the day when catechumens were baptized. In the Byzantine tradition, this took place at the Vespers with Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil which we still have on Holy Saturday. This service is the original “Easter Vigil.” In recent centuries it has been sadly neglected; some parishes rush through it. Other parishes abbreviate it in a poorly considered way. And many parishes do not hold it at all. But those who discover the Biblical and dogmatic wealth of this celebration treasure it, and look forward to it every year. Continue reading April 4, 2015 Great and Holy Saturday
Category: Texts
April 3, 2015 Great and Holy Friday
According to the Typikon, Vespers should begin at 4:00 pm. Many Ukrainian parishes have a custom of holding this service in the late morning, and I often wondered why. When I spent Holy Week in L’viv in 1991, I suddenly understood: the early time was set to allow people a few more hours to come to kiss the Shroud! At the large churches in L’viv, there were never-ending lines of the faithful, around the clock, from Good Friday morning until midnight Holy Saturday evening, people coming to kiss the Shroud. It was an amazing witness of faith. Continue reading April 3, 2015 Great and Holy Friday
April 2, 2015 Great and Holy Thursday
Let us be honest, and admit that Holy Thursday in the Byzantine liturgical tradition is not entirely successful! The day has become overloaded, and what should be the principal theme has suffered as a result.
That principal theme is, of course, the Last Supper, at which Our Lord Jesus Christ gave us the Holy Eucharist. Nothing could be more obvious than that our main service of the day should be the Divine Liturgy, and that this Divine Liturgy should be in the evening. Continue reading April 2, 2015 Great and Holy Thursday
April 1, 2015 Great and Holy Wednesday
Today at Matins we hear the Gospel warning of the dangers of rejecting Christ, that we should not be like those who “loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.” We should he moved, yet again, not to take the grace of God for granted in our lives. Since we have known the Gospel, since we do know Christ, since we belong to the Church, our responsibility is that much greater. At Vespers and the Presanctified Liturgy we hear the Gospel about the woman who came to the house of Simon the leper in Bethany and anointed the head of Jesus with expensive, fragrant oil. The liturgical poetry combines this with the account of similar event in Luke, and another in John. (Bishop Basil Losten)
At Psalm 140
In Tone 1
10. In You, born of the Virgin, the harlot recognized her God;
ashamed of her sinful deeds, she sighed and wept, and said:
O Lord, loosen my debt to You, as I unloosen my hair.
Grant Your love to the one who loves You, despite all my unworthiness;
and I shall exalt Your love for all,
harlots and publicans alike,
O Lover of humankind and their Benefactor.
9. The harlot mixed her tears with the precious myrrh,
as she poured them over Your most pure feet,
which she covered with kisses;
thus You showed her to be justified.
O Lord, who suffered for us,
grant us Your forgiveness and save us.
8. While the sinful woman was offering You her ointment,
Your disciple conspired against You.
She rejoiced to pour out the precious myrrh,
while he hastened to sell the One who is beyond price.
As she came to recognize her Lord,
the disciple separated himself;
she was set free,
while Judas became enslaved to the Enemy.
She was ennobled through repentance,
while he was disgraced by his vile actions.
O Saviour, who suffered for us,
grant us Your forgiveness and save us.
7. O the misery of Judas!
He saw the sinful woman kiss the feet of the Lord,
and he shamefully thought of his kiss of betrayal.
She loosened her hair,
while he let himself be bound up by passion;
instead of the fragrance of myrrh, he bore the odour of his perverse and evil ways;
for jealousy does no know how to seek what is good.
O the misery of Judas!
O Lord, keep our souls from falling like him.
In Tone 2
6. The sinful woman hastened to buy the precious myrrh,
in order to anoint her Saviour.
She said to the merchant:
Give me the myrrh that I might anoint the One
who washed me of all my sins.
In Tone 6
5. Drowning in the abyss of sin,
the harlot found in You a harbour of salvation.
She poured out myrrh with her tears, and said:
O Lord, You can forgive sins,
but You await the repentance of sinners.
Behold me, O Master, for I am sinking in the storm of sin;
in Your great goodness, save me.
4. Today Christ comes to the house of the Pharisee,
and the sinful woman falls at His feet.
She bows before Him and says:
Behold, I am drowning in the abyss of sin;
I have lost all hope because of my deeds.
In Your goodness, do not turn away from me;
but grant me forgiveness, O Lord, and save me.
3. The harlot loosened her hair for You, O Lord,
while Judas reached out his hand to the godless ones.
One acted to receive Your forgiveness, the other to gain money.
Therefore, we cry out to You:
O Lord, sold for our deliverance, glory to You.
2. Filled with the odour of sin, the woman drew near to You, O Saviour;
she poured out her tears over Your feet and thus proclaimed Your Passion.
“O Master, how shall I dare to raise my eyes to You,” she cried.
Yet You came to save the fallen;
You raised Lazarus from the tomb;
so lift me also from the abyss of death.
O Lord, accept me in my misery and save me.
1. She who was rejected because of her life,
and who was accepted because of her conversion,
came to You, bearing myrrh, and saying:
Do not cast me out, O Son of the Virgin, for I am a wretched one;
O Joy of the angels do not despise my tears;
but receive me in repentance, and in Your goodness, accept me a sinful one.
In Tone 8, Glory… Now…
O Lord, the woman who had fallen into a multitude of sins,
recognized Your divinity and thus joined the ranks of the myrrh-bearing women;
before Your burial, she offered You myrrh with her tears:
“Alas,” she said, “Woe is me!
The stinging night of pleasure seizes me;
the dark and moonless love of sin grasps me.
Accept the stream of my tears and my copious weeping, O Lord,
for You make the waters fall from the clouds into the sea.
Incline Your ear to the cry of my heart,
for You incline the heavens in Your ineffable condescension.
Allow me to kiss Your most pure feet,
and to dry them with the locks of my hair;
for these are the feet that Eve heard in Paradise,
and, trembling at their approach, she hid herself.
O Lord, who can search out the number of my sins?
Who shall search the depth of Your judgments, O Redeemer and Saviour of our souls?!
In Your infinite love, do not despise Your servant.”
Prokeimenon I, Tone 4
To the God of heaven give thanks* for His love endures forever.
verse: Give thanks to the God of gods, for His love endures forever.
Reading I
Exodus 2:11-22
Prokeimenon II, Tone 4
Your love, O Lord, is eternal,* do not discard the work of Your hands.
verse: I thank You, Lord, with all my heart.
Reading II
Job 2:1-10
Matthew 26:6-16
March 31, 2015 Great and Holy Tuesday
Today at Matins, we hear the Gospel in which Jesus delivers a ringing, frightening denunciation of religious hypocrisy. We, who have the richest liturgical tradition in Christendom, should listen to this Gospel lesson attentively. Our wonderful, magnificent worship which we love will do us no good at all if we let it become an excuse for spiritual pride, for snobbery, for pretense, for avoiding our duty of justice, mercy, and good faith. Jesus does not teach us to neglect our liturgical worship, but He definitely teaches us to fulfill the Gospel law of service to others, as we saw on Meat-Fare Sunday, which is also called the Sunday of the Last Judgment. May God deliver us from permitting Holy Week to lead us into spiritual complacency. Continue reading March 31, 2015 Great and Holy Tuesday
March 30, 2015 Great and Holy Monday
On Holy and Great Monday, at Matins we hear the Gospel which recounts the lack of faith of the leaders, and the faith of the sinners. The lesson ends with the warning: “the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it.” We must not be complacent, but always alert to witness to God’s Kingdom.
At the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, we hear the Gospel lesson in which Jesus announces the end of the world. We Christians should live in this awareness, that this world is passing, that our true homeland, our true citizenship, is not here but in the Kingdom of Heaven. (Bishop Basil Losten)
At Psalm 140
In Tone 1
10. Going freely to His Passion,
the Lord said to His disciples along the way:
Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem,
and the Son of man shall be delivered up, as it is written.
Come, let us purify our thoughts that we may go with Him;
let us be crucified with Him;
in Him we shall die to the pleasures of this life,
that we may live with Him and hear Him say to us:
I am no longer going to the earthly Jerusalem to suffer,
but I am going to My Father and your Father,
to My God and your God;
you shall go with Me to the heavenly Jerusalem
in the Kingdom of Heaven.
9. Going freely to His Passion,
the Lord said to His disciples along the way:
Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem,
and the Son of man shall be delivered up, as it is written.
Come, let us purify our thoughts that we may go with Him;
let us be crucified with Him;
in Him we shall die to the pleasures of this life,
that we may live with Him and hear Him say to us:
I am no longer going to the earthly Jerusalem to suffer,
but I am going to My Father and your Father,
to My God and your God;
you shall go with Me to the heavenly Jerusalem
in the Kingdom of Heaven.
In Tone 5
8. O faithful, let us hasten to the saving Passion of Christ our God;
let us glorify His long-suffering which is beyond expression,
that He may save us from sin and death,
and that He may also raise us in His goodness and love for humankind.
7. O faithful, let us hasten to the saving Passion of Christ our God;
let us glorify His long-suffering which is beyond expression,
that He may save us from sin and death,
and that He may also raise us in His goodness and love for humankind.
6. When You were going to Your Passion, O Lord,
You reassured Your disciples by taking them aside and saying:
How can You forget the words I have spoken to you?
The Scriptures say that all the prophets die only in Jerusalem!
Now the time of which I have spoken to you has arrived:
Behold, I shall be delivered into the hands of sinners;
they shall mock Me and nail Me to the Cross;
and after burying Me, they shall number Me among the dead.
Take courage, however, for I shall rise on the third day,
to bring joy and eternal life to all the faithful.
5. When You were going to Your Passion, O Lord,
You reassured Your disciples by taking them aside and saying:
How can You forget the words I have spoken to you?
The Scriptures say that all the prophets die only in Jerusalem!
Now the time of which I have spoken to you has arrived:
Behold, I shall be delivered into the hands of sinners;
they shall mock Me and nail Me to the Cross;
and after burying Me, they shall number Me among the dead.
Take courage, however, for I shall rise on the third day,
to bring joy and eternal life to all the faithful.
4. Not understanding the depth of the ineffable mystery of Your plan of salvation,
the mother of the sons of Zebedee came to You, O Lord;
she asked You to grant them the places of honour in a temporal kingdom.
But in place of these honours,
You proclaimed to Your friends that they would drink from the cup of death,
the same cup from which You shall first drink
to cleanse us of our sins.
Therefore, we cry out to You:
O Saviour of our souls, glory to You!
3. Not understanding the depth of the ineffable mystery of Your plan of salvation,
the mother of the sons of Zebedee came to You, O Lord;
she asked You to grant them the places of honour in a temporal kingdom.
But in place of these honours,
You proclaimed to Your friends that they would drink from the cup of death,
the same cup from which You shall first drink
to cleanse us of our sins.
Therefore, we cry out to You:
O Saviour of our souls, glory to You!
2. When You taught Your disciples to seek that which is higher,
You said to them, O Lord:
Do not imitate the pagans by lording over those who are weak;
it shall not be that way with you.
For I have chosen to be poor;
so the first among you shall become the servant of the rest;
the one who commands shall be as the one who obeys;
the most noble shall be as the lowest.
For I Myself have come to serve the poverty of Adam
and to give My life as a ransom for the many
who now sing: O Lord, glory to You!
1. When You taught Your disciples to seek that which is higher,
You said to them, O Lord:
Do not imitate the pagans by lording over those who are weak;
it shall not be that way with you.
For I have chosen to be poor;
so the first among you shall become the servant of the rest;
the one who commands shall be as the one who obeys;
the most noble shall be as the lowest.
For I Myself have come to serve the poverty of Adam
and to give My life as a ransom for the many
who now sing: O Lord, glory to You!
In Tone 8, Glory…
O faithful, let us fear the punishment of the fig tree
which was dried up for not having borne any fruit;
let us offer worthy fruits of repentance to Christ,
who grants us His great mercy.
The Serpent thought he found a second Eve in the Egyptian woman,
who tried to make Joseph succumb to her words of flattery.
But he avoided sinning;
he left his garment behind, but was not ashamed of his nudity,
as were our first parents after their disobedience.
Through his prayers, O Christ, have mercy on us.
Prokeimenon I, Tone 6
May the Lord bless you from Sion,* and may you see prosperity of Jerusalem.
verse: Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who walk in His ways.
Reading 1
Exodus 1:1-20
Prokeimenon II, Tone 8
We bless you* in the name of the Lord.
verse: “They have oppressed me from my youth,” this is the song of Israel.
Reading II
Job 1:1-12
Matthew 24:3-35
March 29, 2015 Palm Sunday – The Lord’s Entrance into Jerusalem
This is the authentic feast of Christ the King. On Palm Sunday, Jerusalem received Jesus Christ as the Messianic King. Even in the temple itself, the children cried out the royal acclamation “Hosanna,” which had not been heard since the end of the Macchabean monarchy over a century before. The “authorities” were terrified; if the Roman governor were to take this as a challenge, which he might have done, blood would flow in the streets.
Just recently, we have seen a parallel of sorts. As the Soviet Union was crumbling, the forbidden Ukrainian blue and gold flag appeared again, here and there, and people began to sing the banned Ukrainian national anthem. Simultaneously people were joyful and apprehensive: happy to see and hear the symbols they longed for, but frightened over the possibility of retribution from the Soviet forces. There must have been similar ambivalence in Jerusalem that first Palm Sunday. It was joyful to hear the royal acclamation “Hosanna” and to see the palms, and the royal entry of Jesus Christ. But what might it portend? What was going to happen?
This royal entry was necessary; Jesus Christ had to fulfill the Messianic prophecies which we read at Vespers on the evening of Palm Sunday. The ruler’s staff belongs to Christ the King, and He came to claim it, riding on the colt of an ass. The King of Israel had come again to Jerusalem, bringing victory, but it was to be a different sort of victory from what the Jewish people were expecting. Christ the King was simultaneously triumphant and victorious, but riding on the colt of an ass. Divine royalty is humble; divine humility is regal.
After the Gospel at Matins, the bishop or the priest blesses the pussy willow branches, and distributes them to all the clergy and faithful. We should hold the branches during the Divine Liturgy, and then take them to our homes, where we keep them with the Cross and the holy icons. What do these branches mean?
By accepting the blessed branch on Palm Sunday, we proclaim anew our primary allegiance to Jesus Christ our King. The blessed branch is like a “flag” for the Kingship of Jesus Christ. We acknowledge that Christ is our King, and that His Law, the Law of the Holy Gospel, comes first in our hearts and in our lives. And we keep the blessed branch in our home all year round, as a reminder of the loyalty we owe to Christ our King, and to the Gospel.
This is a matter of the utmost seriousness. Our prayer, fasting, and repentance during Lent should have brought us to realize that the Lord wants to reign in every aspect of our lives. Accepting the branch means accepting the royal authority of Jesus Christ in everything. We cannot promise to succeed, but we dare not take the blessed branch if we are not at least willing to try. By all means take the branch joyfully; the Kingdom of God is very joyful! But take it seriously too, and as you see it through the year remember what it stands for. (Bishop Basil Losten)
Kathisma Reading
“Blessed is the man…” is sung.
At Psalm 140
In Tone 6
Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name.
Today the grace of the Holy Spirit has gathered us together,
and we all take up Your Cross and say:
“Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord;
Hosanna in the highest.”
The just shall gather around me* when You have been good to me.
Today the grace of the Holy Spirit has gathered us together,
and we all take up Your Cross and say:
“Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord;
Hosanna in the highest.”
Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!
Today the Word and co-eternal Son of God the Father,
whose throne is in heaven and whose footstool is the earth,
humbles Himself and comes to Bethany,
seated on a dumb beast, on a foal.
Then the children of the Hebrews, holding branches in their hands,
praise Him saying: “Hosanna in the highest:
blessed is He that comes, the King of Israel.”
Let Yours ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.
Today the Word and co-eternal Son of God the Father,
whose throne is in heaven and whose footstool is the earth,
humbles Himself and comes to Bethany,
seated on a dumb beast, on a foal.
Then the children of the Hebrews, holding branches in their hands,
praise Him saying: “Hosanna in the highest:
blessed is He that comes, the King of Israel.”
If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.
Let us also come today, all the new Israel, the Church of the Gentiles,
and let us cry with the Prophet Zechariah:
“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion;
shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem;
for behold, your King comes to you:
He is meek and brings salvation,
and He rides upon the colt of an ass, the foal of the beast of burden.
Keep the feast with the children,
and holding branches in your hands sing His praises:
Hosanna in the highest:
blessed is He that comes, the King of Israel.”
I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.
Let us also come today, all the new Israel, the Church of the Gentiles,
and let us cry with the Prophet Zechariah:
“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion;
shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem;
for behold, your King comes to you:
He is meek and brings salvation,
and He rides upon the colt of an ass, the foal of the beast of burden.
Keep the feast with the children,
and holding branches in your hands sing His praises:
Hosanna in the highest:
blessed is He that comes, the King of Israel.”
From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.
Prefiguring for us Your holy Resurrection, loving Lord,
by Your command You raised up from death Lazarus Your friend,
who was without the breath of life;
and after four days in the tomb he had begun to stink.
Then, O Saviour, mounted on a foal, and as though riding in a chariot,
You gave a sign to the Gentiles.
Therefore also Israel Your beloved offers You praise
out of the mouth of innocent babes and sucklings,
as they behold You, O Christ, enter the Holy City
six days before the Passover.
For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.
Prefiguring for us Your holy Resurrection, loving Lord,
by Your command You raised up from death Lazarus Your friend,
who was without the breath of life;
and after four days in the tomb he had begun to stink.
Then, O Saviour, mounted on a foal, and as though riding in a chariot,
You gave a sign to the Gentiles.
Therefore also Israel Your beloved offers You praise
out of the mouth of innocent babes and sucklings,
as they behold You, O Christ, enter the Holy City
six days before the Passover.
Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.
Six days before the Passover Jesus entered Bethany,
and His disciples came to Him, saying:
“Lord, where do You will that we prepare for You to eat the Passover?”
Then He sent them saying:
“Go into the village opposite, and you shall find a man bearing a pitcher of water;
follow him, and tell the master of the house:
The Teacher says,
‘In your house with my disciples shall I eat the Passover.’”
Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.
Six days before the Passover Jesus entered Bethany,
and His disciples came to Him, saying:
“Lord, where do You will that we prepare for You to eat the Passover?”
Then He sent them saying:
“Go into the village opposite, and you shall find a man bearing a pitcher of water;
follow him, and tell the master of the house:
The Teacher says,
‘In your house with my disciples shall I eat the Passover.’”
Today the grace of the Holy Spirit has gathered us together,
and we all take up Your Cross and say:
“Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord;
Hosanna in the highest.”
Today the grace of the Holy Spirit has gathered us together,
and we all take up Your Cross and say:
“Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord;
Hosanna in the highest.”
(1) Genesis 49:1-2, 8-12; (2) Zephaniah 3:14-19; (3) Zechariah 9:9-15
In Tone 1
The All-Holy Spirit, who taught the apostles to speak in strange
and different tongues,
now inspires the innocent children of the Hebrews to cry aloud:
Hosanna in the highest;
blessed is He that comes, the King of Israel.
The Son and Word of the Father, like Him without
beginning and eternal,
has come today to the city of Jerusalem,
seated on a dumb beast, on a foal.
From fear the cherubim dare not gaze upon Him;
yet the children honour Him with palms and branches,
and mystically they sing a hymn of praise:
“Hosanna in the highest, Hosanna to the Son of David,
who has come to save from error all mankind.”
Six days before the Passover, O Lord, Your voice was heard in
the depths of hell,
and from it You raised up Lazarus who was four days dead.
Then the children of the Hebrews cried aloud:
“Hosanna to our God: glory to You!”
Entering, O Lord, into the Holy City, seated upon a foal,
You drew near with haste to Your Passion,
to fulfill the Law and the Prophets.
Then the children of the Hebrews, foretelling the victory of the Resurrection,
came to meet You with palms and branches, saying:
“Blessed are You, O Saviour; have mercy on us.”
Glory to You, O Christ, who are seated in the heights upon Your throne,
and whom we now await with Your precious Cross.
Therefore the daughter of Zion is glad, and the nations of the
earth rejoice exceedingly.
The children hold branches and the disciples spread their
garments in the way;
and all the inhabited earth is taught to cry aloud to You:
“Blessed are You, O Saviour; have mercy on us.”
In Tone 3, Glory… Now…
Six days before the Passover Jesus came to Bethany,
to call back Lazarus who was four days dead,
and to proclaim the coming Resurrection.
The women Martha and Mary, sisters of Lazarus, came to
meet Him, crying:
“Lord, if You had been here, our brother would not have died.”
Then He answered them: “Did I not say to you before:
He who believes in Me, though he were dead, yet he shall live?
Show Me where you have laid him.”
And the Maker of all cried to him, “Lazarus, come forth.”
In Tone 8
Rejoice and be glad, O city of Zion;
exult and be exceedingly joyful, O Church of God.
For behold, your King has come in righteousness,
seated on a foal, and the children sing His praises:
“Hosanna in the highest!
Blessed are You who shows great compassion:
have mercy on us.”
Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings* have You appointed praise.
The Saviour has come today to the city of Jerusalem, to fulfil
the Scriptures;
and all have taken palms into their hands
and spread their garments before Him,
knowing that He is our God, to whom the cherubim sing
without ceasing:
“Hosanna in the highest!
Blessed are You who shows great compassion:
have mercy on us.”
O Lord, our Lord, how wonderful* is Your Name in all the earth.
O You who ride upon the cherubim and are praised by the seraphim,
You have sat, O gracious Lord, like David on a foal,
and the children honoured You with praise fitting for God;
but the priests and scribes blasphemed unlawfully against You.
Your riding on a foal prefigured how the Gentiles, as yet untamed and uninstructed,
were to pass from unbelief to faith.
Glory to You, O Christ, who alone are merciful and loves mankind.
In Tone 6, Glory …
Today the grace of the Holy Spirit has gathered us together,
and we all take up Your Cross and say:
“Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord;
Hosanna in the highest.”
Today the grace of the Holy Spirit has gathered us together,
and we all take up Your Cross and say:
“Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord;
Hosanna in the highest.”
In Tone 1
Assuring us before Your Passion of the general resurrection* You raised Lazarus from the dead, O Christ God:* and so, like the children we also carry sign of victory* and cry out to You, the conqueror of death:* Hosanna in the highest!* Blessed is He who comes* in the name of the Lord. (twice)
In Tone 4
Buried with You through Baptism, O Christ our God,* we have been granted immortal life by Your Resurrection,* and we sing Your praises, crying out:* Hosanna in the highest!* Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord!
In Tone 1
Assuring us before Your Passion of the general resurrection* You raised Lazarus from the dead, O Christ God:* and so, like the children we also carry sign of victory* and cry out to You, the conqueror of death:* Hosanna in the highest!* Blessed is He who comes* in the name of the Lord. (twice)
In Tone 4
Buried with You through Baptism, O Christ our God,* we have been granted immortal life by Your Resurrection,* and we sing Your praises, crying out:* Hosanna in the highest!* Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord!
Sessional Hymn I, Tone 4
With our souls cleansed and in spirit carrying branches,* with faith let us sing Christ’s praises like the children,* crying with a loud voice to the Master:* Blessed are You, O Saviour,* who have come into the world to save Adam from the ancient curse;* and in Your love for mankind* You have been pleased to become spiritually the new Adam.* o Word, who have ordered all things for our good,* glory to You.
Glory… Now…
O Lord, You have raised from the tomb Lazarus who was four days dead,* and then taught us all to cry to You with palms and branches:* Blessed are You that come.
Sessional Hymn II, Tone 4
O Christ, mystically You have shed tears over Your friend,* and have raised from the dead Lazarus who lay without life;* and You have shown tender compassion for him in Your love towards mankind.* Learning of Your coming, O Saviour,* a multitude of children went out today,* bearing palms in their hands and crying to You:* “Hosanna: blessed are You,* for You have come to save the world.”
In Tone 1, Glory… Now…
Give praise with one accord, O peoples and nations:* for the King of the angels rides now upon a foal,* and He comes to smite His enemies with the Cross in His almighty power.* Therefore the children sing to Him with palms in their hands:* “Glory be to You who have come as Conqueror;* glory be to You, O Christ the Saviour;* glory be to You, our God, for You alone are blessed.”
We extol You,* O Christ the Giver of Life:* Hosanna in the highest! And we also cry to You:* Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord.
verse: O Lord, our Lord, how wonderful is Your Name in all the earth.
verse: Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord: the Lord is God and has appeared to us.
Glory… Now…
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory be to You, O God. Thrice
Sessional Hymn, Tone 8
He who sits upon the throne of the cherubim, for our sake sits upon a foal;* and coming to His voluntary Passion,* today He hears the children cry ‘Hosanna!’* while the crowd replies, ‘O Son of David, make haste to save those whom You have created,* blessed Jesus, since for this cause You have come,* that we may know Your glory.’
Glory… Now…
He who sits upon the throne of the cherubim, for our sake sits upon a foal;* and coming to His voluntary Passion,* today He hears the children cry ‘Hosanna!’* while the crowd replies, ‘O Son of David, make haste to save those whom You have created,* blessed Jesus, since for this cause You have come,* that we may know Your glory.’
Prokeimenon, Tone 4
Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings have You appointed praise.
verse: O Lord, our Lord, how wonderful is Your Name in all the earth.
Matthew 21:1-11, 15-17
The blessing of pussywillows takes place after Psalm 50 verses.
Ode 1
Irmos The springs of the deep were seen bereft of water, and the foundations of the storm-tossed sea were laid bare: for in Your power You have rebuked its fury and saved Your chosen people, as they sang to You, O Lord, a hymn of victory.
Out of the mouth of Your servants, the innocent babes and sucklings, You have received praise. You have overthrown the adversary and by Your Passion on the Cross You have avenged Adam’s fall of old; with the Tree You have raised him up, and he sings to You, O Lord, a hymn of victory.
The Church of the saints offers praise to You, O Christ, who dwell in Sion, and Israel rejoices in You that made him. The mountains, figuring the stony-hearted Gentiles, exult before Your face, and they sing to You, O Lord, a hymn of victory.
Katavasia The springs of the deep were seen bereft of water, and the foundations of the storm-tossed sea were laid bare: for in Your power You have rebuked its fury and saved Your chosen people, as they sang to You, O Lord, a hymn of victory.
Ode 3
Irmos The people of Israel drew water from the stony rock, for it became at Your command a flowing stream. O Christ, You are Yourself our rock and life; on You the Church is founded, and she cries aloud: Hosanna, blessed are You Who comes.
Trembling at Your command, hell yielded up Lazarus who was four days dead. For You, O Christ, are the resurrection and the life; on You the Church is founded, and she cries aloud: Hosanna, blessed are You Who comes.
O people, sing in Sion a hymn fitting for God, and offer prayer to Christ in Jerusalem. For He comes in power and glory: on Him the Church is founded, and she cries aloud: Hosanna, blessed are You Who comes.
Katavasia The people of Israel drew water from the stony rock, for it became at Your command a flowing stream. O Christ, You are Yourself our rock and life; on You the Church is founded, and she cries aloud: Hosanna, blessed are You Who comes.
First they sang in praise of Christ our God with branches,* but then the ungrateful Jews seized Him and crucified Him on the Cross.* But with faith unchanging let us ever honour Him as Benefactor,* crying always unto Him:* Blessed are You Who comes to call back Adam.
Ode 4
Irmos ‘Christ comes’, the Prophet said of old, ‘revealing Himself as our God; He shall come and shall not tarry, from the mountain overshadowed by the forest, born of a Maiden who has not known man.’ Therefore we all cry aloud: Glory to You power, O Lord.
Let the mountains and all the hills break forth into great rejoicing at the mercy of God, and let the trees of the forest clap their hands. Give praise to Christ, all nations, and magnify Him, all peoples, crying: Glory to Your power, O Lord.’
King of the ages, the Lord comes clothed in strength. The surpassing splendour of His beauty and His glory is revealed in Sion. Therefore we all cry aloud: Glory to Your power, O Lord.
The Lord is here, who measures the heaven with a span and the earth in the hollow of His hand. For He has chosen Sion; there has He been pleased to dwell, ruling over the peoples that cry aloud with faith: Glory to Your power, O Lord.
Katavasia ‘Christ comes’, the Prophet said of old, ‘revealing Himself as our God; He shall come and shall not tarry, from the mountain overshadowed by the forest, born of a Maiden who has not known man.’ Therefore we all cry aloud: Glory to You power, O Lord.
Irmos Go up the mountain, You Who bring good tidings to Sion; and You that preach to Jerusalem, lift up Your voice with strength. Glorious things are spoken of you, O City of God: Peace be upon Israel and salvation to the Gentiles.
God who is enthroned on high upon the cherubim and yet cares for the lowly, is Himself come in power and glory, and all things shall be filled with His divine praise. Peace be upon Israel and salvation to the Gentiles.
O Sion, holy mountain of God, and Jerusalem, lift up your eyes round about and behold your children, gathered in you. For they have come from afar to worship your King. Peace be upon Israel and salvation to the Gentiles.
Katavasia Go up the mountain, You Who bring good tidings to Sion; and You that preach to Jerusalem, lift up Your voice with strength. Glorious things are spoken of you, O City of God: Peace be upon Israel and salvation to the Gentiles.
Irmos The spirits of the righteous cried aloud in joy: ‘Now is a new covenant granted to the world: let the people be renewed through sprinkling with the Blood of God.’
O Israel, receive God’s Kingdom; let him that walks in darkness see the great light; and let the people be renewed through sprinkling with the Blood of God.
Set free your prisoners, O Sion, and let them go; bring them out of the waterless pit of ignorance; and let the people be renewed through sprinkling with the Blood of God.
Katavasia The spirits of the righteous cried aloud in joy: ‘Now is a new covenant granted to the world: let the people be renewed through sprinkling with the Blood of God.’
Kontakion, TONE 6
Seated in heaven upon Your throne and on earth upon a foal, O Christ our God, You have accepted the praise of the angels and the songs of the children who cried out to You: Blessed are You Who comes to call back Adam.
O immortal Lord, You have bound hell, slain death, and raised the world: therefore the children, carrying palms, sing praise to You as Victor, 0 Christ, and they cry aloud to You this day: ‘Hosanna to the Son of David! For no more’, say they, ‘shall the little children be slain because of Mary’s Child; but You alone are crucified for all, both young and old. No more shall the sword be drawn against us, for Your side is pierced by a spear. With great rejoicing, then, we cry: Blessed are You Who comes to call back Adam.’
Irmos You have saved the children of Abraham in the fire and slain the Chaldaeans, who plotted unrighteously against the righteous. Blessed are You, O Lord God of our fathers, and praised above all.
With palms in their hands, the people knelt and they rejoiced with the disciples, crying: ‘Hosanna to the Son of David: blessed are You, O Lord God of our fathers, and praised above all.’
The innocent children sang to You a hymn fitting for God, O King of Israel and of the angels: ‘Blessed are You, O Lord God of our fathers, and praised above all.’
With palms and branches the multitude greeted You, O Christ, and cried: ‘Blessed are You who comes, O King of the ages; blessed are You, O Lord God of our fathers, and praised above all.’
Katavasia You have saved the children of Abraham in the fire and slain the Chaldaeans, who plotted unrighteously against the righteous. Blessed are You, O Lord God of our fathers, and praised above all.
Irmos Rejoice, O Jerusalem, and you that love Sion, keep feast. For He who rules unto all ages, the Lord of Hosts, is come. Let all the earth stand in reverence before His face and cry aloud: O all you works of the Lord, praise the Lord.
Riding upon a young foal, Christ your King is at hand, O Sion. For He has come to destroy the senseless error of idolatry and to restrain the untamed wilfulness of all the Gentiles, teaching them to sing: O all you works of the Lord, praise the Lord.
Greatly rejoice, O Sion, for Christ your God shall reign for ever. As it is written, He is meek and brings salvation. Our righteous Deliverer has come riding on a foal, that He may destroy the proud arrogance of His enemies who will not cry: O all you works of the Lord, praise the Lord.
The lawless company of disobedient men was driven out from the precincts of the temple, for they had made God’s house of prayer into a den of thieves, and they rejected from their hearts the Redeemer unto whom we cry aloud: O all you works of the Lord, praise the Lord.
Katavasia Rejoice, O Jerusalem, and you that love Sion, keep feast. For He who rules unto all ages, the Lord of Hosts, is come. Let all the earth stand in reverence before His face and cry aloud: O all you works of the Lord, praise the Lord.
Irmos The Lord is God and has appeared to us; let us keep the feast together. Come, and with great rejoicing let us magnify Christ with palms and branches, and let us cry aloud: Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord our Saviour.
Why do you rage, you heathen? Scribes and priests, why do you imagine vain things, saying: ‘Who is this to whom children cry aloud with palms and branches, Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord our Saviour?’
This is our God, and there is none other like Him; He has found out every righteous way and given it to Israel His beloved; and afterward He has shown Himself upon earth and lived among men. Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord our Saviour.
O disobedient nation, why do you set stumbling-blocks upon our path? Your feet are swift to shed the blood of the Master, but He shall rise again, to save all those who cry: Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord our Saviour.
Katavasia The Lord is God and has appeared to us; let us keep the feast together. Come, and with great rejoicing let us magnify Christ with palms and branches, and let us cry aloud: Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord our Saviour.
At the Praises
In Tone 4
- To execute on them the judgment written, this honour have all His saints.
A very great multitude spread their garments in the way, O Lord;
others cut down branches from the trees and carried them.
Walking before and after You, they cried:
‘Hosanna to the Son of David:
blessed are You who has come and shall come again
in the Name of the Lord’
- Praise God in His saints, praise Him in the firmament of His power.
A very great multitude spread their garments in the way, O Lord;
others cut down branches from the trees and carried them.
Walking before and after You, they cried:
‘Hosanna to the Son of David:
blessed are You who has come and shall come again
in the Name of the Lord’
- Praise Him for His mighty acts, praise Him according to His excellent greatness.
When You were about to enter the Holy City, O Lord,
the multitude carried branches from the trees
and sang to You, the Master of all.
They saw You riding on a foal as though upon the cherubim,
and they cried: ‘Hosanna in the highest!
Blessed are You who has come and shall come again
in the Name of the Lord’
- Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet; praise Him with the psaltery and harp.
When You were about to enter the Holy City, O Lord,
the multitude carried branches from the trees
and sang to You, the Master of all.
They saw You riding on a foal as though upon the cherubim,
and they cried: ‘Hosanna in the highest!
Blessed are You who has come and shall come again
in the Name of the Lord’
- Praise Him with the timbrel and dance; praise Him with the stringed instruments and organs.
Come forth, you nations, and come forth, you peoples:
look today upon the King of heaven,
who enters Jerusalem seated upon a humble colt
as though upon a lofty throne.
O unbelieving and adulterous generation of the Jews,
draw near and look on Him whom once Isaiah saw:
He is come for our sakes in the flesh.
See how He weds the New Sion, for she is chaste,
and rejects the synagogue that is condemned.
As at a marriage pure and undefiled,
the pure and innocent children gather and sing praises.
Let us also sing with them the hymn of the angels:
Hosanna in the highest to Him that has great mercy.
- Praise Him upon the well-tuned cymbals; praise Him upon the loud cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
Before Your voluntary Passion, Christ our God,
You have given to all men an assurance of the general resurrection;
for at Bethany You have raised by Your almighty power
Lazarus who was four days dead,
and as Giver of Light, O Saviour, You have made the blind to see.
With Your disciples You have entered the Holy City,
seated upon the foal of an ass as though upon the cherubim,
and so You have fulfilled the preaching of the prophets.
The children of the Hebrews with palms and branches came to meet You.
Therefore we also, bearing palms and olive branches,
cry aloud to You in thanksgiving:
Hosanna in the highest;
blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord.
In Tone 6, Glory… Now…
Six days before the Passover Jesus entered Bethany,
and His disciples came to Him, saying:
‘Lord, where do You wish that we prepare for You to eat the Passover?’
Then He sent them, saying: ‘Go into the village opposite,
and you ye shall find a man bearing a pitcher of water;
follow him and tell the master of the house:
The Teacher says, In your house shall I eat the Passover with My disciples.’
First Antiphon
I am filled with love* for the Lord will hear the voice of my plea.
Through the prayers of the Mother of God, O Saviour, save us.
For He has inclined His ear to me,* and I will call to Him all the days of my life.
Through the prayers…
The pangs of death encircled me,* the trials of Hades befell me.
Through the prayers…
I met with anguish and pain,* and called upon the name of the Lord.
Through the prayers…
Glory… Now… Only-begotten…
Third Antiphon
Soloist: Give thanks to the Lord for He is good,* for His mercy endures forever.
Troparion, Tone 1: Assuring us before Your Passion of the general resurrection,* You raised Lazarus from the dead, O Christ God:* and so, like the children we also carry signs of victory* and cry to You, the conqueror of death:* Hosanna in the highest!* Blessed is He who comes* in the name of the Lord.
Therefore, let the house of Israel say that He is good,* for His mercy endures forever.
Troparion, Tone 1: Assuring us before Your Passion of the general resurrection,* You raised Lazarus from the dead, O Christ God:* and so, like the children we also carry signs of victory* and cry to You, the conqueror of death:* Hosanna in the highest!* Blessed is He who comes* in the name of the Lord.
Therefore, let the house of Aaron say that He is good,* for His mercy endures forever.
Troparion, Tone 1: Assuring us before Your Passion of the general resurrection,* You raised Lazarus from the dead, O Christ God:* and so, like the children we also carry signs of victory* and cry to You, the conqueror of death:* Hosanna in the highest!* Blessed is He who comes* in the name of the Lord.
Let all who feat the Lord say that He is good,* for His mercy endures forever.
Troparion, Tone 1: Assuring us before Your Passion of the general resurrection,* You raised Lazarus from the dead, O Christ God:* and so, like the children we also carry signs of victory* and cry to You, the conqueror of death:* Hosanna in the highest!* Blessed is He who comes* in the name of the Lord.
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, we bless you from the house of the Lord,* the Lord is God and has appeared to us.
Troparia and Kontakion
Troparion, Tone 1: Assuring us before Your Passion of the general resurrection,* You raised Lazarus from the dead, O Christ God:* and so, like the children we also carry signs of victory* and cry to You, the conqueror of death:* Hosanna in the highest!* Blessed is He who comes* in the name of the Lord.
Troparion, Tone 4 Buried with You through Baptism, O Christ our God,* we have been granted immortal life by Your resurrection,* and we sing Your praises, crying out:* Hosanna in the highest!* Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.
Kontakion, Tone 6 Mounted on the throne in heaven, O Christ God,* and on a colt here on earth,* You accepted the praise of the angels,* and the hymn of the children who cried to You:* Blessed are You who have come to call Adam back.
Prokeimenon, Tone 4
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord;* God the Lord has appeared to us.
verse: Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, for His mercy endures forever.
Philippians 4:4-9
Alleluia, Tone 1
verse: Sing to the Lord a new song, foe He has worked wonders.
verse: All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.
John 12:1-18
Hymn to the Mother of God
O my soul, magnify Christ who seated on a foal.
And the irmos: The Lord is God and has appeared to us:* together let us celebrate.* Come with great rejoicing; let us magnify Christ* with palms and olive branches, and with sings let us cry aloud to Him:* Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.
Communion Hymn
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord;* God the Lord has appeared to us.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia.
March 27, 2015 Friday of the Sixth Week of Great Lent
At Psalm 140
In Tone 8
Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name.
Having come to the end of the forty days,
we beseech You, O Lord and Lover of humankind:
May we also behold the holy week of Your passion,
and glorify in it Your lofty deeds
and Your ineffable work of salvation,
as we sing with one voice:
O Lord, glory to You.
The just shall gather around me* when You have been good to me.
Having come to the end of the forty days,
we beseech You, O Lord and Lover of humankind:
May we also behold the holy week of Your passion,
and glorify in it Your lofty deeds
and Your ineffable work of salvation,
as we sing with one voice:
O Lord, glory to You.
Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!
O martyrs of the Lord,
we entreat you to beseech our God,
and ask great mercy for our souls
and forgiveness of our many offences.
In Tone 6
Let Yours ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.
Desiring to see the tomb of Lazarus, O Lord,
since You were soon going to dwell willingly in the tomb,
You asked: Where have you placed him?
And, when You learned that which You already knew,
You called to the one whom You loved:
Lazarus, come forth from the tomb!
And Death obeyed the Giver of life,
the Saviour of our souls.
If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.
Desiring to see the tomb of Lazarus, O Lord,
since You were soon going to dwell willingly in the tomb,
You asked: Where have you placed him?
And, when You learned that which You already knew,
You called to the one whom You loved:
Lazarus, come forth from the tomb!
And Death obeyed the Giver of life,
the Saviour of our souls.
I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.
Having arrived at the tomb of Lazarus on the fourth day,
You wept for Your friend, O Lord.
You gave life to the one who had been dead four days;
Death was bound up by Your voice,
and the grave-clothes were unbound by Your hands.
Therefore, the company of apostles were filled with joy,
and all the choirs sang with one voice:
Blessed are You, O Saviour; have mercy on us.
From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.
Having arrived at the tomb of Lazarus on the fourth day,
You wept for Your friend, O Lord.
You gave life to the one who had been dead four days;
Death was bound up by Your voice,
and the grave-clothes were unbound by Your hands.
Therefore, the company of apostles were filled with joy,
and all the choirs sang with one voice:
Blessed are You, O Saviour; have mercy on us.
For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.
The kingdom of Hades was demolished at the sound of You voice, O Lord;
Your powerful word awakened from the tomb one who had been dead for days.
Lazarus becomes a saving prelude of our regeneration.
Nothing is impossible for the King of the universe;
O Lord, grant to Your servants forgiveness and great mercy.
Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.
Desiring to assure Your disciples of Your own Resurrection from the dead,
You came to the tomb of Lazarus.
And when You called him, Hades was despoiled,
and it gave up the one who had been dead four days;
and he cried out to You, O Saviour:
Blessed are You, O Lord, glory to You!
Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.
Taking Your disciples with You, O Lord,
You came to Bethany to awaken Lazarus from the dead;
and, weeping over him in accordance with your human nature,
as God, You raised the one who had been dead four days;
and he cried out to You, O Saviour:
Blessed are You, O Lord, glory to You!
In Tone 8, Glory…
You have come to the tomb of Lazarus, O Lord,
and You called the dead one to awaken as from his sleep.
He shook off the dust of the tomb at Your immortal words;
and, still bound by the grave-clothes,
he came forth at the sound of Your voice.
For You have power and lordship over all things,
and You are the Master of the whole world, O Lover of humankind:
O Lord, glory to You.
Having come to the end of the forty days, we cry out:
Rejoice, O city of Bethany, the home of Lazarus.
Rejoice, Martha and Mary, for Christ shall come to you tomorrow;
by His word, He shall give life to your departed brother.
Hearing His voice, the cruel and insatiable Hades will give up Lazarus after four days.
Struck with admiration, the Hebrew people will carry palms and branches,
and they shall go before Him.
The children shall praise the One whom their parents looked upon with envy:
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, the King of Israel!
Prokeimenon I, Tone 6
Our help is in the name of the Lord,* who made heaven and earth.
verse: “If the Lord had not been on our side,” this is the song of Israel.
Reading I
Genesis 49:33-50:26
Prokeimenon II, Tone 4
Those who put their trust in the Lord* are like Mount Sion.
verse: They cannot be shaken, for it stands unmoved forever.
Reading II
Proverbs 31:8-31
March 25, 2015 Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of God
Great Vespers for the feast is served in the evening on Tuesday, March 24.
At Psalm 140
In Tone 2
Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!
All the arrows of the Enemy have pierced my over-burdened heart;
it now lies in the tomb of laziness,
hardened as the rock of the tomb.
But You, O Saviour, who by the wood of your Cross
have given life to the captives in Hades,
awaken me and give me life,
that in fear I may glorify your divinity.
Let Yours ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.
I have always loved the treasure of my deadly pleasures,
and with the aid of the Evil One,
without conscience, I have delighted in trivialities.
I have disregarded my groaning spirit as another Lazarus,
and I hunger for food from on high.
Save me, O Word of God, from the threatening fire,
that I may glorify your mercy and your love for humankind.
In Tone 3
If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.
Today Lazarus gives up his spirit.
Bethany laments and cries for the one
whom You, O Saviour, shall raise from the dead,
to strengthen, by your friend, the belief in your divine Resurrection,
which vanquishes death and gives us life.
Therefore, we glorify and praise You.
In Tone 6
I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.
Gabriel stood in your presence, O holy Virgin,
and revealed the eternal plan to you.
He greeted you and announced:
Rejoice, O earth that has not been sown!
Rejoice, O burning bush that was not consumed!
Rejoice, O unsearchable depth!
Rejoice, O bridge which leads to heaven;
O high ladder which Jacob saw!
Rejoice, O vessel of divine manna!
Rejoice, O invocation of Adam!
The Lord is with you.
From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.
Gabriel stood in your presence, O holy Virgin,
and revealed the eternal plan to you.
He greeted you and announced:
Rejoice, O earth that has not been sown!
Rejoice, O burning bush that was not consumed!
Rejoice, O unsearchable depth!
Rejoice, O bridge which leads to heaven;
O high ladder which Jacob saw!
Rejoice, O vessel of divine manna!
Rejoice, O invocation of Adam!
The Lord is with you.
For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.
The blameless Maiden said to the captain of the heavenly hosts:
You appear to me as a mortal,
and your words go beyond human thought.
You have said that God is with me,
and that He shall take up abode in my womb.
Tell me then, how am I to become a holy temple for the Infinite One,
the Lord Who rides on the Cherubim?
Do not mislead me with deceit,
for I have known no pleasure and have not approached wedlock.
Therefore, how shall I give birth to a child?
Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.
The blameless Maiden said to the captain of the heavenly hosts:
You appear to me as a mortal,
and your words go beyond human thought.
You have said that God is with me,
and that He shall take up abode in my womb.
Tell me then, how am I to become a holy temple for the Infinite One,
the Lord Who rides on the Cherubim?
Do not mislead me with deceit,
for I have known no pleasure and have not approached wedlock.
Therefore, how shall I give birth to a child?
Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.
The archangel then said to her:
Whenever God wills, the order of nature is overcome,
and that which is beyond human power is accomplished.
Therefore, O most pure and everlasting One, believe my true words.
She then cried out, saying:
Let it now be done to according to your word,
and I will give birth to the One Who is without flesh.
He will take flesh from me,
so that by the union He may raise the human race to the original dignity,
for He alone is all-powerful.
Glory… Now…
The archangel Gabriel was sent from heaven
to bring to the Virgin glad tidings of her conception.
When he came to Nazareth,
he marvelled at the miracle and thought to himself:
How is it that He Whom the heavens cannot comprehend
is now being born of a virgin?
The One Who has heaven for a throne and earth for a footstool
is being enclosed within a virgin’s womb.
He, upon whom the six-winged Seraphim and the many-eyed Cherubim cannot gaze,
wills to become incarnate of her by a single word.
The Word of God is at hand.
Then why do I stand by and not say to the Virgin:
Rejoice, O Full of Grace; the Lord is with you!
Rejoice, O pure Virgin and Maiden Bride!
Rejoice, O Mother of the Life!
Blessed is the fruit of your womb.
Prokeimenon I, Tone 4
To fear the Lord is the first stage of wisdom.
verse: I will thank the Lord with all my heart in the meeting of the just and their assembly.
Reading I
Genesis 31 :3-16
Prokeimenon II, Tone 4
They are lights in the darkness for the upright; they are generous, merciful and just.
verse: Happy are those who fear the Lord, who take delight in all his commands.
Reading II
Proverbs 21 :3-21
Reading III
Genesis 28:10-17
Reading IV
Ezekiel 43:27-44:4
Reading V
Proverbs 9:1-11
Deign, O Lord
In Tone 1
Clothed in the God-woven purple of freedom
and in the fine linen of incorruption,
you have mocked your own dignity, O my soul.
You have sought pleasure and wealth in sin,
looking down on your friends as the rich man on Lazarus the poor.
That you may not be chastised with him,
become poor in spirit
and cry to the Lord who became poor for your sake:
O Lord, who wore the purple of mockery before your crucifixion
and who were stripped and crucified for my sake,
grant me the robe of your kingdom
and deliver me from eternal shame.
I have lifted up my eyes to You enthroned in heaven. Behold, as the eyes of servants are on the hands of their masters, as the eyes of a maid are on the hands of her mistress, so are our eyes on the Lord our God until He has mercy on us.
Clothed in the God-woven purple of freedom
and in the fine linen of incorruption,
you have mocked your own dignity, O my soul.
You have sought pleasure and wealth in sin,
looking down on your friends as the rich man on Lazarus the poor.
That you may not be chastised with him,
become poor in spirit
and cry to the Lord who became poor for your sake:
O Lord, who wore the purple of mockery before your crucifixion
and who were stripped and crucified for my sake,
grant me the robe of your kingdom
and deliver me from eternal shame.
Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us; for we have been filled with shame; our soul is all too full of the mockery of the rich, of the contempt of the proud.
How beautiful is the manner of your exchange, O saints;
for you have given your blood and received heaven.
Truly, you have done well!
You have obtained immortality by forsaking corruptible things.
Making a single choir with the angels,
you sing unceasingly the praises of the consubstantial Trinity.
In Tone 4, Glory… Now…
Today there come glad tidings of joy: it is the feast of the Virgin.
Things below are joined to things above.
Adam is renewed, Eve set free from her ancient sorrow;
and the Tabernacle of the human nature which the Lord took upon Himself,
making divine the substance He assumed, is consecrated as a Temple of God!
O mystery! The manner of emptying is unknown,
the fashion of His conceiving is ineffable.
An angel ministers at the wonder; a virgin womb receives the Son.
The Holy Spirit is sent down; the Father on high gives His consent;
and so the covenant is brought to pass by common counsel.
In Him and through Him are we saved,
and together with Gabriel let us cry aloud to the Virgin:
“Rejoice, you who are full of grace: the Lord is with you.
From you has Christ our God and our Salvation taken human nature,
rising it up to Himself.
Pray to Him that our souls may be saved.”
Song of Symeon
Trisagion Prayers
Festal Troparion
In Tone 4
Today is the crown of our salvation,* and the unfolding of the eternal mystery;* the Son of God becomes the Virgin’s Son,* and Gabriel brings the tidings of grace.* With him let us also cry to the Mother of God:* Rejoice, Full of grace! The Lord is with you!
Three Prostrations
Great Dismissal with commemoration of the feast.
Vespers with the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom is served in the evening on Wednesday, March 25.
No kathisma reading.
At Psalm 140
In Tone 5
Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name.
I am rich in all sorts of passion,
and I am clothed in a garment of hypocrisy,
as I revel in the intemperance of sin.
My lack of mercy is beyond measure,
and I disregard my spirit lying before the gates of repentance.
Starved of every good thing, I suffer from illness.
But You, O Lord, make me like Lazarus who was poor in sin,
so that I will not have to beg for a drop of water
for my tongue suffering from thirst in the eternal fire.
Make me dwell in the bosom of the patriarch Abraham. O Lover of mankind.
The just shall gather around me* when You have been good to me.
With your souls filled with unquenchable love,
you endured the most terrible sufferings without ever denying Christ;
and you laid low the impudence of the torturers.
You kept the faith unwavering and unharmed
and have gone to dwell in heaven.
Therefore, having the boldness to approach the Lord,
beg Him to grant us his great mercy.
Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!
As You walked in the flesh, O Jesus,
in the land beyond the Jordan,
You said to those who were with You:
Our friend Lazarus has died and has been placed in the tomb.
But I rejoice for you, my friends,
for you will learn that I know all things,
and that with God, I am one,
even though by nature I appear in human form.
Therefore, let us go and give life to Lazarus
so that death may recognize this victory,
and the perfect consummation I shall bring about
by granting great mercy to the world.
Let Yours ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.
O faithful, let us imitate Martha and Mary,
and offer virtuous deeds as ambassadors before the Lord,
that when He comes, He may uplift our minds which now lie dead
and full of misery in the tomb.
Without life, they have no sense of what they are neglecting,
and they are unaware of the awesomeness of God.
Behold, O Lord, now give life to all and grant us your great mercy,
as once You had pity on your friend Lazarus,
and by your awesome power, raised him from the dead.
In Tone 6
If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.
Lazarus has been in the tomb for two days,
and he sees all generations of the dead.
He beholds such strange and awesome things
and a countless number held within the power of death.
His relatives weep bitterly before his tomb;
but Christ is on his way to give life to his friend,
that He may stir up the same joy in the hearts of all.
Blessed are You, O Saviour; have mercy on us.
In Tone 4
I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.
In the sixth month, the archangel was sent to the pure Virgin.
Telling her to rejoice, he announced the good tidings
that the Saviour would be born of her.
Having accepted his greeting, she conceived the eternal God
who ineffably deigned to become incarnate
for the salvation of our souls.
From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.
The Mother of God, upon hearing, did not understand
the message of the archangel
because he was speaking the words of glad tidings to her.
She accepted his greeting with faith
and conceived You, the eternal God.
Therefore, we joyfully sing to You:
O God, You became incarnate, without change, from her;
and You grant peace and great mercy to the world.
For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.
Behold, the promised One now manifests himself to us.
It is beyond comprehension that God unites himself to the human race.
At the word of the archangel, deceit is cast out
because the Virgin receives the Joy.
The things of the earth become like heaven;
the world is freed of the original curse.
Let creation rejoice,
and may voices cry out:
O our Creator and Deliverer,
O Lord, glory to You!
In Tone 1
Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.
The archangel Gabriel, the spirit who sees God face to face,
gazes upon the brilliant, saving, and gleaming Light.
He sings heavenly and awesome hymns with the ranks on high.
He implores God to grant peace and great mercy to our souls.
Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.
The great mystery, previously unknown to the angels and hidden from eternity,
is made known to you alone, O Gabriel.
When you came to Nazareth, you told it to the pure One.
Together with her, implore God to grant peace
and great mercy to our souls.
You made the winds your messengers, and flaming fire your ministers.
O prince of angels, all-perfect Gabriel,
you are filled with the divine brightness.
You fulfil the wishes and commands of the Almighty.
Save those who lovingly venerate you.
Always ask God to grant peace and great mercy to our souls.
In Tone 6, Glory… Now…
The archangel Gabriel was sent from heaven
to bring to the Virgin glad tidings of her conception.
When he came to Nazareth,
he marvelled at the miracle and thought to himself:
How is it that He whom the heavens cannot comprehend
is now being born of a virgin?
The One who has heaven for a throne and earth for a footstool
is being enclosed within a virgin’s womb.
He, upon whom the six-winged Seraphim and the many-eyed Cherubim cannot gaze,
wills to become incarnate of her by a single word.
The Word of God is at hand.
Then why do I stand by and not say to the Virgin:
Rejoice, O Full of Grace; the Lord is with you!
Rejoice, O pure Virgin and maiden bride!
Rejoice, O Mother of the Life!
Blessed is the fruit of your womb.
Prokeimenon I, Tone 4
I will walk in the presence of the Lord in the land of the living.
verse: I love the Lord, for He has heard the cry of my appeal.
Reading I
Genesis 43:26-45:16
Prokeimenon I, Tone 4
A thanksgiving sacrifice I make; I will call on the Lord’s name.
verse: I trusted, even when I said:· I am sorely afflicted.
Reading II
Proverbs 21:23- 22:4
Reading III
Exodus 3:1-8
Reading IV
Proverbs 8:22-31
Small Ektenia & Trisagion Hymn
Prokeimenon, Tone 4
Proclaim from day to day* the good tidings of our God’s salvation.
verse: Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. (Psalm 95:2,1)
Hebrews 2:11-18
Alleluia, Tone 1
verse: He will descend like rain on a fleece, and like drops dripping on the earth.
verse: Let His name be blessed through the ages; His name exists before the sun. (Psalm 71:6, 17)
Luke 1:24-38
Hymn to the Mother of God
O earth, announce good news of great joy; praise God’s glory, O heavens.
and the Irmos: Let no hand of the profane touch God’s living ark,* but instead let the lips of those who are believers* sing out ceaselessly in the words of the angel,* crying out with great joy to the Mother of God:* Hail, O Full of Grace! The Lord is with you.
Communion Hymn
For the Lord has chosen Sion;* He has chosen it for His dwelling. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. (Psalm 131:13)
March 22, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Lent when we commemorate Mary of Egypt Octoechos Tone 8
Kathisma Reading
“Blessed is the man…” is sung.
At Psalm 140
In Tone 8
Lead my soul forth from prison* that I may give thanks to Your name.
O Christ, during this spiritual service,
we sing to You these evening prayers,
commemorating the mercy You have shown us
by Your resurrection.
The just shall gather around me* when You have been good to me.
O Lord, O Lord, do not cast us away from Your face;
but in Your kindness have mercy on us
through Your resurrection.
Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord;* O Lord, hear my voice!
Rejoice, O holy Zion,
the Mother of Churches and the dwelling-place of God;
for you were the first to receive the forgiveness of sins
through the resurrection.
Let Yours ears be attentive* to the voice of my prayer.
Christ the Word was begotten by God the Father before all ages;
yet in these latter times,
He freely willed to take flesh from the Virgin who did not know man.
By His death on the cross and His resurrection,
He saved mankind from the ancient curse of death.
If You mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?* But with You forgiveness is that You may be revered.
O Christ, we glorify Your resurrection;
for by rising from the dead
You freed the race of Adam from the sufferings of Hades,
and as God You granted eternal life
and great mercy to the world.
I have waited for You as You have commanded; my soul patiently relies on Your promise,* for it has trusted in the Lord.
Glory to You, O Christ our Saviour,
the only-begotten Son of God;
for You were nailed to the cross,
and then arose from the dead on the third day.
In Tone 6
From the morning watch until night* let Israel trust in the Lord.
The pollution of past sins
prevented you from entering the church
to see the elevation of the Holy Cross;
but then my conscience and the awareness of your actions
turned you, O wise in God,
to a better way of life.
And, having looked upon the icon of the blessed Maid of God,
You have condemned all your previous transgressions,
O Mother worthy of all praise,
and so have gone with boldness to venerate the precious Cross.
For with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is plentiful redemption;* and He shall redeem Israel from all its iniquities.
The pollution of past sins
prevented you from entering the church
to see the elevation of the Holy Cross;
but then my conscience and the awareness of your actions
turned you, O wise in God,
to a better way of life.
And, having looked upon the icon of the blessed Maid of God,
You have condemned all your previous transgressions,
O Mother worthy of all praise,
and so have gone with boldness to venerate the precious Cross.
Praise the Lord, all the nations;* proclaim His glory, all you people.
Having worshipped at the holy places with great joy,
you have received saving grace for the journey of virtue,
and with all haste you have set out upon the good path you have chosen.
Crossing the stream of the Jordan,
with eagerness you have gone to live
in the dwelling place of the Baptist.
you have tamed the savagery of the passions
through your ascetic way of life,
and boldly you have broken the rebelliousness of the flesh,
O Mother ever-glorious.
Strong is the love of the Lord for us;* eternally will His truth endure.
Having gone to dwell in the wilderness,
you had blotted out from your soul the images of your sensual passions,
and marked upon it the God-given imprint of holiness.
You attained such glory, blessed Mother,
as to walk upon the surface of the water,
and in your prayers to God you were raised up from the earth.
And now, all-glorious Mary,
standing before Christ with boldness,
entreat Him for our souls.
In Tone 4, Glory…
The power of Your Cross, O Christ,
has worked wonders,
for even the woman who was once a harlot
chose to follow the ascetic way.
Casting aside her weakness,
bravely she opposed the devil;
and having gained the prize of victory,
she intercedes for our souls.
In Tone 8, Now…
Out of his love for mankind
the King of heaven appeared on earth and dwelt with men,
for He assumed a human body from the pure Virgin
and was seen in the flesh He received from her.
He is the One and only God having two natures but not two persons.
Wherefore we profess and declare the truth
that Christ our God is perfect God and perfect Man.
O Mother, who knew not carnal union,
intercede with Him that He may have mercy on our souls.
In Tone 8
O Jesus, You descended from heaven
so that You might ascend the cross.
O immortal Life, You came to die.
You are the true light to those who live in darkness,
and You are the resurrection of the fallen.
Therefore, O Saviour of all, we glorify You.
The Lord reigns, He is clothed in majesty. * Robed is the Lord, and girt about with strength.
Let us glorify Christ, the Saviour of our Souls
Who arose from the dead.
For He took upon himself a soul and a body,
and during His passion He separated the one from the other.
His pure soul went down to conquer Hades,
while His holy body lay uncorrupted in the grave.
For He has made the world firm. * which shall not be moved.
O Christ, we glorify Your resurrection with psalms and hymns.
For by Your victory over death
You delivered us from the sufferings of Hades,
and as God You granted us eternal life and great mercy.
Holiness befits Your house, O Lord, * for length of days.
O Lord of all, Creator of heaven and earth,
You are above all understanding.
Through Your passion on the cross
You freed us from the sufferings of Hades.
And, after condescending to be buried, You arose in glory;
and with Your mighty arm You also raised up Adam.
O most merciful Lord, we glorify You;
for by Your resurrection on the third day
You granted us remission of sins and eternal life.
In Tone 2, Glory…
The desire of your soul and the passions of your flesh
you have cut down with the sword of abstinence;
your sinful thoughts you have choked with the silence of the ascetic life.
With the streams of your tears you have watered all the wilderness,
and caused the fruits of repentance to spring up for us:
therefore, O saint, we celebrate your memory.
Now …
We now behold a new wonder,
greater than the wonders of old.
For who has ever known a mother to bear a child without the help of man?
Who has known a mother to hold in her arms the Source of all Creation?
It was God’s own will to be born in this manner;
and you, O most pure Virgin, carried Him as an infant in your arms.
Because of this, you can approach God with the boldness of a mother.
Therefore, we venerate you, and ask you to always beseech Him
to have mercy on us and save our souls.
In Tone 8
You came down from on high, O Merciful One,* and accepted three days of burial* to free us from our sufferings.* O Lord, our life and our resurrection,* glory be to You.
Glory… Now…
O gracious Lord, for the sake of mankind You were born of a virgin;* through Your death on the cross You conquered death;* and through Your resurrection You revealed yourself as God.* O merciful Lord, do not disdain those whom You have created with Your own hands,* but show forth Your love for mankind.* Accept the intercession which the Mother, who bore You, makes in our behalf.* O Saviour, save Your despairing people!
Troparia and Kontakia
Troparion, Tone 8: You came down from oh high, O Merciful One,* and accepted three days of burial* to free us from our sufferings.* O Lord, our life and our resurrection,* glory be to You.
Troparion, Tone 8: The divine image was faithfully preserved in you, O mother,* for taking up the Cross, you followed Christ.* By your deeds you have taught us to see beyond the flesh, which passes,* and care for the soul, a thing immortal.* And so, O venerable Mary,* your spirit rejoices with the angels.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen.
Kontakion, Tone 3: Once you were filled with every impurity,* now through repentance you have been revealed as a bride of Christ,* following the angelic life, you crushed demons with the weapon of the Cross.* Therefore, O glorious Mary, you have been shown to be a bride of the kingdom.
Prokeimenon, Tone 8
Pray and give thanks to the Lord our God.
verse: In Judea God is known; His name is great in Israel. (Psalm 76:12,2)
Prokeimenon, Tone 4
God is wonderful in His saints,* the God of Israel. (Psalm 67:36)
Hebrews 9:11-14; Galatians 3:23-29
Alleluia, Tone 8
verse: Come, let us rejoice in the Lord; let us acclaim God our Saviour.
verse: Let us come before His countenance with praise and acclaim Him with psalms. (Psalm 95:1,2)
Mark 10:32-45; Luke 7:36-50
Hymn to the Mother of God
In you, O Full of Grace, all creation rejoices: the angelic ranks and all the human race. Sanctified temple and spiritual paradise, virgins’ pride and boast, from whom God is made flesh and became a little Child; and He who is our God before all ages, He made your womb a throne, and He made it wider that all the heavens. In you, O Full of Grace, all creation rejoices. Glory be to you.
Communion Hymn
Praise the Lord from the heavens;* praise Him in the highest. (Psalm 148:1)* The just man shall be in everlasting remembrance;* of evil hearsay he shall have no fear.* Alleluia, alleluia,* alleluia. (Psalm 111:6)